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Why are TV members so anti Hi-So Thais?


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Hi-so are so-so when they are high blown show-off people, who are basically antisocial.

Real hi-so do not care about what is in their carport or being seen partylife, that is snobistic idiotic hi-so.

Usually the difference is 'old money' versus 'new money', the new money people are terrible.

Send from my Asus FONEPAD

Edited by rubberduck
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Mercedes Girl was saying yesterday that you can tell the difference at weddings, an Isaan wedding is an excuse to get wrecked for three days, a Hi-So wedding she went to recently had 2,000 guests and it was all over in one day.

She made a telling point, at the Hi-So wedding the only drinks available were expensive brandies and the like. She said there were plenty of people moaning because they only wanted a Chang and when they asked for one, they were told the Bridal party hadn't made any provision for beer.

She said the day was perfect in every other regard, but the social media was buzzing with people chortling that the wedding was too posh for beer.

Ah, the minor details. facepalm.gif

Apart from telling us once again about your "Hi So" Thai friends, was the point of the post to "teach"

us that the drinking habits in a rural village differs from those of a Hi So party. Who would have guessed?

BTW. For your future indepth reports from Thai society, Mercedes is known as Benz in Thailand!

Ah, the minor details.

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I'm not......I had a cracking night out with loads of Hi-So Thais last night and was extended every courtesy, as I always am when I'm in their company.

Indeed... I was at a wedding last week of a Hi-So family, extended every courtesy as if a long lost chum, it was then just like a business networking event...

The difference to your 'Mercedes Girl' was that we had Chang and plenty of it, we had Mekhong and plenty of it, we had Johnnie Walker and plenty of it... The one thing to run out was the wine.... But judging by the after party, it was held in reserve ;)

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The real rich people, do not have the need to show off or rub it into anyone's face.

I only have a problem with wanna be high-so, those who like to state how much money they have in the bank, because i believe 99% of the time, they do not even have the 10th of what they claim to have.

I disagree slightly with your statement that the real rich people (here in thailand) do not have the need to show off or rub it into anyone's face. Some relish doing this. It reaffirms their status in Thai society. They may not "need" to do it because everybody in those circles know who they are), but they ENJOY doing it, part of the power thing.

Just my opinion though, no hard facts.

Yes they will have a luxury car and nice house and gold, but they will not be staying in 2 star hotel screaming how rich they really are, nor will they be telling anyone how much is in the bankthumbsup.gif

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I'd like 'em if the female demographic didn't ape Paris Hilton so much. They were far more charming back in the day....

I seen one lass having a birthday bash with some pals the other night and she kept doing that face fanning thing and I wanted to cut her hands off...

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Ones suspects its jealously to a degree and the fact certain farangs in Thailand consider themselves "old colonials" and how dare the native be better off than they are, the natives should be our picking rice in the fields and eating leaves from the side of the road and be glad of their lot.....not wearing the latest fashions, living in multi-million dollar mansions and driving Bentley's....tongue.png

Well said...

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If the OP's question is taking the correct use of Hi-So, say top 5% or less.

In my case not envy at all, just pity for the common people of this fine country who are held down by the corruption and retrogressive government policies that combine to keep people in "their place" - there is very little social mobility, no equal opportunity to succeed, it's all based on who you know and becoming part of the corrupt networks that prop up those at the top, therefore becoming corrupt yourself.

Some might say it's not that different from aspects of the political-economic setup in the West, but I say that's only true in say the financial industry or politics itself, it certainly is getting harder say in the states, much less social mobility now than fifty years ago, but the rags-to-riches myth of pulling yourself up by your bootstraps is still in action in many parts of the main street economy, where you can achieve huge success without having any connections, just a good idea and hard work.

If Thailand were able to somehow get rid of the cronyism and outright corruption the country could develop much much more quickly, and this would benefit ordinary Thais tremendously.

But those at the top would rather be big fish in a little pond rather than risk losing their face to uppity competition.

This is why some use the term "medieval" might not be accurate but that last aspect applies.

The British tolerate their remnants of traditional upper classes nobility only because they're so functionally irrelevant.

I agree with what you say about keeping down the common people, particularly with regard to the political elite. Their main interest appears to be to keep the common people at an education level that makes them useful for the many multinational companies that operate in Thailand i.e Ford , Toyota etc. but not so educated that they become a threat . Appears to be still working in a lot of the provinces but is rapidly losing ground in Bangkok and some of the wealthier provinces such as Chonburi and Rayong.

However my main question was about the Hi-So people as described in this forum. As an earlier poster said, I think a lot of these so called Hi-So people are just hard working Thais aspiring to attain a middle or upper middle class life similar to what most people have in the west. It's just that here flaunting what you have an possibly exaggerating it appears to be the way to show the progress you have made.

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Mercedes Girl was saying yesterday that you can tell the difference at weddings, an Isaan wedding is an excuse to get wrecked for three days, a Hi-So wedding she went to recently had 2,000 guests and it was all over in one day.

She made a telling point, at the Hi-So wedding the only drinks available were expensive brandies and the like. She said there were plenty of people moaning because they only wanted a Chang and when they asked for one, they were told the Bridal party hadn't made any provision for beer.

She said the day was perfect in every other regard, but the social media was buzzing with people chortling that the wedding was too posh for beer.

Ah, the minor details. facepalm.gif

I prefer no-so or normal society, not the poor suckers with their loud drunk parties but defenitely also not those pathetic rich idiots.

I love my girl for thinking the same, in September we will get married with a modest party for 20 or so selected people in a good restaurant with candle light. Quality no quantity.

<deleted> you need 2000 people for, as a target itself just for show off - how pathetic, fat wallet poor soul.

Send from my Asus FONEPAD

Edited by rubberduck
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I'm not......I had a cracking night out with loads of Hi-So Thais last night and was extended every courtesy, as I always am when I'm in their company.

Indeed... I was at a wedding last week of a Hi-So family, extended every courtesy as if a long lost chum, it was then just like a business networking event...

The difference to your 'Mercedes Girl' was that we had Chang and plenty of it, we had Mekhong and plenty of it, we had Johnnie Walker and plenty of it... The one thing to run out was the wine.... But judging by the after party, it was held in reserve wink.png

All of the weddings that I have been too in Thailand appear to be business networking events, although most of the invites have come from people we do business with. It appears they have a "family list" and a second list that relates more to business contacts . The seating arrangements appear to reflect this. I have not been to any "village weddings" so I cannot comment on those

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Mercedes Girl was saying yesterday that you can tell the difference at weddings, an Isaan wedding is an excuse to get wrecked for three days, a Hi-So wedding she went to recently had 2,000 guests and it was all over in one day.

She made a telling point, at the Hi-So wedding the only drinks available were expensive brandies and the like. She said there were plenty of people moaning because they only wanted a Chang and when they asked for one, they were told the Bridal party hadn't made any provision for beer.

She said the day was perfect in every other regard, but the social media was buzzing with people chortling that the wedding was too posh for beer.

Ah, the minor details. facepalm.gif

Apart from telling us once again about your "Hi So" Thai friends, was the point of the post to "teach"

us that the drinking habits in a rural village differs from those of a Hi So party. Who would have guessed?

BTW. For your future indepth reports from Thai society, Mercedes is known as Benz in Thailand!

Ah, the minor details.

Mercedes Girl is British.

Another minor detail huh?

Did you not notice the part where she ridiculed the wedding party for being too Hi-So? The guests thought it was absurd you could drink all the brandy you wanted but you couldn't get a Chang. thumbsup.gif

Edited by theblether
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I'm not......I had a cracking night out with loads of Hi-So Thais last night and was extended every courtesy, as I always am when I'm in their company.

Indeed... I was at a wedding last week of a Hi-So family, extended every courtesy as if a long lost chum, it was then just like a business networking event...

The difference to your 'Mercedes Girl' was that we had Chang and plenty of it, we had Mekhong and plenty of it, we had Johnnie Walker and plenty of it... The one thing to run out was the wine.... But judging by the after party, it was held in reserve wink.png

All of the weddings that I have been too in Thailand appear to be business networking events, although most of the invites have come from people we do business with. It appears they have a "family list" and a second list that relates more to business contacts . The seating arrangements appear to reflect this. I have not been to any "village weddings" so I cannot comment on those

I was at a village wedding last month, it was a great laugh and a great experience. It didn't go on as long as I expected but everything else I was told about came to pass, including guys passing out drunk at 9.00am and being carried home as the wedding took place.


Loved it

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Thai like titles ,hi so - lo so ,but we as foreigners are nothing but NO SO .which is fine by me

the current system of "classes" is no different from the "class" system which was so prelevant in the UK, and to a degree still exists today..

ie the Ruling class, upper class, middle class and the plebs...biggrin.png

Make a thread about uk hi-so then,this is about thai hi-so

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As a young man in my twenties and thirties I found the better-off Thais I met were exceedingly welcoming, kind, polite and generous, with regards to me. They were well educated and traveled, making conversation easier and more interesting.
Their stories and personal knowledge of prominent players in Thai history were fascinating for a young man learning about Thailand. No doubt my longevity in Thailand is due in part to having known these people.

I totally agree with you on that. I have done business in Thailand since 1996 and moved my factory here in 2006. Without the help of the wealthier Thai business people I had be-friended over the 10 years prior to moving, it would have been much harder to establish things here, and I am not talking about corruption. Mainly they helped with simply giving me the names of reliable suppliers and just general advice on "doing business" here. When based in Australia I had a number of them come on holidays or business and always gave them a bit of a tour and helped where I could . I think they just reciprocated the favour.

I agree with your first paragraph, I also found that the more travelled and by default wealthier Thais had a better understanding of the World and were more interesting. It's a shame that the education system here is so backward that people need to get out of the country to get a "real" education. Obviously this disadvantages the bulk of the population... but getting off topic here. I have some great conversations on politics and many other subjects with my next door neighbour who is a Thai neurosurgeon, and well travelled.

Are u sure these are hiso thais????

I would class them as middle class thais,maybe the op ius using hi-so when he means middle class,as most of us on thaivisa,never meet a real hi-so thai

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One thing that gets me is when people go about calling golf a Hi-So sport. It's golf and just golf.

When you take into account the cost of the land, the cost of shaping the land, what the land could actually be doing otherwise, the cost of maintaining a course, use of natural resources like water etc to keep greens green, and even the cost of a round or equipment, golf while becoming more egalitarian is definitely a luxury afforded only to those with money.

While not high so per say, the sport most certainly is exclusive though less so in the last 50 years as it is increasingly subsidised in the west by public courses and parks boards etc.

in fact beyond polo, horse or motor racing or sports of that ilk, there are few more exclusive sports.

As a networking tool it is a remarkably effective social filter, keeping those unworthy out of the picture.

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For the Thais I have met that were very well off, they came across as friendly and completely normal. They were not pretentious nor did they talk about money or be boastful.

I think the people that maybe annoy others are those that aren't quite there (but want to be) and want others to notice them by discussing their wealth. Even in Canada, there are many people with the $3 million homes yet are furnished with plastic lawn furniture as in reality everything is borrowed and they have no money.

I knew a Thai girl years back and her family were all senior judges in Bangkok. They loved to joke and ask all kinds of questions about living in Canada and were in no way hi so or fake.Its the girls making the 20,000 baht a month as a fashion model that are so over the top and acting like a celebrity when in reality they will be a nobody in 5 years time.

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

I am interested how you know that fact.

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

I am interested how you know that fact.

He doesn't know, he's trolling. He's never met a Hi-So in his life.

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

I am interested how you know that fact.

He doesn't know, he's trolling. He's never met a Hi-So in his life.

Of course I have never met a hi-so.

They don't mix with the general population, unless you work for them as some sort of servant.

(or knock you down and drag you to death while racing their Lamborghini through Bangkok)

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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AnotherOneAmerican. Clearly you have no idea. Most of the Hi-So's I know have circles of friends which do indeed have farangs as their friends. Indeed, the hi-so's I know have polished British accents and spend good chunks of the year in London or Europe catching up with their friends there.

As others have said, most of the hi-so's I've met a generous to a fault in addition to being worldly and urbane. The real one's never advertise their existence.

Also bizarre that he's just admitted to having never met one but feels qualified to comment on their social habits.

Idiotic. coffee1.gif

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

Do you define "hi-so" as old-money only?

I once conducted private English lessons with the CFO of a major financial organization. She was fluent already, but admitted to being xenophobic and wanted to increase her comfort level with young westerners; she said they were very quick witted, and so she didn't feel entirely comfortable engaging them at meetings which were held in English.

Judging by her story, she is self made person, educated exclusively in Thailand. Would she still be considered hi-so?

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