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Malaysian court hands down death sentence to 30-year-old Thai woman


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A bit harsh, considering they don't put their god on the stand for creating this stuff, as well as his prophets for preaching the beauty and wonders of enjoying God's creation. I imagine that if you could get a high off banana leaves they would put you to death for that as well.

sorry buddy but u got to change ur profile punching pic.. every time i try to read ur post..i feel that u gonna punch me for that.. so i am not taking any chance by reading it.. chill man..we aren't in a boxing ring.

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Do you think laws can be ignored based on every individuals' notion of what is morally acceptable or not?

In Thailand YES!!! its par for the course. life is cheap in Asia. As for this mother, it's a tragedy. Considering the relative safety and medicinal properties of Cannabis, However it's quite alright and ';morally' acceptable to continue to sell alcohol and tobacco, two of the biggest killers on the planet.

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A lot of people are missing the fact,that many Thai people, especially women from provinces, are oblivious to laws and customs of other lands, ignorance is no excuse of course,but thats why they are tricked into being mules or whores and so on, 18grams? i dare to speculate that some dick head talked her into it for very little money, or she was used as a diversion to sway away interest from a much bigger load!

18 kg is quite a bit. Would last me close to a year.

Edited by nottocus
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"Her defence that she was given the bag by a man only known as Adi to transport it to Kuala Lumpur failed to cast a doubt against the case presented by the prosecution," Mohd Zaki


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Yes she broke the law

Yes the laws are well publicised

Yes she was an idiot

Yes it was a lot of pot 18kg

Still does not take away from the fact that it is a barbaric punishment for a relatively harmless crime.

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Cannabis laws are completely f#%}<d IMHO.

You don't make the laws so your opinion isn't material. Malaysia does not make any secret of its strict laws on drugs.

What utter nonsense. borisloosebrain has the right to form an opinion and he does not make any secret in doing so. Hence, you don't form his opinions for him, and thus "your opinion isn't material". See how your brain works you into a corner?

Malaysia is, as borisloosebrain so eloquently put it, "f#%}<d" on its drug laws. It seems that Jayelle Farmer certainly does know this, and he has applied his opinions to the matter with due diligence and vigor, and yes... his opinion is material.

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Yes she broke the law

Yes the laws are well publicised

Yes she was an idiot

Yes it was a lot of pot 18kg

Still does not take away from the fact that it is a barbaric punishment for a relatively harmless crime.

I agree. Malaysia doesn't.

Maybe Thai government should ask for clemency.

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This sentence is way OTT. Lets pray for it to be overturned. She broke the law yes. But it is only cannabis. Murderers, rapists, paedophiles, all get lesser sentences perhaps? I am a great believer that the punishment should fit the crime. Now if it was yaba or heroin then yeah, Let em swing! Very sad.

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OMG... for 18 gram cannabis...that is incomprehensible...in Holland you can legally obtain it

That's 18 KG, not 18 grams.

You have to excuse the average TV contributor as being illiterate and self-opinionated. :-)

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Yes she broke the law

Yes the laws are well publicised

Yes she was an idiot

Yes it was a lot of pot 18kg

Still does not take away from the fact that it is a barbaric punishment for a relatively harmless crime.

And was she just handing it out freely to all the hippies in Malaysia or was she profiting from it? Peace, Love and Mungbeans baby

Edited by IrishIvan
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Mary Jane was deemed to be a drug by whom?

Does anyone on this site bother to research the history and why ... and what BS it is?

I can walk into the local grocery store and buy a nutmeg.

Yes, ... just one nutmeg. Grind it up ... and get completely out of my mind for at least 15 hours.

Far stronger than the weed. Why is that not banned?

Oh... maybe we should just ban all of nature. Ban all plants.... and just take wicked pills from big pharma.

Sounds like a joke, but that is where it is at.

People are allowed to destroy themselves from alcohol and modern BS cigarettes - yet there is actually NO evidence that 'M' has caused a single death, - aside from the idiots who want to control it and enslave people in prisons ... or in this case .... far worse death.

Natural leaves and plants ... are banned by who? That should be the first question in this discussion.

You people who say 'law is law' - are right ..... but think for a minute why is it that Governments ban things like this.

Short answer, - $$$$$. I have lived in many Moslem countries, - where the people smoke Hashish (because alcohol is supposedly banned). If this article is true, - then I am willing to bet that the judge goes home and pours himself a black label johnny walker and gets deranged to handle the pain he inflicts on others..... because he has to.

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To all you people talking about supporting a death sentence to a 30 year old Mother.... Shame on you all!

The top of Government Politicians around this globe are the biggest wheelers & dealers of drugs. Go do your research.

As far as the prostitution argument goes, ... this is a complete joke. In Thailand prostitution is illegal ... correct?

Thailand earns so much tourism revenue from that. It will never be enforced. But, - how many Thai girls would ever get the death penalty from this? No, - they just either pay the police force or have sex with them - then everything is OK.

Malaysia .. although a little stricter ... is not that much different.

Making an example of a little mother ... by death - is totally unreal. What is going on in this world?

I totally agree......

How sad that this young lady and mother of two children will have her young life taken for making a mistake ( maybe she was so desperate and poor that she decided that there was no other way to make money in order to feed and give her children a proper education that she took this risk )

These medieval laws need to be abolished!!! No one has the right to enforce or take the life of another...

Nobody is perfect and all of us make mistakes or stupid decisions sometime in our life....

Life is sacred and precious in the eyes of god and this idiotic death sentence passed on this young lady is wrong!!!

I feel for her and especially her children who will cruelly have their mum taken from them forever.

Shame on all of you who say she deserves to die ...... Maybe it's time you look at your own mistakes and into your rosé tinted mirrors before making judgement on someone else's poor unfortunate situation.

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Newsflash, ladies - life isn't fair. From the instant you step off the plane in someone else's country, you are subject to their legal system, regardless of how corrupt / inconsistent / hypocritical it may be. For all the endless bitching about the way the law is enforced in Thailand, the majority of us continue to surrender ourselves to the tender mercies of the Thai legal system each and every time our passports are stamped - same-same 90-day reporting. It's completely irrelevant to discuss penalties for this offence in any country other than Malaysia - this woman didn't try to traffic drugs into Australia/the Netherlands/Botswana........

If I ever find myself in a back room at KLIA with a Customs Official telling me he can put me on a plane out of the country for 10K MYR, I can either foam at the mouth about what a hideously corrupt country Malaysia is, or I can (carefully) continue the negotiation process. Knowing that Australians have been hanged in Malaysia, and others left to rot throughout SE Asia, I know which option I'll take. I don't take any joy in the fact that this is a young woman with kids, but she was born into a harsh system which is innately tilted to people with money - why would she assume that Malaysia would be any different ?

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Newsflash, ladies - life isn't fair. From the instant you step off the plane in someone else's country, you are subject to their legal system, regardless of how corrupt / inconsistent / hypocritical it may be. For all the endless bitching about the way the law is enforced in Thailand, the majority of us continue to surrender ourselves to the tender mercies of the Thai legal system each and every time our passports are stamped - same-same 90-day reporting. It's completely irrelevant to discuss penalties for this offence in any country other than Malaysia - this woman didn't try to traffic drugs into Australia/the Netherlands/Botswana........

If I ever find myself in a back room at KLIA with a Customs Official telling me he can put me on a plane out of the country for 10K MYR, I can either foam at the mouth about what a hideously corrupt country Malaysia is, or I can (carefully) continue the negotiation process. Knowing that Australians have been hanged in Malaysia, and others left to rot throughout SE Asia, I know which option I'll take. I don't take any joy in the fact that this is a young woman with kids, but she was born into a harsh system which is innately tilted to people with money - why would she assume that Malaysia would be any different ?

I agree with most of what you have written

The key word here is "drugs". If it was Ice or Heroin, - I would not even get involved in this discussion. I lost my 21 year old son to Heroin. I do not advocate or partake in any drugs. But, Cannabis has been labelled a 'drug'? This is insanity.

Walk down the street in Sukavit... you can buy Valium, Xanax... and anything else.

Yes... law is law. But the penalty for this is so ... so extreme. To kill a young woman?

Yet, this poor lady is getting a death sentence?

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Dirty drug smuggler got the sentence she deserved.

This is judicial murder.

In Nazi Germany they also had laws;after war - they were sentenced to death for war crimes.

In death camps,like - Auschwitz millions were killed according to German law,all with proper paper work and judge signature.

In Malaysia case - history and God will sort them out.

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Again, it doesn't matter how 'unrealistically harsh' the sentence may be by our standards - if they had signs at the airport saying that littering was punishable by public flogging, how many people do you think would be willing to risk leaving so much as a paper cup on the counter ? It's particularly odd that this woman would plead ignorance of the law when Thailand is so hard on drug traffickers - it's not as if she flew in from The Netherlands with a few grams for personal use. Mariuana has been linked to psychoses and a number of other health issues in recent years - like any drug, there will always be people who abuse the 'recommended dosage' and end up hurting others. Anyone who has been robbed by junkies will have little sympathy for pushers and traffickers - she stuffed up in the wrong country, simple as that, but how much better off would her family be if she was sentenced to 20 or so years in a Thai jail ?

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Dirty drug smuggler got the sentence she deserved.

This is judicial murder.

In Nazi Germany they also had laws;after war - they were sentenced to death for war crimes.

In death camps,like - Auschwitz millions were killed according to German law,all with proper paper work and judge signature.

In Malaysia case - history and God will sort them out.

She knew the law and took the risk. Stupid.

If she didn't know the law then that's just as stupid.

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- she stuffed up in the wrong country, simple as that, but how much better off would her family be if she was sentenced to 20 or so years in a Thai jail ?

one post up I had written:1-5 years,max 15yrs;why you do you write - 20 years? Cannabis in Thailand is classified as No5 maximum sentence is 15 yrs,

heroin is No1.

I know case when sentence was 5 years for 500kgs(half a ton);she had 18kgs - could you calculate her sentence in Thailand in the same proportion?,I think no more then 2 yrs.

In Malaysia everything is No.1 and may be she did not know that or she did not want to know.

As I said:judicial murder...

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I pulled 20 years out of thin air on the basis that many Westerners are given insanely long sentences for trafficking offences in Thailand. If you were a 7 year-old child forced to survive without your mother, would '1-5 years' seem like a fair sentence anyway ? This wasn't simple possession - she was trafficking drugs - game over.

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I pulled 20 years out of thin air on the basis that many Westerners are given insanely long sentences for trafficking offences in Thailand. If you were a 7 year-old child forced to survive without your mother, would '1-5 years' seem like a fair sentence anyway ? This wasn't simple possession - she was trafficking drugs - game over.

She had to be bloody desperate to do what she had done:18 kilos - it is bulky thing - no way to conceal it in any way,just full luggage!? -

may be she was fan of that old movie - Deer Hunter?Russian roulette....

Weed is also very cheap,small investment,only life of this poor soul was at stake - this is how bastards are doing this biz: waste young life for small money.

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that's kinda crazy, not even crack or heroine... just cannabis, something grown natural. Way too harsh.

If you follow this story to the source: New Strait Times - you will find,that there were many more incidents of the same sort in the same place.

On the enclosed picture - you will see victim who is just sad;her guards look obviously - devastated,I wander - who is happy running this killing machine?

And one was lucky one - he claimed mix up of identical suitcases and it worked!What if it did not work?and mix-up had really happened?

Anybody remembers movie - "Troubles In Paradise"?same area - Kedah,Penang...

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I can't help but feel incredibly sorry for this woman.

Of course it was a stupid thing to do, but the sentence is clearly crazy for such an offence.

No worse than the Swedes getting hammered in PI for running a cyber-brothel. I doubt that they would even do jail time for running an illegal brothel in Oz, but they aren't in Oz - they are in a country where its hard cash or hard luck, I'm afraid

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