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A word of warning to buying your thai wife a business.


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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about covers it.

Er with reference to your item 4...if you refer to your item 3....you would be stealing or eating your own stock then....seeing as its your own the stock in the first instance...you cant be stealing your own property...

Under item 2 one assumes for the most part the vast majority of the farangs women were well used to dealing with horny foreign men at some point in their lives, so why would you make a comment like this unless the farang concerned was worried that "their" woman would run away with said horny foreigners....

in conclusion your advice is very flawed to say the least...

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Er with reference to your item 4...if you refer to your item 3....you would be stealing or eating your own stock then....seeing as its your own the stock in the first instance...you cant be stealing your own property...

Under item 2 one assumes for the most part the vast majority of the farangs women were well used to dealing with horny foreign men at some point in their lives, so why would you make a comment like this unless the farang concerned was worried that "their" woman would run away with said horny foreigners....

in conclusion your advice is very flawed to say the least...

4 .... the woman, her friends and relatives will all help themselves to the stock, perfectly logical.

2 ..... nobody wants their woman making a bit of money on the side in a short-time hotel.

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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about covers it.

Interestingly, for 10 years we (wife and I) have been running businesses, that tick all your don't boxes,

very successfully ! thumbsup.gif

So if you have more wisdom, to share with us, please post it here. coffee1.gif

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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about covers it.

Interestingly, for 10 years we (wife and I) have been running businesses, that tick all your don't boxes,

very successfully ! thumbsup.gif

So if you have more wisdom, to share with us, please post it here. coffee1.gif

Well done,

For ever 1 success there are likely 99 failures (same as investing in junk bonds).

Living in Thailand is all about hanging onto your shirt, those who arrive shirtless need not worry.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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What is the story about?? Sorry maybe I missed something.

I wrote about signing a business premises lease/contract and being readily armed with legal advice and making sure you included a release/get out clause in the contract. I also suggested that it could be in someone's best interest to read forum topics and research other farangs good and bad financial experiences here in Thailand before committing oneself. It is in general terms as other replies to the topic have identified.

So in short, you're promoting common sense.

Your obviously highly educated on the topic. Maybe you could promote your thoughts to everyone here that's been burn't. I had originally been comfortable with the terms and conditions. Thanks for insulting my fall from well health.

Where did I insult, or even mentioned, your fall from well health ?

To me it's a common sense, no need to be educated, that wherever in the world you start up a business that involves other parties, like for example a landlord, you will take legal advice.

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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about covers it.

Your list is not complete. Addition to no.4. I've also worked at an company, where a staff member was doing work for a competitor company whilst meant to be working on their own employer's projects.Even if the business has no stock, the employers still can steal the time and clients from your business.

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What is the story about?? Sorry maybe I missed something.

I wrote about signing a business premises lease/contract and being readily armed with legal advice and making sure you included a release/get out clause in the contract. I also suggested that it could be in someone's best interest to read forum topics and research other farangs good and bad financial experiences here in Thailand before committing oneself. It is in general terms as other replies to the topic have identified.

So in short, you're promoting common sense.

This guy has got the balls to admit his failure and has the decency to share it with us, mates... A little respect would be appropriate here..

Thumbs up for you Aussieexpat1068thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

Where did I show disrespect?

Isn't it common sense that if you enter a business venture anywhere in the world, you take legal advice ?

Oh I understand, the OP was so dumb not have common sense and now isn't afraid of telling us that. Hail, Hail,Hail

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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about covers it.

Interestingly, for 10 years we (wife and I) have been running businesses, that tick all your don't boxes,

very successfully ! thumbsup.gif

So if you have more wisdom, to share with us, please post it here. coffee1.gif

Well done,

For ever 1 success there are likely 99 failures (same as investing in junk bonds).

Living in Thailand is all about hanging onto your shirt, those who arrive shirtless need not worry.

Actually I know of quite a few succes stories. But these guys that made it were not employees for many a year loosing their head to a thai woman and buying her a business.

These guys owned a business back home and started a similar one here so they knew what they were doing and they did put it on the name of the first pretty face that told them they were "hansum"

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The op got $17,000 returned by a Thai?Me don't think so somehow.

................how would you know !!!!!!!!! ...what would qualify you to have the right to accuse the original poster of lying......another know nothing
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And what's story about 'buying thai wife's a business?' Undesrtand the whole story about buying thing for a person and you have be careful about it. But ...thai wife? She cheats or?

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You broke the terms of the lease and you issue warnings and you complain about doing business with the Smiling Thais, you should be on here praising the person, you got 17,000$ back.

If I was the freeholder, you would have got ZERO. smile.png

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"Most of us are decent men who are willing to increase our Thai wife's stature" What are you opening a business for to make money or to increase the wifeys village face ?Yes your a lucky one next time do not do what you wouldnt do in your own country .Would you buy a business in Oz to make your wife have a better stature i think not .

not a very smart business plan if the whole intent is to increase "stature" and hoping you will make some money out it

We made plenty of money from the business. The reason for wanting a release was not based on loss of profit. My post stated I needed a release because of ill health. Maybe I used the wrong terminology as far as stature. I made her the boss rather than her having to be an employee. Most ambitious people, myself included, prefer to be the boss rather than the employee. As I suggested, the business wasn't sold because of lack of profit. In actual fact, the profit margin was a major factor in getting my money back and some. The original post was written in general terms but I have read so many replies that seem to be trying to identify the intricacy and business dynamics and attempting to project an image of stupidity. The bottom line in this case is I won with money plus a sale profit returned.

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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about covers it.

Interestingly, for 10 years we (wife and I) have been running businesses, that tick all your don't boxes,

very successfully ! thumbsup.gif

So if you have more wisdom, to share with us, please post it here. coffee1.gif

Would you like to share with us about all your "successfull" BUSINESSES ?. btw is that your bar on soi 8 in Pattaya ?

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When setting up a business for a woman.

1) Assume it will be a total loss from day 1 with you footing the rent and stock bill (so don't sign an expensive lease)

2) Avoid any business that surrounds your woman with horny foreign men (especially of the two week millionaire type)

3) Try and arrange it so the business needs no staff beyond your woman and you.

4) Avoid a business that has stock that can be stolen, perish or eaten by staff.

I think that about

Interestingly, for 10 years we (wife and I) have been running businesses, that tick all your don't boxes,

very successfully ! :thumbsup:

So if you have more wisdom, to share with us, please post it here. :coffee1:

Would you like to share with us about all your "successfull" BUSINESSES ?. btw is that your bar on soi 8 in Pattaya ?

About point 1 and 2 When buying a bussiness for said wife ,get married with a pre nub and if not go back to where you came from .
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" "Do not make any financial decision in Thailand that you cannot afford to walk away from". This statement has its merits and quite simply cannot be honestly ignored." - says the OP

Any person that believes that statement is a moron and deserves to lose their money. If the OP seems to think that if it was in any other country this would not have happened, then obviously he has no clue at all about anything, and for his sake should not even consider buying a business.

Signing a contract to buy or lease something without reading it is a recipe for disaster, not just in Thailand but in any country.

And if the other party does not want to honor the contract, then the only recourse is through the law. Such disputes can and do happen everywhere, in every country. That's why lawyers stay in business.

And buying a "good will" business, do you honestly think the seller would give you a fair valuation on the "good will" of the business he is trying to sell? If you don't have any experience with valuing intangible assets, then good will should be worth zero and value the business based on tangible assets only.

Simply blaming Thailand for the situation you found yourself in instead of yourself is just fantasy. I've met as many phony business people in Australia as I have met in Thailand. I feel more comfortable buying into an existing business in Thailand than in Australia any day.

It is not that simple and what the OP means is that certain approaches to disputes will work in other countries but not in Thailand.

If there is a lot of money involved in Thailand - and your partners here are the wrong people - you can cry foul and hire the best laywers there are....in this country if you step on the wrong toes they don't use the law and laywers to settle things - if you know what I mean.

Do not confuse moral values of your own country and Thailand or expect business "ethics" you are used to from back home.

The rule is - with few exceptions - if you are not needed anymore - especially as a foreigner - they get rid of you!

Greed has no boundaries in this country - I have seen great businesses which made a lot of money distroyed by pure greed by one or more of the partners involved.

I remember a time here when almost every murder that made it into the news was labelled by the police as a "business dispute" - and all my Thai friends understood what that means - it was almost as if this term justified the horrible things that were reported - it is just the way they settle these things here.

Law suits just take to long - and if the money is right - one can always "turn the law in ones favor" - Thais know that so they have "their way" of settling disputes especially if your Thai partners are connected - you never stand a chance to settle anything by trying to apply the law.

Either you walk away - or somebody will "help you" on your way. This is not to say that all business disputes end like this - but in this country disproportionally often they do.

If your Thai partner / business partner wants something that might be technically / legally yours and you think you can fight them in court like you would do at home because you know they broke the contract not you - they will find a way to get it - in or out of court - one way or the other.

Remember different culture - most people here do not consider consequences before they act - they just act - if caught they are sorry about only one thing - that they have been caught!

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It would appear that there are plenty of experts (x is an unknown quantity and a spert is a drip under pressure) found here in Thai visa forum. For those who have been constructive in their replies, I thank you. For the rest my original post is clearly not mean't for you. I was simply passing on an experience for doing business in Thailand. I clearly stated not to trust all smiling Thai's but I also went on to say that to accuse every Thai would be racist and ignorant. As this is a forum based on Thailand, it is applicable to Thailand itself. As for not identifying that things can go sour in another country may also suggests that the world is not a perfect place but does not enforce an ignorance that any business venture doesn't have the opportunity to go south even when dealing with your own countrymen. We had a very good relationship with our landlord at first and if I choose to help my wife then good for me. I don't think you would appreciate people being critical of your own personal judgments but this is a forum where people are allowed to post their own opinions. I was originally legally advised but not all legal advise can be correct or be in your best interests in a foreign country. Unfortunately in many cases people have plenty to say but in some cases seldom this opinion is ever based on a true experience. These people are fence sitters are simply not worth noting. For those who have been direct and critical, you posts haven't gone unnoticed and I have taken your views on board and value your experience. People make mistakes and sometimes it can be a hard lesson learnt.As i suggested previously, I wanted to share an experience. Thanks to all.

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It would appear that there are plenty of experts (x is an unknown quantity and a spert is a drip under pressure) found here in Thai visa forum. For those who have been constructive in their replies, I thank you. For the rest my original post is clearly not mean't for you. I was simply passing on an experience for doing business in Thailand. I clearly stated not to trust all smiling Thai's but I also went on to say that to accuse every Thai would be racist and ignorant. As this is a forum based on Thailand, it is applicable to Thailand itself. As for not identifying that things can go sour in another country may also suggests that the world is not a perfect place but does not enforce an ignorance that any business venture doesn't have the opportunity to go south even when dealing with your own countrymen. We had a very good relationship with our landlord at first and if I choose to help my wife then good for me. I don't think you would appreciate people being critical of your own personal judgments but this is a forum where people are allowed to post their own opinions. I was originally legally advised but not all legal advise can be correct or be in your best interests in a foreign country. Unfortunately in many cases people have plenty to say but in some cases seldom this opinion is ever based on a true experience. These people are fence sitters are simply not worth noting. For those who have been direct and critical, you posts haven't gone unnoticed and I have taken your views on board and value your experience. People make mistakes and sometimes it can be a hard lesson learnt.As i suggested previously, I wanted to share an experience. Thanks to all.

Mate some simple research concerning doing bussiness in Thailand on google could have saved you alot of hassle and money ,some simple advice from a fence sitter if only you would have listened to some of the fence sitters on Thaivisa this website has been around for more then a decade i believe. Edited by Kudel
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What is the story about?? Sorry maybe I missed something.

I wrote about signing a business premises lease/contract and being readily armed with legal advice and making sure you included a release/get out clause in the contract. I also suggested that it could be in someone's best interest to read forum topics and research other farangs good and bad financial experiences here in Thailand before committing oneself. It is in general terms as other replies to the topic have identified.

So in short, you're promoting common sense.

This guy has got the balls to admit his failure and has the decency to share it with us, mates... A little respect would be appropriate here..

Thumbs up for you Aussieexpat1068thumbsup.gifclap2.gif

I dont think that OP failed at anything. He succeeded in getting what he wanted which was getting out of the business and being refunded the cash.

I think this is a useful thread and thank the OP for sharing it with us

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What is the story about?? Sorry maybe I missed something.

I wrote about signing a business premises lease/contract and being readily armed with legal advice and making sure you included a release/get out clause in the contract. I also suggested that it could be in someone's best interest to read forum topics and research other farangs good and bad financial experiences here in Thailand before committing oneself. It is in general terms as other replies to the topic have identified.

So in short, you're promoting common sense.

Your obviously highly educated on the topic. Maybe you could promote your thoughts to everyone here that's been burn't. I had originally been comfortable with the terms and conditions. Thanks for insulting my fall from well health.

1.) You DIDN'T get burnt!

2.) If you were originally happy with the T & C's and got your money back,what's the problem?

3.) Your "FALL" from well health is nobody's fault but your own!


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Sorry, but can't be arsed to read such a badly written story (ever heard of paragraph marks?)

Anyway, living here in my 12th year and every time my wife tells me about running some kind of business I kindly listen to her.

Next topic please?

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It would appear that there are plenty of experts (x is an unknown quantity and a spert is a drip under pressure) found here in Thai visa forum. For those who have been constructive in their replies, I thank you. For the rest my original post is clearly not mean't for you. I was simply passing on an experience for doing business in Thailand. I clearly stated not to trust all smiling Thai's but I also went on to say that to accuse every Thai would be racist and ignorant. As this is a forum based on Thailand, it is applicable to Thailand itself. As for not identifying that things can go sour in another country may also suggests that the world is not a perfect place but does not enforce an ignorance that any business venture doesn't have the opportunity to go south even when dealing with your own countrymen. We had a very good relationship with our landlord at first and if I choose to help my wife then good for me. I don't think you would appreciate people being critical of your own personal judgments but this is a forum where people are allowed to post their own opinions. I was originally legally advised but not all legal advise can be correct or be in your best interests in a foreign country. Unfortunately in many cases people have plenty to say but in some cases seldom this opinion is ever based on a true experience. These people are fence sitters are simply not worth noting. For those who have been direct and critical, you posts haven't gone unnoticed and I have taken your views on board and value your experience. People make mistakes and sometimes it can be a hard lesson learnt.As i suggested previously, I wanted to share an experience. Thanks to all.

Mate some simple research concerning doing bussiness in Thailand on google could have saved you alot of hassle and money ,some simple advice from a fence sitter if only you would have listened to some of the fence sitters on Thaivisa this website has been around for more then a decade i believe.

Whats your point, rub salt in the wounds ? Read again the OP's last comment !

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To the OP ...


Just a repeat of a simple question from my post # 19



 ... just what type of "Release/Get out clause" are you suggesting?


Also interested to know...

After the last few posts I have a different take on this matter to the one at the start.

Am I right now thinking that the $17k was from a sale of the business itself and not directly from the lease?

Or did you sell the business to the landlord?

A "cancel lease" get out clause would be crazy and defeat the purpose of the lease.

But a "transfer lease with landlord approval" get out clause is quite common and fair on all parties.

The money coming back being related to the profits seems to suggest it was more than the lease itself involved.

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back in the eighties i had 3farangs who tried to sell me a lame duck and yes they were'nt very good at that, first timers who in the end had to walk away with nothing left of their investment.

would i buy into anything in thailand would i hell,if your successfull you will soon find out you have problems of one kind or another.someone will sell the same product next to you or you will have some uninvited attention.never mind what contract you sign you have no chance here,if its one yr.and your successfull you willsoon find out when the lease is up and you want to renew the rent will go up plenty as so to get you out and a thai family member takes over.

if you do get a long lease and you do well you will get all the agrivation to get you to pack up and leave.so anything you invest if you cant afford to loose it DONT DO IT.

I totally agree. My wife and I know of a few cases where this has happened. You get seen making a lot of money and the owner of the building forces you out and steals your customer base. This is very common here in Thailand, and not just to farangs, they do it to other Thais as well. If they own the building, there is very little you can do. It is much better to buy premises on a mortgage, then at least you are in total control, but it won't stop three other businesses springing up within 100 metres within a year, and totally diluting your customer base. Something I see almost everyday in a country where people are unable to think independently so need to copy others.

The craziest part, is that it is one thing to copy someone else's great idea and another thing to open next door, it does neither business owner any good, and that is something the Thais can not see. Anyone with business sense copying someone else would be a lot wiser to open up on the other side of town so there is no bad feeling and will ensure prosperity for each business instead of hacking a customer base in half.

Edited by klubex99
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Tough crowd here.

No intent whatsoever of running a business here or buying one after having owned one for many years in the UK.

I didn`t read anything insulting to Thais generally in the opening post, just a caveat that can either be ignored or not.

The title could perhaps have been better/neutral.

To the OP, hope your health issue can be resolved and good to see you got some money back.

Health and well being No. 1.smile.png

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It would appear that there are plenty of experts (x is an unknown quantity and a spert is a drip under pressure) found here in Thai visa forum. For those who have been constructive in their replies, I thank you. For the rest my original post is clearly not mean't for you. I was simply passing on an experience for doing business in Thailand. I clearly stated not to trust all smiling Thai's but I also went on to say that to accuse every Thai would be racist and ignorant. As this is a forum based on Thailand, it is applicable to Thailand itself. As for not identifying that things can go sour in another country may also suggests that the world is not a perfect place but does not enforce an ignorance that any business venture doesn't have the opportunity to go south even when dealing with your own countrymen. We had a very good relationship with our landlord at first and if I choose to help my wife then good for me. I don't think you would appreciate people being critical of your own personal judgments but this is a forum where people are allowed to post their own opinions. I was originally legally advised but not all legal advise can be correct or be in your best interests in a foreign country. Unfortunately in many cases people have plenty to say but in some cases seldom this opinion is ever based on a true experience. These people are fence sitters are simply not worth noting. For those who have been direct and critical, you posts haven't gone unnoticed and I have taken your views on board and value your experience. People make mistakes and sometimes it can be a hard lesson learnt.As i suggested previously, I wanted to share an experience. Thanks to all.

Mate some simple research concerning doing bussiness in Thailand on google could have saved you alot of hassle and money ,some simple advice from a fence sitter if only you would have listened to some of the fence sitters on Thaivisa this website has been around for more then a decade i believe.

I think you missed the point. I <deleted> up and got lucky. I'm not too proud to admit it. Some of the replies have educated me whilst others have been truly fence sitters. An example of fence sitting would be suggesting as one post stated that my Thai wife cheats on me. How does that qualify as not being a fence sitter and where in the statement does it have any credibility? Again I shared a story that was applicable to a Thai experience and listed it on a Thai forum. Right or wrong it could happen anywhere. My bad. Now I am just getting on with my life. I didn't intend on insulting anyone and made it quite clear my intentions were not based on Thai racism.

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To the OP ...

Just a repeat of a simple question from my post # 19

... just what type of "Release/Get out clause" are you suggesting?


Also interested to know...

After the last few posts I have a different take on this matter to the one at the start.

Am I right now thinking that the $17k was from a sale of the business itself and not directly from the lease?

Or did you sell the business to the landlord?

A "cancel lease" get out clause would be crazy and defeat the purpose of the lease.

But a "transfer lease with landlord approval" get out clause is quite common and fair on all parties.

The money coming back being related to the profits seems to suggest it was more than the lease itself involved.

Spot on. Without the release there was no sale of the business. Your comment of "Transfer lease with landlord approval" is probably the words I should have written in my original post so thanks for suggesting a better terminology. Look, I <deleted> up and just wanted other farangs to be wary. I lost 40k in key money but the landlord has a new tenant and all has ended well. Personally I think you would agree that in some cases things don't end well. In future my only ambitions will be improving my health and hopefully being able to enjoy a beer again in the land of smiles. Regards

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