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1 There are a lot of Thai Boys small in stature and thus effeminate.

2 Cosmetic Surgery is cheap here and many experienced surgeons.

3 There is a demand for them in the bars.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Aha so you go for the theory that thai guys do this stuff to act homosexuals voluntarely just because that

they can make money on it????

They go with homosexual men/clients and not themselfs being homosexuals....???? Or do you hink that they really become homosexuals just because there is a demand for it...... seriously???


How many of the Thai 'boys' in the gay clubs and bars are actually gay? You may be surprised at the answer..............

BTW, before you start, this was told to me by a Thai straight guy who did exactly that, worked the clubs for the cash. Not from personal experience...........wink.png

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The avatar is of me and my girlfriend, who is a ladyboy. You may also recognise us from the two series of 'Ladyboys' aired on Sky TV. This does not make me an authority but I may be able to answer a few questions on the subject. Ladyboys are not 'transvestities' but transexuals and while there are many in the west due to a number of factors they do not often have the option of appearing so spectacularly feminine as many ladyboys so they may exist but cannot appear in public as anything approaching a woman so do not attempt to. This may explain some of the disparity in numbers between east and west.

I would also politely suggest that in order to understand them you need first to understand that although it may appear so at times, 'ladyboy' is not synonomous with 'prostitute'. This is important. Most of farang experience is drawn from nocturnal eyeballing of prostitute ladyboys (attractive or often otherwise) in a red light area.

i have never heard first hand a story of a straight but pretty man going gay just to earn money. I have heard of gay men becoming ladyboys because they want to be beautiful and effeminate. They do it admirably. I have also heard of ladyboys and women and men who become prostitutes for money. Separate issues I believe.

my intellectual jury is out on the difference beween effeminate (camp) gay men and ladyboys apart from the physical of course. they have many similarities I think. The differences though are crucial though to the beholder (the man who likes ladyboys) as they are what separate his experience from a 'gay' experience. ANY sense that 'this is a gay man I am having sex with' is likely to put a stop to the very act and bring about a severe case of disequilibrium. That may seem strange but i believe it is true.

Their male genitalia is perhaps not as important as one imagines and is either 'out of place' on their female bodies or is some manner of girly c***!

Really, it's true.

Back to their relative numbers in Thailand; tolerance is a major factor and although they are 2nd rate citizens especially to the chinese thais (aren't we all) they are accepted as part of Thai culture and good for tourism (not the prostitutes, the showgirls which is not necessarily the same thing). Perhaps not unsurprisingly I have found young people who have chinese grandparents less tolerant and more likely to ridicule ladyboys or gay people.

They are certainly more visible in Thailand but we cannot accurately make claims for their higher numbers if we consider camp gay men as being categorized as 'ladyboys' as ladyboys themselves do. Perhaps if all those young gay men in the west could actually look like ladyboys AND they would be tolerated by society we may see ladyboys in the UK? But of course a farang transexual rarely looks like a Thai ladyboy and so many gay men do not even try?

Hormone availability and cheapness also contributes to the way ladyboys can pull off the feminine beauty and grace when taken from about the age of 12 they change the growing body dramatically.

By the way, I had absolutely no experience of transexual people before coming to Thailand 3 years ago . . . I was interested in a third gender and could not believe my eyes when I saw my first ladyboy . . .so much so that I wrote a book about it called Bangkok Baby. I will put some extracts on the forum if people are interested to have a look.

U gonna marry your Katoey?

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It's chemical based. Everything from drinking from plastic bottles to high consumption of beer caused estrogen levels to rise in men. A by product of "progress" in the world is the feminization of the male population. Just look at the increase in the gay population over the last 50 years. It cannot all be genetic.

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The avatar is of me and my girlfriend, who is a ladyboy. You may also recognise us from the two series of 'Ladyboys' aired on Sky TV. . . .so much so that I wrote a book about it called Bangkok Baby. I will put some extracts on the forum if people are interested to have a look.

Feel free to share some extracts from your book.

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Great post by Cheyenne.

I am more confused now, not that it bothers or concerns me....just another one of those things that are a part of this amazing place where we live.

I once asked a mate, who dates a ladyboy "so what's the big attraction to ladyboys?"....just being curious and not derogatory....he said "cause they don't think like a woman", I just about fell off my chair with laughter......he was serious.

Each to their own and I applaude all ladyboys and gays who have that extra pressure society puts on them, that they overcome and can walk down the street with self respect.


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Payboy, I think being born a woman in Thailand has more shortcomings than being born a man . . just my opinion.

nottocus, I think marriage is an outmoded stste and really in the west just an opportunity for a woman to do little and get rich of a man's hard work. Western men would be better off to just buy a house for a random female and enjoy their lives!! In short I won't get married UNLESS she makes me 555!

I already had a facebook wedding during which she wore the dress etc . . .that's enough surely?

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Bangkok Baby

A Love Story of Bangkok


The sound of a farang shouting at a bar girl who has poured too much coke in his drink makes you look to your left and the Big Dog bar.
The girl speaks no English so perhaps this is among her first weeks in Bangkok.
Music is playing very loudly in the bar, ‘ I met a gin soaked barroom queen in Memphis, she tried to take me upstairs for a ride’. The girl looks frightened.
The smoke of the barbecue’s mixes with the stink of the rotting garbage, stale sweat and piss.
Decay, degradation and the faces of the Thai vendors and motorcycle taxi drivers are etched into the grey concrete at the entrance to Soi 4 like an ancient economic truth.
Their look is not envious, nor jealous and not full of hate; but the look of those trapped in the waking dream world of constant and chronic poverty. They are the faces of the drowned and drowning.
‘It’s the ho, o, o, nky tonk women, give me, give, give me the honky tonk blues’.
This is Bangkok. This is Nana.


But you are looking past the messy third-world order of cracked and dirty tarmac and paving slabs that border the car park.
You have lived long enough to know that under the surface of things lays the dream reality that you seek.

Bangkok; full of men and women with plans to escape back to Surin, Korat, Leeds or Texas; just as soon as they have enough money or less desire. But what you see is something tender in the way Bangkok holds its residents.
In the impossibly beautiful bodies and faces of the Ladyboys arriving as dusk sets in, in their eyes, in the way they hold themselves, in their gaze, you see a story.


And then, just as night arrives you see them at the entrance to the plaza. A man is on his knees at the feet of a Ladyboy. She is 6 feet tall and her face has the kind of dark beauty that can destroy worlds.
You cannot hear his words but the sounds he makes are more animal than human. Even on his knees the man still has a stiff pride, the quality of an iron weathervane, always pointing towards her, his North.
His supplication, his willingness to beg comes from strength not weakness. He does not see the people that flow around him.
The Ladyboy holds her arms across her chest as she looks down at him.

Her face is set like a beautiful oriental mask; without expression. She turns on a heel and walks away. He screams after her, ‘ Faridaaa’. She does not slow her stride as she walks towards you but as the monsoon rain explodes onto the street you see a single tear run down her face.

Then she is gone.
I cannot say what happens to the man you saw or the Ladyboy. I can only tell you how it began.

This is a love story of Bangkok.


I will post some more extracts and you can buy the book here if you like what I write!


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ok im 100% thai.let me tell you the reason why there are so many lady boys here.firstly thai people are open mined about what happen here not like any other countries.secondly i think because of you guys(farangs) .you have a different taste.for example you guys think a thai girl who has a tan skin is beautiful or exotic but not thai's.some farang cant tell a differrent between girls and ladyboys.thats why a popurity of ladyboys are increasing.they can fool and lie to you that im a girl.without noticing their voices,you cant tell for sure.especially in the dark place such as night clubs.let me tell you guys about the trick.3 things that u xan identify they are ladyboys . 1)not so many thai girls are taller than 175 cm if they are taller than that you can assume that they are lady boys. 2) notice their sholders if they have a wide one yeahh you are right.they are lady boys! 3)adams apple,this thing is quite obvious!! ps dont let them fool you if they ask you to check their penises.you know what i mean?surgery doctors here are the best!! good luck guys!!

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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magicianred, for a Thai person you have very little respect and like some others imagine that a ladyboy is out to fool men into having sex with her. You are clearly talking about PROSTITUTES and they are an altogether different subject.

Most ladyboys I know are not out to fool anyone!

Farangs are not as stupid as you imagine, we understand the difference and the prejudice against people with brown skin. Lots of ladyboys come from rich Bangkok families and have white skin.

Please accept that some farangs know more about your culture than you do particularly in some areas.

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dear cheyene you still dont get a whole picture.i have so many ladyboys friends too.i love them as well.especially gays friends.they are the best.what im talking about right now im talikng about the darkness of thai culture which there is real.most of thai people they accept this part that exist.as i respect you guys so i told you the truth of thailand.some of them know because they have lived here so long but some of them.they dont.my post is a general talk.i cant accuse that this one is prosiitute or not.im not a perfect person but one thing i dont do is telling lie to farangs.i have never insulted to my own kinds.trust me i live here all of my life ,have so many thai and farang friends.they all accept the truth about thailand.i know people like you who try to protect a wrong thai people all the time.i appreciate that u love thai people.anyway like i told you there are some good and bad in thailand like any other countries in this world.if u truely know me,you will never judge me :D

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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ok im 100% thai.let me tell you the reason why there are so many lady boys here.firstly thai people are open mined about what happen here not like any other countries.secondly i think because of you guys(farangs) .you have a different taste.for example you guys think a thai girl who has a tan skin is beautiful or exotic but not thai's.some farang cant tell a differrent between girls and ladyboys.thats why a popurity of ladyboys are increasing.they can fool and lie to you that im a girl.without noticing their voices,you cant tell for sure.especially in the dark place such as night clubs.let me tell you guys about the trick.3 things that u xan identify they are ladyboys . 1)not so many thai girls are taller than 175 cm if they are taller than that you can assume that they are lady boys. 2) notice their sholders if they have a wide one yeahh you are right.they are lady boys! 3)adams apple,this thing is quite obvious!! ps dont let them fool you if they ask you to check their penises.you know what i mean?surgery doctors here are the best!! good luck guys!! Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

What a load of garbage,especialy for a thai. u realy think that most farangs/tourists dont recognise 99.9% ladyboys.Your skin colour attack is out of order to,surely guys go with good ladies not by their skin,btw, i hate white skinned chinese thais,is that the same same u say.

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Dear somtampet!what im talking about right now.im not talking about all farangs.im talking about a newbie.and im talking about the truth that you guys dont like white skin girls.which u just admitted.what i answered i think im quite clear.about the question that he asked.why are so many ladyboys here? my answer are 1)we are open minded 2)exotic thai girls love farangs. i have a lot of ladyboy friends and they told me this.i didnt insult anyone on my post.dont get me wrong. do you think you can answer this question better than thai so go for it.im waiting for your answer.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Dear somtampet what im talking about right now.im not talking about all farangs.im talking about a newbie.and im talking about the truth that you guys dont like white skin girls.which u just admitted.what i answered i think im quite clear.about the question that he asked.why are so many ladyboys here? my answer are 1)we are open minded 2)exotic thai girls love farangs. i have a lot of ladyboy friends and they told me this.i didnt insult anyone on my post.dont get me wrong. do you think you can answer this question better than thai so go for it.im waiting for your answer.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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what im talking about right now.im not talking about all farangs.im talking about a newbie.and im talking about the truth that you guys dont like white skin girls.which u just admitted.what i answered i think im quite clear.about tge question that he asked.why are so many ladyboys here. 1)we are open minded 2)exotic thai girls love farangs. i have a lot of ladyboy friends and they told me this.i didnt insult anyone on my post.dont get me wrong. do you think you can answer this question better than thai so go for it.im waiting for your answer. Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was talking about the white skinned chinese/thais attitudes rather than the way they look.Many thais look down on dark skinned ladies,as they might be uneducated,and low class in your mind.Most farangs dont look at this as a disadvantage,as most of expats are working class guys

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do you know where im from?im from e-sarn,man.my mom is an exotic dark skinned lady too.so i understand what u mean.thats is the truth about thailand.but not 100% true.not all of thai people insult their own kind.i think its just teenagers or brainless people who cant figure it out what a meaning of equal is.

what im talking about right now.im not talking about all farangs.im talking about a newbie.and im talking about the truth that you guys dont like white skin girls.which u just admitted.what i answered i think im quite clear.about tge question that he asked.why are so many ladyboys here. 1)we are open minded 2)exotic thai girls love farangs. i have a lot of ladyboy friends and they told me this.i didnt insult anyone on my post.dont get me wrong. do you think you can answer this question better than thai so go for it.im waiting for your answer. Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
I was talking about the white skinned chinese/thais attitudes rather than the way they look.Many thais look down on dark skinned ladies,as they might be uneducated,and low class in your mind.Most farangs dont look at this as a disadvantage,as most of expats are working class guys
Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app Edited by magicianred
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I was not trying to defend anyone. I don't understand the point you are trying to make either. Try again please.

my point is i just wanted to answer the question why are so many ladyboys in thailand?.dont get me wrong about ladyboys i love them too as long as they dont harass me.

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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do you know where im from?im from e-sarn,man.my mom is an exotic dark skinned lady too.so i understand what u mean.thats is the truth about thailand.but not 100% true.not all of thai people insult their own kind.i think its just teenagers or brainless people who cant figure it out what a meaning of equal is.

what im talking about right now.im not talking about all farangs.im talking about a newbie.and im talking about the truth that you guys dont like white skin girls.which u just admitted.what i answered i think im quite clear.about tge question that he asked.why are so many ladyboys here. 1)we are open minded 2)exotic thai girls love farangs. i have a lot of ladyboy friends and they told me this.i didnt insult anyone on my post.dont get me wrong. do you think you can answer this question better than thai so go for it.im waiting for your answer. Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I was talking about the white skinned chinese/thais attitudes rather than the way they look.Many thais look down on dark skinned ladies,as they might be uneducated,and low class in your mind.Most farangs dont look at this as a disadvantage,as most of expats are working class guys
Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The vast majority of thais are dark skinned,but due to the thai elite,many thais want to turn their face white.So many adverts on tv,they look like avatars,and the amount of whitener sold in Thailand is horrific.I have lived in Thailand 10 years and have a far better chance of meeting a thai women than non thai,her heart is the important issue not skin colour,even though its been imbred in me now,that many middle class thai women are racists,so i used to avoid them.

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It sure does have a lot as well - some say upto half a million in the LOS and two in my families networks.

The article on the link as to why Thailand has so many ladyboys basically says because of the rigid class system - lower class gays don't want to work on manual labour and see being a ladyboy identity as a way out. Now it has become a self-fufilling prophesy as they are now so many.

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Tonight's episode of 'Ladyboys' on ABC2 here in Oz (taxpayer-funded channel, so there are no ads). I think it's done by the same Poms who did 'Banged Up Abroad' and the other tabloid 'Big Trouble In Thailand' jobbie, but at least this series has a few more laughs. The only Katoeys I have a problem with are the 'front row forward' brigade that strut up and down Suk Soi 4 annoying punters with no interest in their wares.

Going The Distance. British expat David is getting serious with his ladyboy lover Annie. But now his son Troy is coming to Thailand to meet his father's new girlfriend. Will Troy accept Annie who is only two years older than him?

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