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why people don't come to Thailand instead to struggle in their home country?


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Just to add to "NeverSure's" list of cheaper things in the US ... I recently found a map by state, which gave the average cost of electricity per unit, and I compared that to my bill here. I think only one state had an equal price, Hawaii, and every other state was lower, many were very much lower, like half.

And gardeners, in Los Angeles, were cheaper, or maybe the same ...depends how you look at it and what you pay here, seems to be a big range ...I paid only $40 a month, for weekly service, for a much bigger yard, with more difficult stuff to do, (i.e. they didn't just hack everything in half, dump the stuff on a neighbor's empty lot and leave.) But I think this kind of great service/price is special, due to your proximity to Mexico ....but I have to say LA has awesome gardeners and at great prices! You just have to pay 6 times as much for your house, as compared to most of the US!

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"Unless I want to lower my lifestyle." Food is definitely cheaper in the US as are all sundries from laundry soap to you name it. Transport cheaper? Not if you drive a decent 4x4 pickup. Mine happens to be a Ford F150 4x4 that cost me US$28,000 new. That's 875k baht. Gasoline is $3.60 a US gallon. I just bought 95 liters for 2800 baht. Far higher quality beef and chicken is cheaper. Almost any Western food is cheaper. Fast food like KFC, Burger King etc. is cheaper and the meat is better. Clothes are WAY cheaper. Electronics are way cheaper. Find a really good up to date laptop with a genuine copy of Windows 8 for $395 in Thailand. I could go out today and buy a new Camry LE with auto well equipped for $18,500 (575k baht) and you're telling me that transport is cheaper?

I pay no import taxes and no sales tax and anything I buy is net, out the door.

No, I can't live that lifestyle for the money in Thailand.

Not sure where you are buying all your food and other household items or just how dirt cheap things must be in the USA but nearly all of that stuff is much cheaper here than what I pay for it in the UK including food, toiletries and house hold items.

Western food cheaper in the West than in Thailand.....then maybe try eating the local food?

If you were in the USA you wouldn't eat Thai food all the time then moan it was more expensive than local food....of course it is!

Though McDonalds, BK, Subway etc here is a bit cheaper than in the UK or at worst it's around the same price. You can get sub of the day here for 80/90B and you defo can't get a Subway sandwhich back home for that price it's more like 175-200B.

And who needs it anyway when there's fast food on every street corner in Thailand?

Transport I meant public transport.

It doesn't make sense to come to another country then try and live the exact same lifestyle you lived back home.

A fair comparison would be a normal lifestyle back home versus a normal lifestyle here.

So eating local food, drinking local beer, buying local items etc would make living in Thailand much cheaper than the West.

You just dont get it do you?corporations rule the world internet man.

Good for them.

Doesn't change anything for me. What is your point?

Agree. Thailand is expensive if you compare similar goods. If you're not living like a Thai(living in a dumpy room with no aircon, eating fried rice, and driving a motorbike), you're better off somewhere else.

But you don't need to live in a room with no aircon, eat fried rice every day or drive a motorbike (though I'm sure some people like fried rice and having a motorbike) and you can still live here much cheaper and have a better life than back home.

It's not all about possessions and what you can own it's about quality of life. Most people back home pay so much on rent / mortgage, bills, travel expenses, food shopping and keeping up with the neighbours they can barely afford a night out a week or 7 days holiday a year.

Here you can eat out every night, party multiple times per week, date loads of new girls and have a lot of fun without breaking the bank.

All the people who came to Thailand and want / expected the exact same life as they had back home...why did you come here? Wouldn't you be better just staying at home and saving money?

i am not staying in thailand ,comprende.

And find it good for holidays.

How many of you guys living there have several propertys in there own name and i dont mean condos or a house via some stupid legal /illegal constructions without the help of the thai spouse /girlffriend.well i do in my country .

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what normally happens with people in your situation is they keep it going as long as the cash lasts. When the cash runs out that person gets a cold slap in the face and needs to get a real job and earn a real living. I've seen this happen over 100 times in LOS to the school teachers etc in their 20s and 30s. They never last more than a few years. They do talk a big game though. I remember the ones 8 years ago who lived in their bkk shoe boxes for 2500/mo (see ur 8000 place went way up in price!). some of these teachers took to attempting to scam fellow expats in the bar when the cash ran out. I remember a guy from a bar who texted me that he was in a moto accident and needed 15K for the cop desperately. It was a BS story that woulda made an Issan bargirl proud. This guy was back to the UK in a few months. He also was arrested at a border checkpoint for his bogus NON-B bought visa before the roof caved in. He was in his 30s

Life is long and doomsday always comes unless you have a monthly income source that covers expenses over the long haul. One can enjoy until the cash runs dry

I agree that you are in a much better financial position if you have some regular [outside thailand] income, whether it is freelancing, pension, disability, going back home or other country to work 6 month on / 6 months off, etc. There is actually a lot of hacks for this to work ok.

I had the benefit of having a friend with over a decade of experience in the SE Asia region. I didnt have to reinvent the wheel so to speak. I had someone to "shadow" and ask questions to make sure i was getting a fair deal when i first started out. So i pay that forward here. But it's doable as long as you dont get caught up in the jonses. We often wonder when people say they are spending over 30k baht/month (especially single) where the money is going; to each their own sleep.png

"...the 2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app (Galaxy Note 2).

I spend 60K a month, and I'm single.

And this money is not spent on bar girls (or bars).

Just like to live comfortably and eat good food (and that doesn't include the street food here).

20-30K a month seems to me like going back to university where I had to save every penny.

I would say:

Don't move to Thailand unless you have at least 50K per month guaranteed income.

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Things must be incredibly expensive in London. Yesterday I put 95 liters of gasoline in my pickup for US$90 (2800 baht.) That's 25 US gallons. I think you Londoners get the crap taxed out of you. Electronics of all kinds are cheap as are cars and pickups. Housing in the more rural areas is cheap.

Thailand isn't cheaper than where I am in the US unless I want to significantly lower my lifestyle.

Also as a young person, you can buy a home and have it paid for by the time you're 50 easily, and sell or rent it for income to retire. Or you can just live in it. And no, the taxes on it aren't high.

If you spend your life in Thailand, unless you hit the jackpot and really figure out a way to make a lot of money and are smart enough to save it, you will retire broke.

The US is very cheap, compared to all western countries, not just the UK.

That's because taxes are very low, and you get very little in terms of social services.

On the other hand, healthcare costs millions, and so does university education, where as in most of Europe you get that for practically nothing.

So it all balanced out in the end.

And Thailand is cheaper from my country (Israel) by about 30-50%, depending on your lifestyle.

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"Unless I want to lower my lifestyle." Food is definitely cheaper in the US as are all sundries from laundry soap to you name it. Transport cheaper? Not if you drive a decent 4x4 pickup. Mine happens to be a Ford F150 4x4 that cost me US$28,000 new. That's 875k baht. Gasoline is $3.60 a US gallon. I just bought 95 liters for 2800 baht. Far higher quality beef and chicken is cheaper. Almost any Western food is cheaper. Fast food like KFC, Burger King etc. is cheaper and the meat is better. Clothes are WAY cheaper. Electronics are way cheaper. Find a really good up to date laptop with a genuine copy of Windows 8 for $395 in Thailand. I could go out today and buy a new Camry LE with auto well equipped for $18,500 (575k baht) and you're telling me that transport is cheaper?

I pay no import taxes and no sales tax and anything I buy is net, out the door.

No, I can't live that lifestyle for the money in Thailand.

Cars and electronics are cheaper in the USA than anywhere else in the world.

Much younger girlfriends, wives and rentals are cheaper in Thailand than most other places in the world.

You choose what is important in your life and you live in the appropriate country.

Well, I don't want two of the three things you listed. I want to own, not rent and I don't want a wife. That leaves the younger girlfriend. You might be surprised to learn that if you have an upscale home in an upscale location, nice toys and a few bucks to travel and play, the cute 35 year old American gals come out of the woodwork too. thumbsup.gif

I was thinking younger and slimmer.

22YO university student, 45Kg or less was more what I had in mind, but each to his own.

Oh, I agree. But I get to travel to Thailand twice a year and yes, they are out there. thumbsup.gif

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I think the OP is totally naive about moving abroad and all that is involved. This is the problem, many believe the streets are paved with gold and just get on a plane, arrive and you’re in, just like that.

Firstly, if you are under 50 years old, have a small or no pension to look forward to, inadequate savings and no job arranged prior to landing here, than it`s going to be a rough ride and doubt whether that person would last long here. It is not easy, sometimes impossible to find legitimate employment or to start a business in Thailand.

Next, Thailand is not as cheap as many believe, you need dosh here and lots of it, and unless the person has a secure substantial pension to look forward to or some other very long term guaranteed substantial foreign income, that will increase later on to balance the costs of inflation & fluctuating bank foreign exchange and interest rates, plus a considerable nest egg that may be required for medical care as we get older, than it`s going to be a grim future ahead.

As for the women, gone are the days of the sweet little, loyal, subservient Thai princesses, these days the Thai girls on par with their Western counterparts. If you like women, than you need money and the price goes up the older we get.

Then there are the cultural, language, food, religious and different attitudes of the Thai people to consider. Many Westerners are unable to adapt and living in Thailand, may become one big hell of a culture shock for them.

Also what many wanting to live in Thailand hopefuls don`t realise is that when we move here, we give up most our statutory rights, which we take for granted and enjoy in our home countries. On one stroke of the pen, we can be gone within 7 days.

And this I think answers the question; why people don't come to Thailand instead to struggle in their home country?

Yes, you have it all spot on.

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Many of the best things in life are free.

So true. Aggravation, fouls odors, annoying neighbours, advice from TVF's resident experts etc all are free.

I don't agree with the first part of your post, but the last part, definitely, I have had lots of very helpful advice from posters, and like you say, it is all free.

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If it was the choice between struggling here and struggling at home I'd probably rather struggle at home as at least I have friends and family there I can fall back on should I end up broke or on hard times but if it's the choice between living a modest existence here or a modest existence back home then I'd choose here every time.

A modest budget here still allows you to live a relatively good life where a modest budget back home doesn't leave much room to enjoy yourself.

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It's not all about possessions and what you can own it's about quality of life. Most people back home pay so much on rent / mortgage, bills, travel expenses, food shopping and keeping up with the neighbours they can barely afford a night out a week or 7 days holiday a year.

Here you can eat out every night, party multiple times per week, date loads of new girls and have a lot of fun without breaking the bank.

All the people who came to Thailand and want / expected the exact same life as they had back home...why did you come here? Wouldn't you be better just staying at home and saving money?

This is all so true.

My total bill for the month in CM, 45kbht, and that's including the 15kbht/month home loan repayments.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it s true a tablet, tv or laptop cost a little less in usa, but how many laptops you need to buy every year?

it s true that fast food is cheaper in the usa, how much cheaper? , half dollar...? and do you want eat this shot every day?

in usa a room will cost you 500 to 800$, over 1000$ in California.

insurance car, fuel, car 500$

health care plus food 500$

extra 500$

total 2000$ for one person. this is not included 401k.

usa is going down anyway.

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it s true a tablet, tv or laptop cost a little less in usa, but how many laptops you need to buy every year?

it s true that fast food is cheaper in the usa, how much cheaper? , half dollar...? and do you want eat this shot every day?

in usa a room will cost you 500 to 800$, over 1000$ in California.

insurance car, fuel, car 500$

health care plus food 500$

extra 500$

total 2000$ for one person. this is not included 401k.

usa is going down anyway.

What about people with kids then ,i've got 3 kids ,have you seen prices of some schools in Thailand ?

Health insurance full coverage and no crap of being over 65 and pre excisting conditions cheaper in my country.

All my kids go to catholic schools not because we are religious people by any means but because of there good reputation of providing a good quality education and a lot cheaper then some prices i've seen on this forum involving schools in thailand,hell even thai people in my country say thai schools are crap.

A few weeks ago i read a story on a Thailand based blog about a dutch pensioner who was getting a pension of a 1000 euro's per month living from paycheck to paycheck and he was boasting that he could feed a family of 3 and pay rent and a baby on the way like this well good for him and what a great future that kid will have.

Youre calculations are way to simple and there are a lot more points to be taken in to consideration before making a move to a country like Thailand.

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my calculation is for a single guy. with jobs leaving to China every day and more and more restrictions in usa. i have came to the conclusion that farangs living in Thailand have a better life.

if you don't want be assisted by a government, thailand is much much cheaper than usa or europe. basic needs are cheaper... rent and food. even insurance is cheaper... 1000 bahts a month.

i see many farangs with thai wife and kids here. they are very happy with schools.

kids learn thai and English. they have no intention of going to Europe.

kids can buy land later for their parents.

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it s true a tablet, tv or laptop cost a little less in usa, but how many laptops you need to buy every year?

it s true that fast food is cheaper in the usa, how much cheaper? , half dollar...? and do you want eat this shot every day?

in usa a room will cost you 500 to 800$, over 1000$ in California.

insurance car, fuel, car 500$

health care plus food 500$

extra 500$

total 2000$ for one person. this is not included 401k.

usa is going down anyway.

What about people with kids then ,i've got 3 kids ,have you seen prices of some schools in Thailand ?

Health insurance full coverage and no crap of being over 65 and pre excisting conditions cheaper in my country.

All my kids go to catholic schools not because we are religious people by any means but because of there good reputation of providing a good quality education and a lot cheaper then some prices i've seen on this forum involving schools in thailand,hell even thai people in my country say thai schools are crap.

A few weeks ago i read a story on a Thailand based blog about a dutch pensioner who was getting a pension of a 1000 euro's per month living from paycheck to paycheck and he was boasting that he could feed a family of 3 and pay rent and a baby on the way like this well good for him and what a great future that kid will have.

Youre calculations are way to simple and there are a lot more points to be taken in to consideration before making a move to a country like Thailand.

If I may counter

Government school is nearly free, about 4000bht per year per child for uniforms and books.

Health care is free for Thais, one assumes most of the family will be Thai citizens.

Most Thai families live on less than 30kbht a month, E1000 (40,000bht) should certainly be enough.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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it s true a tablet, tv or laptop cost a little less in usa, but how many laptops you need to buy every year?

it s true that fast food is cheaper in the usa, how much cheaper? , half dollar...? and do you want eat this shot every day?

in usa a room will cost you 500 to 800$, over 1000$ in California.

insurance car, fuel, car 500$

health care plus food 500$

extra 500$

total 2000$ for one person. this is not included 401k.

usa is going down anyway.

What about people with kids then ,i've got 3 kids ,have you seen prices of some schools in Thailand ?

Health insurance full coverage and no crap of being over 65 and pre excisting conditions cheaper in my country.

All my kids go to catholic schools not because we are religious people by any means but because of there good reputation of providing a good quality education and a lot cheaper then some prices i've seen on this forum involving schools in thailand,hell even thai people in my country say thai schools are crap.

A few weeks ago i read a story on a Thailand based blog about a dutch pensioner who was getting a pension of a 1000 euro's per month living from paycheck to paycheck and he was boasting that he could feed a family of 3 and pay rent and a baby on the way like this well good for him and what a great future that kid will have.

Youre calculations are way to simple and there are a lot more points to be taken in to consideration before making a move to a country like Thailand.

If I may counter

Government school is nearly free, about 4000bht per year per child for uniforms and books.

Health care is free for Thais, one assumes most of the family will be Thai citizens.

Most Thai families live on less than 30kbht a month, E1000 (40,000bht) should certainly be enough.

if i may counter myself goverment schools uniforms are almost free and look nice like you say if reading ,writing an speaking thai and some simple maths is good enough for your kids ok i respect that.

But the world is changing if you like it or not and the education they offer is not up to standard in this new world.

And that free health care dont make me laugh .......

I wonder why so many brits and dutch come to my country to get most of there medical treatments done because in there home countrys they are put on a waitinglist.

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And that free health care dont make me laugh .......

Most routine health care in government hospitals is very well done.

I know several government hospitals in CM that provide very good general care.

Maybe not the place to have your heart transplant done.

But all the usual stuff, very efficient.

I bet most of the people who knock Thai government hospitals (including you) have never even been in one.

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