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Very Bad Experience!


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I am talking about the place that does visas and account work at Chaofa East road between Phuket City and Chalong Circle....

I was recommended this company by a friend, so I asked them to register my new company, provide me with a work permit and a 1 year visa....

Today I regret deeply!!

What a disaster!

I will tell the full story in case someone is interested, and at least to warn others!

But I don't want to harm their reputation without reason...maybe I was only unlucky....so let me hear if someone had any bad experiences with this company....???


Edited by fatter than harry
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About half year ago I went to their office cause I needed some advice for getting a 1year visa.

Friend of mine recommended them to me coz they offer a "package" for 10000.-Baht to get this kind of visa.

After looking into my paperwork he explained to me (and phoned to my new employer) how to do and what to do to get this visa, everything legal of course!

My new employer followed his advise and I've got my 1year.

That's my experience.


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I agree that it's not fair to spoil someone's name and reputation, but how do we warn other members of ThaiVisa if the fact is that this company actually provides a lousy service to their clients, waste their time and their money??? Even lie to them to hide the truth?

Fatter than Harry edited my post...changed the name of the company to this company doing visa and accounting ....does that mean that all members of ThaiVisa reading this post should avoid all visa and accounting companies located at Chaofa East Road between Phuket City and Chalong Circle???

But here we go - I want to tell you my experience with this "un-named" company:

I sold my earlier company and I and the new owner went to this "un-named" company to register my old company in the new owners name.

At the same time I asked "un-named" to register my new company.

Everything went well...or almost....1 week later I visited "un-named" again and asked him to register one ore company for me...with my partner as a shareholder...He said OK, first I need to check if the company name is available....this will take only 1 day.

My main company was registered within 30 days.

Within these 30 days is ask "un-named" several times....what about my other company, is the name available?

He said he needed my partners papers.

OK- I got them for him.

Emailed him several times but no reply from him....so I guessed things would just be okay!

Then I asked "un-named" to renew my visa and apply for a new work permit for my new main company.

And here my nightmare starts!

"Un-named" asks for my passport and tells me I'll get a new visa within a few days.

I asked him, "are you sure, because I need it next week as I am buying a new car?"

The answer was yes, no problem.

Next week came, and no passport and no visa.

I called "un-named" and he said he needed some tax docs from my old company.

I told him to get those docs from the tax office and he said OK, no problem.

Again, 1 week later I was buying a car, but needed my passport and visa....

I called "un-named" and asked where is my passport and visa....

He said soon ready...maybe 2 days....

OK....2 days later I call again...."un-named" says....wait 1 day more....

OK....next day....wait 1 day more....

OK....next day....I WAS MAD :o

Asked if there was any problems with my papers or anything.

"Un-named" said no problems at all...

At this time I was really in need of a car!

So instead of waiting for my passport to be ready I bought the car in my wife's name!

BUT....I was not able to work in my new company...because no passport, no visa and of course no work permit....

But with the car problem solved, I was calmed a bit down. My wife run the business and I just backed her up the best I could from home...but I dared not visit our office in case the Immigration checked ....

After 1 month I asked "un-named" again...WHEN DO I GET MY VISA!

He just said I had to wait, the immigration is very busy....

OK...I decided to wait....and I waited.....1 month, 5 weeks, 6 weeks, 7 weeks....I contacted "un-named" regularly....and finally 8 weeks later I got my visa....WITH A 2 MONTHS overstay fine stamped inside!!!

WHAT??? I was surprised but "un-named" just returned my passport with the visa...so I didn't complain...just walked out of his office....and he didn't ask me to pay the overstay fine...so I thought the case was okay!

Then my new nightmare started...applying for a work permit (WP):

Once I got my visa stamp (lousy 30 days extension!) "un-named" applied for my WP.

I asked, how long time to wait this time?

He said 2 weeks maximum.

Great I thought!

But good morning my dear friends!

After 2 weeks I call him, and he say..."tomorrow".

Next day I call him...and he say ..."tomorrow".

I asked "un-named" seveal times, "is there any probs with my docs?" and everytime he said "no probs"

This happens every day for the next 2 weeks!

The day before my 30 days visa was to expire I decided to contact the labor office myself together with my Thai wife.

At the labor office they had my WP application.....BUT THEY WERE STILL WAITING FOR MY DOCS FROM "UN-NAMED".....

So I decided to take the case in my own hand...I went to the office of "un-named" picked up all my docs and told him a few words. I was really angry at him......then I arranged a quick visit to Penang, applied for a non immigrant b visa, back in Phuket I cancelled my old WP and applied for a new one...and I got my new WP in 8 days! Without the assistance from anyone !

During all these months (4 months total) waiting and waiting for visa and WP...I emailed to "un-named" a lot of times....and he didn't bother to reply me...also he didn't replied my SMS messages, even he has told me if I got any problems with the Immigration or Labor office while I was waiting for my visa/WP then I could ask them to call him to verify that I was in the process applying for visa/WP....but 50% of the times I called him his mobile was turned off....!!

And he NEVER said anythign else about the second company I asked him to register for me...not a single word, not a single SMS and not a single email.....

Big was my surprise when I 2 months later got an email from him stating that I OWED him money!

1 year visa = 12,000 Baht

2 months overstay = 12,000 Baht

Personal income tax = 11,000 Baht

I asked "un-named" why do I get an overstay fine? You took care of this so you should pay the fine....and I denied to pay the fine at all...."un-named" had already paid...so the case was solved....

Also I denied to pay for a 1 year visa....I got a 30 days renewal...and I told him I was willing to pay 1,500 Baht, same as he charges for his visa runs....

Of course I denied to pay the personal income tax - why should I? I didn't have a WP for those months and I didn't have an income....so I was not expected to pay any tax....

Well...this is my story... I don't hope any of you ever experience anything like this...but YOU WILL if you ever ask this "un-named" company for assistance!!!

In those 4 months I was tortured by his incompentence, lies and waiting my nerves was on the outside of my skin....I felt totally helpless....

Companies like these should never be allowed to assist foreigners with anything at all!

Thanks for reading my story!

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It's difficult to determine who's more incompetent here your or "unnamed". Given several members here have had success with "unnamed". Deductive reasoning might prevail.

Overstaying is entirely your own fault IMHO.

Doing what you're doing on 30 day tourist stamps seems half assed. IMHO!

It's not too difficult to get a 90 non-im-B or even a 60 day tourist visa. If you have the money to buy a car you certainly should have the money to do your visas correctly and not half assed.

None of this is rocket science. It's performed over and over again by hundreds if not thousands a weeks.

Rule of thumb if you need to communicate with your lawyer in thailand go to his office, smile and politely inquire what's going on. If you have a chip on your shoulder as you appear to have you may not get very far. Going home might be the best option.

Edited by kasi
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I don't think it sounds fair, if Barrelhead really is telling it like it is/was.... sounds like a rip off to me???????

Ultimately the legal status of ones stay here in Thailand is your own. Why his passport was out of his hands for so long is unusual. The applications are all done with signed copies of everything. The physical passport is only necessary for actual visa and WP issuance.

Barrelhead may have a twit for lawyer but he is responsible for his own visa status and getting the proper advice.

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1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

If you see the forum rules, specifically rule 1 above, you will see why FTH removed the company name.

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It's difficult to determine who's more incompetent here your or "unnamed". Given several members here have had success with "unnamed". Deductive reasoning might prevail.

Overstaying is entirely your own fault IMHO.

Doing what you're doing on 30 day tourist stamps seems half assed. IMHO!

It's not too difficult to get a 90 non-im-B or even a 60 day tourist visa. If you have the money to buy a car you certainly should have the money to do your visas correctly and not half assed.

None of this is rocket science. It's performed over and over again by hundreds if not thousands a weeks.

Rule of thumb if you need to communicate with your lawyer in thailand go to his office, smile and politely inquire what's going on. If you have a chip on your shoulder as you appear to have you may not get very far. Going home might be the best option.

Sorry....thought it was clear that I of course had a non immigrant visa when I set up my first company....later when I sold this company and registered my new company I was told by "unnamed" that I could still use my current non immigrant b visa...so of course I did not intend to apply for a WP on a 30 days visa on arrival or tourist visa...it was a 30 days extension of my current non b visa! :o

Money wasn't the issue...I pay for what I get. I asked for a 1 year visa and a WP...and got 30 days...and no WP....

"Several members had success with "unnamed""...so far only 2 replies....this gives 'unnamed" a success rate at 50% so far....not that flattering though!

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If the service was really that bad why did it take you 4 months to take it into your own hands?

Yeah :o I often ask myself that question! Why didn't I do more about it? Why didn't I do something after the first month's waiting?

Well....I was recommended this "unnamed" company by a friend....and I saw many clients in the office everytime I went there....company looked busy....so I guessed they were professional and knew their way through the Thai bureaucrazy .....

I was wrong.... !

Oh, yes, they knew all the basic .... how to do a simple WP and a simple 1 year visa.....

In my case it was just not that "simple"...

I sold my company and registered a new one...which mean "unnamed" should apply for a visa extension on my behalf at the Phuket Immigration...and the immigration needed some docs...."unnamed" didn't manage to do this.....also he should cancel my old WP before I could apply for a new...."unnamed' still didn't manage it....

Now when I look back I can of course tell that I should have done it all by myself from the beginning! Saved 4 months of my time and saved a lot of money....

"Unnamed" keep telling me that he could not do anythign faster because I didn't supplied him with my docs, but both I, my wife and my staff visited his office, called him at his mobile or emailed him....when we were lucky to catch him, he said NO PROBLEMS, ALL DOCS ARE OKAY....

But now afterwards he tells me that he missed my docs....

But after some years in Thailand I am almost used to this kind of lousy service and lying to clients...so I'm not surprised!

You all know very well that Thais don't wanna loose face...so instead telling me "I don't know how to do this" then they keep telling me "please wait"...."Immigration is very busy"....."plase come back next week"....things like that....everything not to loose face....

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It's difficult to determine who's more incompetent here your or "unnamed". Given several members here have had success with "unnamed". Deductive reasoning might prevail.

Overstaying is entirely your own fault IMHO.

Doing what you're doing on 30 day tourist stamps seems half assed. IMHO!

It's not too difficult to get a 90 non-im-B or even a 60 day tourist visa. If you have the money to buy a car you certainly should have the money to do your visas correctly and not half assed.

None of this is rocket science. It's performed over and over again by hundreds if not thousands a weeks.

Rule of thumb if you need to communicate with your lawyer in thailand go to his office, smile and politely inquire what's going on. If you have a chip on your shoulder as you appear to have you may not get very far. Going home might be the best option.

Sorry....thought it was clear that I of course had a non immigrant visa when I set up my first company....later when I sold this company and registered my new company I was told by "unnamed" that I could still use my current non immigrant b visa...so of course I did not intend to apply for a WP on a 30 days visa on arrival or tourist visa...it was a 30 days extension of my current non b visa! :o

Money wasn't the issue...I pay for what I get. I asked for a 1 year visa and a WP...and got 30 days...and no WP....

"Several members had success with "unnamed""...so far only 2 replies....this gives 'unnamed" a success rate at 50% so far....not that flattering though!

I suspect english is not your first language because something is definitely missing in your communications.

You still haven't explained how you managed to have a 60 days overstay!

Someone was not paying attention I think!

BTW the communication issue could be causing the problems with your lawyer. Perhaps some extra care and patience on your behalf is warranted.

Just my 2 bahts worth


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I suspect english is not your first language because something is definitely missing in your communications.

You still haven't explained how you managed to have a 60 days overstay!

Someone was not paying attention I think!

BTW the communication issue could be causing the problems with your lawyer. Perhaps some extra care and patience on your behalf is warranted.

Just my 2 bahts worth


Right...I'm not a native English speaking...but I speak far better English than "unnamed"...and ALL our communication went through my Thai wife so my problem had nothing to do with communication.

Why I got 2 months overstay? "Unnamed" told me to visit his office with my passport same day as my visa expired...he would then "take care of it"....told me same day I would get a document fromt he Immigration that I was in the waiting line for a visa...never got that paper...this continued week after week... I never got the documentation that I had applied for a visa....what was I expected to do?? I am not the expert...."unnamed" was supposed to guide me thought this.....but he didn't manage.....

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Sure sounds like an unpleasant hassle. A different lawyer might the ticket for you. The one I use in Phuket town is very good no hassles or bad advice. Everything is done straight. Their english is good and are used to dealing with "farang".

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I have sympathy for the OP. Maybe you can learn from this and be extra careful next time.

In last 6 months I have walked from a number Thai business based on past experience both in Thailand and from home and because of the initial incompetent impression they gave. In a couple of cases my “6th sense” has been confirmed by other people I have talked to subsequently.

Now if I have a shadow of a doubt about ANYTHING I walk away, no second chances. It can be hard but believe me it is worth it.

Good luck

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If the service was really that bad why did it take you 4 months to take it into your own hands?

Yeah :o I often ask myself that question! Why didn't I do more about it? Why didn't I do something after the first month's waiting?

Well....I was recommended this "unnamed" company by a friend....

You should never listen to freinds or family when it comes to business decisions. In my opinion....

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Hi again,

Just got an email from u"unnamed": "Please pay money into my bank account"....

1. 12,000 Baht for a 1 year visa I never got! I offered him 1,500 Baht for his "30 days extention" which is the same price as his visa run!

2. 12,000 Baht for 2 months overstay - which was HIS OWN fault..."unnamed" NEVER warned me that I could risk paying overstay in case he didn't managed to get my visa in time....He told me to give him my passport the same day as my visa expired, so I thought it was normal custom....After 2 months I got my passport back with a 2 months overstay stamp...and "unnamed" had paid the overstay fine, which I thought was his service to me due to the delay of visa.

3. 10,000 Baht in personal income tax paid by "unnamed" .....I also deny to pay this....my wife is an accountant and tax auditor in the Thai Revenue Department, and she tells me (and I can also conclude this myself!): I don't need to pay personal income tax when I have no visa, no work permit and not able to work....While I waited all those months for my visa and my work permit, how can I work officially and pay income tax???

This 3rd issue clear confirms my theory that "unnamed" is totally useless....

And as far as now only 2 posts have said they are satisfied with "unnamed" 's service....50% of his clients are un-satisfied!

But I guess I'll have to pay some of the money to "unnamed" coz it's my own responsibility to make sure my stay in Thailand is legal...but where are we when we can't even trust "responsible" companies who claim they can arrange everything? :o

Edited by barrelhead
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.................................but where are we when we can't even trust "responsible" companies who claim they can arrange everything? :o


What ever company chosen, you just can't sit back and expect them to perform as promised.

You have to keep on top of them and check them on a regular basis.

Likite gives sound advice, any hint of incompetency, pull the plug.

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I have sympathy for the OP. Maybe you can learn from this and be extra careful next time.

In last 6 months I have walked from a number Thai business based on past experience both in Thailand and from home and because of the initial incompetent impression they gave. In a couple of cases my “6th sense” has been confirmed by other people I have talked to subsequently.

Now if I have a shadow of a doubt about ANYTHING I walk away, no second chances. It can be hard but believe me it is worth it.

Good luck

I totally agree. I m tired of ignoring that nagging feeling and throwing caution to the wind when I go somewhere and know the staff is clueless. (It took me 3 years to grow a very bad highlight job cause I ignored this feeling).

one of the more recent times was walking into an Accounting Office on that road between the circle and PTown and seeing the crusty, smug farang behind the desk. Scarry.

HOwever I found another accountant, Female, on that same road but furhter East towards PTown past the Aquarium Road.

So far so good. 2x I was running late and she was incredibly prompt, even calling me to make sure I was till comming because I was 10 minutes late.

She has followed up and contacted me when i have not contacted her in time.

4 Friends. So far so good but i have only registered the company as I stil have a work permit from my Employer. Her English is very clear and she is easy to speak with even on the phone.

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Big was my surprise when I 2 months later got an email from him stating that I OWED him money!

1 year visa = 12,000 Baht

2 months overstay = 12,000 Baht

Personal income tax = 11,000 Baht

I asked "un-named" why do I get an overstay fine? You took care of this so you should pay the fine....and I denied to pay the fine at all...."un-named" had already paid...so the case was solved....

Also I denied to pay for a 1 year visa....I got a 30 days renewal...and I told him I was willing to pay 1,500 Baht, same as he charges for his visa runs....

Of course I denied to pay the personal income tax - why should I? I didn't have a WP for those months and I didn't have an income....so I was not expected to pay any tax....

It may be he is billing you and not expecting full payment or any paument at all. He must send you a bill so he can write it off as a bad debt expense against his other earnings.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Big was my surprise when I 2 months later got an email from him stating that I OWED him money!

1 year visa = 12,000 Baht

2 months overstay = 12,000 Baht

Personal income tax = 11,000 Baht

I asked "un-named" why do I get an overstay fine? You took care of this so you should pay the fine....and I denied to pay the fine at all...."un-named" had already paid...so the case was solved....

Also I denied to pay for a 1 year visa....I got a 30 days renewal...and I told him I was willing to pay 1,500 Baht, same as he charges for his visa runs....

Of course I denied to pay the personal income tax - why should I? I didn't have a WP for those months and I didn't have an income....so I was not expected to pay any tax....

It may be he is billing you and not expecting full payment or any paument at all. He must send you a bill so he can write it off as a bad debt expense against his other earnings.

:D Good one!! Didn't think of that! :o But I'll keep you posted!

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  • 3 weeks later...

While I don't know the firms side of the story. I always remember the saying " there are two sides of every story and some where in the middle is the truth" That being said I think the firm should be contacted and given a chance to state their side. I think you should let the firms name be public . Maybe then they will be a little more cautious about their business practice. Thailand like many other countries, you have to be careful. REAL CAREFUL! There's ripoffs all over.

Maybe the firm will call the guy about the bill. I would have to mess with them by saying


Yea, I know we're in LOS. But people that do you wrong deserve it right back and double.

It is hard as a falang and have to take the bullcrap that is dished out by some people (falangs/thais)

Maybe some think you should just bend over and take it!!!! Even when you try to do your best due diligence and make your choices and decisions based on that foot work. And then you still get screwed!!

I have a falang lawyer(consultant) in a law firm that supposedly set up stuff (companies,etc.) He drafted a contract that was the worst cut&paste hack job that I've ever seen.

Unbelievably unprofessional .

I told him to seize all work on my behalf and forward all work product. I am still waiting weeks on end. My local lawyer is getting involved to see if this person actually did any thing that he claims he did. Wants to charge an unjust amount of hours for the work. Just glad I caught it when I did. How can you " TRUST " someone like this???????? I'll eventually post again the results of this when finished. And I have no problem telling the firm about my posts of them on this site so they can counter my claims. Because all I have to do is publish the contract and you all will see with your own eyes who is right and wrong. Let the cards fall where they may!

Do they have a bar association or any thing like that in LOS???????????? :o

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While I don't know the firms side of the story. I always remember the saying " there are two sides of every story and some where in the middle is the truth" That being said I think the firm should be contacted and given a chance to state their side. I think you should let the firms name be public . Maybe then they will be a little more cautious about their business practice. Thailand like many other countries, you have to be careful. REAL CAREFUL! There's ripoffs all over.

Maybe the firm will call the guy about the bill. I would have to mess with them by saying


Yea, I know we're in LOS. But people that do you wrong deserve it right back and double.

It is hard as a falang and have to take the bullcrap that is dished out by some people (falangs/thais)

Maybe some think you should just bend over and take it!!!! Even when you try to do your best due diligence and make your choices and decisions based on that foot work. And then you still get screwed!!

I have a falang lawyer(consultant) in a law firm that supposedly set up stuff (companies,etc.) He drafted a contract that was the worst cut&paste hack job that I've ever seen.

Unbelievably unprofessional .

I told him to seize all work on my behalf and forward all work product. I am still waiting weeks on end. My local lawyer is getting involved to see if this person actually did any thing that he claims he did. Wants to charge an unjust amount of hours for the work. Just glad I caught it when I did. How can you " TRUST " someone like this???????? I'll eventually post again the results of this when finished. And I have no problem telling the firm about my posts of them on this site so they can counter my claims. Because all I have to do is publish the contract and you all will see with your own eyes who is right and wrong. Let the cards fall where they may!

Do they have a bar association or any thing like that in LOS???????????? :D

:D:o:D Sounds exactly like the company that pissed me off!!

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