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Thai judge to face judicial discipline after going berserk


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"Bang the petulant ban nork up and move forward Thailand, you know it makes sense."........................................................................

If the people of Thailand knew what made sense they would be plotting to "bang up" another certain lady of influence, oh wait a minute, they are !

To those of you who think this lady's reaction was "berserk" you have not seen too many Thai ladies go off. If they had of tried the same with my missus you would have seen berserk alright. She hates the sight of coppers and tears strips off them if they dare to pull her up and book her for a traffic offense.

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i love a woman with balls

Well you're certainly in the right country then. No shortage of them. You could pick one up any time after 2100 as she exits Pattaya nick having paid her 100 baht for some misdeamenor.

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Just look at a Thai school book. 'Be polite and respectful to teachers and elders'.

Why not 'be polite and respectful to everybody'?

Oh right, Thai culture. rolleyes.gif

A total bitch working in my Amphur sporting four gold stripes on her shoulders was being quite rude and dismisive to me. I reminded her that I was older than she, was better educated than she, was more intelligent than she and had infinitely more money than she. All good Thai reasons why she should be paying me a measure of respect. She went into a huff but with bad grace provided the service that I required. My 'kop khun terak' must have ruined her day.

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In any developed country, or any country with true aspirations of ever being a developed country, any public figure (particularly one representing the judiciary and thereby being in a position to hold people accountable to the law) who acted with such utter contempt of the law, would be seriously penalized, up to and including being removed from the bench.

Imagine if a judge in the US illegally parked their car (for whatever reason) and then pulled a "Do you know who I am?" rant with the PD and committed acts of vandalism (throwing food on a police car and driving through barricades) because they impounded the car.

How long do you suppose a judge who acted that way would be on the bench?

The all powerful "face" is very closely related to respect. Someday, I hope that people like this realize that you need to be worthy of respect if you expect to receive it.

Yes, contrast this with what happened last month to a magistrate in the UK.

Whilst sentencing a convicted drug dealer she asked him to mend his ways and went on to describe how she had lost her own brother to drugs and the hell it had put her family through.

For that, she was suspended for 10 months pending an investigation and reprimanded by the Office for Judicial Complaints.

I sometimes think the West leans too far the other way.

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the clue to this story is in the details

Parked car (most likely where she always parks it)

Red Shirt protest (going on at the time)

Appeals Court Judge.........ahem

You forgot the video of a mad woman

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and she's in a position of power! Stupid fat arse John Wayne walk and driving away with metal barricades under the car, probably due to being too embarrassed to stop and remove them. I think she should be known as the right honourable stupid cow.

I couldn't even name that walk myself.. there must be Thai name for it is has a certain local look.. it certainly looked as one of the ugliest things I've ever seen.

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Umm let me see, what would I immediately arrest her for and charge her with?

Criminal Damage, Fail to stop after collision, Fail to exchange names and addresses, Fail to report, Conduct endangering person, careless driving and throw in a littering and interfere with motor vehicle, possibly using threatening words an unlawful assault.

No to defend this "lady"/

I bet \there is not even one single item like that in the Thai code. "unlawful assault.". Gotta love the self-proclamed lawyers for the other side of the world.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Two institutions held in extremely low esteem here, the "police" and the " judicial " system. Funny to see them having a go at each other...

I really wish the TAT would put a rest to the ongoing falsehood that Thailand is a nation of cool hearted people. It simple confuses tourists and gets them in trouble when they find out otherwise.

So who won? This lady of the Cops?

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Could be there was more to it than reported.

Could it be that, not knowing who she was, they asked her for tea money?

I suspect that would have really set her off.

If that had happened a better response would have been :

Certainly, but I would like to get a recording of your request and a photo of you accepting the cash.

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