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Role reversals


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I have a friend back home (29) who is currently dating a 48 year old woman. She is the ex wife of a wealthy lawyer, and apparently made out very well in her divorce.

It has been 2 months so far and she has taken him on holiday to the south of France, bought him thousands of dollars worth of cloths, multiple gadgets (iPhone, iPad, et.), takes him out every other night and pay's for everything.

He has a good job and is ver well educated. He told me he doesn't have sex with her, but I'm not sure if he's telling the truth.

I was telling this to a group of Thai girls in a bar on a recent trip to Bangkok. To my surprise they all thought that this was terrible and he was a bad guy for doing this.....

Is this a double standard or what.....

For the record, yes, he is only with her because she buy's him stuff......

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Telling this to a group of thai girls in a bar .what kind of bar might this be?upscale bar in bangkok maybe or a go go ?Last year i met a norwegian guy in buriram 28 years old and living with a 42 year old ex go go dancer she apperantly had no problem showing of her young scandinavian stud to the locals.

The guy was a sailor and spoke thai ,loa,and khmer.

Edited by Kudel
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Would ANYBODY been surprised about a 29 old girl being with a 48 year old man for money? I think not.

The only thing that is amazing is the 'REVERSAL' of roles.

Go to "Thailand Marriage For Money' thread I posted here about 3 - 4 days ago. I was wandering about the "Imbalance" in cases like this.

And yes, he doesn't have sex with her. She buys him all the things out of motherly love.

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I was telling this to a group of Thai girls in a bar on a recent trip to Bangkok. To my surprise they all thought that this was terrible and he was a bad guy for doing this.....

is it the fact he told you he doesn't have sex with her they were upset with or the age difference or the money she spend on him.

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I was telling this to a group of Thai girls in a bar on a recent trip to Bangkok. To my surprise they all thought that this was terrible and he was a bad guy for doing this.....

is it the fact he told you he doesn't have sex with her they were upset with or the age difference or the money she spend on him.

Sure... in their opinion that woman is rocking the boat and wrecking the market... tongue.png

As I stated in my above post this is a very rare and 'against the trend' case.

My feeling it is 1 in a 100 case

Edited by ABCer
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