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Anyone Know? Where Did All the Soul Brothers Go? In Thailand? CM, Too?

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This is just a short question, but interesting too.

Why do I see so relatively few "black" men in Thailand?

(I know, for example, there are plenty in China. They excel in learning the Chinese language and enjoy their studies at Chinese universities, learning things to be taken back to their home countries. They are predominantly from Africa, I think.)

I do not see many in Thailand.

In fact, so far I have not seen one in CM.

Why is that?

Something will continue to seem strange to me about this until I fully comprehend the reasons why.

Can anyone help me here?

I am just curious about this dearth of them.

If I had my way, I would encourage more to come.

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I regularly see youngish under 30's guys in areas around issan. I guess its a 50/50 mix of them playing soccer for local clubs while the rest are teaching in out of the way small village schools.

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There are not many I see in CM, a few mostly tourists. There is one black expat I know of that is an American male and another, a black female (retiree and teacher I think, respectively). From my experience mostly Americans and Brits rather than Africans up here.

In Bangkok I used to see lots of Nigerians at the big clothing market (can't remember the name of it - is over 5 floors or so and sells bulk clothing./shoes/bags/etc) - most Thais I know distrust the Nigerians and have quite derogatory view of them - I would guess that unfortunately some of this rubs off on other nations by view of their skin colour.

I also do not see many South Americans here (can't remember one actually) - so it is possibly simply a case of need or desire to visit - what does Thailand haver to offer people from countries that have long histories (culture and sightseeing) and warm weather that overcomes the cost of getting and staying here, that they can't get at home or closer to home?

Having said all that Thailand has quite a Reggae following.

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I don't want to get off topic here, but maybe some people who would ordinarily wish to come have the perception, wrong or right, that Thailand may not be as friendly toward "blacks", as for another color.

But I do not think so. I think that people here in CM are friendly toward everyone.

Also, during the past 42 years since I first came to Asia, I have often asked myself why I do not see more blacks, in Japan, Taiwan, HK, and even in China, although I know there are many.

I come from the 'burbs of a large city in America where the presence of blacks is a given, about 15 to 25 percent in the city, and in my neck of the woods, about 0% while growing up, but I did NOT stay there.

Since posting the above topic, I have been sort of surfing around for some data about the real numbers, here in CM, and also in the rest of Thailand, and SE Asia, and East Asia.

But I came across this short comment from a blog, discussing one man's thoughts about coming to CM, and why not just post it here, not to over emphasize this aspect of the topic, but to mention it:

"Re: Chiang Mai- For 2 African American Guys: Fun?

There is a negative perception of africans here because of the illegal scams they run and because of the US military (from days long past). At least, this is how my Thai friends put it. However, I wouldn't worry about the pub scene/city scene. If you speak like a native and aren't a prick to the locals, you shouldn't have any trouble, AND at the end of the night you still can fall back on some services, if you can't find it for free."

NO, please do not think you are back in Anthropology 101 (SOC101?) at the PUB.

But this topic and this question must have crossed your minds often.

So here is a good chance to come to a few conclusions about what we do not know.

OR, WE COULD hire an expert to do a study

And a poll.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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Yep, Lower Sukhumvit has a good few African guys and girls.

Some of them don't endear themselves to the locals with their anti-social behaviour - selling drugs or selling seriously big booty

Some suggest that the Thais don't like black people but that's not been my experience. They're very nice to me but they probably realise I'm not from Nigeria, Ghana etc. Most think I'm an American (God forbid) but when they hear the Englsih accent, their curiosity ratchets up by a couple of notches.

Maybe if I moved out of BKK, things might be different, I don't know.

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