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Retirement Extension Accomplished Today

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This morning at 10:30 I arrived at Phibun Immigrations here in Ubon Ratchathani. After being closed for two days and this being a short 3 day work week, the placed was packed. They have a new system in place where you take a number like in the banks and post offices, then have a seat and wait your turn.

To make a short report even shorter, I submitted the following items along with 1900 Baht:

1) Passport

2) Income Affidavit from the US Embassy

3) Form TM-7 Application for Extension of Temporary Stay in the Kingdom (with one 2cm x 6cm photo)

4) Form TM-6 Arrival/Departure card (along with 2 copies each of the front and back.)

Also included were 2 copies of the following pages from my passport:

a) Signature page

B) Initial Non-Immigrant O Visa stamped page

c) Latest Extension of Stay stamped page

As an additional hedge, I had two copies of my Retirement Pension Statement which shows monthly and annual amounts paid plus contact information, and my Thai Yellow Book house registration—neither of which are required...though I included them in the stack of papers I turned in.

My number was called after about 30 minutes, my paperwork was processed in 30 minutes. At 11:30 I walked out the door with my 1 year extension. All was smiles and cordial.


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