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Why Would Anyone Be a Mia Noi? Well, Here's About a Milllion Reasons


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Can anyone please define prostitution? Is that a woman that gives you a 300 baht special massage? Is it having a mia noi? Is it having a wife you met because she saw you driving a porsche at the golf club when she was a caddy?

Good question.

I would say its when male or female gives out her body in return for some financial compensation and relationship is based on financial compensation in any form

Body ..or brain??? Seems we could all be prostitutes in one form or another

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Man does not love mia noi, Man loves his wife, If man loved mia noi, she would not be a mia noi.

Mia Noi's are usually younger and used for sexual purposes ONLY.

The moment she stops to perform or man finds someone younger or better looking or better in bed, mia noi gets dumped.

I do believe that a Mia Noi is much more than just sex. If a guy wanted just sex, he'd be better off with a Gik, who's much more interchangeable. Not to mention that it's so easy to find sex with a different girl every night if that's what a guy is after. And much cheaper. Why tie yourself down to one person with that financial obligation as well? No, I do believe that there's something emotional there. Isn't it possible to be in love with two women?

In Thailand it is easy to find sex for the night, in other countries not so.

Also those who can afford mia noi, surely do not want to stroll bars or be seen "looking", i also think its the idea of "ownership"

ie no one else gets to have her.

Of course no doubt, there is more than sex, but i think it many cases love is somewhat an infatuation, because they remain married and many will not leave the wife, though many do and marry the mia noi.

Just an example, a friend of mine, 37 years old, married with 3 kids, has affairs every now and then, because he loves the mother of his kids, but does not love the woman he is married to(hope it makes sense)

Sure does.....we call them Catholics

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Having seen what goes on in North America within supposedly happy marriages I think the Thai system of men taking a Mai Noi is not a bad idea. Too many people, myself included, have been brain washed by our quasi Christian beliefs and the hypocritical values of the clergy. When I compare Christian hypocrites to Thai prostitutes or Mai nois I think I'll choose the Thailand system.

I don't see any actual difference between women who marry strictly for social position and those that use their bodies to raise money for their families or a better life style. It is just that we've been sold a false set of values by an old fashioned bible that has been altered many times by clergy who have ulterior motives.

So your wife is ok with it that you have 1 on the side ?

As with many Thai wives, she is probably OK as long as the relationship is not flaunted and she doesn't lose face.

Maybe not at one time, but probably now that I've learned something of the Thai culture. It all depends on what you have invested and are willing to lose. Many of the past American presidents had affairs and their wives discretely accepted them because it wasn't flaunted. Most marriages are very similar to business arrangements. In some cases they are nothing but business arrangements. In many countries, marriages are arranged by parents and families. The married couple have no say in it at all. Love or sexual attraction has no basis in the arrangement. Who says one is right and another is wrong.

Haha. And marriages are like Business alliances. They always have a beginning and an end...

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Human beings are just not mean to be monogamous, it's not natural, it's just out of date religious bullshit that makes people thing it's normal.

And that profound statement is supported by what?

Supported by the fact that monogomy is probably in the minority.

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Human beings are just not mean to be monogamous, it's not natural, it's just out of date religious bullshit that makes people thing it's normal.

And that profound statement is supported by what?

Supported by the fact that monogomy is probably in the minority.

Perhaps in the current generation, who also do not really want to work or do much else.

Seems to be very different with the older generations.

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Human beings are just not mean to be monogamous, it's not natural, it's just out of date religious bullshit that makes people thing it's normal.

And that profound statement is supported by what?

Supported by the fact that monogomy is probably in the minority.

Perhaps in the current generation, who also do not really want to work or do much else.

Seems to be very different with the older generations.

As a person from an older generation,

I never wanted to work or do much else either.

Is was just that then if I didn't work, nobody would give me money.

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As a person from an older generation,

I never wanted to work or do much else either.

Is was just that then if I didn't work, nobody would give me money.

You should have moved to Thailand earlier, and either dressed as a girl or walked the soi's:P

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Just like I don't want to eat the same dish every day, only drink one drink, watch one TV show, visit one website, wear the same clothes etc etc etc for the rest of my life....I don't want to have sex with the same women every day either.

Monogamy is not normal. It's a bizarre concept that makes no logical sense. It's not in human nature to stick with one thing for life.

Humans need change and that means change in who we have sex with too.

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After reading many of the comments including the word prostitute the social mores of eastern culture and western puritanical guilt illuminate. I trend to avoid passing moral judgement on the way others choose to live their life's. other than a legal document I see very little difference in most couplings.

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I realize this has gone on from my original post, but I thought I would give a little update to anyone who is intersested. I have kept my wife updated as to what is being posted here, so when her friend came over to the house yesterday, she asked her how she had managed to amass her money.

First, she gets a very healthy allowance from her man. Then, she got paid extremely well when she ran one of his restaurants. But most of her money has come from stocks. Her man thought that since her degrees are in finance, she must be good in stocks, so he gave her one of his portfolios to run. He also got some of his friends to do the same. Whether these are official portfolios or ones that are being kept secret from family members, I don't know and my wife didn't ask. She gets some amount of money for running those. Then she has invested heavily with her own money as well. She did say that her man has made a higher percentage with her managing his account than he has with another account with a western investment firm.

She lives for free, too. She lives in a condo that has to be worth at least 12 million baht, and while it is in her name, her man pays for everything.

I am not part of the mia noi scene (I can't afford it, so my druthers are irrelevant.), but I thought mia nois were supposed to be pretty good looking and were changed for a newer model quite regulalry. While she is quite well endowed up top, my wife's friend is not particularly pretty, and she has put on some pounds over the years. Whatever has kept her and her man together for so long, it is not that she is some young hottie he wants to take to bed.

I am not one to get into all the discussion of what constitutes a prostitute or not. I try not to make moral judgments on things that are simple lifestyle choices. I just thought it was amazing that a mia noi was able to amass so much money, certainly more than I have in my lifetime of working.

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Thank you for the update, Luckizuchinni. It was just as I suspected. The smart woman invested wisely. I do believe it is possible to love more than one person, but for different reasons. After all, we can love our parents, our siblings and our children if we have any. I like some of my friends more than I like my sister, even though my sister and I were very close at one time.

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Can anyone please define prostitution? Is that a woman that gives you a 300 baht special massage? Is it having a mia noi? Is it having a wife you met because she saw you driving a porsche at the golf club when she was a caddy?

Good question.

I would say its when male or female gives out her body in return for some financial compensation and relationship is based on financial compensation in any form

A good question indeed.

The answer is wanting, though, as it clearly includes most of so called 'marriages'.

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Can anyone please define prostitution? Is that a woman that gives you a 300 baht special massage? Is it having a mia noi? Is it having a wife you met because she saw you driving a porsche at the golf club when she was a caddy?

Good question.

I would say its when male or female gives out her body in return for some financial compensation and relationship is based on financial compensation in any form

A good question indeed.

The answer is wanting, though, as it clearly includes most of so called 'marriages'.

As I previously pointed out, very little in the way of sex after marriage so clearly not prostitution.

A wise man once said "Getting married because you like sex is a little like buying a jumbo jet because you enjoy eating peanuts."

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So with all the financial acumen and management skills as described in detail in OP's post #106, the whole reason for this topic as stated in OP #1 is that this woman needed help filling out a visa form?

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, so I'm new to the language and common phrases.

I can make out from reading the thread so far that "mia noi" refers to a working lady.

Could someone be kind enough to break down the meaning of each word for me?

And just for being nice, I'll give you the Cantonese and Japanese equivalence:

Cantonese: Gai.............chicken........for they lady

...................Aup............duck.............for the man

Japanese: Baishu.........Bai: Sell...........Shu...spring......literally, Selling spring.

(Japanese are very poetic like that).

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