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US ambassador mum on defrocked monk's visa status


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  • If the charges against this monk about sexual abuse of minors are based on evidence then he would have been extradited from France.

    Now that he went to the USA it all depends on how much money he has to hire expensive lawyers.

    There is the previous case of Phra Yantra


    According to Thai officials, there was phsyical evidence (credit card receipts) as well as witness accounts of his sexual misconduct. According to a US immigration judge (who granted him political asylum) he was a victim of persecution due to his popularity and public criticisms of corruption. Where does the truth lie?

The article states that they asked ...

have charges been filed?

And in such cases some of the evidence will be presented for extradition

Which can then be presented to the US and Interpol and any other country for that matter

oh wait nothing said about that. Its Thai press release why in heck would I expect some real substantive concrete inofrmation to be given.

Likely that is the reason the ambassador did not respond

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