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'Viral Ad' of young Thai star taking meth turns out to be real


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'Viral Ad' Of Young Star Taking Meth Turns Out To Be Real

Promotional picture of 'Hormones' the series

BANGKOK: -- When a photo showing a popular young actress of a popular series taking drug as her friend looked on started to surface on the internet, many people in the social network simply shrugged, thinking it was another viral marketing campaign.

After all, viral advertisement, which purported to have captured celebrities in outrageous moments and turned out to be endorsement of certain products later, is becoming more common in Thailand.

Just last month, the internet was brewing with controversy about an actress who was filmed shouting abuse at her fans in a shopping mall. The actress was forced to speak out later on a TV talk show, explaining that the incident was in fact a stunt for US-based candies Snickers.

The series in which the girl was featured - called Hormones - also has reputation about showing controversial actions of teenagers such as having sex and smoking in school.

Therefore, many people were not really surprised when PR team of the 16-year-old star reassured its audience on Facebook yesterday (25 July) that the picture was simply a teaser for a separate TV show which would feature a scene showing drug abuse with a moral message at the end of the show that drugs are bad for teenagers.

The statement also promised a press conference later in the day in which the actress would explain all about it. The press conference did take place, but what followed is enormously off the script.

Instead of the star, her father appeared at the press conference and, in front of dozens of reporters assembled there, said that his daughter admitted to him that she did take methamphetamine and was photographed doing so. She did not know how the photo leaked, the father said, and she told him she only tried the drug "once".

"I and my family and my daughter are very sorry about the naive action ... Please accept apology from my daughter. She did it out of naivety. She is young, she has no experience in life," her father said.

The father did not give much detail and, after talking to the press for only 5 minutes or so, left the press conference. But the brief press event quickly convinced members of the media that the news has escalated into a drug abuse case of an underage actress.

As Thai publishing regulations prohibits identification of underage individual involved in potentially criminal action, Khaosod cannot identify the actress by her real name.

Meanwhile, Mr. Songyot Sukmark-anand, the director of the Hormones series, said in a press conference that he initially thought the photo was part of the PR team′s viral marketing campaign as the series had adopted many methods to promote the show.

Full story: http://www.khaosod.co.th/en/view_newsonline.php?newsid=TVRNM05EZ3pNVEl5Tmc9PQ==

-- KHAOSOD English 2013-07-26

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Apparently the show is to be re-vamped as it gives young Thais bad thoughts and a false impression etc. In other words nothing but perfection can be shown on TV to reflect how well ordered society is.

They will edit the fictional TV show, whilst the real video goes viral?? Someone I know got 18 months for having two pills in his pocket.

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Only tried one of the most addictive drugs on the planet "once"? I know that's what the father wants to believe with all his heart but the odds are against it. A sad family tragedy unfolding - all the more so because it is in the public eye.

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Someone in Thailand actually admitted fault and apologised? What the hell have they been smoking?

Ya ba. Did you read the OP?

The father was smoking ya baa? Did you read the OP?

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Agreed. It's rare to see someone step up and admit fault and apologize like that. I'm not buying the "I only did it one time" thing although anyone in her shoes at that age would probably have said the same. I'm sure her Dad isn't buying that part either. I think the real story here is he made her own up to it publicly rather than waiting for the story to get buried or the PR machine to spin it.

Only tried one of the most addictive drugs on the planet "once"? I know that's what the father wants to believe with all his heart but the odds are against it. A sad family tragedy unfolding - all the more so because it is in the public eye.

Yes, really, unbelievable as it may seem fellas many people can try drugs once, including ice and never go near it again. Speaking from personal experience here and that of other friends and other substances. YOu have been living a sheltered life. Never mind. You'll get there in a few more years.

Be sure you never try anything. I could be dangerous.

You also seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me or what I've tried. I speak from experience when I say had I gotten caught by mom and dad at that age I almost certainly would have claimed the "only did it once" defense as if that somehow mattered. Sure, maybe she only tried it once. Does it matter? You believe her then great. I don't know the girl...don't really care. But if I was her father, friend, or the stranger that I am I'm not inclined to believe that on the first time she tried it she was foolish enough to allow it to get caught on camera. Perhaps I have a personal bias because if it were me I wouldn't be truthful. I just find it silly you would believe a confessed yaba experimenter solely based on the fact you tried things yourself. Anyway, hooray for you. If I were on trial I'd want you in the jury.

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Agreed. It's rare to see someone step up and admit fault and apologize like that. I'm not buying the "I only did it one time" thing although anyone in her shoes at that age would probably have said the same. I'm sure her Dad isn't buying that part either. I think the real story here is he made her own up to it publicly rather than waiting for the story to get buried or the PR machine to spin it.

Only tried one of the most addictive drugs on the planet "once"? I know that's what the father wants to believe with all his heart but the odds are against it. A sad family tragedy unfolding - all the more so because it is in the public eye.

Yes, really, unbelievable as it may seem fellas many people can try drugs once, including ice and never go near it again. Speaking from personal experience here and that of other friends and other substances. YOu have been living a sheltered life. Never mind. You'll get there in a few more years.

Be sure you never try anything. I could be dangerous.

You also seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me or what I've tried. I speak from experience when I say had I gotten caught by mom and dad at that age I almost certainly would have claimed the "only did it once" defense as if that somehow mattered. Sure, maybe she only tried it once. Does it matter? You believe her then great. I don't know the girl...don't really care. But if I was her father, friend, or the stranger that I am I'm not inclined to believe that on the first time she tried it she was foolish enough to allow it to get caught on camera. Perhaps I have a personal bias because if it were me I wouldn't be truthful. I just find it silly you would believe a confessed yaba experimenter solely based on the fact you tried things yourself. Anyway, hooray for you. If I were on trial I'd want you in the jury.

With problems like this I believe in the adage...Trust but verify.
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Only tried one of the most addictive drugs on the planet "once"? I know that's what the father wants to believe with all his heart but the odds are against it. A sad family tragedy unfolding - all the more so because it is in the public eye.

I tried it once. Once. Didn't wake up the next day craving for more. Neither the day after that. Neither next week. Not today either.

Addictiveness has more to do with ones' proneness to being addicted, and not so much the drug itself, methinks.

More to do with a multitude of reasons than any single one, especially an ambiguous one like proneness...

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Agreed. It's rare to see someone step up and admit fault and apologize like that. I'm not buying the "I only did it one time" thing although anyone in her shoes at that age would probably have said the same. I'm sure her Dad isn't buying that part either. I think the real story here is he made her own up to it publicly rather than waiting for the story to get buried or the PR machine to spin it.

Only tried one of the most addictive drugs on the planet "once"? I know that's what the father wants to believe with all his heart but the odds are against it. A sad family tragedy unfolding - all the more so because it is in the public eye.

Yes, really, unbelievable as it may seem fellas many people can try drugs once, including ice and never go near it again. Speaking from personal experience here and that of other friends and other substances. YOu have been living a sheltered life. Never mind. You'll get there in a few more years.

Be sure you never try anything. I could be dangerous.

You also seem to be making a lot of assumptions about me or what I've tried. I speak from experience when I say had I gotten caught by mom and dad at that age I almost certainly would have claimed the "only did it once" defense as if that somehow mattered. Sure, maybe she only tried it once. Does it matter? You believe her then great. I don't know the girl...don't really care. But if I was her father, friend, or the stranger that I am I'm not inclined to believe that on the first time she tried it she was foolish enough to allow it to get caught on camera. Perhaps I have a personal bias because if it were me I wouldn't be truthful. I just find it silly you would believe a confessed yaba experimenter solely based on the fact you tried things yourself. Anyway, hooray for you. If I were on trial I'd want you in the jury.

SoiDog and Rice are correct. The chances this was her only time smoking are slim to damn near none. Is it possible to smoke ice once and never smoke it again? Yes, but what we're talking about is the probability of this being the truth in this case.

Those who say they've smoked it once and never done it again, I believe you. As to it having some sort of corrolation with addictiveness? No. That is bullshit. Try smoking it once a day for a week and then come back and say the same thing. You wouldn't be able to.

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controversial actions of teenagers such as having sex and smoking in school

shocking whistling.gif

sad.png Yes its shocking isn't it. Abhorrent. The young these days know no bounds. facepalm.gif

Sex and drugs and rock and roll. OMG

Sounds like the good ole days

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