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Thai f/friend in Bkk looking for a foreign boyfriend, what to advise her, places to go etc. ?


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Many, many hansum Farang in this thread. Clearly not the same guys I see wandering around Siam Paragon and Emporium (damn those would-be hi-so women and their credit cards !) - they must hang out somewhere much classier. You should give us a better idea of your preferred hangouts so we can direct any hot Thai women in your direction. I'm guessing 'penthouse on Upper Suk' probably isnt going to cut it - just the name of a club/restaurant and some idea of what nights you might be there - I need to know just how high the bar has been set.

Shame on those pretenders at Paragon et al - I might as well be strutting around in an Hawaiian shirt, shorts and flipflops (complete with socks...) if Thai women have no appreciation for a man wearing a cravat ;)

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Some of you posters on here crack me up biggrin.png my sister - 48 - in the UK and has never had a relationship with a guy over 30. She's pretty independent and says she wouldn't want some old fart trying to lord it over her, together the fact the younger guys have no kids/emotional baggage. She said she would never come to a place like this as it would be full of old wrinkly men sitting stonefaced (no conversation) with his child bride playing with her 'Hello Kitty' 'phone laugh.png

Tell your friend to go with the meet.up group. At least she'll have a selection. Face to Face thumbsup.gif

I assume you're being truthful about your 48 yr old sister. But surely, you must recognize that she's the exception. Not many guys under 30 would be interested in a 48 yr old woman, and if they are, I'm sure you'd be thinking the same as most people ("what's wrong with this guy?")

Frankly, if the 47 yr old in the OP has been single all this time, then I'm 100% certain that she's not attractive. Because if she were, some guy would have already snatched her up. And the excuse that she's been busy with "studying or career" is completely bogus. If she's hot, I don't care how busy she is, SOME GUY would have charmed his way into her life.

So what you have is an older, unattractive woman who's probably honest, intelligent, witty, loyal, reasonably well-off, and just a wonderful person all-around. Any takers? I'll pass.

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At 47, and independent she is not going to be interested in some guy that doesn't have either a stable career, a stable "retirement" or his feet on the ground. I would expect she is going to be open to the 40 to 60 year old male demographic, with exceptions understood for someone "special" outside that demographic. Ok, so now ask yourself where decent people "hang out" in that age demographic. The places I have seen such people are;

1. The quasi sports clubs, golf clubs, tennis clubs, sailing clubs and some of the local cycling clubs. She may want to take up one of these athletic activities.

2. Hospitals. There are a number of rather kind hearted foreigners who volunteer at some of the hospitals.

3. Benevolent organizations. The number of very respectable foreigners that help out some of the wildlife charities and animal shelter groups is impressive. There are a few refugee dedicated groups that attract some of the foreign crowd. Often they are spouses of foreign embassy staff or multinational company executives. Those ladies are often good sources of referrals. I've seen a few retired engineers and ex military males volunteering over the years.

Good luck.

nice , helpfull and informative reply.makes a refreshing change on here.good on you.+1

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So why has this apparently amazing and incredible, intelligent, well off, women never found a man?

She's had plenty of years to try.

Something isn't right.

Not necessarily so.

During my lifetime I have known many women who while young and attractive, preferred not to settle down and had no ambitions of becoming a happy little housewife with one partner. They had no problems finding boyfriends and could pick and choose. These girls could enjoy a free and easy life, good social life; have careers, build up material wealth and assets, the best of all worlds without having the commitments of a marriage and a husband in tow. Some even wanted a child but without a husband included with the package.

Then suddenly one day they turn 40, getting passed their sell by date and the guys start losing interest, most of their friends are now already married, less career opportunities open to them and they see a future of being alone or as we say in the trade; being left on the shelf. And then these women consider that time is running out and decide to seek a marriage partner before it`s too late.

It is always easier for an aging man to find a wife, than vice versa, because most men have to feel physically attracted to woman, where as women judge men more so by their status and material wealth, or as suitable providers rather than by physical attraction.


but you actually saying the same thing. now she's 47 all of a sudden she wants a marriage and husband where before she decided she doesnt need a man, beccause we are all idiots.lol.

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We are the purchaser not the produce.

Sooooooooooooo, in ''your'' life you consider your financial input to a relationship the paramount thing. Yes/No/ ?

It's not important what he considers.

It's important how sexual markets work. Looks and age are a minor factor when it comes to men. It is the biggest factors when it comes to women. Biology and evolution.

Your wording is a tad confusing. But if you're saying that men care more about looks than women, I'd agree. If a guy does not find a woman physically attractive, then nothing else really matters.

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just be honest and tell her farang men are no better than thais

and at 47 .... maybe she can become a nurse to an 80-90 year old fat farang with some money, if she pays for the wedding and she pays some dowry


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just be honest and tell her farang men are no better than thais

and at 47 .... maybe she can become a nurse to an 80-90 year old fat farang with some money, if she pays for the wedding and she pays some dowry


If your 15 you cannot be a member here chummy. rolleyes.gif

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Thai Visa sure is full of experts on love and sexuality. cheesy.gif

Weeeeeeeeeeeell, when one has been married a ''few'' times, like me whistling.gif , gone through the honeymoon period, a ''few'' times, like me whistling.gif, perhaps some can talk with some knowledge on the subject. smile.png

As I told CMK; if you've been married three times, and not married now, and I've been married once, and still married, who's good at it?

I think relationships are more about individuals than numbers.


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Thai Visa sure is full of experts on love and sexuality. cheesy.gif

Weeeeeeeeeeeell, when one has been married a ''few'' times, like me whistling.gif , gone through the honeymoon period, a ''few'' times, like me whistling.gif, perhaps some can talk with some knowledge on the subject. smile.png

As I told CMK; if you've been married three times, and not married now, and I've been married once, and still married, who's good at it?

I think relationships are more about individuals than numbers.


It would depend on how long each marriage lasted.

If you, SC, had done one lasting 2 years, but transam had done 3 lasting 20 years each ......... then we would need to wait a bit longer before deciding the winner.

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So why has this apparently amazing and incredible, intelligent, well off, women never found a man?

She's had plenty of years to try.

Something isn't right.

Not necessarily so.

During my lifetime I have known many women who while young and attractive, preferred not to settle down and had no ambitions of becoming a happy little housewife with one partner. They had no problems finding boyfriends and could pick and choose. These girls could enjoy a free and easy life, good social life; have careers, build up material wealth and assets, the best of all worlds without having the commitments of a marriage and a husband in tow. Some even wanted a child but without a husband included with the package.

Then suddenly one day they turn 40, getting passed their sell by date and the guys start losing interest, most of their friends are now already married, less career opportunities open to them and they see a future of being alone or as we say in the trade; being left on the shelf. And then these women consider that time is running out and decide to seek a marriage partner before it`s too late.

It is always easier for an aging man to find a wife, than vice versa, because most men have to feel physically attracted to woman, where as women judge men more so by their status and material wealth, or as suitable providers rather than by physical attraction.


but you actually saying the same thing. now she's 47 all of a sudden she wants a marriage and husband where before she decided she doesnt need a man, beccause we are all idiots.lol.

That's wildly presumptuous and unkind. Maybe she was in a relationship that has ended-like maybe in death? Maybe she couldn't have kids, or didn't want to which locked her out or marriage when she was younger.

Maybe her career came first and it involved a lot traveling. Maybe she was just too busy.

Let's sum up suggestions ..

She should; Work or volunteer at a Vet's animal hospital that foreigners frequent.

Search embassy death roles for widowers,

Join a church or foreigner's club. ( Hey the Foreign Correspondent's Club in BKK has good eats for cheap. )

Hang out at airport's International arrivals hall.

Edited by EBlair48
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It would depend on how long each marriage lasted.
If you, SC, had done one lasting 2 years, but transam had done 3 lasting 20 years each ......... then we would need to wait a bit longer before deciding the winner.

For me, it was, (from start to finish in years).........7.....7.....23............I would say that the 7 year thingy has some truth. smile.png

i concede you are far better at long term relationships than i. however i dont concede that you have actually won anything. looks more like a glutton for punishment. 3 divorces that takes real stamina and endurance i am sure. actually you deserve a medal for outstanding service beyond the call of duty to mankind, for it could have been me or someone else who went through that emotional roller coaster with those women but you bravely saved others from the 3 of them wai.gif . me life long single. stopped playing the game a long time ago and with thai girls even longer. sure theres still the many smiles but theres no follow through coming from me. just one or two unknow yaa baa babies does that to a man. not worth the gamble. still a pleasant enough place to eat and sleep though.

Edited by banned1000
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i concede you are far better at long term relationships than i. however i dont concede that you have actually won anything. looks more like a gluten for punishment.

Gluten-free for punishment isn't always possible. We pays our money and takes our choice.

I don't much care for success or failure in the long run because you're right, we don't win anything, but neither lose. 'Tis life.

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i concede you are far better at long term relationships than i. however i dont concede that you have actually won anything. looks more like a gluten for punishment.

Gluten-free for punishment isn't always possible. We pays our money and takes our choice.

I don't much care for success or failure in the long run because you're right, we don't win anything, but neither lose. 'Tis life.

fixed ty.

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So what's the conclusion here about this topic? I'd say consensus is that Miss 47's clock ran out for snagging a foreigner. I think she should try and look for a Thai mate. I've seen many Thais looking for Gf's in this age bracket

Not my conclusion.

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So what's the conclusion here about this topic? I'd say consensus is that Miss 47's clock ran out for snagging a foreigner. I think she should try and look for a Thai mate. I've seen many Thais looking for Gf's in this age bracket

If she couldn't snag a Thai guy after all these years, how would she be able to do it now? That's why she's "going farang" in the first place. But like many have said, at 47, the odds are definitely stacked against her. I recall in the USA there was a controversial study that concluded women would be more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get married after 40. Boy, a lot of women got really upset with that one. But it's reality. She's going to have to "settle" for someone and it's not going to be pretty.

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So what's the conclusion here about this topic? I'd say consensus is that Miss 47's clock ran out for snagging a foreigner. I think she should try and look for a Thai mate. I've seen many Thais looking for Gf's in this age bracket

If she couldn't snag a Thai guy after all these years, how would she be able to do it now? That's why she's "going farang" in the first place. But like many have said, at 47, the odds are definitely stacked against her. I recall in the USA there was a controversial study that concluded women would be more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get married after 40. Boy, a lot of women got really upset with that one. But it's reality. She's going to have to "settle" for someone and it's not going to be pretty.

What a load of tosh. laugh.png

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So what's the conclusion here about this topic? I'd say consensus is that Miss 47's clock ran out for snagging a foreigner. I think she should try and look for a Thai mate. I've seen many Thais looking for Gf's in this age bracket

If she couldn't snag a Thai guy after all these years, how would she be able to do it now? That's why she's "going farang" in the first place. But like many have said, at 47, the odds are definitely stacked against her. I recall in the USA there was a controversial study that concluded women would be more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get married after 40. Boy, a lot of women got really upset with that one. But it's reality. She's going to have to "settle" for someone and it's not going to be pretty.

What a load of tosh. laugh.png

Look, I'm not trying to be mean, just sensible. Telling this poor woman that there are tons of quality guys dying to meet her would be more of a "tosh." But hey, have her go to these swank places to meet all these "eligible" guys. I'm sure she'll be like a kid in a candy store....whistling.gif

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So what's the conclusion here about this topic? I'd say consensus is that Miss 47's clock ran out for snagging a foreigner. I think she should try and look for a Thai mate. I've seen many Thais looking for Gf's in this age bracket

If she couldn't snag a Thai guy after all these years, how would she be able to do it now? That's why she's "going farang" in the first place. But like many have said, at 47, the odds are definitely stacked against her. I recall in the USA there was a controversial study that concluded women would be more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get married after 40. Boy, a lot of women got really upset with that one. But it's reality. She's going to have to "settle" for someone and it's not going to be pretty.

What a load of tosh. laugh.png

Look, I'm not trying to be mean, just sensible. Telling this poor woman that there are tons of quality guys dying to meet her would be more of a "tosh." But hey, have her go to these swank places to meet all these "eligible" guys. I'm sure she'll be like a kid in a candy store....whistling.gif

better still hire someone to take her. pretending they are an item together. it amazes me completely how utterly attractive to other men a woman becomes when she is in my company. if she is by herself they just dont notice or try for her. but when she is with me the bees come to the honey pot from all around. like i said before not worth the effort on my part anymore.

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^^ Sorry, chaps, but you'll need to summarise the actual practical advice; I couldn't glean it from the posts above. I assume you were trying to be helpful, but without a decent summary, an abstract, it sounded a bit like lunatic ranting.



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Tell her at 47 she has no hope in hell ,she offers nothing to most at this age.,Be truthful to her i say and think to yourself why she is really single .And no thai woman is 100% ok never ever, youll be a fool to beleive that quote

Are you serious? If you think that woman at 47 is washed up, then obviously you are using your peer group as a reference point. There are plenty of women who are quite desirable even when they are older. Maybe you have never met them, but I have come in contact with plenty of independent business ladies and scientists that are still quite desirable. Many educated and secure males are not attracted to uneducated low class bar trade workers or 7-11 clerks, no matter how beautiful. After awhile, the ignorance and undeveloped social skills cause grief.


The poster here forgot to mention that his age is 70+ I guess at that age anythings a looker

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