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Chalerm baffles nation by insisting young star did not take drug


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Crystal meth has a half life of 10 hours and will be out of the system within 1-4 days, hence nothing found in hers.

A normal drug test will show the use of Methamphetamine up to 3-5 days in urine. If they do a drug hair test it can show the use up to 90 days

Edited by hanuman2543
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As an avid follower of politics for many years, I have to say that this is one of the most bizarre things I've seen.

The real story here, and rightly so, is every parent's worst nightmare - their child is taking drugs. Forget for a moment her being caught - being caught so publicly - and put yourself into the farther's shoes . The parents have just discovered that their little girl is paying with drugs. Shock horror! I think he handled the situation very well;- kids will be kids, they sometimes experiment with sex and drugs and rock and roll. Child misbehaved, she's been given a stern talking to and a slap on the legs and she's grounded for 6 weeks as punishment and to ensure that she has learned her lesson. It's all finished. Move along nothing else to see. What every other father of a 16 year old would (or should) do. Other parents would sympathise, there but for the grace of Buddha etc. Everyone came out of it fairly well. But then it's not over because for some reason a relatively high profile career being pinned on disclaiming what the father has already quite graciously admitted and is now losing major face for.

Why is Khun C very publicly risking his entire career for what is, really, a very minor thing that has been satisfactorily dealt with?

The real question here is what lies behind this intervention?

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Poor Chalerm lol. He's been suffering from media inattention disorder since being moved to the Labour ministry . Gone are the regular photo ops as police minister, the glamour of the phony casino raids and the joys of knowing that every month your cup overfloweth with cash bonuses. Way to go to stay in the spotlight Captain Sunshine.

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Gawd the torture that young thing has had to endure.

Imagine being forced to have your photo taken in public with Chalerm.

Cruel, so cruel. sad.png

I wonder if he passed her some good Ear Medicine?

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Chalerm baffles

I refuse to believe that Thais are still baffled by anything Chalerm says after all these years. Posted Image

Alcohol withdrawal delirium (look closely at the photo)has definitely settled in

Withdrawal? You sure? :o

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Meth is a fast metabolizing drug and can only be detected in a period of less than a week. Even for a daily heavy user, 1 week clean would likely pass any blood or urine test. Chalerm is only trying to save face for Thailand and once again is avoiding the real problem - stop making excuses and get the dam* drugs of the street.

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I don't know what her life is like at home but I would assume if it is close family one then the parents would have a better idea if she was using or not. They would notice the changes in her. For a father to come out and make a public statement that is a huge thing and not something a parent would do lightly. Is Chalerm interfering in a private family matter and what is in it for him.


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This has to be some sort of record, everyone posting appears to be of the same opinion.

I agree. Perhaps the only subject that the rambunctious members of TV can universally agree upon, is having utter and complete contempt for the clown known as Chalerm.

Don't tell him, he'll promise to fix it in three months. coffee1.gif

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It'd be quite bizarre if the winner of "Britain's Got Talent" confessed to hitting the pipe and had the Junior Minister for Agriculture or something speaking up on their behalf.

There's quite a few subjects and opinions bandied around about how you know when you've really settled in Thailand. My rule of thumb is when you read a local news story that back home would have you going "<deleted>?" and you just turn the page....

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At a later news conference Nong Pan pan broke her silence and said " I have never taken an illicit substance in my life but after spending some time in the company of Khun C I'm going to start skulling 'shrooms, uppers, downers, billy, Special K, glue, thinners and whatever else I can lay my hands on to hopefully wipe the memory of that encounter from my brain."

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Chalerm; the absolute loser of 2556. Methamphetamine is not just marihuana / hasjies. It is an extremely dangerous drug and extremely quickly addictive.

Given the right contra-medication, sure, no traces in the urine. If the test was objective anyway. How dumb can you be to involve in such incident and play the (honest) father away......... Disgusting.

Espinete has put this post up 3 times so obviously wants someone to comment on it, but so far without success. So here we go:

Crystal Meth (methamphetamine or ice) is not really particularly addictive; it's the high it produces that is addictive. It is however seriously dangerous to the health of the user.

If you exclude the violence/murders associated with the supply chain of illegal substances, then it would not surprise me to find that the accumulated social problems, worldwide, associated or blamed on illegal drugs, is only a fraction of that caused by alcohol.

IMHO a certain amount of careful legalization would provide most users with an alternative and help rid the streets of the really bad sh1t out there - the Ice, the heroine and the crack.

I eagerly await the flaming this post will produce!

I think you will find it's a software issue. the problem has been ongoing for about two weeks, have you not noticed? The record I have seen so far is 6 submissions of the same post. I don't think it an urgent desire to attention seek at all.

How can you exclude the 'violence/murders' and other crimes associated with the 'supply chain?? That's a bit like saying if you exclude all the deaths on the roads / broken families and injuries then there is not that much wrong with drink driving! The entire situation is MARKET DRIVEN'. No demand, no market, no deaths, violence and robberies. Simple. The fact is at the moment that unless you are in the Gulf states Alcohol is not illegal, but drugs are everywhere, so comparison is futile really.

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I honestly can't believe how naive most posters on this thread are.

The whole public press conference was a setup.. The show that Pan Pan stars in has a huge following and she's one of its major stars. The production company can't possibly keep on a star that is a known drug abuser but would cost a fortune to quickly write her out/kill her off/new scripts and possibly having to dump hours of footage already shot.

Answer: get someone from the government to issue a statement that 'somehow' it was a misunderstanding. The girl is an actress and she put on a good show. The father's closing statement after the press conference was obviously not scripted, but he made it to save some face.

Come on guys!

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I honestly can't believe how naive most posters on this thread are.

The whole public press conference was a setup.. The show that Pan Pan stars in has a huge following and she's one of its major stars. The production company can't possibly keep on a star that is a known drug abuser but would cost a fortune to quickly write her out/kill her off/new scripts and possibly having to dump hours of footage already shot.

Answer: get someone from the government to issue a statement that 'somehow' it was a misunderstanding. The girl is an actress and she put on a good show. The father's closing statement after the press conference was obviously not scripted, but he made it to save some face.

Come on guys!

I can't see any naive posters and most understand the entire thing is a set-up, how else do you get Chalerm involved. The fact is that this political whore demeans his entire position and that of the Government by participating in such an obvious case of <deleted>! Set up or not, Chalerms involvement is nothing short of a scandal. The only one speaking anything that remotely resembles the truth is the girls Father and amazingly almost every Thai I know understands that loud and clear. So who has said something that persuades you they are naive?

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A Thai politician thinks this is an important issue to come forward and bring to the media. Amazing Thailand. I wonder if the Thai citizens realize they are paying this guys salary?

Edited by rbrooks
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I really do wonder if Chalerm actually believes some of the bizarre crap he comes up with. Staking his political reputation on an issue like this. Maybe he is just one of those who believes he can sell ice to Eskimos. This is just too funny. laugh.png

Plus it's way outside of his new portfolio.

His strong and vitriolic reaction to his demotion move two weeks ago indicated well that he's realized he has been demoted, and moved to a low ranking ministry.

Surely he would be well aware that it would be best to keep a low profile.

The man is a lost cause.

To much ear medicine. It is exactly this kind of nonsense that got him demoted to where he is today. Not that he ever deserved any thing this good.

The next cabinet shake up will see him in the unemployment like with Jatuporn. Maybe a circus will come through the country and take on the two of them as clowns.Throw Yingluck into the deal and you could have a Larry, Curly and Moe show. It would come natural to them.

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I really do wonder if Chalerm actually believes some of the bizarre crap he comes up with. Staking his political reputation on an issue like this. Maybe he is just one of those who believes he can sell ice to Eskimos. This is just too funny. laugh.png

Plus it's way outside of his new portfolio.

His strong and vitriolic reaction to his demotion move two weeks ago indicated well that he's realized he has been demoted, and moved to a low ranking ministry.

Surely he would be well aware that it would be best to keep a low profile.

This was just the type of thing that got him demoted from a position he brown nosed and probably held some dirt on Thaksin to get in the first place.

Next cabinet shaker up will see him in the unemployed line with Jatuporn. Throw in Yingluck and you would have a natural Larry, Curly and Moe comedy act for a traveling carnival. Yingluck likes to travel.tongue.png

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Oh come on, almost every Thai star takes some form of hard drug. I've smoked enough grass with a bunch of them to know that most of them are NEVER sober at any given time. What Chalerm did was more to protect the celebrities and stars who promote anti-drug values on screen rather than Pan Pan particularly. I mean with the Sek Loso media-attention and the BS that he probably had to put up with, Chalerm was probably just saving his nephew's barbie-doll from a bunch of the same kind of media scrutiny. I'm willing to bet that she's probably been smoking it with his nephew, probably in the same party as a bunch of high-so soap opera stars and models. But if anything, Chalerm probably caused this girl's family more grief by opening that mouth than if he just chose to <deleted>.

Everything is contradictory here, they dont even know it. Apart from the Hitler next to Captain America & Superheroes poster, here's another example. I was watching Channel 3 or 7 one morning, and they had a show on which started off with the pretence of preserving sharks and how many countries have banned shark finning, and that the show's hosts encourage the people watching to do the same thing, AND THEN the same show goes onto promote a Shark Fin restaurant and even have some shark fin dishes at that restaurant. Define irony...........

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