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Fed up with the medical services here.


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I feel twice as bad as I did before the visit!

Did you read Sheryl's post (#69) telling you exactly how to find who is a good doctor in a clinic or hospital you are going to?

You should - it is the most constructive and useful post in this thread , and if you follow it you will not have so many problems!

Mate it's everything I can do just to get out of bed!
If your kid had dengue, then you have dengue.

Antibiotics do no good at all for dengue, paracetamol and rest until it's over.

I only had fever for one day, no fever before or after, but what do I know!! My massive headache is back and I have the most painful stomach, if I lie down its awful, I thought medication was supposed to make you feel better!

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Best you go to America !

The Americans only manage to , at a conservative estimate, experience some 225,000 iatrogenic deaths every year !

Be careful where you level criticism!


While visiting the USA recently I took the opportunity to bring my daughter to an orthopedic doctor for a consultation. He told me that there was nothing wrong with her and she will outgrow her issue. Which is exactly what two different orthopedic doctors told me in Taipei.

USA-No medicines, had to wait 3 days for an appointment, everyone spoke english and communication was great. The appointment lasted 10 minutes. IT COST ME $330.00! About 11,000 baht!

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If you can show us one country where all hospitals provide details of their staffs qualifications then you may have a point!

Thailand does better in this respect than many !

I've never seen it done any where I've been other than Thailand. I'm glad they do it in Thailand!
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"While visiting the USA recently I took the opportunity to bring my daughter to an orthopedic doctor for a consultation. He told me that there was nothing wrong with her and she will outgrow her issue. Which is exactly what two different orthopedic doctors told me in Taipei.

USA-No medicines, had to wait 3 days for an appointment, everyone spoke english and communication was great. The appointment lasted 10 minutes. IT COST ME $330.00! About 11,000 baht!"

Pleased your daughter is ok !

​Sorry you had to pay big bucks to be reassured!

Taiwanese Doctors do, in fact , have a good reputation and many speak English with an American accent! smile.png

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