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Thai police make amends to girl hurt in drug shootout


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Police make amends to girl hurt in drug shootout
Kwanhathai Malaka
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) secretary-general Pol General Pongsapat Pongcharoen yesterday visited a female student injured by a stray bullet during Tuesday's gunfight between drug suspects and police in Bangkok's Nang Lerng area.

Pongsapat affirmed that police would fully help the girl and they would carefully review their future strategy in arresting criminals.

The fourth-year student, Somreudee Wanawanan, 22, said she understood police work and knew they didn’t mean to harm her and she wouldn’t sue them.

Somreudee recalled how she and friends were having a meal not far from the primary shooting scene. They ran into a shop when they heard gunshots, which they thought stemmed from a quarrel.

"I felt numb on my face and blood pouring down my left cheek, while I still heard occasional shooting," she said.

The shop owner alerted rescue workers to take her to hospital. She said doctor told her the bullet scratched her face and hit her salivary glands; she would need plastic surgery to get back to normal.

Somreudee urged law officers to take full responsibility for her injury and, as police promised to cover her medical expenses and compensation, said she wouldn't sue them.

Pongsapat said that Somreudee was entitled to Bt20,000 from the government's crime victim compensation programme and another Bt50,000 from the ONCB Fund.

After visiting Somreudee at the Police General Hospital, Pongsapat went to see a three-month-old boy who was also treated there for minor broken glass scratches. The boy was found in the vehicle of slain drug suspect Warissanon Reungkamon, 32. Pongsapat said the boy was Warissanon's son and urged his mother to collect him. He said police wouldn't prosecute her because she had nothing to do with the crime.

Chief of the Narcotics Suppression Bureau Pol Lt General Chaiwat Chotima said police operations to apprehend suspects always considered public safety.

In this case, police had tailed the suspects from a logistics company in Saphan Khao area where the suspects had allegedly picked up the drugs. When they reached the scene where traffic was light, officers challenged the suspects. The men shot at police seven times and officers had to return fire.

The spot where Somreudee was having her meal was 100 metres from the shooting scene. Consequently, it is still unknown whether the stray bullet came from the suspect's gun or the police side, he said.

Chaiwat said national police chief Adul Saengsingkaew had instructed him to take care of Somreudee's medical expenses and also to review police tactics to be more careful.

-- The Nation 2013-08-01

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"He said police wouldn't prosecute her because she had nothing to do with the crime."

How benevolent of him not to prosecute an innocent person. Does this mean that in some cases they do prosecute the innocent? huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.pnghuh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.pnghuh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

I think he means, "we know drug dealers gfs are normally part of the gang, or at least involved in hiding the drugs, but in this case she gets a free pass because we don't want to be stuck with the kid"

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They make a photo op out of these Thai police. Rogue cowboy police shooting it up in town taking pictures of the shooting and then showing up with some flowers and 70,000 baht as a token to this victim. What would a tourist do? What would the Thai police do if it was a tourist? Would they start blaming something or someone else? Thais know that 70,000 baht would "buy off" most Thais and they get the great photo op with the flowers. Scared for life, she gets the value of a 52" TV.

OTOH owning a 52" seems to be the ultimate goal in life for many Thais.

And many Thais are "scared for life" by the BS they are fed as children. Sneak up behind one and whisper "Pee noi" and watch the reaction.

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So the police got two 22 year old girl students in one day.

A bit confusing.

One survived....she is in hospital.

One died.....

Very sorry about the first...

sorry about the second girls family but not about the girl. She did not pick her friends wisely.

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i would sue the hell out of the police

in a western country

here as a farang, you cannot otherwise than not sue if you want to see at least a piece of your hospital bill paid, if you are lucky

no better ways to arrest a drug dealer than to make a deal in public with a lot of innocent people to get shot ?

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They make a photo op out of these Thai police. Rogue cowboy police shooting it up in town taking pictures of the shooting and then showing up with some flowers and 70,000 baht as a token to this victim. What would a tourist do? What would the Thai police do if it was a tourist? Would they start blaming something or someone else? Thais know that 70,000 baht would "buy off" most Thais and they get the great photo op with the flowers. Scared for life, she gets the value of a 52" TV.

OTOH owning a 52" seems to be the ultimate goal in life for many Thais.

And many Thais are "scared for life" by the BS they are fed as children. Sneak up behind one and whisper "Pee noi" and watch the reaction.

I thought it was a 52mm....?

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Considering he is facing the camera, it is difficult to ascertain if he is offering the flowers to the victim or the camera. HINT: If you want to fake sincerity and concern for the victim, look at her and beg for her forgiveness while offering her the flowers. Don't act like she has won some sort of contest and you are being benevolent and giving her a prize.

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"Chief of the Narcotics Suppression Bureau Pol Lt General Chaiwat Chotima said police operations to apprehend suspects always considered public safety."

"Considering" and' "practicing" are not the same. It doesn't matter if traffic was light if the area was crowded with shops and full of pedestrians... And I don't think a photo op of two officials holding baskets of flowers compensates for being shot, and only by a stroke of luck, not killed. I am sure she was made aware that she had no chance of winning a law suit against the police.

"He said police wouldn't prosecute her because she had nothing to do with the crime."

How benevolent of him not to prosecute an innocent person. Does this mean that in some cases they do prosecute the innocent? If not, why even make such ridiculous statement? huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.pnghuh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.pnghuh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

How'd they know so quickly the boy's mother had nothing to do with the crime? or are you mixed up with the victim? for all they know she might be up to her neck with hubby, looking after the stash or the cash or even a mule! They might even be trying to lure the mother out. A bit of detective work please Inspector Clouseau!!

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Taking a 3 month old baby on a drug deal is a new low.

Well on the police side giving it back to the mother who allowed it to be taken along in a drug deal isn't to high either.

70,000 baht doesn't seem like enough to me for getting shot in the face....

Well they are paying the medical bills which will include plastic surgery. To a Thai 70,000 is a lot. We as westerners are so use to thinking in millions that we forget what it means to a Thai. That is more than a years wages to some Thai's.

Looks like Thaksin is starting his War again, innocent people are getting in the way

To Thaksin there are no innocent people just sheep to be used for his benefit. How ever I don't think he has any thing to do with the latest lets look good and get some small fish and ignore the big fish go around. I think Chalerm started that one a couple of years ago.

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Being theoretically entitled to 70K Baht compensation and actually receiving it are two different things. And even if she does receive compensation, will it cover her hospital costs? A police promise to take care of her medical bills in lieu of a lawsuit (hope she hasn't signed anything) is pretty thin and It's quite possible the fruit basket and the flowers will be the extent of the "amends". Officialdom has notoriously short memories on this sort of thing.

Edited by marell
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This seems to be a common occurrence. In more developed countries, (where police are accountable for their actions), the police are very reluctant to open fire in public places. Here I think the cops get their training and ideas from action movies.

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Should be no such thing as a "stray" bullet from a police weapon.

Know your backdrop and be mindful of potential ricochets.

I have the impression it was a mindless fire-fight.

Particularly given the police comments.

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Taking a 3 month old baby on a drug deal is a new low.

Well on the police side giving it back to the mother who allowed it to be taken along in a drug deal isn't to high either.

70,000 baht doesn't seem like enough to me for getting shot in the face....

Well they are paying the medical bills which will include plastic surgery. To a Thai 70,000 is a lot. We as westerners are so use to thinking in millions that we forget what it means to a Thai. That is more than a years wages to some Thai's.

Looks like Thaksin is starting his War again, innocent people are getting in the way

To Thaksin there are no innocent people just sheep to be used for his benefit. How ever I don't think he has any thing to do with the latest lets look good and get some small fish and ignore the big fish go around. I think Chalerm started that one a couple of years ago.

HD, 70,000 is not that much, it isn't enough think about the lifelong memories of it-trauma-and the hospital visits. not good enough sorry. min wage 1 year == 100,000. chicken feed for the bib to pay out, this is serious damages were talking about.

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