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Bangkok For Your Average Tourist Must Be Hell.


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Before we moved here, the only hotels I ever stayed at in Bangkok were on the river. It's not like there's a shortage of hotels on the river. In fact there's probably far more decent hotels on the river than anywhere near Nana and Asoke.

Maybe you're assuming tourists are here solely to go to Nana and Soi Cowboy, and while I'm sure that some tourists are, those tourists won't care much about what the places look like, only what the people working there look like.

Edited by bkk_mike
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Bangkok is a cesspool, it's Philadelphia without the crime and graffiti, lived there for 8 years and moved up to Chiang Mai, lived here for 29 years. I was stationed here during the 60's in the USAF,that's when Bangkok and Singapore had charm to them. No much charm left in this country except for those provincial treks into the hinterland. "All things considered, I 'd rather be in Philadelphia"

Been to Philadelphia lately?

Just quoting W C Fields, my boy!

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In Bangkok some of the pavements are not maintained well,

ok, the understatement of the year?

I agree though, BKK is not bad, but contrary to the OP's assertion, I think it's even better for the "average tourist", sans kids of course.

In all honesty though, the areas the OP refers to (Sukhumvit between Nana and Asoke) are like what? one of the worst third-world country scenes? Needless to say, many tourists never venture outside that area.

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As several posters have pointed out living in a place is very different to visiting as a tourist. I enjoy visiting London and doing the touristy things but I hated living and working there - that's why I left it in the first place. Actually, when I think about it, pretty well everywhere I have spent time living and working in I have come to dislike, whilst on the other hand, most places I have visited as a tourist I have really liked. Could be a message in this pattern?

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In small isolated places there are some great spots, however the problem is the spaces in-between and the method of traversing those spaces that cause the problems and angst.

Cities are machines - not all machines are well planned or managed, they are the ones that rely on photoshop, night-time and fancy lighting for their publicity photographs.

Do a Google image search for "Pictures of Bangkok" what do you get.....


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I have lived in Pattaya for 10 years and hate Bangkok,god knows what most tourists think.The tourist board must be doing a great job,bringoing in people from all over the world to a shithole like Bangkok

i live in bkk for 7 year and hate pattaya, if you want to go to a shit hole your first choice is pattaya then pukhet

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As we all know BKK was recently listed as being the worlds most visited city. See here.

OP, I'm afraid this might be a bogus survey.


A few examples:

* Hong Kong: survey says: 8.7 million, UN World Tourism Organization says: 23.7 million

* Paris: survey says: 14 million, UNWTO says France: 83 million (so I guess about 80% of visitors to France don't go to Paris?)

* Bangkok's top origin/feeder cities: survey says: SG, Tokyo, HK, KL, Seoul.

So I guess the 2-3 million mainland Chinese who are coming to BKK to shop, they are coming thru SG or HK. Hate to break the news to Mastercard, there are plenty of direct flights from Shanghai and Beijing.


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In small isolated places there are some great spots, however the problem is the spaces in-between and the method of traversing those spaces that cause the problems and angst.

Cities are machines - not all machines are well planned or managed, they are the ones that rely on photoshop, night-time and fancy lighting for their publicity photographs.

Do a Google image search for "Pictures of Bangkok" what do you get.....


Well said. Now let's all show them the "real" BKK? laugh.png

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I definitely disagree. Not that BKK doesn't have it's problems. In the past year I've had several friends come to BKK for the very first time ... and I was not here to host them. They arrived with no contacts and had a great time.

BTW, I live on Suk. Soi 10 ... half way between Nana & Asoke ... and your description of the area being dirty and trashy are pure exaggerated hyperbole.

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first of all, you have to define what you meant by "average tourist". I cannot speak for other people from other countries, or probably my own, but I think it's safe to say that most Filipinos find Bangkok great. I personally think Bangkok has a lot of similarities to Manila (and Makati for that Matter), but I think Bangkok tops more, with a lot of stuff way cheaper than what we have here in the Philippines. I would probably get a lot of patriotism hate for saying that, but that's my opinion. In fact, if I would get a chance, I would live in Thailand. I guess the only concern with that is that my perception of Thailand would change because I would shift my mind from being a tourist to becoming a "citizen", which I think one of the posters put up here earlier. I pointed out to my friends that there is definitely a difference in mindset of a commoner and a tourist, with the latter still shrouded up with the excitement and enveloped with charm of an undiscovered country.

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I dont see why everyone hates on Bangkok all the time. The place is great! You can do the temple tour, visit some historical places, have a dinner cruise on the river, TONS of shopping, galleries, aquarium, good jazz and blues, night markets, huge parks (limphini park is beautiful) ect... the list goes on. The public transit is very easy to get around and for the most part Taxis are very cheap to get around.

If you dont like city life then keep your negative comments to yourself, but Bangkok has a lot to offer.

oh... and cant forget the amazing street food.

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I'm moving to BKK on a student visa in less than 20 days now. I've been to BKK a couple of times before. I don't hate the city, but I didn't fell in love with it either. After reading all the love and hatred here, I'm totally lost! Really confused! I was planning to search for a condo in the areas around Asok, Nana, and On Nut. There are lots of apartments/condos for rent there. But now I think it might not be the best decision.

I don't like to live in a mere tourist area but I definitely prefer lively areas. I'm coming to Thailand to learn Thai, eat Thai, live Thai! Although it's good to see and talk to farangs, I don't see any point in living in an area which is targeted only at tourists because I feel like being on a holiday or a short break or something. Everyone comes in and then goes out the other day!

So what do you suggest? Which areas are good to live in a long-run?

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Loved BKK as a tourist; not so much as a resident, but it still ranks as one great destination for all the wonderful things it has to offer to everybody, no matter class, colour, religion or budget.

prefer the more sedate life up country or HH these days, but still really enjoy regular visits to this exciting metropolis

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Now Bangkok is not my cup of tea, too much going on, dirty, watch where your are walking you may trip on an object or a hole sticking out of the ground, the smells are not pleasant to say the lease, a lot of Thai's trying sell fake jewelry, Indians with the suits and it continues. I brought a friend from America to Bangkok and he wanted to turn around and go back until we went to Pattaya. Now this friend goes twice a year and travels all over Thailand including Bangkok. He Loves it!! but I can see where your average family on vacation would cringe at the site of Bangkok.... Pattaya has water trips, gardens, swimming and several other things to entertainment. So would I bring my family here for a vacation? Maybe a friend to have fun with the ladies, but NOT my family or children.

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All relative. I live in Siem Reap and BKK is the big city for me. It has everything I need: book store, cinema, malls, wide choice of food.

Sure beats the sexpat haven of Pattaya. Now there is a town I hate. I dread next week when I have to spend 4 days there....

Then stay well clear of anywhere the seaward side of Soi Buakhao. I doubt that may ex-pats living out their lives in Pattaya could be labelled sexpats. Those who come for the nookie are mainly tourists.

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What a lot of spurious, conceited nonsense from many posters on this thread; as if the mere fact of having lived in Bangkok for some time, or been a frequent visitor, confers some kind of superiority over that despised species, the tourist.

Edited by asdecas
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Why do u have to spend 4 days here,and why do u think everyone is a sexpat.Plenty to do in Patts for 4 days mate without even seeing a barfine

All relative. I live in Siem Reap and BKK is the big city for me. It has everything I need: book store, cinema, malls, wide choice of food.

Sure beats the sexpat haven of Pattaya. Now there is a town I hate. I dread next week when I have to spend 4 days there....

Just kidding. I am going for the Culinary competition but I really do not like Pattaya. Beach is awful and the place is overrun with tourists, most of them not exactly classy.

I felt the same way about Weymouth invaded by Brummies who couldn't afford to go to Benidorm. biggrin.png

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It is pretty much the most unappealing "big city" I have ever been to. It has all the annoyances of a big city, like traffic, pollution, sidewalk congestion - not to mention the BKK walkers practice some of the worst technique in the world. Yet, it has almost none of the benefits of a big city. No good music at all (please don't chime in here claiming it does have some, just please don't), crap museums, parks and common areas and such are put in very annoying areas.... why aren't there more nice parks right on the river (I know the answer is money, which is my point), high prices on the things that, yes, you can find here. The list of negatives could continue almost infinitely, and the whether would sure be in there somewhere. It feels like living on the underside of a pile of cow dung that gets hotter by the minute.

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As we all know BKK was recently listed as being the worlds most visited city. See here.

I live in BKK and I love it (most of the time) but I honestly see little appeal for your average tourist here.

Most tourists are going to be staying around Nana and Asoke areas which for the most part are absolute dumps.

The streets are filthy, rubbish everywhere, can't walk down the pavement because they are lined with food carts, stalls, mobile bars, tuk tuk and taxi drivers touting for business, people begging mostly kids, lady boys hanging around in packs grabbing at you as you walk past, hookers bellowing "heeello weeelcuuum" at everyone.

It's not a very appealing sight and probably quite intimidating / overwhelming for a lot of people.

I came across this American couple with their 2 young kids and they look like they were seriously struggling with BKK and I can understand why.

I really do think BKK must be hell for your average tourist.

Do you agree or disagree?

Bangkok was disagreeable 40 years ago and hasn't improved one bit - actually bigger, dirtier and nastier. Ever listen to the Song 'One Night in Bangkok', by Chess..??

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OP, were you not an average tourist yourself once upon a time ? If it is hell now, it would have been hell then also, why did you decide to stay in hell ?

Yeah I mentioned already the first time I visited BKK many years ago I hated it. It was my first time outside of Europe, my first long haul trip and I was exhausted, jetlagged, BA had lost my luggage and I arrive in what seemed like an absolute shit hole...there was rubbish in the streets, rats everywhere, hookers everywhere shouting "hellooo welcum", touts flogging everything from fake watches to peanuts to feed to elephants.

It was only on future trips when I had more time to appreciate it, got to know it more, met some Thai's and got away from the main tourist traps I realised there was more than just a big, busy, dirty city full of seediness and filth.

Then stay well clear of anywhere the seaward side of Soi Buakhao. I doubt that may ex-pats living out their lives in Pattaya could be labelled sexpats. Those who come for the nookie are mainly tourists.

I don't think anyone lives in Pattaya if they aren't a sexpat. What other reason would they be there for? It's not the beach, the scenery, the nightlife, the exceptional food, the activities or things to do...is it?

It is pretty much the most unappealing "big city" I have ever been to. It has all the annoyances of a big city, like traffic, pollution, sidewalk congestion - not to mention the BKK walkers practice some of the worst technique in the world. Yet, it has almost none of the benefits of a big city. No good music at all (please don't chime in here claiming it does have some, just please don't), crap museums, parks and common areas and such are put in very annoying areas.... why aren't there more nice parks right on the river (I know the answer is money, which is my point), high prices on the things that, yes, you can find here. The list of negatives could continue almost infinitely, and the whether would sure be in there somewhere. It feels like living on the underside of a pile of cow dung that gets hotter by the minute.

Good music is subjective but BKK has music for all scenes and tastes - pop, rock, indie, jazz, blues, techno, DnB, house, trance, latin, punk, metal both Thai and Western.

BTW, I live on Suk. Soi 10 ... half way between Nana & Asoke ... and your description of the area being dirty and trashy are pure exaggerated hyperbole.

Who you trying to convince yourself or the rest of us? Most of BKK is dirty and those areas are no different. Seriously a wander around Asoke the other night I couldn't believe just how dirty the place was. Trash everywhere, piled up in bags, spewing out into the street.

Where I live isn't much better in terms of trash but in those areas the rubbish mixed in with all the other stuff (the hookers, ladyboys, drug dealers, beggars, touts etc) just make it an unpleasant place to be IMO.

I'm used to BKK and love living here yet even I found it a bit depressing so I honestly don't know what the average tourist must think.

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I agree with hanno: "It is still heap better than most other SE Asian cities" (sorry, new here can't work out the quoting thing)

I've been living in Asia for almost 2 years now and much of that time has been spent in cities. I disagree that Bangkok is dirty and has poor transport. In my experience it compares very favourably with other major cities. My first (and longest) stay in Bangkok was for about 3 months, initially in Chinatown then a short stop in Thonburi before we settled in Sathon. We'd come from 2 weeks in Mumbai which was the end of 6 months in India. Bangkok was brilliantly clean and shiny in comparison!

My thinking is as follows - Bangkok is cleaner than every major city we've visited except Singapore. It has the best public transport - Kuala Lumpur comes close and actually now has some free busses, but no ferry! Manilla is as crazy, crowded and almost as dirty as Mumbai but more dangerous. And the sex industry in the Philippines is far more in your face and disturbing (in my opinion) than even in Pattaya. At least in Bangkok it is relatively easy to avoid the main areas of it. HCMC has almost no public transport and very little regard for any sort of traffic rules but you can eat well quite cheaply. HCMC is also where people attempted to rip us off most often. Vientiane is boring and being so small cannot even really be compared to BKK. Phnom Penh is also pretty small and although it has its charms it isn't a patch on the bigger cities. Singapore is clean but soulless and far too expensive for normal folk. Denpasar is nothing to write home about either.

Yes the tuk tuks are ridiculous, more so than in other places, granted. But in my opinion, the only city that comes close to it is KL. We loved it there too (for different reasons than we loved Bangkok.)

For 'normal tourists' Bangkok has many many attractions and most of them are easy to reach while staying in the 'bubble'. It also has wonderful, clean public spaces, world class shopping, good levels of cleanliness with food preparation and the pollution is under control. Compared to cities in the west, China or Japan it is also very cheap. I think it is easy to see why it is so popular.

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I'm moving to BKK on a student visa in less than 20 days now. I've been to BKK a couple of times before. I don't hate the city, but I didn't fell in love with it either. After reading all the love and hatred here, I'm totally lost! Really confused! I was planning to search for a condo in the areas around Asok, Nana, and On Nut. There are lots of apartments/condos for rent there. But now I think it might not be the best decision.

I don't like to live in a mere tourist area but I definitely prefer lively areas. I'm coming to Thailand to learn Thai, eat Thai, live Thai! Although it's good to see and talk to farangs, I don't see any point in living in an area which is targeted only at tourists because I feel like being on a holiday or a short break or something. Everyone comes in and then goes out the other day!

So what do you suggest? Which areas are good to live in a long-run?

Ideas anyone?

I think my post got lost! :D

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I was planning to search for a condo in the areas around Asok, Nana, and On Nut. There are lots of apartments/condos for rent there. But now I think it might not be the best decision.

I don't like to live in a mere tourist area but I definitely prefer lively areas. I'm coming to Thailand to learn Thai, eat Thai, live Thai! Although it's good to see and talk to farangs, I don't see any point in living in an area which is targeted only at tourists because I feel like being on a holiday or a short break or something. Everyone comes in and then goes out the other day!

So what do you suggest? Which areas are good to live in a long-run?

You best bet is to create a new thread in the BKK forum under you own targeted title.

This thread is four pages old and will have lost primary interest now.

Where you should live will depend primarily on your budget, if you are in a farang area then people will speak farang at you and you will not get the experience you seek, which leads to the question why do you seek to live in BKK? Why not choose a regional city where they is less farang spoken and your skills will be better tested.

Also in BKK people are busy and going somewhere, in the sticks people have time to talk.

In BKK the city has many signs in English and many people you interact with will have a few words of English if you get stuck. In the real Thailand you have to learn some Thai or Lao the further North you go, or Khmer to the East. Also in BKK you will travel by BTS and taxi, elsewhere bus and songthaew are the way to travel.

The only benefit I could see is in learning a Bangkok Accent in Bangkok rather than a Issan regional accent which would mark you as something of a bumpkin. Likewise in your written Thai learning from the trace shapes books will give you a good style of handwriting, I only write a little Thai by hand but I'm told I have a good form.

The Thai language sub-forum might be helpful in your quest.

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I was planning to search for a condo in the areas around Asok, Nana, and On Nut. There are lots of apartments/condos for rent there. But now I think it might not be the best decision.

I don't like to live in a mere tourist area but I definitely prefer lively areas. I'm coming to Thailand to learn Thai, eat Thai, live Thai! Although it's good to see and talk to farangs, I don't see any point in living in an area which is targeted only at tourists because I feel like being on a holiday or a short break or something. Everyone comes in and then goes out the other day!

So what do you suggest? Which areas are good to live in a long-run?

You best bet is to create a new thread in the BKK forum under you own targeted title.

This thread is four pages old and will have lost primary interest now.

Where you should live will depend primarily on your budget, if you are in a farang area then people will speak farang at you and you will not get the experience you seek, which leads to the question why do you seek to live in BKK? Why not choose a regional city where they is less farang spoken and your skills will be better tested.

Also in BKK people are busy and going somewhere, in the sticks people have time to talk.

In BKK the city has many signs in English and many people you interact with will have a few words of English if you get stuck. In the real Thailand you have to learn some Thai or Lao the further North you go, or Khmer to the East. Also in BKK you will travel by BTS and taxi, elsewhere bus and songthaew are the way to travel.

The only benefit I could see is in learning a Bangkok Accent in Bangkok rather than a Issan regional accent which would mark you as something of a bumpkin. Likewise in your written Thai learning from the trace shapes books will give you a good style of handwriting, I only write a little Thai by hand but I'm told I have a good form.

The Thai language sub-forum might be helpful in your quest.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Actually I did that but many told me about On Nut, Asok, and etc which in this thread are described as trash cans!

I chose Bangkok because first of all there are many language schools there and I have committed to one already, secondly I got used to live in the capital city back home with all the benefits of a big city, and thirdly I want to give the job opportunities in BKK a try. Otherwise I would have chosen Chiang Mai which everything is so cheap and people are IMO more farang friendly.

I'll be in BKK on 21 August and I'll have one week to find a place to live. There are tons of condos out there but I'm still stuck with choosing the area/district. Maybe I have to wait and see them for myself.

Btw my budget is 6K-8K.

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BKK offers a lot for those transiting few days.

Pattaya is very near by, so well organised for whatever any one is looking for to be feeling having fun on holidays so much to do compared to Hua Hin with other reasons to love to hate.

Enjoy visiting Thailand basically.

Edited by brd
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BTW, I live on Suk. Soi 10 ... half way between Nana & Asoke ... and your description of the area being dirty and trashy are pure exaggerated hyperbole.

Who you trying to convince yourself or the rest of us? Most of BKK is dirty and those areas are no different. Seriously a wander around Asoke the other night I couldn't believe just how dirty the place was. Trash everywhere, piled up in bags, spewing out into the street.

Where I live isn't much better in terms of trash but in those areas the rubbish mixed in with all the other stuff (the hookers, ladyboys, drug dealers, beggars, touts etc) just make it an unpleasant place to be IMO.

I'm used to BKK and love living here yet even I found it a bit depressing so I honestly don't know what the average tourist must think.

I'd rather live here in Asoke than anywhere else in BKK and, from the faces of the tourists I see each and every day, the majority of them seem utterly thrilled to be here despite the filth, weird odours, the "Welcuuuummmm" girls and the touts.

I wouldn't change anything about it.

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OP, were you not an average tourist yourself once upon a time ? If it is hell now, it would have been hell then also, why did you decide to stay in hell ?

Yeah I mentioned already the first time I visited BKK many years ago I hated it. It was my first time outside of Europe, my first long haul trip and I was exhausted, jetlagged, BA had lost my luggage and I arrive in what seemed like an absolute shit hole...there was rubbish in the streets, rats everywhere, hookers everywhere shouting "hellooo welcum", touts flogging everything from fake watches to peanuts to feed to elephants.

It was only on future trips when I had more time to appreciate it, got to know it more, met some Thai's and got away from the main tourist traps I realised there was more than just a big, busy, dirty city full of seediness and filth.

But why did you go back there on future trips, if your first experience there as a tourist was so horrible as outlined above

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