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Extortion....or scam...same same as = loss of money.


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Another post that reads like a soap opera. If I was a Thai TV producer, I'd make a show about scheming families like the OP describes.

Some potential titles:

1) Buffalo Bill

2) Take Care

3) All in the Family (disgruntled expat as a 21st century Archie Bunker)

4) Love My Family (double entendre: the expat must "love", i.e., give money to, the family / the girl only loves her family)

5) ...?

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Another post that reads like a soap opera. If I was a Thai TV producer, I'd make a show about scheming families like the OP describes.

Some potential titles:

1) Buffalo Bill

2) Take Care

3) All in the Family (disgruntled expat as a 21st century Archie Bunker)

4) Love My Family (double entendre: the expat must "love", i.e., give money to, the family / the girl only loves her family)

5) ...?

5) The savior (of the budget)

But instead of the soap opera you could use it to teach mathematics

Take the 98 Euro or the 3500 Baht, who can calculate it without calculater within 5 seconds?

Farang A comes every 5 weeks for 1 week

Farang B comes every 6 weeks for 5 days

when do they come at the same time?

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Some people just love throwing their money down the drain, eh?

This women was managing just fine before you came along so not sure why she needed all these money and material objects or let me guess you knew that if it weren't for the money and objects she probably wouldn't hang around?

So you tried to buy her love instead. Do you honestly believe she loves you or does she just love the cash + possessions and you could be anyone?

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555, one born every minute.

Probably, not your baby, not your g/f, not the ex-husband but her real husband and father of her baby.

You can't buy love, no matter how much you pay.

Medical care for pregnant Thai lady is totally free, private room for recovery after birth about 1,000bht/night for 3 nights.

You are right, you have been well and truly suckered.

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Another post that reads like a soap opera.  If I was a Thai TV producer, I'd make a show about scheming families like the OP describes.  


Some potential titles:


1) Buffalo Bill


2) Take Care 


3) All in the Family (disgruntled expat as a 21st century Archie Bunker)


4) Love My Family (double entendre: the expat must "love", i.e., give money to, the family / the girl only loves her family)


5) ...?


5...Dumb and dumber.
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Op you you sound like you are loaded,before signing any official wedding documents i would suggest you talk to a lawyer in your home country and have a solid prenup set up if they have this of course in oz,because i think your going to have the ride of your life with this one .

They already used the old jedi mind trick on you apperently.

I just got divorced myself after more then 10 years of marriage and had a solid prenup setup at the time and did not regret this for a moment or i would have seriously been taken to the cleaners.And a family pack of durex condoms in your suitcase would have

Saved you a lot of hassle.

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I actually read the OP's whole long story, although he could have shortened it and still got his point across.

There is no way that any of us here can actually know what happened, or even the OP knowing what is actually going on. But, it is quite evident that the aunt is manipulating the OP's girl friend/fiancé. All he can do now is damage control and get the woman and her child out of that situation as soon as possible. It would be far cheaper in the long run to get the woman as far away from the aunt as possible. Rent her a room in a Thai hotel in an entirely different city. There is always work for women who actually want to work.

However, if the woman wants to stay in the same situation then she has her priorities wrong with regards to the OP, and the OP better accept his losses and move on. I wish him the best of luck, but he did walk into a delicate situation with very little prior planning.

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So your waiting for her visa right? Then her 1st daughter and your daughter will be moving to Australia right?

I'd say once approved get them away from that greedy family of hers. Why you felt the need to build an extension on her aunts is silly. Perhaps an air con but not everything else. They are Thai, they're used to hot weather. I'd wait for the visa then say stick all those car bills and extortion money up your bum I'm not paying anymore.

Another thing, is she officially divorced? No visa if not official from the courts. Then how's it gonna work with the new baby, like passport etc? Mate sounds messy, sort it out for God's sake.

yes.to leave asap after the visa is approved is the plan.

my fiance wanted to have comfort and bathroom to care for baby until visa approved.

was only married in thai ceremony,sinsod and bahts of gold paid to aunty who kept even the gold jewelery after they broke up and he left with his mistress.

court papers all have aunty and uncle as guardians.

i feel maybe this is part of the scam as possibly within a few months the visas will be granted.

the baby cant be put on visa until she is born.

thank you for your advice.

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A very interesting and entertaining tale.

Allow me to tell you how the story ends: You get married and if you do not suffer an unfortunate fatal accident or survive, will lose much of your savings such that you don't have a pot to piss in, She will leave you and you will sustain a broken heart that renders you bitter and unable to trust women. Over time, you eventually find a room to stay in Pattaya and commiserate with the other elderly retirees down at the local beer bar.

This one is different...

maybe this happened to you...or maybe you are a fortune teller...but i wont be following the road you mention.

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i am new to posting on this forum but have been reading posts and info on this great site for many years.

i would like to share my story and i hope i have some honest feedback.

i will say i feel that i have been victim of a scam but will let you decide.

i have known my fiance for nearly 3 yrs.

i have travelled to thailand and spent a total of 6 months together with her ( approx 5 weeks every 6 months ) mainly on vacation as she works 16 hours + per day every day as well as doing housework in her aunties homefront shop/supermarket when i am not there.i then pay for an employee to help at the shop when she is away although her uncle helps there too.

she doesnt get paid just a room and a room for her 5 yr old daughter.

when i visit i buy them all they need and also for 2+ years sent 5,000 bht per month and leave 25,000 bht everytime i go back home which equates to 10,000 bht per month.

last december she became pregnant and our baby girl will be born mid-august.

i have been what i feel as kind and generous in that i have made her feel loved by spending over 250,000 baht on jewelery and engagement ring.

i have arranged for visa which is currently being processed so they can come and live with me in australia.

she has been a good lady to me and has a good work ethic and use to work as a nurse in the udon thani hospital.

she married a thai man 6 yrs ago but he had a mistress and left her before their baby girl who is now 5+ yrs old was born.

her mother passed away when she was young and her father ran away from isaan to work in bangkok due to some financial problems.

her aunty views farangs as all rich and people from whom to become wealthy from them and their money.

there is a gambling house in front of their house/shop which is packed everyday with thai ladies married to farangs who work o/s

these ladies all drive new cars and have homes all purchased by their old farang husbands.

they gamble and drink daily and many have thai lovers who also do the same and seem to be unemployed.

she has for years been complaining to my fiance about how these bar girls etc.have new houses and cars yet she doesnt and hasnt got which is very upsetting to her.

i always bring expensive gifts for them when i visit from o/s and take them out to meals at good hotels etc etc.

i treat her daughter like she was my own and she has all she needs like 46" lcd tv,toys,bikes,pink room,dvd,consoles,games,clothes,karaoke,good school,art school,karate new aircond in her room,new furniture,i pay for all her foods and mi,health insurance and some other insurances for when she is older etc etc. and my love and care.

i treat my fiance the same with phones,tablet,our vacations spent in nice hotels around thailand,always eat in quality resturantes,buy her clothes,hairstyles,braces for teeth,

paid for her ipad,and all lifes comforts she has them as well as also love and care.i ring her everyday without fail and she emails me also daily and we chat at times on cam if we are not tired.my mother and young son have not met her but will do in january and they talkon the phone and online on cam.

i found her long lost father for her which made her very happy and took her,him and her younger brother for 1 week vacation to hua hin...all so she is happy which she is.it was a warm and lovely reuniting time.the raw emotion that poured out after not having seen each other for about 15 years brought tears all around.we had a great time.

since the news of our baby i have had big porfessional extension built onto the aunties house with ensuite,furniture etc etc which will only be used until the visa is approved.

all the babies needs are all in place.i am happy to spend and give as i love her very much and i feel she loves me too.it is a genuine relationship based on love and respect.

to the business i stock it with goods on occasions and have paid for a huge roof to cover all the shop/patio/car parking area again for comfort for them all.

since we have been together the aunty has not had to pay 1 satang towards my fiance and her daughter who lovingly calls me dad.

since her pregnancy i have paid all doctors bills and expenses and already paid the 40,000 baht for a private room for the birth and for a good doctor to deliver the baby.

she tells me and has told me there is no love in the home for them...all is about money.all is about material things like what others have from farangs and what she hasnt.

please understand i am not trying to big note myself that i give,give,give and spend,spend ,spend on them as i do it from my heart and as my way to show i love them.

when i arrive in thailand i fly her into bangkok and we meet at the airport everytime and i leave thailand the day i leave her.

there are no other men or woman involved and we are honest and faithful to each other and all is going along very well and we are very happy and excited about our future.

although the aunty would love a big new house and a brand new car from me...she just isnt going to get these desires or dreams as i am not a millionaire.

besides she has several houses and farms and works high up in a big hotel so she is well off financially and her husband has just retired and once worked o/s for many years

since the pregnancy i send now 10,000 plus the money i leave equates to 15,000 per month which i feel is enough to live comfortably.

now comes my question.....

but 1st...i need to say...1 month ago i was told her aunty is buying a new car so our baby can go home in it from the hospital.

i told my fiance that this wasnt needed,they already had a good 4x4 only a few years old anyway the hospital is only a few km away.

if she wanted a new car that was not my business but i didnt want to hear talk of..so that baby can be picked up from the hospital in a new car.

it worried me to hear this as it sounded a little absurd.

i said i didnt want to hear our babies name linked to the purchase of a new car as i could feel what it may lead to.

i booked my flight last sunday and emailed her the itinerary.

the next day aunty took delivery of a 600,000 + bht new car,

by some stroke of bad luck that afternoon my fiances ex husband ( married but no papers ) supposedly turned up and demanded 200,000 baht or he would come and harrass her daughter.they had 2 days to pay him.

when i rang her i could tell something was not right.

when i was told he had arrived when he has never ever seen the little girl and left there lives nearly 6 yrs ago i was shocked.

when i was told the ransom money was needed to be paid i was in true shock.

i said,go to the police station ( also they have a relative who is a policeman ).

i said you must report it.

you cant pay as he may come back next month and want more.

i was told thai police arent like police in farangland...i know that in many cases there is corruption,scams,set ups etc, but to protect a little girl from kidnap is a different matter

i said the poilce would probably send an undercover officer to be at the shop and witness the extortion and arrest him straight away as it is a very serious offence especially involving respectable citizens and a little 5 yr old girl.

it then became a bit of an arguement between us.my fiance has since gone to relatives and i am told borrowed the 200,000 bht and paid him.

our baby is due on the 11th august,i am due there soon,i had just booked my ticket,the aunty just paid for the new car.

she didnt get a new house like all the others she compares my fiance with and calls her a failure but she did get 2 room extensions,huge roofing,a new kitchen and not a bht to spend on her niece or granddaughter in nearly 3 yrs.she also adopted the litle girl and has the legal papers since the father left before she was born so shes a guardian.

she didnt get a new car but unfortunately i think she got 33% of her new car as now since my fiance has borrowed the money to pay and i am the one who supports her one doesnt have to be a brain surgeon to work out...i will be paying for the loan and if it is all true which i somehow doubt he can come back next month and demand more.

surely if it was all true they would of gone to police.....my fiance is still a mess and is still in fear but seems to think the problem is fixed ...well hopeful anyway.

thank you for your time and please leave your opinion.

regardless if i have been scammed or not...surely one would of needed to involve the police at a high level for the safety of the child and so that this man doesnt come back next month and demand...maybe more...500,000 bht since he was paid what he demanded this time.

my last point..surely the police in a case like this would help or has thailand got that bad like many people are saying in forums etc about scams,setups,extortion etc by police

Walk away my friend if she isn't part of it then I'd be very surprised .....scam sorry to say ...good luck

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I actually read the OP's whole long story, although he could have shortened it and still got his point across.

There is no way that any of us here can actually know what happened, or even the OP knowing what is actually going on. But, it is quite evident that the aunt is manipulating the OP's girl friend/fiancé. All he can do now is damage control and get the woman and her child out of that situation as soon as possible. It would be far cheaper in the long run to get the woman as far away from the aunt as possible. Rent her a room in a Thai hotel in an entirely different city. There is always work for women who actually want to work.

However, if the woman wants to stay in the same situation then she has her priorities wrong with regards to the OP, and the OP better accept his losses and move on. I wish him the best of luck, but he did walk into a delicate situation with very little prior planning.

Lady i think you seriously underestimate Thai family values specially in Rural area's in Thailand very different from what you are used to in canada.If the woman he intends to marry had some balls and serious intentions she would have told him not to buy her all that crap like i-pads and such and apperently aunty runs an illegal gambling den so she must be making some cash of herself so no need to buy a car to bring baby home from hospital or build extra room to her shophouse from his hard earned cash.They where doing fine before khun farang appeared in there life .

the gambling den is opposite the shop/home but she doesnt run it..only watches all the ladies drive their in new cars and when they buy gigs from the shop the speak of their new houses.

yes correct..she was doing fine but now wants to do finer !!!

thanks for your adice.

the situation was explained and shown as all under control and without a problem regarding the childs father leaving before the childs birth and agreeing to the legal guardianship papers etc.

also no contact at all for nearly 6 years.

i think possibly he has found about our relationship,baby,plans to go o/s and then its all started from this but its only an assumption.

it seemed a normal thing that happens in thailand when the man refuses to take on any care and moves on.

i agree with your comments and reply.


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i am new to posting on this forum but have been reading posts and info on this great site for many years.

i would like to share my story and i hope i have some honest feedback.

i will say i feel that i have been victim of a scam but will let you decide.

i have known my fiance for nearly 3 yrs.

i have travelled to thailand and spent a total of 6 months together with her ( approx 5 weeks every 6 months ) mainly on vacation as she works 16 hours + per day every day as well as doing housework in her aunties homefront shop/supermarket when i am not there.i then pay for an employee to help at the shop when she is away although her uncle helps there too.

she doesnt get paid just a room and a room for her 5 yr old daughter.

when i visit i buy them all they need and also for 2+ years sent 5,000 bht per month and leave 25,000 bht everytime i go back home which equates to 10,000 bht per month.

last december she became pregnant and our baby girl will be born mid-august.

i have been what i feel as kind and generous in that i have made her feel loved by spending over 250,000 baht on jewelery and engagement ring.

i have arranged for visa which is currently being processed so they can come and live with me in australia.

she has been a good lady to me and has a good work ethic and use to work as a nurse in the udon thani hospital.

she married a thai man 6 yrs ago but he had a mistress and left her before their baby girl who is now 5+ yrs old was born.

her mother passed away when she was young and her father ran away from isaan to work in bangkok due to some financial problems.

her aunty views farangs as all rich and people from whom to become wealthy from them and their money.

there is a gambling house in front of their house/shop which is packed everyday with thai ladies married to farangs who work o/s

these ladies all drive new cars and have homes all purchased by their old farang husbands.

they gamble and drink daily and many have thai lovers who also do the same and seem to be unemployed.

she has for years been complaining to my fiance about how these bar girls etc.have new houses and cars yet she doesnt and hasnt got which is very upsetting to her.

i always bring expensive gifts for them when i visit from o/s and take them out to meals at good hotels etc etc.

i treat her daughter like she was my own and she has all she needs like 46" lcd tv,toys,bikes,pink room,dvd,consoles,games,clothes,karaoke,good school,art school,karate new aircond in her room,new furniture,i pay for all her foods and mi,health insurance and some other insurances for when she is older etc etc. and my love and care.

i treat my fiance the same with phones,tablet,our vacations spent in nice hotels around thailand,always eat in quality resturantes,buy her clothes,hairstyles,braces for teeth,

paid for her ipad,and all lifes comforts she has them as well as also love and care.i ring her everyday without fail and she emails me also daily and we chat at times on cam if we are not tired.my mother and young son have not met her but will do in january and they talkon the phone and online on cam.

i found her long lost father for her which made her very happy and took her,him and her younger brother for 1 week vacation to hua hin...all so she is happy which she is.it was a warm and lovely reuniting time.the raw emotion that poured out after not having seen each other for about 15 years brought tears all around.we had a great time.

since the news of our baby i have had big porfessional extension built onto the aunties house with ensuite,furniture etc etc which will only be used until the visa is approved.

all the babies needs are all in place.i am happy to spend and give as i love her very much and i feel she loves me too.it is a genuine relationship based on love and respect.

to the business i stock it with goods on occasions and have paid for a huge roof to cover all the shop/patio/car parking area again for comfort for them all.

since we have been together the aunty has not had to pay 1 satang towards my fiance and her daughter who lovingly calls me dad.

since her pregnancy i have paid all doctors bills and expenses and already paid the 40,000 baht for a private room for the birth and for a good doctor to deliver the baby.

she tells me and has told me there is no love in the home for them...all is about money.all is about material things like what others have from farangs and what she hasnt.

please understand i am not trying to big note myself that i give,give,give and spend,spend ,spend on them as i do it from my heart and as my way to show i love them.

when i arrive in thailand i fly her into bangkok and we meet at the airport everytime and i leave thailand the day i leave her.

there are no other men or woman involved and we are honest and faithful to each other and all is going along very well and we are very happy and excited about our future.

although the aunty would love a big new house and a brand new car from me...she just isnt going to get these desires or dreams as i am not a millionaire.

besides she has several houses and farms and works high up in a big hotel so she is well off financially and her husband has just retired and once worked o/s for many years

since the pregnancy i send now 10,000 plus the money i leave equates to 15,000 per month which i feel is enough to live comfortably.

now comes my question.....

but 1st...i need to say...1 month ago i was told her aunty is buying a new car so our baby can go home in it from the hospital.

i told my fiance that this wasnt needed,they already had a good 4x4 only a few years old anyway the hospital is only a few km away.

if she wanted a new car that was not my business but i didnt want to hear talk of..so that baby can be picked up from the hospital in a new car.

it worried me to hear this as it sounded a little absurd.

i said i didnt want to hear our babies name linked to the purchase of a new car as i could feel what it may lead to.

i booked my flight last sunday and emailed her the itinerary.

the next day aunty took delivery of a 600,000 + bht new car,

by some stroke of bad luck that afternoon my fiances ex husband ( married but no papers ) supposedly turned up and demanded 200,000 baht or he would come and harrass her daughter.they had 2 days to pay him.

when i rang her i could tell something was not right.

when i was told he had arrived when he has never ever seen the little girl and left there lives nearly 6 yrs ago i was shocked.

when i was told the ransom money was needed to be paid i was in true shock.

i said,go to the police station ( also they have a relative who is a policeman ).

i said you must report it.

you cant pay as he may come back next month and want more.

i was told thai police arent like police in farangland...i know that in many cases there is corruption,scams,set ups etc, but to protect a little girl from kidnap is a different matter

i said the poilce would probably send an undercover officer to be at the shop and witness the extortion and arrest him straight away as it is a very serious offence especially involving respectable citizens and a little 5 yr old girl.

it then became a bit of an arguement between us.my fiance has since gone to relatives and i am told borrowed the 200,000 bht and paid him.

our baby is due on the 11th august,i am due there soon,i had just booked my ticket,the aunty just paid for the new car.

she didnt get a new house like all the others she compares my fiance with and calls her a failure but she did get 2 room extensions,huge roofing,a new kitchen and not a bht to spend on her niece or granddaughter in nearly 3 yrs.she also adopted the litle girl and has the legal papers since the father left before she was born so shes a guardian.

she didnt get a new car but unfortunately i think she got 33% of her new car as now since my fiance has borrowed the money to pay and i am the one who supports her one doesnt have to be a brain surgeon to work out...i will be paying for the loan and if it is all true which i somehow doubt he can come back next month and demand more.

surely if it was all true they would of gone to police.....my fiance is still a mess and is still in fear but seems to think the problem is fixed ...well hopeful anyway.

thank you for your time and please leave your opinion.

regardless if i have been scammed or not...surely one would of needed to involve the police at a high level for the safety of the child and so that this man doesnt come back next month and demand...maybe more...500,000 bht since he was paid what he demanded this time.

my last point..surely the police in a case like this would help or has thailand got that bad like many people are saying in forums etc about scams,setups,extortion etc by police

Walk away my friend if she isn't part of it then I'd be very surprised .....scam sorry to say ...good luck

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

thanks..unfortunately it does look this way even though one doesnt want to believe it going by all her tears and all the past goodness she has shown throughout our relationship..

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So your waiting for her visa right? Then her 1st daughter and your daughter will be moving to Australia right?

I'd say once approved get them away from that greedy family of hers. Why you felt the need to build an extension on her aunts is silly. Perhaps an air con but not everything else. They are Thai, they're used to hot weather. I'd wait for the visa then say stick all those car bills and extortion money up your bum I'm not paying anymore.

Another thing, is she officially divorced? No visa if not official from the courts. Then how's it gonna work with the new baby, like passport etc? Mate sounds messy, sort it out for God's sake.

yes.to leave asap after the visa is approved is the plan.

my fiance wanted to have comfort and bathroom to care for baby until visa approved.

was only married in thai ceremony,sinsod and bahts of gold paid to aunty who kept even the gold jewelery after they broke up and he left with his mistress.

court papers all have aunty and uncle as guardians.

i feel maybe this is part of the scam as possibly within a few months the visas will be granted.

the baby cant be put on visa until she is born.

thank you for your advice.

Aunt & uncle are guardians of your GF's child? If so, how are you planning to get their permission for the child to depart Thailand and legally transfer the care of the child back to the mother.

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got half way. Sorry are you writing memoirs? I dont' really know what you are after.

About police they are right, they won't get involved over domestic issues until a crime has actually been committed. I know it is stupid but that is the way it is.

As for a scam, sounds like greedy relatives. Personally, if you think that 15k baht a month is enough for your baby mama to live, just stay in your country and move on. Abandon your child and get over it. You may not be rich but that is really a lowball sum to support your family.

I don't know why you would ever get involved with a woman with this kind of background. You made your bed lie in it. If it is a scam then it is a scam. Pay up or be alone. Simple answer.

maybe you are one of these people whomake it hard for the others by supporting with more than what a person would receive if they work.

considering all that is paid for 15,000 net for food and power is enough for a fiance and a 5 year old girl as if you read my post all other expenses are paid for.

as to a woman with this type of background...what is bad about someone whos mother died when they were young and father left her to be looked after by family.

at least she is not a bargirl.

is it not a crime for an undercover cop to here an extortion demand of 200,000 baht.

i agree with your bit about the scam.

the rest of your comments seem rather sarcastic.

like..you made your bed lie in it...if its a scam then its a scam.

pay up or be alone.

i was after advice regarding police and laws.....if you bothered to read rather than mock.

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So your waiting for her visa right? Then her 1st daughter and your daughter will be moving to Australia right?

I'd say once approved get them away from that greedy family of hers. Why you felt the need to build an extension on her aunts is silly. Perhaps an air con but not everything else. They are Thai, they're used to hot weather. I'd wait for the visa then say stick all those car bills and extortion money up your bum I'm not paying anymore.

Another thing, is she officially divorced? No visa if not official from the courts. Then how's it gonna work with the new baby, like passport etc? Mate sounds messy, sort it out for God's sake.

yes.to leave asap after the visa is approved is the plan.

my fiance wanted to have comfort and bathroom to care for baby until visa approved.

was only married in thai ceremony,sinsod and bahts of gold paid to aunty who kept even the gold jewelery after they broke up and he left with his mistress.

court papers all have aunty and uncle as guardians.

i feel maybe this is part of the scam as possibly within a few months the visas will be granted.

the baby cant be put on visa until she is born.

thank you for your advice.

Aunt & uncle are guardians of your GF's child? If so, how are you planning to get their permission for the child to depart Thailand and legally transfer the care of the child back to the mother.

they had told my fiance that they would sign documents.

this was said would be done when i arrive.

possibly the 200,000 bht may be some form of masked payment for this permission.

i honestly dont know but it would of been better and clearer if this was just said as i would go get it done at a lawyers and pay then rather than the worry of someone threatening to take,kidnap or not leave the little girl in peace.

my worry is that since its supposedly been paid already once...what guarantee is there that the person will not come again next month and demand more.

this is why i thought the police would of been of help.

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op, mate I want to hope that you are not being scammed, I really do, I started to feel a bit uncomfortable with my lady of 2 years so wound back the bit of money that I was sending, (met her through a friend) bargirl,??, anyway the kitten soon turned into a tiger, now working in a karaoke bar I believe, hope she learns something from both experiences and may her budda look over her....

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So your waiting for her visa right? Then her 1st daughter and your daughter will be moving to Australia right?

I'd say once approved get them away from that greedy family of hers. Why you felt the need to build an extension on her aunts is silly. Perhaps an air con but not everything else. They are Thai, they're used to hot weather. I'd wait for the visa then say stick all those car bills and extortion money up your bum I'm not paying anymore.

Another thing, is she officially divorced? No visa if not official from the courts. Then how's it gonna work with the new baby, like passport etc? Mate sounds messy, sort it out for God's sake.

yes.to leave asap after the visa is approved is the plan.

my fiance wanted to have comfort and bathroom to care for baby until visa approved.

was only married in thai ceremony,sinsod and bahts of gold paid to aunty who kept even the gold jewelery after they broke up and he left with his mistress.

court papers all have aunty and uncle as guardians.

i feel maybe this is part of the scam as possibly within a few months the visas will be granted.

the baby cant be put on visa until she is born.

thank you for your advice.

Aunt & uncle are guardians of your GF's child? If so, how are you planning to get their permission for the child to depart Thailand and legally transfer the care of the child back to the mother.

they had told my fiance that they would sign documents.

this was said would be done when i arrive.

possibly the 200,000 bht may be some form of masked payment for this permission.

i honestly dont know but it would of been better and clearer if this was just said as i would go get it done at a lawyers and pay then rather than the worry of someone threatening to take,kidnap or not leave the little girl in peace.

my worry is that since its supposedly been paid already once...what guarantee is there that the person will not come again next month and demand more.

this is why i thought the police would of been of help.

If i understand correctly you already applied for visas a while back altough most western embassy's would want to see certain documents stating that the mother of said child has legal documents stating that she is the single guardian and allowed to take the child abroad with her .But now they will sign said documents after you arrive in Thailand ,how could you apply for a visa for oz if said documents stating this was not in the mothers possesion in the first place.
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You do not have to look as far as the aunt or the ex(?) husband to see who is scamming you. It is your wife.

thank you....i will investigate on my arrival and possible departure.

Listen Boss, it's up to her to protect you, and so far she has shown that she is useless at it.

You are offering her a fabulous new start in Australia for her and her daughter and she is either

1. Ripping the p*ss out of you or

2. Allowing the p*ss to be ripped out of you.

It's time for you treat this family with the same brutality they are treating you with.

Over to you.

thanks buddy...thats the type of reply i want to hear not some of the s**t people are saying like 15,000 net with all else paid and a good future etc etc is nothing and suggesting that i am being tight etc etc.

really appreciate your advice as in my brain thats what i feel but i am a good hearted man and feel guilt to leave a baby and a little girl back to a s++t hole life.

and besides a good future in australia we have a lovely apartment in southern spain on the beach and i am semi retired and run my own show so its not even a life like i see when ladies come to farang land and then have to work.

life for all of us is all planned to be enjoyed while we can as thats why i have worked hard,have no debt, am young at heart and not so old and well travelled.

but if people are going to be as you put it...then obviously something isnt right and it will be up to my fiance to correct things.

thanks champ.

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