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Army notifies Bangkok of impending tank maneuver


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Maybe time for a coup. After all I think Thailand leads the worlds for coups.

In post war terms it does..... just ahead of those other peaceful paradises, Bolivia and Syria.

In fact it is one activity in which Thailand can legitimately refer to itself as being a world hub.

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As much as I would like to see this government ousted, I really do think that to facilitate this by any other means than the ballot box would be very unwise. Whether we like it or not, they came in as a democratically-elected government and they must be beaten in the same way.

It is clear that what they have done since coming into power has served only to demonstrate that they couldn't run a piss-up in a brewery, and also that their primary focus has consistently been on lining their own pockets, as well as bringing back the past master of that particular art.

I believe that we will have to rely upon the realization amongst those in the lower echelons that they have been betrayed by their leaders, ultimately at great financial cost to those who can least afford it. When the sh1t does eventually hit the fan, we are going to see massive loss of confidence in Thailand, followed by a mass exodus of foreign funds, the baht currency in freefall, revised GDP growth, heightened inflation, and, a resultant rapid rise in the CPI.

Clearly, the ones who will be affected the worst by all of this will be those on low incomes, the very people this government has blatantly used in its rise to power. Unfortunately, I see only blind faith amongst these very people, so the tendency amongst these "biggest losers" is likely to be to blame the opposition for all of this, and thus, we have a vicious circle of social partisan hatred and economic decline.

They cannot risk letting Thaksin back into the country with amnesty. They cannot and will not. The shinawatras will be in power as a dynasty for a long time, and will slowly dismantle the amart.

The victory will be complete. I don't like coups, and don't believe they should intervene, it is just that ptp insists on pardoning the guy. It's a step too far.

This is not routine. It's a show of force. But it's all getting so confusing...wish they'd also announce who exactly they're trying to scare.

Well as one who would be in favour of a coup, I can't help feeling the signature is all wrong. Consider for a moment the way this is being done. Maybe.....maybe

- the Shin Clan preparations have been very thorough in terms of putting the right people in the right positions. Their Majesties, like many heads of state don't just decide to go to Hua Hin, they would be advised to go for health benefits, tradition etc and perhaps security, so off they go. Bangkok is now clear. Thaksin moves 'his' army out on routine manouvers with the statement that has the whole country buzzing thinking 'ha ha watch out Yingluck and Thaksin a coup is in the making', but it is really a security cordon - for Thaksin and PTP. Let red foot soldiers in, keep anyone else out. Amnesty bill passed, Thaksin fly's into Bangkok the day after. Bam! Nothing anyone else can do. Check! (not quite mate!). Commence the break-up towards civil war. The Army fractures as those loyal officers realise what their 'exercise' and 'manouvers' are all about, big struggle at the top of the armed forces to maintain control of an organization that has always been loyal to monarchy only. The rally point of course for the people and loyal army is now in Hua Hin NOT Bangkok. Thaksin is deceitful, conniving and I just can't believe that he would fall for this again, he has been meticulous in his planning so far. The wolf in sheeps clothing could be wearing the red cloak this time !!!

Gratifying to see reasoned thinking amid all the bluster and huffing.

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This is not routine. It's a show of force. But it's all getting so confusing...wish they'd also announce who exactly they're trying to scare.

Agree, this could be YS and Pheu Thai trying to show they have control of the Army. If true, it is meant to demoralize the anti-gov't protesters. Sounds like Pheu Thai is trying to gain the upper hand before the protest starts.

This whole scenario is being overcomplicated when the take away will likely be an announcement that Thailand needs to buy new tanks.

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Maybe time for a coup. After all I think Thailand leads the worlds for coups.

In post war terms it does..... just ahead of those other peaceful paradises, Bolivia and Syria.

In fact it is one activity in which Thailand can legitimately refer to itself as being a world hub.

The last coup in Syria was 1966, or?

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This is not routine. It's a show of force. But it's all getting so confusing...wish they'd also announce who exactly they're trying to scare.

Agree, this could be YS and Pheu Thai trying to show they have control of the Army. If true, it is meant to demoralize the anti-gov't protesters. Sounds like Pheu Thai is trying to gain the upper hand before the protest starts.

Sounds possible, but would they be so confident that they put the army in the best position to start a coup?

If they are, that would indeed demoralize the protestors.

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I would be weary of foxes warning the chickens that they are just passing through.

and maybe a few conveniently " break down" in front of the royal palace
Particularly considering which Unit it is.
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Speaking hypothetically. There are times when it's better to have a coup than other times. For example, when all the usual people who condemn coups are distracted by a coup somewhere else, such as Egypt, maybe, and when those same people might not even notice, because they are too worried about the entire Middle East becoming unmoored. Remember when the Suez Crisis erupted and it gave cover to the Russians to invade Hungary and put down the Hungarian revolt.

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This is not routine. It's a show of force. But it's all getting so confusing...wish they'd also announce who exactly they're trying to scare.

Agree, this could be YS and Pheu Thai trying to show they have control of the Army. If true, it is meant to demoralize the anti-gov't protesters. Sounds like Pheu Thai is trying to gain the upper hand before the protest starts.

You think the privy council doesn't know who is loyal to whom? Yingluck wouldn't be able to command the army to do this without someone working out and knowing what was going on.

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After watching the bizarre doings of this government, and the incredible looting of the government coffers, I am actually looking forward to a coup. I just hope it will be relatively bloodless. Although if Thaksin decides to send in his army of red buffalos, I would not mind if a few of them got dispatched.... :-)

Going for demonstrations for 300 Baht + food OK

Going to die for 300 Baht for the dear leader in Dubai: No

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I almost feel sorry for Yingluck. Thaksin is hammering her for a pardon,

yet she knows it will be the downfall of her government.

1. The Majesties have left Bangkok

2. Tanks are rolling

3. The government is insisting there is no problem.

Conclusion?? Coup time !!!!

the expected coups never happen....unfortunately in this case.

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This is not routine. It's a show of force. But it's all getting so confusing...wish they'd also announce who exactly they're trying to scare.

Agree, this could be YS and Pheu Thai trying to show they have control of the Army. If true, it is meant to demoralize the anti-gov't protesters. Sounds like Pheu Thai is trying to gain the upper hand before the protest starts.

You think the privy council doesn't know who is loyal to whom? Yingluck wouldn't be able to command the army to do this without someone working out and knowing what was going on.

Deer in the headlights comes to mind.

Edited by metisdead
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Up until the king became ill, he made at least one visit per year to beautiful Hua Hin. As we know, HM has been on the mend and has been eager to return to an annual tradition that carries significant social tradition. His annual visit is considered a sign of good luck for the locals. The visit should be seen as good news and nothing more than that. I don't know if anyone has taken the time to visit the magnificent teak palace of Rama VI, but it is an impressive teak structure and a highlight of any visit. The presence of HM helps to preserve several culturally important structures.

In respect to the movement of the tanks, it happens every year. Tanks and their crews need to practice and it is quiet in the month of August. They will be transported on trailers and not drive through the streets. The treads of a tank wear out quickly when used on hard surfaces. Nor are they fuel efficient. Kings Guards are not the preferred units for coup d'état deployments. The Queen Guards units are used, and there has been a long tradition of those units being the key personnel when there is a coup.

There is absolutely no reason with which to mount a coup. Despite all the talk of protests, amnesty and government blunders, Thailand is still relatively stable, with a strong economy. People may be unhappy with some government policies, but there is no support for a coup even amongst the Democrats. They know the problems it would bring. The military justifies a coup on the basis of a threat to the monarchy and to date the PTP has been very careful on the issue.

Your post does set out credible reasons for the army's deciding to conduct maneuvers now, even though the timing couldn't be worse, and Yingluck has been sucking up to Prem However, people still remember Taksin's declared intention to be the first president of Thailand, so bit of a dichotomy there.

However, do agree with GeorgeO's post that there really shouldn't be any more coups, I mean, the last one worked out well didn't it rolleyes.gif and that this country's grown up a bit more since then, or they will be forced to.

Edited by metisdead
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As well proven by most posters the current government has no control over Thailand, which includes the justice system. As a few posters have pointer out it was the people that selected the current government, like most posters on this site brand the current government as incompetent, which is much to be expected because they have or my I add do not have the respect by the actual elite that is running or calling the shots. How does one expect the Thai public to change their cheating behaviour, when it is blatant at the top level; lead by example not as I do. Irrespective and for sure most posters will disagree, but the public voted because they want the very person that they see as their leader back; the past is the past. This will obviously fuel the fire of posters but the x primer had no chance of fair justice, which is evident from the overwhelming posters clearly stating who is actually running the country. I am sure no poster was in the courts to know the facts but always quote that the x primer was convicted by a court of law; where on the flip side they quote who is running the country, where obviously the same elite is running the justice system. As a way forward the x primer's case should be tried in another country or bring in foreign judges to conclude true justice then the Thai people can seen true justice, but we all know this will never happen.

For the army to do movements via road is common. However, before they have never made it public; they simply done it. Therefore they have opened the book; like most posters to speculate why they all of a sudden made this statement

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Ok I think it's time to cancel my flight to Thailand on 21st! Or maybe I can wait to see it getting cancelled automatically! Which one do you suggest?! :-(


BOO !!

What does your embassy advise re travel to Thailand ?

Actually I've got my student visa, sold my car and many other things, and got my ticket! So there's no going back now! I'm just afraid the airport gets closed by the red shirts or yellow shirts or army or whatever! Otherwise I don't care what the embassy advises! :D

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Up until the king became ill, he made at least one visit per year to beautiful Hua Hin. As we know, HM has been on the mend and has been eager to return to an annual tradition that carries significant social tradition. His annual visit is considered a sign of good luck for the locals. The visit should be seen as good news and nothing more than that. I don't know if anyone has taken the time to visit the magnificent teak palace of Rama VI, but it is an impressive teak structure and a highlight of any visit. The presence of HM helps to preserve several culturally important structures.

In respect to the movement of the tanks, it happens every year. Tanks and their crews need to practice and it is quiet in the month of August. They will be transported on trailers and not drive through the streets. The treads of a tank wear out quickly when used on hard surfaces. Nor are they fuel efficient. Kings Guards are not the preferred units for coup d'état deployments. The Queen Guards units are used, and there has been a long tradition of those units being the key personnel when there is a coup.

There is absolutely no reason with which to mount a coup. Despite all the talk of protests, amnesty and government blunders, Thailand is still relatively stable, with a strong economy. People may be unhappy with some government policies, but there is no support for a coup even amongst the Democrats. They know the problems it would bring. The military justifies a coup on the basis of a threat to the monarchy and to date the PTP has been very careful on the issue.

Your post does set out credible reasons for the army's deciding to conduct maneuvers now, even though the timing couldn't be worse, and Yingluck has been sucking up to Prem However, people still remember Taksin's declared intention to be the first president of Thailand, so bit of a dichotomy there.

However, do agree with GeorgeO's post that there really shouldn't be any more coups, I mean, the last one worked out well didn't it rolleyes.gif and that this country's grown up a bit more since then, or they will be forced to.

Idle speculation but IMO the Yuthasak tape was a real game changer, as it carved in stone Thaksin's aspirations to be clearly seen by all. Remember on the tape He says that upon His return that He will be above and beyond politics by assuming control of the CPB. If alarm bells didn't start ringing then...

Apologies for capitalizing the word He but I am trying to get into the habit in case He is successful.

I hope that there will not be a coup, it will allow Him to perpetualise His legend of greatness and benevolence and allow Him to continue playing the victim card. PTP must crash and burn by their own greed and stupidity. The necessary lowering of the rice pledging price at some stage in the near future, and the difficulty to blame that on Abhisit will cause unrest such that PTP may be praying for a coup as an exit strategy to save some face.

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Ok I think it's time to cancel my flight to Thailand on 21st! Or maybe I can wait to see it getting cancelled automatically! Which one do you suggest?! :-(


BOO !!

What does your embassy advise re travel to Thailand ?

Actually I've got my student visa, sold my car and many other things, and got my ticket! So there's no going back now! I'm just afraid the airport gets closed by the red shirts or yellow shirts or army or whatever! Otherwise I don't care what the embassy advises! biggrin.png

you can't leave now.....At home it sounds amazing, very hero like when you tell you were in Thailand during the coup. A good story to tell.

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Up until the king became ill, he made at least one visit per year to beautiful Hua Hin. As we know, HM has been on the mend and has been eager to return to an annual tradition that carries significant social tradition. His annual visit is considered a sign of good luck for the locals. The visit should be seen as good news and nothing more than that. I don't know if anyone has taken the time to visit the magnificent teak palace of Rama VI, but it is an impressive teak structure and a highlight of any visit. The presence of HM helps to preserve several culturally important structures.

In respect to the movement of the tanks, it happens every year. Tanks and their crews need to practice and it is quiet in the month of August. They will be transported on trailers and not drive through the streets. The treads of a tank wear out quickly when used on hard surfaces. Nor are they fuel efficient. Kings Guards are not the preferred units for coup d'état deployments. The Queen Guards units are used, and there has been a long tradition of those units being the key personnel when there is a coup.

There is absolutely no reason with which to mount a coup. Despite all the talk of protests, amnesty and government blunders, Thailand is still relatively stable, with a strong economy. People may be unhappy with some government policies, but there is no support for a coup even amongst the Democrats. They know the problems it would bring. The military justifies a coup on the basis of a threat to the monarchy and to date the PTP has been very careful on the issue.

Your post does set out credible reasons for the army's deciding to conduct maneuvers now, even though the timing couldn't be worse, and Yingluck has been sucking up to Prem However, people still remember Taksin's declared intention to be the first president of Thailand, so bit of a dichotomy there.

However, do agree with GeorgeO's post that there really shouldn't be any more coups, I mean, the last one worked out well didn't it rolleyes.gif and that this country's grown up a bit more since then, or they will be forced to.

Idle speculation but IMO the Yuthasak tape was a real game changer, as it carved in stone Thaksin's aspirations to be clearly seen by all. Remember on the tape He says that upon His return that He will be above and beyond politics by assuming control of the CPB. If alarm bells didn't start ringing then...

Apologies for capitalizing the word He but I am trying to get into the habit in case He is successful.

I hope that there will not be a coup, it will allow Him to perpetualise His legend of greatness and benevolence and allow Him to continue playing the victim card. PTP must crash and burn by their own greed and stupidity. The necessary lowering of the rice pledging price at some stage in the near future, and the difficulty to blame that on Abhisit will cause unrest such that PTP may be praying for a coup as an exit strategy to save some face.

you are right. Even if it needs a crash like 1997. It is still better. If the army makes a coup, the next government will have to save money. Than they can tell under PTP everything was better. There were a lot talks from Thaksin and his son that shouldn't leave any doubts what he intents. Btw. what is the meaning of CPB?

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Ok I think it's time to cancel my flight to Thailand on 21st! Or maybe I can wait to see it getting cancelled automatically! Which one do you suggest?! :-(


BOO !!

What does your embassy advise re travel to Thailand ?

Actually I've got my student visa, sold my car and many other things, and got my ticket! So there's no going back now! I'm just afraid the airport gets closed by the red shirts or yellow shirts or army or whatever! Otherwise I don't care what the embassy advises! biggrin.png

you can't leave now.....At home it sounds amazing, very hero like when you tell you were in Thailand during the coup. A good story to tell.

It's not the coup that I'm afraid of. I have a flight TO Thailand on 21st. I'm worried that I can't come because the airport will get closed. Otherwise see you on 22 August and will not leave there! :))

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