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Thais are some of the least rude people in the world - Int'l travel site


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I would have thought the PRC Chinese would have top the list also.


a breakfast buffet with PRC Chinese........the worst nightmare....

Yes! So I'm not the only 1 who's noticed how rude they are at hotel breakfasts. They also have no table manners.
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Define polite? describing somebody as fat or ugly to their face whilst picking your nose, would that be polite?

I have told people in Thailand they are fat and ugly to their face, ie very obese guys in Pattaya not wearing a shirt, but definitely not Thais.

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Skyscanner is an Edinburgh based website, we Glasgwegian's think people from Edinburgh are rude. I bet you can think of example's of people in your own country that have a reputation for being rude.

Some people take delight in being rude, like Yorkshiremen. They will tell you straight how it is, even if they haven't got a clue what they are talking about. Then they'll beam with pride when they tell you that Yorkshiremen are straight talkers.

Payboy makes a valid point, you can only be truly rude if you know what manners are.

Part of international travel, to gain exposure to more culture's, to learn how to get along with people. Too many people only export ignorance and bigotry.

It's embarrassing to behold.

How right you are about Yorkshiremen Blether, I have known two here in Thailand, and ruder people you would never meet, not even in Edinburgh.

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After 30 years in hotel industry, the worst guests for me are, in no particular order: Israelis, Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Indians.

The best: Australians, Japanese, Thai, Americans (obnoxious at times but not rude), Kiwis.

Israelis are at the top of my rude list with Indians a close second.

I'll never forget running into an Israeli guy early one morning at a 7-11 in Pattaya. When he realized that I was American, he started berating me about USA this and USA that. I really was dumbfounded...I just wanted to buy a new toothbrush. Anyway, I didn't really respond but just kept thinking that without the USA, Israel already would be in the dustbin of history. I paid for my toothbrush and went back to the hotel while he still stood in 7-11 berating the USA to the Thai girl he was with.

Oh, BTW, I am not anti-Semitic but the hard, cold facts are that Israelis in general (esp. young ones who just finished their mandatory military service and are traveling around to try to forget the experience) are rude (and self-centered) as hell.

As for Scandinavians, I find them to be some of the nicest and hospitable people I've ever met (except for one time a Norwegian punched me for no reason at a bar...his friends promptly pulled him aside and apologized to me and said he was way too drunk). I have very good Norwegian and Swedish friends and consider them to be like family.

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And also some of the most frank and straightforward people.

Having lived in Thailand now for seven years, I could count the fingers in one hand the amount of Thais that have been rude to me.

seconded! thumbsup.gif

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And also some of the most frank and straightforward people.

Having lived in Thailand now for seven years, I could count the fingers in one hand the amount of Thais that have been rude to me.

Stop paying them and then you'll see.

Yes Johnnie, but I do not employ them, I just never drink alcohol and always mind my own business.

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Thais are not in general rude.

Maybe some in Pattaya but then look at the dregs from our societies they have to deal with.

As for queues, a British invention, of course they do not do it, nor do dutch, Germans, Russians etc.

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There you have it: they are angels! ...well...as long as you don't under-sa-tand the language, of course!

I do understand the language, Doc, and you would be amazed to know what they are saying about people like you cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

...............ranks French, Rusian and British as the top three most rude tourists in the world.

Pure gold !

Actually I would have had the Israelis fighting the Chinese for the gold medal.

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I as doing a 90 day report last week and when my number was called an American jumped in front of me and said, Do you mind if I go 1st I am in a hurry, thanks buddy. Didn't even give me the option to answer with a Yes I do mind because I have things to do also. To me that was pinnacle of rudeness. Then my wife and I go to the airport plaza for lunch and who is sitting in the dining area, the rude obnoxious yank. I guess he was hungrier than us.

Every country has it's share of rude people and when they are in a place like Thailand they stand out more and represent their country. I find the Thai's to be very polite and I am yet to find a rude one.

Perhaps he had been given 3 months to live and had to make the most of it.

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And also some of the most frank and straightforward people.

Having lived in Thailand now for seven years, I could count the fingers in one hand the amount of Thais that have been rude to me.

Stop paying them and then you'll see.

I have never employed Thai people, but I also don't drink alcohol, and always mind my own business, and this is a great country to live in if your like that, but I do question the mentality of Thai people in general.

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All in the eye of the beholder. I blow my nose with a tissue, my wife tells me to go and do it in private. She picks her nose to the knuckle in public no problem.

I've lived and worked in a few countries - Europe, Middle East and Asia. For me the Indians just manage to edge out the East Europeans for rudeness, but pretty close, although rude in different ways.

Newark NJ airport seems to specialize in recruiting rude people and most service sectors I've experienced in the US really don't understand the concept of service - despite all the Tom Peters videos! They just can't speak politely to customers.

Chinese are like animals at any kind of buffet, and in my experience so are the Israelis.

My wife, ranked the politeness of the Europeans she's encountered as (i.e. least rude first) : Dutch, Scots, Germans, English, Italians, East Europeans, British Asians.

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My own experience in tourism (25 years) is that the best customers are the Taiwanese.

The worst are Indians (who assume if you are working that you are their slave). But Indians are not "rude" per-se,so not exactly what this article is about. I just had to mention it.

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Thais are some of the least rude people... <deleted>? I guess that doesnt include the short-tempers, road rage, line cutting, and murdering americans for singing too much eh?

Amen, this OP was definitely written from abroad, where it is not possible to see the effects of having doors let close in your face or experience the rudeness of Thais on golf courses and practice tees.

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Funny how some posters are saying Thai people are well mannered, and others are happily pointing out their bad manners.

Seems to me some people see the glass half full and the others see it half empty.

Personally I see Thai people as being well mannered and courteous, but perhaps it is because that is how I treat them.

Some people attract bad manners.

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Outside of the tourist traps, Thais are pretty open and friendly if you can communicate with them and can speak a little Thai.

Xenophobic, oh yes. Rude, not so much.

That said, behind the wheel of a car, they are probably the most rude in the world. They are also incredibly rude smokers.

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