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Gout medication cost variance and effectiveness.


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Last week I had a major gout attack in ball of my foot. I could not even walk to pharmacy and had to send a friend to get Indomethacin (25mg) for pain and allopurinal (300 mg for prevention) I had not bought any pills for over a year and asked my friend to get receipt so I could do some cost shopping/comparison. They stopped a local pharmacy Indo was B50 for 10 and Allo was B60 for 10, reasonable enough especially since within 2 days I was 90% good again.

I did some comparison shopping at local pharmacy and found the Indo for B02 each and Allo B04 each, I thought I was doing good till I went to Faschino and Indo was B01 each and Allo B03 each.

Why such a huge variance of over 500% from one pharmacy to another?

Not complaining as I now know where to shop for a years supply and will next week.

I am now 100% pain and gout free, thank goodness.

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Regardless of the price . Do not lapse on your Allipurinol. I take 600 mg. daily for the gout. This is the only thing that will stave off the gout with the exception of the newer & more expensive drug they came out with not to long ago. 2 years ago it was quite a bit more & not available in LOS.

If you need to get the swelling down QUICKLY I use Prednisone(steroid) available at every clinic. If you go this route be aware that you can only use sparaticaly (damn spell check) I use 20 mg. the first day 10 mg the next & 5 mg the 3rd day. By the end of the first day you get immediate relief gone by day 2. The prescription runs for 10 days @ 20 mg a day(for me) So by using just a tad to relieve the symptoms it works great & is very evasive on damage to your body since you only use way under prescribed doses. And usually the gout attacks are not that often that the usage will have any adverse affects on you. It works great. They only have 5 mg. doses in Thailand but can be obtained by any of the clinics. Widely used for Mango rash so if you do need this relief just say it is mango rash.

As a cancer survivor that has made it 18 years ago- my Dr. in Maui Hawaii gave me clearance at this low dose as it is used very infrequently & its benefits way outweigh the downside.

Thanks for the tidbit at Facino. I have been paying 4 baht for the Allipurinol.

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Up here in the 'Sticks' of Surin you can buy 1,000 Indomethacin (25mg) for around 200 baht. The price varies from pharmacy to pharmacy but not by a lot. I have bought it as cheaply as 180 baht and as much as 280 baht per 1,000. I can not help you with a price for the other medication.

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