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For some, anti-govt protest lacks spirit of PAD rallies


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the majority of protesters were elderly,

Of course the majority of protesters were elderly.

Look around you and you will see that most people in this country have to work for a living.

Most of those of working age cant take days off to join rallies no matter how strong their feelings are one way or the other.

obvious....unless you pay them like the reds.

But also that Thaksin topic was so often re-heated that most people are bored by it. That doesn't mean they agree.

I think not much will happen till he comes back. But I might be wrong....

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the majority of protesters were elderly,

Of course the majority of protesters were elderly.

Look around you and you will see that most people in this country have to work for a living.

Most of those of working age cant take days off to join rallies no matter how strong their feelings are one way or the other.

obvious....unless you pay them like the reds.

But also that Thaksin topic was so often re-heated that most people are bored by it. That doesn't mean they agree.

I think not much will happen till he comes back. But I might be wrong....

Yeah...basically everybody is bored with that...but that didn't keep you from mentioning it once again.

So...just for balance reasons...of course no money was ever paid in the 2008 raiding of the government house or to any person that took part in the airport- blockings.

All the people there were in it for pure enthusiasm...like so many in Thailand!

Edited by DocN
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the majority of protesters were elderly,

Of course the majority of protesters were elderly.

Look around you and you will see that most people in this country have to work for a living.

Most of those of working age cant take days off to join rallies no matter how strong their feelings are one way or the other.

obvious....unless you pay them like the reds.

But also that Thaksin topic was so often re-heated that most people are bored by it. That doesn't mean they agree.

I think not much will happen till he comes back. But I might be wrong....

Yeah...basically everybody is bored with that...but that didn't keep you from mentioning it once again.

So...just for balance reasons...of course no money was ever paid in the 2008 raiding of the government house or to any person that took part in the airport- blockings.

All the people there were in it for pure enthusiasm...like so many in Thailand!

fine that you finally got it.

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Nice to see some honesty for a change. No need for elections and slogans such as "Let's Vote Them Out of Office" or "Building for the Future". Instead we are given the reality with the term "Overthrow". That says it all. These are not people with a respect for the democratic process. They respect democracy only when it gives them what they want. The lack of robust support for the protesters espousing the crushing of basic democratic process suggests that perhaps the Thai nation has grown and matured over the years, preferring to have change come through elections and not coups.

Although upsetting for the foreigners of limited abilities and means and occupying marginal positions in the social hierarchy, the trend towards stability and respect for democracy is reassuring for those with long term investments and a respect for the democratic process.

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the majority of protesters were elderly,

Of course the majority of protesters were elderly.

Look around you and you will see that most people in this country have to work for a living.

Most of those of working age cant take days off to join rallies no matter how strong their feelings are one way or the other.

you would think that, but i would posit that you have not been around for the last two rounds of protests and taken a good look at the average age of the crowd..

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the majority of protesters were elderly,

Of course the majority of protesters were elderly.

Look around you and you will see that most people in this country have to work for a living.

Most of those of working age cant take days off to join rallies no matter how strong their feelings are one way or the other.

you would think that, but i would posit that you have not been around for the last two rounds of protests and taken a good look at the average age of the crowd..

Well at the Government house it was mostly the elderly who were there every night. But on the evening, after working and on the weekend the young one came.

At least at PADs best time. That slowly degenerate to only the old one.

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Nice to see some honesty for a change. No need for elections and slogans such as "Let's Vote Them Out of Office" or "Building for the Future". Instead we are given the reality with the term "Overthrow". That says it all. These are not people with a respect for the democratic process. They respect democracy only when it gives them what they want. The lack of robust support for the protesters espousing the crushing of basic democratic process suggests that perhaps the Thai nation has grown and matured over the years, preferring to have change come through elections and not coups.

Although upsetting for the foreigners of limited abilities and means and occupying marginal positions in the social hierarchy, the trend towards stability and respect for democracy is reassuring for those with long term investments and a respect for the democratic process.

You are so right. That's why the red rabble laying siege to Bangkok graciously allowed the Abhisit government to complete its term before they would vote the Dems out of power.

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I wasn't necessarily anti-PAD until Sondhi came out with the comment that the rural poor were too stupid to vote, and shouldn't be allowed to, and then managed to get my hands on a copy of their "outline" for "Democracy".

1) Parliament would be 70% "appointed", and those doing the appointments would be the elite and top military brass.

2) The remaining 30% would be elected by vote,but the ONLY people eligible to vote were those in possession of a university degree. No degree, then you aren't smart enough to vote.

3) Prime Ministers would be Royally Appointed, not elected by Parliament.

After reading that any support I might have had for them few right out the window

To bad you didn't get the update a month after the idea was spoken years ago, because you would have seen the notion was summarily dismissed and never again considered.

Except by dishonest persons bent on perpetrating the falsehood that it was ever seriously considered or, even more dishonestly, attempt to portray it as a current policy or "outline".

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The Red Shirt, as an organization, didn't even exist until long AFTER the PAD rallies had finally come to a close. At the time of the PAD, there were NO Red Shirt, NO UDD

More dishonesty.

Red Shirt Leaders like Weng and Natthawut were organizing violence as far back as 2007.

They've changed the name of the group several times, but it's the same leaders that have been there for 5 years, and it hasn't changed their focus on Thaksin.


Even Wiki will tell you:

The UDD first formed in 2006


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Its just lacking the violence, looting and circus side show display of red shirts; that is what they're trying to say. A little less entertaining and less like a shockumentary.

At least they're exhibiting true protest form; making a statement without the need for rogue behavior.

No mate. You've missed the point. The clue is in the words "lacks spirit of PAD rallies"

Just what this pathetic lowly attended protest has to do with red shirts it seems only you know

.Would you prefer further acts of terrorism from the cuddly yellow shirts as they demonstrated in 2008 in commandeering two international airports and earlier ransacking Government House. Yeah right.

No violence then was there? Oh, hang on, forgot about the PAD supporter who blew himself up in his car which was full of explosives. Probably on his way to work in a quarry eh?

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