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U.S. Openly Gay/Lesbian Politicians Rising -- NYC mayor's race


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Well we've had openly gay mayors of small towns, mayors of big cities, congressmen, and a senator. But now maybe a lesbian mayor of New York City, one of the most high profile offices in the USA. She's now in the running largely thanks to the meltdown of the Weiner character. No, I don't know if she's any good.

But I see no reason now why there can't be a gay U.S. president in the next 20 - 50 years. That seems to be trend now in presidencies, breaking identity barriers, too many straight white men for too long.

Arguably, there have already been one or two gay U.S. presidents already but talking here of course about gay and OUT.

So in Obama the first African American president.

Still to come:

First woman president (soon)

First African American president with two black parents with American slave ancestry (obviously coming)

First Latino president (obviously coming)

First Asian president who is a Christian (long wait)

First gay president (long wait)

First Asian president who is a Buddhist or Hindu (a VERY long wait)

First Jewish president (a VERY long wait)

First Muslim president (never)

First Mormon president (never)

Of course two-fers would be cool.

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I want to a comment about voting preferences.

I am not suggesting here that it's advisable to vote based on identity affiliation.

Ideally people should vote on issue positions and also character traits, etc, especially for offices like presidents.

An example is when Hillary Clinton ran against Obama, Clinton had significant African American support as well she deserved.

I expect the USA to see it's first woman president soon, and I expect her to be Hillary Clinton, but if that doesn't happen, it could easily be a right wing woman who is the first. I would sure hope American women wouldn't vote for a right wing woman just because of her gender!

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Progress will be when a country's electorate doesn't worry about whether someone they are voting for is female, Latino, of slave ancestry, Asian, Christian, Mormon, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, lesbian or gay and doesn't feel any need to comment on it.

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Progress will be when a country's electorate doesn't worry about whether someone they are voting for is female, Latino, of slave ancestry, Asian, Christian, Mormon, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, lesbian or gay and doesn't feel any need to comment on it.

You're talking about a country of robots then. Humans notice these things. Color blindness is something only whites talk about. It isn't really real. As the USA is a very diverse nation now, it is only fair that not all presidents are straight white Christian men anymore and they won't be.

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