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I too am a Condo owner and in the past 6 months I've been here, there have been NO meetings of any sort.

Matter of fact, there has been no information as to where and how our maintenance fees are being spent.

It is normal to have only one AGM for co-owners per year (the clue is in the name: Annual General Meeting). If there isn't a quorum for this then there is commonly a second meeting a week or two later. Unlike the first meeting this second meeting can vote by simple majority on many questions, without needing a quorum.

At the AGM the committee should present a list of what has been done and what needs doing, and accounts showing how money has been spent. I believe you can get a copy of the accounts for previous years at any time also. You would expect to see a budget for the next year also.

There may rarely be EGMs (Extraordinary General Meetings) if something terrible happens that cant wait for the AGM. This is usually something that requires a lot of money urgently, or some other big decision.

All that aside your committee should be meeting from time to time, as needed. Some committees publish details of what they do on the building notice board. Some dont. I'm not sure what the actual rules are about this.

If you want to know what's going on you have the right to ask a committee member. I dont know if he has to respond but mine do.

You can also ask the juristic manager.

Lastly, Juristic manager is using the complex to rent vehicles as a side business. Is this legal?

Buildings often have businesses operating from units on the ground floor (minimart, laundry, restaurant etc). I think it depends on the building by-laws as to whether this is permitted or not. I would have thought that running a car rental business from the building car park would be covered by the by-laws also.

Unsurprisingly in Thailand, committee members and juristic managers often see their task as a way of lining their own pockets. The farang ones can be the worst offenders.

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