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PM Yingluck vows to develop Thai trains, uplift Thais' living standards


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I'm quite sure many Thais might enjoy the pictured lifestyle, but they have to go to work instead. Perhaps our number one Member of Parliament might like to try that, instead of spouting hot air while sitting by the sea.

BTW yes, the railways need improvement, and the trillion or so baht currently being wasted on corruption and vote buying would achieve much of that, without borrowing with long term repayments and massive interest.

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Just some food for thought... If the rice pledge scheme was traded for infrastructure, the HSR to the Eastern Seaboard would already be paid for and under construction -- or perphaps more urgently, it would have funded a big chunk (about half I think) of double-tracking and rehabilitating the existing metre-gauge system.

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Ah, as sure as the sun rises and sets one can always count on the usual 'let's bash PM Yingluck' suspects to rant away into to oblivion.


.And as sure as day follows night, one can always count on the usual suspects defending the indefensible. coffee1.gif

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Ah, as sure as the sun rises and sets one can always count on the usual 'let's bash PM Yingluck' suspects to rant away into to oblivion.


You could always counter by telling us the wonderful things she and her government are doing for the country.

I've been waiting for the 2 years achievements to be announced, but it seems there aren't any.

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uplift Thais' living standards

Where have I heard this before. She forgot to mention "in six months".

well, I gather she did not succeed in uplifting Thais' living standards.

As I hear it, she succeeded very well in lowering the living standard for the general people.

But indeed, her cronies benefitted hugely.

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here is an image from google images showing the P.M.talking to the Transport Minister. ( see below)

It doesn't take more than a glance to see that she's not on a standard passenger car, nor even a 1st class piece of equipment.

What we see is probably a car reserved for extremely rare occasions when a certain VIP travels by train. That, or it is part of one of The Eastern Oriental Train sets.

Perhaps if Madam Yingluck had tried to spend a couple of hours in a standard railcar, she may have better understood the dire need for modernisation, i.e bringing the SRT into the 20th Century..

The idea of turning railways stations into OTOP markets and selling OTOP products on the trains is not bad, but a bit downmarket surely?


Thai reality


Yinglucks reality........

Edited by ratcatcher
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Is she insane or does she think every one else is and will buy her drivel with out giving it a second thought.

"“PM Yingluck Government Meets the People,” following a meeting on a railway development plan on Thursday where she led cabinet ministers to travel by a special train sortie from Bangkok to Nakhon Pathom.

She said the meeting agreed that travelling by train is important to the public and the services of the State Railway of Thailand (SRT) should be uplifted in accord with the Bt2 trillion infrastructure development budget.

Ms Yingluck said the train trip was to help her understand the real problems and to try to find short and long-term solutions so that the public can benefit from Thai train stations' services."

If she wants to understand the real problems she should take a cab to the train station stand in line to get on a regular train.

But not her she takes her Chauffeured Limousine to the train station. Gets on a specially prepared train and claims she now understands the real problems. I bet their was not one factory or field worker on that train. I think it is time she had the air in her head freshened up a bit.

I think even a red shirt could see through that fairy tale. Well maybe.

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I thought these trains were going to be built by the Chinese and be outside the control of the SRT?

The Chinese have expressed varied interests from financing (high interest sof loans), to aiding in construction, to providing rolling stock and other associated systems. Regardless of the operational model chosen if HSR gets built, Thailand will own at least 51% (if a PPP or JV of sorts)... no foreign country / entity, be it Chinese, Japanese, or otherwise will have a majority stake. I believe the off-budget bill working its way through parliament will also mean that most of funding will be from domestic sources, likely some combination of the Ministry of Finance and commercial lenders.

I don't think any country, Japan or China would put up to 49 percent investment to support and assist Thailand in developing a high speed train. Bad investment! For God's sake, why not first, invest and upgrade the current rail system that Thailand uses. For example, the tracks between Ubon and Bangkok in some areas are just plain scary. Thailand and Yingluck are just dreamers. Investors beware.

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Simple, every member of the Shinawat clan should leave the country and leave all the money they stole from it's people, then put someone honest in charge and this might start being a great place....Living standards instantly improved as all that money could make this a first world country quickly if handled correctly by someone well educated with the right attitude...

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Ah, as sure as the sun rises and sets one can always count on the usual 'let's bash PM Yingluck' suspects to rant away into to oblivion.


And as long as the Pope is Catholic and bears s**t in the woods, people will come on here making posts that contribute zero to the subject and then they say ...yawn! How ironic.

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What Thailand need to make the railways work is The Fat Controller. (Thomas the Tank Engine fans will understand). Unfortunately TFC is thought to be a slimming regime - or that most useless of people, a personal trainer.

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Ah, as sure as the sun rises and sets one can always count on the usual 'let's bash PM Yingluck' suspects to rant away into to oblivion.


And as long as the Pope is Catholic and bears s**t in the woods, people will come on here making posts that contribute zero to the subject and then they say ...yawn! How ironic.

Was it ironic or moronic?

Seems like a lot of PTP red shirt supporters have disappeared and a new batch has arisen.

they think that defending the corruption and inadequate governing of the current batch of Thaksin Ltd. employes is contributing to some thing.

In a way they are.

Each post they put up demonstrates what the lack of education can lead to.

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I understand the sarcastic comments. But this is a deadly serious issue. A decent railway system is something Thailand sorely needs and it should not be taken lightly. Here in Chiang Rai there are large billboards with the image of a smiling Yingluck and a train entering a station named Chiang Rai. I fear the matter is being taken too lightly and the promise of those expensive high-speed trains does not help, it makes the whole issue look like a distant dream.

A good conventional railway network should not be made the issue of one party or the promise of a prime minister that gets elected for a few years. This is a long-term project that is vital for Thailand as a whole and all the succeeding governments of the nation should work towards it.

I completely agree with you. The HSR would be nice but first they have to make the system they have safe and workable. In many areas it needs to be double tracked.

It is a project that previous governments have over looked and is only now being mentioned by the current government in order to stop people from watching what they are really doing to the country. Things like driving the rice industry out of business past the local population. Trying to spend 350 billion baht on a water management scheme with no regard for what it will do to the people or the ecology. Doing nothing to improve the education system. Raising the cost of living.

No point in even mentioning the corruption it is so blatant.

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Yingluck why dont you go and play with your Barbie dolls?

Hey, nothing wrong if she wants a choo choo set to play with the boys now.

Employ a Spanish driver to drive the new trains. narrow rail track and high speed and carrying heavy goods along with kamakazi passengers. Of coarse only 1 track.

Scrap the whole idea, build European gauge width, new rolling stock, and double track. similar to the 125 type in the U.K.--and save money.

Rebuilding the Thailand rail system into standard gauge would be very expensive.

And not very handy either.

Cambodia, Malaysia, Birma, Vietnam, Indonesia all have the 1 metre gauge.

If there will be HSL-lines. they will be standard gauge.

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Yingluck why dont you go and play with your Barbie dolls?

Hey, nothing wrong if she wants a choo choo set to play with the boys now.

Employ a Spanish driver to drive the new trains. narrow rail track and high speed and carrying heavy goods along with kamakazi passengers. Of coarse only 1 track.

Scrap the whole idea, build European gauge width, new rolling stock, and double track. similar to the 125 type in the U.K.--and save money.

Rebuilding the Thailand rail system into standard gauge would be very expensive.

And not very handy either.

Cambodia, Malaysia, Birma, Vietnam, Indonesia all have the 1 metre gauge.

If there will be HSL-lines. they will be standard gauge.

The question that arose in my mind was are they in the same state of disrepair as Thailand. If so they could all get together and agree to go for a standard gauge that would in the long run pay off with it.s ability to carry freight in a timely manner. This is a long range project no matter what they do but first they must make what they have safe. In the last three months here in the Chiang Mai area we have had two derailments and one bridge wash out.

I notice that China has standard gauge. I believe it would be to every ones advantage to open their rail systems up to China.

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Ah, as sure as the sun rises and sets one can always count on the usual 'let's bash PM Yingluck' suspects to rant away into to oblivion.


.And as sure as day follows night, one can always count on the usual suspects defending the indefensible. coffee1.gif

What is indefensible about wanting to build a decent railway system (even at the cost of billions of the national currency, as in France, Switzerland and Germany, where the trains are magnificent, but totally unprofitable)? (/Also, as I recall, for those worried about "mountains" near Chiang Mai, the TGV goes through the mountains to get from Paris to Turin.)

I notice you quote that idiot Reagan in your contribution....surely you have no idea about the immense amount of debt that Reagan accumulated during his presidency, setting the tone for later spendthrifts like Dubya Bush and the present incumbent.

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