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Im thinking about buying a new toyota car from another province. Will i have to go back there every year to tax it. Also will the same thing apply to the insurance. Is it true that it may take about 3 months before I can get proper number plates and again i may have to register in Udon. Is it best to buy from where I live?

Thank you all for any help


No you can pay tax and insurance anywhere. Main problem you have is that although service is Toyota service and warrantee can be done anywhere the place where you bought it will tend to give you quicker service and be more willing to do what you need. This particularly applies with panel beating. If you buy a car for one dealer he will have a priority queue with his customers for insurance repairs and hence you could save a couple of months in some cases if you insist on Dealer repair.


You will have to wait a few months for real plates.

I would not worry too much. In theory you can only drive in your own province with red plates and only in daylight hours. Keep about 10 one hundred baht notes in your pocket and they should last the whole time. Not many worry about it.


I have had Isuzu , Toyota , Nissan and now a Mitsu...

For the Isuzu , Toyota and the Nissan... Always used different station for service than I bought the car from...

Never had a single problem or delay with service on any of the vehicles.

For the Toyota , had problems with AC motor which needed to be swapped out under warranty and again... No issue

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


Just for a bit more info...

The Isuzu, we bought from the province my wife's family is from , but we lived in BKK (due to the fact that neither of us were working, so had to have help from her parents to get financing)

For Toyota, used sales person recommended by wife's friend, but was not convenient to go their for service

For Nisan, bought at motor show... So just luck of the draw on sales person and their 'home office' was not convenient for service.

The Mitsu is the first one where we used the same dealer for service as we bought from.

Haven't notice any difference ...

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


You can leave the province legally, you just need to update the book before you leave.

Yeah, that's the biggest pain in the ...

When you have the red plates, if you are outside the area you registered the car, you are supposed to write in the book ever time you go any where

Its such a pain and many people don't do it... Cops know this and always pull over red plates from other province at all the road blocks to check if you have written in the book

In the 2 months I had red plates from outside province , but driving in BKK ... Was pulled over in literally ever single road block I went through (dozens)

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app


Filling out the brown book is a bit of a farce.

As I understanding it: The Thai Script in the Brown Book indicates that we are actually supposed to fill out the Brown-book and have it stamped by the Dept Land Transport (or some similar ministry / dept) before our journey.

This of course is not realistic. I can see that filling out the Brown book may appease some BiB who is looking to make some money.

But, I'm not aware of any actually Law regarding red plates driving at night or in other provinces, these are guidelines but not laws (as far as I am aware) so I don't think we can be charged for it.

It would be interesting to see: if when we / someone gets stopped by the BiB do they simply check ownership of the car (fair enough) or do they try and charge us with some offence ? what offence ? as driving at night on red plates or outside of the province is not illegal, its just against guidelines.

There is also a huge backlog in 'registration application'... Both my Wife's car and mine have been on Reds since *Feb... we've been out of BKK and driven at night numerous times without even a raised eyebrow from the BiB. We've been stopped at Alcohol check points to be breathalyzed, but no questions were asked about red plates.

That said: I haven't really cared if I'm on Whites or Reds but its about time its sorted out !

(a bit of a faff and a number of excuses, a friend of my FIL was supposed to do this quickly - but he died, so another friend of my FIL offered to help and has taken his time... hind sight is great, I should have just done this myself from the start).


You will have to wait a few months for real plates.

I would not worry too much. In theory you can only drive in your own province with red plates and only in daylight hours. Keep about 10 one hundred baht notes in your pocket and they should last the whole time. Not many worry about it.

We got our real plates in five weeks, bought car in chiangmai....these days no problem travelling cross provinces with red plates ( pai daeng ).

We traveled to Lampang, Chiangrai, Golden Triangle , Phayao and Chiang Seang...day and night .


You will have to wait a few months for real plates.

I would not worry too much. In theory you can only drive in your own province with red plates and only in daylight hours. Keep about 10 one hundred baht notes in your pocket and they should last the whole time. Not many worry about it.

We got our real plates in five weeks, bought car in chiangmai....these days no problem travelling cross provinces with red plates ( pai daeng ).

We traveled to Lampang, Chiangrai, Golden Triangle , Phayao and Chiang Seang...day and night .

You may have had a little more problem if you had headed to Pattaya etc. As I said the worst would be a couple of hundred baht and not very often.

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