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Political reform assembly to be postponed: Bangkok


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Political reform assembly to be postponed

BANGKOK, 14 August 2013 (NNT)-The first meeting of the political reform could be postponed as a number of prospective participants have yet to accept the invitations; in addition, the House deliberation of the 2014’s budget has been scheduled for the same week.

According to Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives Warathep Rattanakorn, 50 prominent figures, including academics, former and current politicians as well as businessmen, have been invited to share their views at the forum.

However, the exact number of participants will have to be confirmed, he said, before a new schedule for the forum could be determined. 30 of the participants, mostly politicians, have already given their confirmations to join the event. It is mulling over whether the Privy Councilor should also be invited to take part in the talks on political reform.

A meeting with the business sector will be held on August 15th to seek their participation. The government has also been trying to convince the Democrat Party and other political groups to join the forum as well. As for Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, Mr. Warathep said it would be impossible for him to participate in the forum in Thailand.

-- NNT 2013-08-14 footer_n.gif

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Thaksin Shinawatra, Mr. Warathep said it would be impossible for him to participate in the forum in Thailand.

I am sure he will be there via Skype

No, Skype will be controlled by Mr Pis*it.

Edited by lungmi
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Can't see why Mr T shouldn't attend. After all he was never voted out democratically.

No. His term of office had come to an end and he undemocratically appointed himself as caretaker Prime Minister and then continued to find ways to delay the Elections, against court instructions and eventually when it was clear his actions were verging on Dictatorial and in breach of the entire constitution the Army stepped in and said 'pi** off, we were supposed to have elections 6 months ago and now you are really ripping the sh*t out of a position that you had no legal right to give yourself. Until you bunch of Muppets can get an Election sorted, we have control and Parliament must come up with a way of appointing a PM democratically'.- Fact!

I can understand people coming on this forum to find out about the wonders of Thailand, but it still perplexes me as to why people come on here and make comment on Thai political issues when two things are clear from their comments. 1. They don't do even the slightest bit of research as to what they are commenting on, and 2. They obviously know Jack S**t about Thai politics.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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