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CTH TV English Language.


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I have just had installed CTH Tv mainly for the football. There are 5 'Stadium' Channels that are showing various English and Thai programmes but I can only receive these programmes in Thai audio. Most of the programmes are English speaking but only Thai audio. Is it my installation or is it because CTH are not broadcasting these programmes with English audio? I have tried contacking CTH but it's hopeless! Even when I try to send e-mail it goes into error!

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I don't know about CTH, but many Thai satellite stations only broadcast one language audio channel. If there is both Thai and English being broadcasted, you switch between English or Thai audio by selecting between the left and right audio channels. Stereo gives Thai and English audio at the same time.

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I don't know about CTH, but many Thai satellite stations only broadcast one language audio channel. If there is both Thai and English being broadcasted, you switch between English or Thai audio by selecting between the left and right audio channels. Stereo gives Thai and English audio at the same time.

Yes I tried to do the lauguage switch. It does give English option but when I switch to English I get nothing... so sound at all

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I also have the new CTH TV installed and I have 6 channels called Stadium 1 to 6. I have been watching this week and some of the programmes, particularly the review of the Premier league clubs and the 2012-2013 season have been in Englsh, so no complaints at the moment

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so is CTH all in Thai only?

Nope there are many English speaking channels.. but in the 'Stadium Sports Channels' There are showing english speaking programmes but without English commentary. Only Thai. Some of the programmes I would like to see but without the English commentary it's hopeless. It does seem however that the EPL rewiew from last season is in English. I just hope we have English commentary for the matches this weekend!

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Yep - it's squeaky bum hope and pray time!

The facility is there through the yellow audio button, just a question of whether they can populate it in time or provide the feed in its original English language version.

Almost inevitable there will be some hiccups with such a new outfit so don't assume it's kick-out CTH time and give up if Day 1 is a problem. Follow the issue on the football forum threads!

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I would wait and see if you can switch to English when the matches start, if no English is available will it really matter as most of the comments leave something to be desired anyway. I feel most of the commentators treat the audience like morons with no understanding of the game they are watching, back in England I nearly always had the sound down or off it was that bad.

I've installed CTH for the footie also, I've contacted them without any trouble it just took a while to get through and the girl I spoke to was most helpful.

I'm keeping my True service for the time being as they are showing La Liga and the Bundesliga mainly I suspect because they lost out to CTH.

Roll on Liv v Stk at 1845 ...

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(Mods: I was not sure if I should add to this post or make a separate one).

I have a problem with CTH output consistency and would like to ask experts and other users for their opinions and findings.

FIRST some info on my installation and general findings that may be of interest (or cautionary):

I had CTH cable installed (FOR ONE ROOM) 4 days ago via the KTV cables in Khon Kaen as I was already and continue to still receive the KTV analogue service. The installers seemed to know little about the CTH product "workings" .


Q: Where is the dual language button?

A: Blank looks and then (via my wife) they suggested English only channels are English and Thai only are Thai. Duh! Total Nonsense as in fact some have two language option (sometimes not English if soundtrack is Chinese, Korean etc but most are THAT OFFER 2 languages (around 10 so far). I had done my homework on this subject and KTV Head Office actually had phoned CTH to ask on my behalf when I signed up (only thing I did not know was what button on Remote. Luckily the short but well written CTH supplied Manual in Both Thai & English) provided this information.

Q: why are some KTV analogue channels badly degraded? (The KTV analogue performance was degraded with some channels -worst affected was Channel 3 by far and mainly Channel News Asia, Fox News & Al Jazeera.

A: I seemed to suggest I was fussy. They then decided there was an issue when I pointed out (and showed them) the quality from 3 other connection points in my house was as good as before the CTH Cable Receiver box installed (How I dislike an attitude with a few workers I have encountered, be they builders/electricians/plumbers etc., that the client does not know anything, nor what is usual nor what they are talking about and that the client should accept as OK when not the case).

They decided my wall connector was "no good" and removed it (whilst I was out of the room checking the other TV receptions for KTV) and then spliced the cables wires together with insulating tape (why do some workmen in Thailand feel it OK to strip out/change things without first asking). That connection point had served KTV PERFECTLY for 4-5 years.

When I got back the picture was better but soft. They had used a splitter for the connection (not ideal as my largish house has several ALREADY to manage 6 Room outlets).

I told them it still was not as good as before. I then got the expected "You can always just have KTV analogue with no CTH if you want". I said I'd accept the limitations.

When they had gone I was curious why my on screen TV menu displays were less well defined.

SHOULD HAVE GUESSED!. The installers did their favourite trick (which they have done in the past when the outside line was faulty) they had turned down the sharpness from 85% to 30%. Only one word for that CHEATS!!!!!!. No wonder the picture looked smoother (but SOFTER).

I found out by my own efforts that KTV's analogue affected channels are almost as/good as they were before when the CTH Receiver box is in "standby mode". What a shame the installers do not know this simple fact and important fact as maybe my aerial connection point could have been left intact.


Anyway overall I am very happy with what I have got from CTH channels (more movies in English and English Premier League in High Definition). I watched EPL last night/early morning. The EPL channels are called Stadium 1 - 6. Stadium 1 is a 4 way split screen showing 4 matches each being shown on the other Stadium channels at one time. (That will be good for season's final day I suspect when one wishes to watch several matches if promotion/relegation still undecided)

I have a question or two for the experts and current CTH owners.

MY CTH Qualit of service PROBLEM

I am finding that most CTH channels (if not all) have a tendency to (for want of a better word) JITTER (hesitates/jumps) without loss of picture quality for a split second every minute or so /few minutes. SOMETIMES BUT NOT ALWAYS audio jitters at the same time.. By that I do NOT mean pixelate with artefacts (although that occasionally happens).

I can contact KTV to ask about this but they are likely say normal/what they think (not necessarily know) so I wish to have more info available BEFORE doing so.

1) Are other users finding the same split second "jitter/hesitation" every few minutes?

2) I went into Menu> Settings> Information>Channel Information> to check signal details and Mine (Bars & percentages) are:

LEVEL: 65% (never changes)

QUALITY: 100% (almost never changes - very occasionally this may fluctuate down to 83% & 100% I suspect weather/rain conditions affecting)

ERROR RATE: Blank (NO Reading at all)

I am guessing Level is Signal Strength received by the CTH HD Digital Receiver and am concerned at to whether 65% is adequate and maybe is the cause of the jitter. Clearly signal quality is excellent and not an issue.

I would very much appreciate knowing

1) what Other CTH users (especially via Cable) figures are for the above and whether you get "jitters" expert input on the jitter symptom and whether "not ideal" signal strength level can be a likely cause of this issue.


2) what experts/knowledgeable people consider is/should be a desirable/adequate Level percentage?

Once I have some input and facts and other peoples readings I will be in a position to raise my "jitter" issue with KTV/CTH for resolving (if possible)

Many thanks for reading All.

Hope to get some feedback soon.

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We have local cable in Bangkok and should have changed in June - then after many calls they came in July only to find not enough signal (and person was heard telling office the same situation others have had on phone) so they tried direct wire from input to one set and still could not get enough signal. Told to wait and now have 60 of the previous 90 channels without box on the five sets we pay for (paid until November) - calls get 'wait' and no service. Expect will be buying sat system with GMMz tuners as have no need for football anyhow.

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