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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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My daughter and her friends most who have been educated abroad , wouldn't look twice at a guy in a " box" or a young farang here with that life style..they would all interpret that as being a loser..mind you my daughters boyfriend is a bloody sop..( feeling depressed now!).

Judging and evaluating a man by the size of his apartment is maybe what some women do. Of course that is gonna lead to happy relationship.

Here we go again..the box thing is no big deal..it's what it reflects..afford a bigger place or not..they would wonder why as many do..there would be no relationship to start with...so no problem there..but your point is valid..but be realistic..

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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

LOL @ comparing the cost of a holiday vs living here.

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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

The only one boasting is you pal.

I went to Europe last year for a month and to Macau , Hong Kong , and also did 4 trips to Australia as well during the year but I am not counting that in to a maintenance budget in Thailand so it is totally irrelevant. I also spend a lot more when I am living outside of Thailand as I come and go as I work on fixed contracts but what i spend elsewhere has no relevance to this discussion.

And btw no one here is bragging about living any high life on 80k -100k baht a month in Thailand far from it actually. This is really just a very average existance not a playboy party boy budget.

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hey young guns and old guns,

i wasnt having a go at anyone in my post,

if anyone can come here and live then fair play to you,

weather you live in a big house or a small condo,

if your happy good on ya,

i still have to go to work, so im only home for half the year,


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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks.

Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

Next time you come over, try doing all that on 40-45k.

How many of the guys on here saying they spend 40-45k per month do you think are living the lifestyle you just wrote about?

How many of these guys are taking two trips a year to the USA?

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Judging and evaluating a man by the size of his apartment is maybe what some women do. Of course that is gonna lead to happy relationship.

For a lot of guys in Thailand it's the only sort of relationship they know.

It's not about mine is bigger than yours..
I agree who really cares.
45k is livable on, but nothing more.
I just find a couple of people who post on here have been a little too defensive and obnoxious towards the older generation many who did far more than them at their age.
Nothing they are doing is in anyway different from what many have done before..yet they justify what they do by others people actions' having a career, corporate Slaves etc.I have never heard such rubbish from guys who are suppose to be trying to be different, they sound weary....

Liveable but nothing more? No, you are wrong. Living but nothing more is earning under 10k per month like many Thai's do and being able to just survive from month to month.

45k is a decent budget where one can live a Western lifestyle, enjoy life, eat out, party, date women and have a good time.

Did many of the older generation do more at our age or were they just following the pre-determined path that society laid out for them of school into work and then slave away all their days? Surely that's the reality for most?

There are obviously exceptions.

And btw no one here is bragging about living any high life on 80k -100k baht a month in Thailand far from it actually. This is really just a very average existance not a playboy party boy budget.

80-100k is an average existence in Thailand? Are you in the same Thailand as everyone else because very few Thai's earn close to that amount.

And I'm not convinced the average sexpat living here is on 80-100k a month. A lot of them live in Thailand because they can't afford elsewhere...a lot can't even afford Thailand anymore hence so many moving to Cambodia and Phils.

If a guy in his twenties splurges and spends too much, he is stupid cos he isn't saving and thinking about future, if he is watching his expenses and lives on 35 m2 then he is loser.

Can't win.

So true.

So many bitter old blokes on here jealous the young guys are living their life from an early age instead of buying into the system of working all your life so you can enjoy it come retirement age.

I think the fact most of them will never get to experience Thailand as a young man makes them mad.

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Ok I'll play the break it down game, note the following does not include frivolous items such as entertainment/clothing/my toys/my motorbikes/my pets etc etc.

I assure you I live a very modest life working 12 hours a day 5 days a week, I never eat out other than buying lunch every day which add's approx 4000 per month.

Home outlay,

Rent – 16000

Electric – 5000

Water - 600

TV – 266

Internet - 650

Macro– 10000 (1st of every month shop inc’s beer)

Food land - 21000 (weekly Shop avg 5k includes 2 cartons of beer)

Missus's daily spendings - 4000 (200b for what ever rancid <deleted> she eats, + top up her/ciggies etc etc)

Total = 57516

Car outlay,

Repayments – 12000

Insurance – 1600

Tyre – 2600

Fuel – 2000 (avg)

Maintenance – Unknown, yet to have first service although had to spend 150k on a new engine.

Total – 18200

Grand total = 75716.

IMO The arguments for and against diffrent budgets in Thailand would be alot more credible if the main people posting actually gave a decent break down of what they actually spend a month such as this quoted one from spoonman.

Just stating you must be a young peasant to live on less than 45K a month or you must be an elderly monger if you spend 100K+ don't really appear to help anyone.

Sure different people will always have different requirements but decent break down of the budgets of the more experienced expat's is really interesting, and people looking to put together an estimated budget could see items maybe they overlooked, and also swap out items they did not require, to tailor an estimated budget to their own requirements and tastes.

Just stating for example 'I could not live on a satang less than 60K' helps no one without a basic overview of how you come to that figure.


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100% agree with Razzell - the forums (Ajarn, nanaplaza.com) were full of people 10 years ago who 'knew it all', and Spade is simply the latest IME. I have no idea what happened to most of them, but eventually the new Turks become part of the Old Guard wink.png

I can tell you...they went home potless!


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Just stating for example 'I could not live on a satang less than 60K' helps no one without a basic overview of how you come to that figure.

I've been calling for this since way back at the start of the thread. I've broken down what I spend my cash on multiple times now.

Many of the most vocal "you must be living like a peasant unless you spend 100k a month' crowd have yet to break their budgets down.

Makes me wonder why?

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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

Brilliant . thumbsup.gif

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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

didn't you state before that youre total sum of social security checks or retirement fund you get from the usa was a whopping total of 80.000 baht or you have won the jackpot or you are living way beyond youre means.
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All I know is cheap charly tells me that the cost to live here is well under 15K per month then he tells me that I gotta pay thousands of dollars more for dental work and amazon orders. something doesnt add up. cost of living is high even when living in a sweaty closet on rice 3 times a day. lol

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All I know is cheap charly tells me that the cost to live here is well under 15K per month then he tells me that I gotta pay thousands of dollars more for dental work and amazon orders. something doesnt add up. cost of living is high even when living in a sweaty closet on rice 3 times a day. lol

Yes, it ain't cheap here now.

As it's just me on my own now, I get by on around 20-25k a month (no housing costs). But then I only spend that on living in the UK too, around £500 a month.

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45k is a decent budget where one can live a Western lifestyle, enjoy life, eat out, party, date women and have a good time.

i fully agree that with THB45k you can live that same western style life in Thailand that you lived when living like a pauper in the west.


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i fully agree that with THB45k you can live that same western style life in Thailand that you lived when living like a pauper in the west.


every time it seems you can't say something more insulting and unpleasant, you somehow manage

Countless expats, retired people live on 45k or even less in Thailand. Millions of fully employed people live on that in the West.

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All I know is cheap charly tells me that the cost to live here is well under 15K per month then he tells me that I gotta pay thousands of dollars more for dental work and amazon orders. something doesnt add up. cost of living is high even when living in a sweaty closet on rice 3 times a day. lol

Yes, it ain't cheap here now.

As it's just me on my own now, I get by on around 20-25k a month (no housing costs). But then I only spend that on living in the UK too, around £500 a month.

It's not cheap here? Rent is cheap. Food is cheap. Alcohol is cheap. Transport is cheap. Lots of things are cheap. Certainly much cheaper than in the UK.

Don't know where you lived in the UK that was so cheap. Could easily spend near £500 just having a night out 4 times a month.

Edited by TheSpade
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All I know is cheap charly tells me that the cost to live here is well under 15K per month then he tells me that I gotta pay thousands of dollars more for dental work and amazon orders. something doesnt add up. cost of living is high even when living in a sweaty closet on rice 3 times a day. lol

Yes, it ain't cheap here now.

As it's just me on my own now, I get by on around 20-25k a month (no housing costs). But then I only spend that on living in the UK too, around £500 a month.

It's not cheap here? Rent is cheap. Food is cheap. Alcohol is cheap. Transport is cheap. Lots of things are cheap. Certainly much cheaper than in the UK.

Don't know where you lived in the UK that was so cheap. Could easily spend near £500 just having a night 4 times a month.

I'm mean compared with before, i.e., 5-10 years ago. It was cheap back then in Thailand. You must also consider the cost of living here in the context of local incomes, that certainly isn't cheap. Fuel may be half the price it is in the UK but incomes are a tenth.

If you have housing with no mortgage or rent in both countries and the firm you work for picks up the bill for most things including fuel, travel, hotels, etc . . . then £500 a month on basic living is easy.

It's all down to personal circumstances. Your 45k Baht a month is, I think, realistic.

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Just stating for example 'I could not live on a satang less than 60K' helps no one without a basic overview of how you come to that figure.

I've been calling for this since way back at the start of the thread. I've broken down what I spend my cash on multiple times now.

Many of the most vocal "you must be living like a peasant unless you spend 100k a month' crowd have yet to break their budgets down.

Makes me wonder why?

Just stating for example 'I could not live on a satang less than 60K' helps no one without a basic overview of how you come to that figure.

To prove that it is very easy to spend 100k and not have a penny of that going on buying 'company' here's my breakdown:

Rent 43000 (for a 2 bed, high end house in a small moo baan in central bk with all facilities: gym, pool and excellent security)

Electric + water 3000

Internet 800

Diesel 4000

Car insurance/tax/servicing (averaged out over the year) 3000

Expressway tolls 2500

Mid week dinner and drinks twice a week at nice restaurant with a couple of glasses of wine and taxi there and back 8000 (1000B per time: food 500, wine 350, taxi 150)

Weekend dinner, drinks after, etc. 10000 (dinner ~1500, wine 500, few drinks after at nice bar 750, taxi 150)

Groceries 8000

Maid 4000

Yoga and dance classes 3500

Weekend away at least once a month anything from 4000 (Hua Hin/Rayong) to 25000 (Singapore/HK)

I could (and did when I was here in my mid 20s) live on 45k but I didn't run a car and my preferred tipple then wasn't wine.

For sure I could live cheaper but certain things aren't optional, like a car - I could get taxis in theory (which would be cheaper) but as my office is out in the sticks there is no chance of getting one to take me there or home at the slightest hint of rain. Ditto rent is a significant monthly outlay but my place is a home, not just a place to crash and I often have friends/family staying and I enjoy cooking and having dinner with them, chatting, etc.

You eulogise way too much about your dating here and spend inordinate amounts of time slating sexpats. Don't get me wrong: I'm not a fan of sexpats either but coming on here to essentially try and score points is also pretty uncool.

No western guys I know here even mention dating as one of the activities they do here, like in the west they wouldn't: this is just something normal people do so why the big fuss and why the need to factor this into a budget?!

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Of course it IS possible to spend that amount but the point is that it's not necessary and for anyone to say that you can't live on 45k per month or you must be living a substandard existence is clearly just talking shit. Why are so many people unable to get this point? We get it some people have more money than others and like to spend it. The point is though you do NOT need the sort of money some people are claiming to live a good life.By the way....I also have gym, pool and excellent security and then some bang in the centre of BKK walking distance to the BTS...35k less than what you pay.Electricity and water is under 1,000 at my place and I'm paying double the Government rate.You don't get free internet when you pay 43k per month? Strange! At my 8k place it is free and so is cable TV!Spending 10k on dinner and drinks in one night in BKK....couldn't if I tried and I love a good drink!My maid costs 700B per month maximum. I hope for 4,000B yours does a good job! Up to 25k for a weekend away to Singapore...has nothing to do with spending in Thailand as that's a trip outside Thailand.

You eulogise way too much about your dating here and spend inordinate amounts of time slating sexpats. Don't get me wrong: I'm not a fan of sexpats either but coming on here to essentially try and score points is also pretty uncool.No western guys I know here even mention dating as one of the activities they do here, like in the west they wouldn't: this is just something normal people do so why the big fuss and why the need to factor this into a budget?!
Because dating costs money and is something I do in Thailand so if I didn't mention it or include it in my budget my budget would not be accurate. Normal people also pay rent, eat, drink...should we not include that in our budgets either?No Western guy I know, full stop, would salsa dance or do yoga...and certainly wouldn't admit it in public if they did....you should have kept that to yourself.And trips to Singapore every month...i.e. going outside Thailand....maybe shouldn't be included in what you spend every month in Thailand posts. Most people don't fly to other countries every month and it's certainly not a necessary cost or reflect 'life in Thailand'.Not sure why so many people find this topic so difficult. Again of course you CAN spend 60-100K and beyond living in Thailand but you do NOT need to in order to be comfortable or live a good life.
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Of course it IS possible to spend that amount but the point is that it's not necessary and for anyone to say that you can't live on 45k per month or you must be living a substandard existence is clearly just talking shit.

Why are so many people unable to get this point?

We get it some people have more money than others and like to spend it.

The point is though you do NOT need the sort of money some people are claiming to live a good life.

By the way.... I also have gym, pool and excellent security and then some bang in the centre of BKK walking distance to the BTS...35k less than what you pay.

Electricity and water is under 1,000 at my place and I'm paying double the Government rate.

You don't get free internet when you pay 43k per month? Strange! At my 8k place it is free and so is cable TV!

Spending 10k on dinner and drinks in one night in BKK....couldn't if I tried and I love a good drink!

My maid costs 700B per month maximum. I hope for 4,000B yours does a good job!

Up to 25k for a weekend away to Singapore...has nothing to do with spending in Thailand as that's a trip outside Thailand.

You eulogise way too much about your dating here and spend inordinate amounts of time slating sexpats. Don't get me wrong: I'm not a fan of sexpats either but coming on here to essentially try and score points is also pretty uncool. No western guys I know here even mention dating as one of the activities they do here, like in the west they wouldn't: this is just something normal people do so why the big fuss and why the need to factor this into a budget?!

Because dating costs money and is something I do in Thailand so if I didn't mention it or include it in my budget my budget would not be accurate.

Normal people also pay rent, eat, drink...should we not include that in our budgets either?

No Western guy I know, full stop, would salsa dance or do yoga...and certainly wouldn't admit it in public if they did....you should have kept that to yourself.

And trips to Singapore every month...i.e. going outside Thailand....maybe shouldn't be included in what you spend every month in Thailand posts. You were just trying to show off weren't you?

Most people don't fly to other countries every month and it's certainly not a necessary cost or reflect 'life in Thailand'.

Not sure why so many people find this topic so difficult.

Again of course you CAN spend 60-100K and beyond living in Thailand but you do NOT need to in order to be comfortable or live a good life.

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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

didn't you state before that youre total sum of social security checks or retirement fund you get from the usa was a whopping total of 80.000 baht or you have won the jackpot or you are living way beyond youre means.

In another thread, someone mistakenly said that US SS checks (deposits in my case) are about $1,400 per month. I corrected the poster and said that mine are about $2,500 which was about 80k baht. They can vary from -0- to about $2,500 depending on how much you paid in, which depends on what income bracket you were in over a course of years. $2500, roughly, is the max.

I never said that was all the money or investments or income I have. I spoke only about Social Security checks.

I have a friend who is worth about $100 million US dollars. His income from investments is about $6 million per year. He still loves to get his $2500 each month because he has paid Soooooo much in income taxes over the years. thumbsup.gif

Edited by NeverSure
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I can't believe the bitter, insulting, "mine is bigger than yours" posting on here.

If a guy really wants to be in LOS and 45k is the limit, more power to him. I do hope he has a nest egg for emergencies including medical emergencies. But who's to say he doesn't and won't spend it? There are a lot of English teachers somehow surviving on around 30k and working hard for it. They must really want to be in LOS and more power to them.

You guys who boast about 80k or 100k crack me up. My nut in the US is 300,000k baht and I'm fully retired, and my home is paid for. In addition to that, I make trips to LOS about twice a year and I have no idea what that is, monthly. I do know that I spent April in LOS and my round trip airfare from the US, bought at the last minute was $2,500 (80,000 baht at the time) and the first thing I did was to rent a car from Avis for 30,000 baht for 4 weeks. So there's 110,000 baht before I get away from the airport. Then I spent every night in a hotel traveling so I could see Isaan. I ate every meal in a restaurant without looking around for good deals, and bought gas for the car. I brought an Isaan friend a new laptop which I paid for. It was a gift.

I suspect my total expenses in April were 500,000 baht because my expenses in the US didn't stop. Gardener for my big landscaping, housekeeper, utilities including cable TV and internet, home heating, taxes, insurance - all ongoing.

I admire guys who are adventurous enough to move to LOS on 40 - 45k and live in an apartment. Sometimes they get their internet and cable TV included. Many rent for less than 10k. Some much less. Who am I to say they aren't enjoying their lives, especially compared to what that money would do for them in their home country. And then there are the Thai women. And there is so much more for some including a drastic change in weather.

I say live and let live, without all of the nasty insults. Many retired people don't have anything close to 45k per month and can't manage to be in LOS. Maybe they are back home living with relatives.

If someone can manage to coast in LOS on any decent level, more power to him.

Please stop the hating.

didn't you state before that youre total sum of social security checks or retirement fund you get from the usa was a whopping total of 80.000 baht or you have won the jackpot or you are living way beyond youre means.

In another thread, someone mistakenly said that US SS checks (deposits in my case) are about $1,400 per month. I corrected the poster and said that mine are about $2,500 which was about 80k baht. They can vary from -0- to about $2,500 depending on how much you paid in, which depends on what income bracket you were in over a course of years. $2500, roughly, is the max.

I never said that was all the money or investments or income I have. I spoke only about Social Security checks.

I have a friend who is worth about $100 million US dollars. His income from investments is about $6 million per year. He still loves to get his $2500 each month because he has paid Soooooo much in income taxes over the years. thumbsup.gif

But in the end ,dont say thailand is cheaper for you,because youre talking out of youre arse ....

And that lady teacher friend of yours who earns 30.000 baht per month and is living way beyond her means is living on your means ,i 500.000 for a holiday and such in april ,are you starting a new country there or what?yes and the boss from microsoft also likes his social security checks.

Edited by Kudel
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