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My Planned estimated monthly budget for Thailand


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Will only stay 6 months and then move to Vietnam, 3 months there then maybe phils. The plan is just to keep moving about when and where i choose. Like the look of Nha Trang in Vietnam and wouldnt mind an extended stay on Palawan in Phils.

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Will only stay 6 months and then move to Vietnam, 3 months there then maybe phils. The plan is just to keep moving about when and where i choose. Like the look of Nha Trang in Vietnam and wouldnt mind an extended stay on Palawan in Phils.

If only for 6 months then why the big budget to do engineer or not?

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OP didn't say how long he planned to live his way. 3-6 months is probably OK, longer and he'll probably discovered his fully "payed up" health insurance was really a travel insurance policy that expires after he's away from his home country for a while. Also, with that food budget and interest in drinking/partying, he's probably going to be developing nutritionally-related health problems. Also, OP keeps mentioning "his savings" and how he doesn't want to tap that. Hope he really does have the health/accident insurance figured out because one bad accident can cost several hundred thousand baht.

If this is a long term plan, one must ask why a young man, who should be in the peak earning years of his life, is squandering his time and talents on the fringes of the workforce, and not building savings for the future.

Better to stay in his home country, earn that higher pay and live on a low budget, saving for a future in Thailand where he doesn't have to worry about how every quid is spent. I think it's called deferred gratification.

Maybe, just maybe, he wants to see some of the world from a different perspective and develop his writing talents whilst doing do.

If we all worked like slaves to save for a future that could be cut short by a car accident or a disease, the world would be a very dreary place smile.png

Exactly, life is for living. Ive given up a good job for this easier lifestyle bu to hell with it, whats the point of having all that money if you dont enjoy it. I'd rather be in my situation. No money worries although by no means rich but enjoying myself whilst i'm young instead of working all my life and coming over here a fat bald old man getting the piss taken out of me!!!!

Edited by kscott
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Like i said i want to be self suffucient. I am considering buying quite a few properties in the UK which will have an impact on my savings initially before they are rented out.

Well your budget in Post #1 gave about 11,700 baht for rent and utilities and now you say you are paying 18K for rent alone on the outskirts of Chiang Mai which will have have additional transport costs -- so much for budgeting.

Edited by JLCrab
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Like i said i want to be self suffucient. I am considering buying quite a few properties in the UK which will have an impact on my savings initially before they are rented out.

Well your budget in Post #1 gave about 11,700 baht for rent and utilities and now you say you are paying 18K for rent alone on the outskirts of Chiang Mai which will have have additional transport costs -- so much for budgeting.

Yeah got a bit greedy but the house is lovely and i will have already PAID for it before i arrive so not coming out of my monthly salary.

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Like i said i want to be self suffucient. I am considering buying quite a few properties in the UK which will have an impact on my savings initially before they are rented out.

Well your budget in Post #1 gave about 11,700 baht for rent and utilities and now you say you are paying 18K for rent alone on the outskirts of Chiang Mai which will have have additional transport costs -- so much for budgeting.

Yeah got a bit greedy but the house is lovely and i will have already PAID for it before i arrive so not coming out of my monthly salary.

That's OK -- as the late US Senate Minority Leader Everett McKinley Dirksen (supposedly) said in the 1960's: A billion dollars here and a billion dollars there and pretty soon you're talking real money.

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The concept of enjoying yourself while you're young is good -- if you're still able to build financial reserves for the future. Yes, sure, people are hit by tuk-tuks and die young every day, but no one actually PLANS for that do they?

I've seen too many older expats in Chiang Mai who have lived month-to-month their entire life and now find themselves above age 70 with no savings, no health/accident insurance and declining health. When I ask them how they thought they'd spend their old age when they were young, normally the answer is either "I'm surprised I've lived this long!" or "I've always taken care of myself, eaten healthy, never had any health problems. I just thought I could keep doing that". Problem is, very few people enjoy life to the fullest, never have a health problem, and then just die quickly in their sleep

In most western countries, there is some sort of provision for low-cost health care for the elderly. There isn't in Thailand. Yet, Thailand is very tolerant in permitting nearly destitute foreigners to live here long term. Many become a burden to Thai society when they become ill or have an accident. And the quality of that "charity" care isn't anywhere close to the health care most elderly would receive for free in their home countries.

I know the OP is young, footloose and interested in having interesting life experiences. That's fine for a few months, but it's not a good long-term life plan. He mentions being a chemical engineer -- if that's true, then he probably learned something about "project management" in his schooling. As a young person, he should be thinking abut how he wants to live when he's in his 70s and 80s and work now on his heath, personal relationships and career so he can have the kind of life he wants.

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The concept of enjoying yourself while you're young is good -- if you're still able to build financial reserves for the future. Yes, sure, people are hit by tuk-tuks and die young every day, but no one actually PLANS for that do they?

I've seen too many older expats in Chiang Mai who have lived month-to-month their entire life and now find themselves above age 70 with no savings, no health/accident insurance and declining health. When I ask them how they thought they'd spend their old age when they were young, normally the answer is either "I'm surprised I've lived this long!" or "I've always taken care of myself, eaten healthy, never had any health problems. I just thought I could keep doing that". Problem is, very few people enjoy life to the fullest, never have a health problem, and then just die quickly in their sleep

In most western countries, there is some sort of provision for low-cost health care for the elderly. There isn't in Thailand. Yet, Thailand is very tolerant in permitting nearly destitute foreigners to live here long term. Many become a burden to Thai society when they become ill or have an accident. And the quality of that "charity" care isn't anywhere close to the health care most elderly would receive for free in their home countries.

I know the OP is young, footloose and interested in having interesting life experiences. That's fine for a few months, but it's not a good long-term life plan. He mentions being a chemical engineer -- if that's true, then he probably learned something about "project management" in his schooling. As a young person, he should be thinking abut how he wants to live when he's in his 70s and 80s and work now on his heath, personal relationships and career so he can have the kind of life he wants.

Did you not read my post above? I'm buying property in the UK. Expected monthly rental returns of £3000 a month, roughly 135,000 baht. Not a bad "pension" in itself.

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What sort of outlay gets 3k a month ? Is that after rental management fees etc ?

Buying 4 properties for just over £350000, 90% of my savings. Renting them all out along with my own house here in UK. Expected returns of £3000 a month. I could go into more details about each individual property but i really cant be bothered. I;m off out for a run now.

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In USA rule-of-thumb in Real Estate is monthly rent is 1% of house value so £300K based on £3000 per month but that £3000 is after management fees, taxes, owner obligated maintenance, etc. so outlay could be substantially more.

So as the OP commented while I was typing the rule-of-thumb is pretty close with his own house thrown in. But if his budgeting prowess is like that in Post #1 where he budgeted right down to the cost of soda water and then tossed the entire budget to the wind who knows?

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I guess when you talk about writing, it must still be for a uk company, writing over here will obviously require a work visa.

Actually, not 'obviously'... bit of a grey area since one is at home, being paid elsewhere and not taking a job off a Thai. I wouldn't go around telling all 'n sundry, however, or noting it with immigration.

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That's OK-- maybe when the OP runs into the other young Turks from UK in Thailand of similar vintage he'll realize the smart money doesn't invest in real estate but trades Palladium Contracts on the LME so one can blowout all night and sleep it off until noon and still have time for the market opening around 3 pm.

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Life at 70 and destitute in Chiang Mai, has to be a million times better than life at 70 and destitute in Detroit.

(at least you won't be cold)

Your kidding? First, it doesn't have to be Detroit. The US has plenty of warm places without the scum of Detroit.

Next, if destitute at 70 in the US, he'd qualify for Medicaid full coverage health insurance. He'd get food stamps, housing assistance, welfare for cash income, Meals on Wheels, and lots of volunteer senior services.

What of that would he get in LOS?

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He's got ample funds for Thailand and again anyone saying differently needs to stop spending so much money on hookers or their rented girlfriend. Something the OP says he is not interested in.

Well actually he is interested in hookers as evidenced by the references he made to Angeles City.

Still, he does appear to have all the bases covered . . . on paper but, as JLCrab suggested, he's already torn up the budget.

Let's hope his self-control is stronger when the mercenary birds he sounds like he's partial to are purring "come back to bed, huuuuneeeeeee" as he opens the lap top to start work.laugh.png

I know of several younger chaps who've rocked up here with every intention of being disciplined, motivated by work and vowing not to get bogged down in the drama and nonsense that seems to accompany all but the most sensible - and often unavailable to farang - Thai girls/women.

All but one (out of 5) lasted no more than 6 months before going home skint, disillusioned and baffled as to how they could've so completely snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

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So he's got it made like many of you with similar budgets who also have in addition to their £900 per month working online have about £400,000 in their savings account.

I make money to spend it not to save it.



That is where your spending starts...and it is never ending!

Only if you have to 'rent' your girlfriend and pay her to remain with you.

Well actually he is interested in hookers as evidenced by the references he made to Angeles City.

Still, he does appear to have all the bases covered . . . on paper but, as JLCrab suggested, he's already torn up the budget.

Let's hope his self-control is stronger when the mercenary birds he sounds like he's partial to are purring "come back to bed, huuuuneeeeeee" as he opens the lap top to start work.laugh.png alt=laugh.png>

I know of several younger chaps who've rocked up here with every intention of being disciplined, motivated by work and vowing not to get bogged down in the drama and nonsense that seems to accompany all but the most sensible - and often unavailable to farang - Thai girls/women.

All but one (out of 5) lasted no more than 6 months before going home skint, disillusioned and baffled as to how they could've so completely snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Most people working online come here already having a regular online income stream and some savings in the bank and if they are able to motivate themselves to work back home they can do it here too.

It's not really any different.

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Well actually he is interested in hookers as evidenced by the references he made to Angeles City.

Still, he does appear to have all the bases covered . . . on paper but, as JLCrab suggested, he's already torn up the budget.

Let's hope his self-control is stronger when the mercenary birds he sounds like he's partial to are purring "come back to bed, huuuuneeeeeee" as he opens the lap top to start work.laugh.png alt=laugh.png>

I know of several younger chaps who've rocked up here with every intention of being disciplined, motivated by work and vowing not to get bogged down in the drama and nonsense that seems to accompany all but the most sensible - and often unavailable to farang - Thai girls/women.

All but one (out of 5) lasted no more than 6 months before going home skint, disillusioned and baffled as to how they could've so completely snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

Most people working online come here already having a regular online income stream and some savings in the bank and if they are able to motivate themselves to work back home they can do it here too.

It's not really any different.


It's completely different.

Back home, you don't have cheaply available totty at the end of a 5 minute cab or motorbike ride nor do you have balmy weather all year round.

Some guys can indulge and get it all out of their system in a month or two but I've met many sad pricks who've been here for a freaking decade who still bounce around the bars and clubs like they've just arrived from Suvarnabhumi for the 1st time.

Sure, if you're not into the hookers there's no reason why you couldn't cut it here working from homw but the OP clealrly is.

Of course, it's not a foregone conclusion that he'll screw up but some guys just can't help themselves.

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there must be few who cant keep off the thai tail and then go silly with the spending and throw the budget out the window as they met such a hot puss they cant control themselves .

result = POTLESS.

doesnt have to be hookers ,good gals are tempting too

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200 baht a day for food and water, maximum? Are you a 100lb girl? If not, I'm doubtful...

How much do you spend a day on food? I spend around 1000B a week and I'm definitely not denying myself anything I want.


It's completely different.

Back home, you don't have cheaply available totty at the end of a 5 minute cab or motorbike ride nor do you have balmy weather all year round.

Some guys can indulge and get it all out of their system in a month or two but I've met many sad pricks who've been here for a freaking decade who still bounce around the bars and clubs like they've just arrived from Suvarnabhumi for the 1st time.

Sure, if you're not into the hookers there's no reason why you couldn't cut it here working from homw but the OP clealrly is.

Of course, it's not a foregone conclusion that he'll screw up but some guys just can't help themselves.

As long as he has a modicum of self control he should be fine. Just because there are cheap hookers readily available doesn't mean he needs to use their services every night.

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