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Robbed while unconcious


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Just a thought - has anyone heard from the OP since 13.00 today ?

No, I thought not. He must have got on a plane - or he's a troll !

He is online now.

I found this other post of his:

"I don't help at all, but my girlfriend sends every extra baht she has home. Normally I don't mind, but sometimes she doesn't budget enough money for herself and comes asking me for money. Normally this happens if something goes wrong, broken motorbike, lost cellphone, etc... It only happens once or twice a year, but I still wish she would budget better. "

Sounds like she has some bad luck.. I hope she has a nice brother to take care of her while she's alone in Bangkok.

Or you can read the post I put just above yours...but I guess that would be harder then a bad attempt at cyber stalking smile.png

Edited by akspace
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I knew this would happen, don't know why I posted here but I'll play along with the various trolls. I talk with her on Skype last night, she has obviously been in an accident, it's hard to fake things like a cast on the arm and road rash that bad.

As for the missing bike and other personal effects, I can't prove it. But then again she isn't answering her phone when her mother calls or when I call, so it's likely that is really missing. She wasn't wearing the ring her grandmother gave her, in two years I've never seen her take it off. She also wasn't wearing her Buddha pendant, again I've never seen her without it.

Oh yeah, I called her parents after she had been missing for 48 hours to verify she decided she wasn't finished with me, she hadn't called them. She didn't go to work on Friday or Saturday either (called them as well).

But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me. As for the comments about other countries, I've been knocked out twice in the last five years, both times I woke up with all my valuables still intact. Once the person who found me even came into the hospital with me to make sure I was going to make it. But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

A cast would a piece of cake to fake. Road rash is pretty tough to fake. Did you see raw wounds or just more bandages on her arm ?? How about the suggestion of looking at her Facebook page ? I liked that idea, asking to see a copy of the hospital bill might make her mad at the suggestion you do not trust her. Anyway when you get to the bottom of this please post a follow up to let up know what really happened. If she really did have an accident you have my sympathy. If it was a scam, I am going to add it to my long list of Thai bar girl scams as one of the more creative ones. Although the poster above about wanting money for someone she supposedly shot was a pretty good one too... :-)

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I knew this would happen, don't know why I posted here but I'll play along with the various trolls. I talk with her on Skype last night, she has obviously been in an accident, it's hard to fake things like a cast on the arm and road rash that bad.

As for the missing bike and other personal effects, I can't prove it. But then again she isn't answering her phone when her mother calls or when I call, so it's likely that is really missing. She wasn't wearing the ring her grandmother gave her, in two years I've never seen her take it off. She also wasn't wearing her Buddha pendant, again I've never seen her without it.

Oh yeah, I called her parents after she had been missing for 48 hours to verify she decided she wasn't finished with me, she hadn't called them. She didn't go to work on Friday or Saturday either (called them as well).

But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me. As for the comments about other countries, I've been knocked out twice in the last five years, both times I woke up with all my valuables still intact. Once the person who found me even came into the hospital with me to make sure I was going to make it. But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

A cast would a piece of cake to fake. Road rash is pretty tough to fake. Did you see raw wounds or just more bandages on her arm ?? How about the suggestion of looking at her Facebook page ? I liked that idea, asking to see a copy of the hospital bill might make her mad at the suggestion you do not trust her. Anyway when you get to the bottom of this please post a follow up to let up know what really happened. If she really did have an accident you have my sympathy. If it was a scam, I am going to add it to my long list of Thai bar girl scams as one of the more creative ones. Although the poster above about wanting money for someone she supposedly shot was a pretty good one too... :-)

OP, I think it has been determined for a long time now.

If it's not on Facebook it's not true, period. coffee1.gif

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I knew this would happen, don't know why I posted here but I'll play along with the various trolls. I talk with her on Skype last night, she has obviously been in an accident, it's hard to fake things like a cast on the arm and road rash that bad.

As for the missing bike and other personal effects, I can't prove it. But then again she isn't answering her phone when her mother calls or when I call, so it's likely that is really missing. She wasn't wearing the ring her grandmother gave her, in two years I've never seen her take it off. She also wasn't wearing her Buddha pendant, again I've never seen her without it.

Oh yeah, I called her parents after she had been missing for 48 hours to verify she decided she wasn't finished with me, she hadn't called them. She didn't go to work on Friday or Saturday either (called them as well).

But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me. As for the comments about other countries, I've been knocked out twice in the last five years, both times I woke up with all my valuables still intact. Once the person who found me even came into the hospital with me to make sure I was going to make it. But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

I hope your girl friend gets well soon. Possessions are not as important.
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life is short, love is fleeting. immediately fly to thailand and spend time with her. i'm serious, not joking. prove to her that you will do anything to help. if you can afford to go, do it. can you imagine how much it would mean to you if you got hurt and she flew over to see you? exactly. this is the only way to really know. if you rely on skype and phone calls, ah, that is not true love. or, if you don't have the cash to travel now, maybe send flowers. something unique. she needs you now.

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I knew this would happen, don't know why I posted here but I'll play along with the various trolls. I talk with her on Skype last night, she has obviously been in an accident, it's hard to fake things like a cast on the arm and road rash that bad.

As for the missing bike and other personal effects, I can't prove it. But then again she isn't answering her phone when her mother calls or when I call, so it's likely that is really missing. She wasn't wearing the ring her grandmother gave her, in two years I've never seen her take it off. She also wasn't wearing her Buddha pendant, again I've never seen her without it.

Oh yeah, I called her parents after she had been missing for 48 hours to verify she decided she wasn't finished with me, she hadn't called them. She didn't go to work on Friday or Saturday either (called them as well).

But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me. As for the comments about other countries, I've been knocked out twice in the last five years, both times I woke up with all my valuables still intact. Once the person who found me even came into the hospital with me to make sure I was going to make it. But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

My advice is; test her love and devotion to you by not offering any money. Try not to even mention money. Wait until if and when she asks you first for money, then call it a day.

Yes, the facebook test is a brilliant idea .

Whatever you do next must be left up to your own discretion, but tread carefully out there, they can be out to get you.

Please keep in mind that our comments are not personal and not for the purposes of having a laugh at your expense. Many of us are old hands, well meaning, know the score and seen this all before, probably countless times. It`s rather like a bad joke that`s being told time and time again.

Good luck and hoping this girl is sincere and genuine.

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I knew this would happen, don't know why I posted here but I'll play along with the various trolls. I talk with her on Skype last night, she has obviously been in an accident, it's hard to fake things like a cast on the arm and road rash that bad.

As for the missing bike and other personal effects, I can't prove it. But then again she isn't answering her phone when her mother calls or when I call, so it's likely that is really missing. She wasn't wearing the ring her grandmother gave her, in two years I've never seen her take it off. She also wasn't wearing her Buddha pendant, again I've never seen her without it.

Oh yeah, I called her parents after she had been missing for 48 hours to verify she decided she wasn't finished with me, she hadn't called them. She didn't go to work on Friday or Saturday either (called them as well).

But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me. As for the comments about other countries, I've been knocked out twice in the last five years, both times I woke up with all my valuables still intact. Once the person who found me even came into the hospital with me to make sure I was going to make it. But I guess it's a different culture, most people I know stop and help someone when they find them bleeding on the side of the road. They don't stop to rob them.

But she asks for money? And why are you so upset over the answers you get here? they are obvious to happen.

Edited by Indrid Cold
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@eric yeah I think the main thrust of the advice is (as a previous poster summed it up) - trust but verify.

I've no axe to grind on this subject as of yet, but one of the reasons for reading TV was to get some of the hard earned experience on the 'cheap' as it were, hopefully any mistakes I make will be new and original facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

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@eric yeah I think the main thrust of the advice is (as a previous poster summed it up) - trust but verify.

I've no axe to grind on this subject as of yet, but one of the reasons for reading TV was to get some of the hard earned experience on the 'cheap' as it were, hopefully any mistakes I make will be new and original facepalm.gif.pagespeed.ce.EuN79TyYk_.gif

as you so well phrase it, nothing wrong with reading and learning on here,then at least when we f...k up, we are forwarned a tad.lol.

better to be an informed fool than a clueless fool.

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If you assume anything in Thailand brains you only look like a <deleted>. I suggest you do not assume 'murder with intend'!

No need for a few insults at all, but I understand now that everyone know those drivers murdered people and they all got away with it. Right?

Buy the way, we can hold a conversation in my native language if you prefer and see how good you are at that one.

Not much of an offer if you don't reveal your native language!

I guess we all know how many languages a Brit speaks, not ?

Brits speak English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, American, Canadian, Australian and Kiwi. To name a fewcheesy.gif


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no I've heard of this beofre.. It's not like the people who releived her of belongings saw it as stealing. they just figured, oh this ones dead, or almost dead , and they decided to relieve her of possessions she won't be needing any more, let those posssessions do some good as they contyinjue their karmic jo9urney

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But obviously this is an attempt to get money out of me.

Assuming this is a sarcastic comment, I'm guessing that your GF has not asked for any financial assistance as a result of her accident. Hence we were all wrong to warn you about being on your guard about a potential financial scam.

Does your GF remember anything about the accident? She could have been the victim, random/mistaken/targeted, of a robbery in that some crew spotted her, followed her on her motorbike, ran her off the road and stole everything. I think this scenario, a targeted assault and robbery, is more likely, or at least I choose to think this, rather than the fact that someone stumbled across her unconscious in the road and chose that opportunity to relieve her of all her possessions, and leave her, essentially for dead. If this was not a random, chain of events (accident, then crime of opportunity) scenario, then she may have been mistaken for someone who owed a great deal of money, or was simply targeted because of her perceived value?

I'd like to think that most Thais would render assistance were they to come upon an accident scene. Obviously someone discovered your GF at some point, and helped her, albeit after she was robbed.

The good news is that your GF is safe, and on the mend. Her parents, and co-corkers, must be relieved

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wow, reading some replies from all u seasoned old expats on here, i wonder if i was just reallyyyyy lucky or if a guardian angel looked over me.

this is acctualy off topic, but i thought i could just share this, to maybe let some newbies still believe in a dream.

i must admit, i have learned alot from reading many posts and reply's on here.

i came to thai when i was 39, having met a nice girl on the net, for 1 month to meet and see how things here go.

well we been together 7 year, have a 3 year old daughter and been married for 5 years.

i have never been asked for any money, no sinsot, my wife works as a tax inspector, cares for our daughter, doent drink, smoke or go out.

when she gets paid, all her salary goes in my bank account.

we built a nice home, not a mansion, and seem to be happy and content.

nobody in her close family drinks, smokes or gambles, they all work.

like i said, after reading many a drama on here, i can only conclude i have been very fortunate.i also never been to a gogo bar and only ever had 1 thai partner, who is my wife.

but over the years i have seen lots of sadness and cheating, lying, scams and even unexplained demises.

so to come back on topic, to the op, pls pls pls do listen to some of the advice from the old dogs, it will prove to be invalluable.

some on here give sarcastic replies, but i think they are well meant, and the truth behind them may hurt, but it doesnt mean they are wrong.

so , op , be very carefull, but also give ur life a go.

as to a specific reply about facebook, its dead on the money, my wife posts every meal and icecream on her fb, all her friends and collegues do tooo.

so go with that one.

sorry about the spelling, english is not my first language.

welcome to paradise.

if you get a problem, dont worry, budha will sort everything out.

One of the 3 'rules of life' that my father taught me is 'never trust a tee-teetotaler', the others being to 'never grass on your friends or hit a woman".

I'd pass on these to my kids except I'd change the 'never trust a teetotaler' to 'never trust a man in Thailand who has never been in a gogo bar'

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After all the horror stories I've read on Thaivisa and elsewhere I can understand the questionable replies here, even though they are very callous should the OP's story be actually true.

I am lucky cos my Thai wife tells me who did/does what, regarding folk making some cash. whistling.gif ............smile.png

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life is short, love is fleeting. immediately fly to thailand and spend time with her. i'm serious, not joking. prove to her that you will do anything to help. if you can afford to go, do it. can you imagine how much it would mean to you if you got hurt and she flew over to see you? exactly. this is the only way to really know. if you rely on skype and phone calls, ah, that is not true love. or, if you don't have the cash to travel now, maybe send flowers. something unique. she needs you now.

Not so sure about the flowers. Long, long ago, I thought I'd surprise my girlfriend with a dozen, imported long stem roses, for her birthday. Did the same the following year, but this time there came the question, 'why did you buy the roses? I can't eat them. Better if you just gave me the money'. My take is that the Thais are far more pragmatic than western romanticists trying to score love points.

Money does the job better. Every time! But I could be wrong.

Edited by richardjm65
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Many times I've helped out strangers and friends. I never ask for anything in return. That way nobody is beholding to me. It is strictly a situation of charity. A little bit of money goes a long way in Thailand and a donation to her cause will show her you care. If you can't afford a few thousand baht then you can't afford a girlfriend. Whatever you give will never go to waste. Somebody will benefit.

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Many times I've helped out strangers and friends. I never ask for anything in return. That way nobody is beholding to me. It is strictly a situation of charity. A little bit of money goes a long way in Thailand and a donation to her cause will show her you care. If you can't afford a few thousand baht then you can't afford a girlfriend. Whatever you give will never go to waste. Somebody will benefit.

Codswallop. Are you seriously saying that poor people can't be boyfriend and girlfriend?

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Many times I've helped out strangers and friends. I never ask for anything in return. That way nobody is beholding to me. It is strictly a situation of charity. A little bit of money goes a long way in Thailand and a donation to her cause will show her you care. If you can't afford a few thousand baht then you can't afford a girlfriend. Whatever you give will never go to waste. Somebody will benefit.

Codswallop. Are you seriously saying that poor people can't be boyfriend and girlfriend?


AND, do Thai poor all stay single, rene ?. AND, have you been in LOS long ? Do you know what happens to many ''charity'' payments ? When you have been here a while one does tend to find out. facepalm.gif

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What a callous, unfeeling bunch most of you are!

I can see nothing in what the OP has posted to suggest that his girlfriend is scamming him; quite the opposite in fact.

Some of you must lead very sad, empty lives if you have nothing better to offer than such comments.

Akspace, your girlfriend has my sympathies and best wishes for a full recovery soon; though she wont get her possessions back.

It may be that she was targeted; it may have been an opportunistic toerag.

Unfortunately, happens everywhere. I recall a recent news report on British TV showing cctv footage of two men who appeared to have rushed to the aid of a woman who had collapsed in the street, only for one of them to pick up her handbag and walk away with it.

Best wishes, and ignore the <deleted> with nothing better to do.

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What a callous, unfeeling bunch most of you are!


I can see nothing in what the OP has posted to suggest that his girlfriend is scamming him; quite the opposite in fact.


Some of you must lead very sad, empty lives if you have nothing better to offer than such comments.


Akspace, your girlfriend has my sympathies and best wishes for a full recovery soon; though she wont get her possessions back.


It may be that she was targeted; it may have been an opportunistic toerag.


Unfortunately, happens everywhere. I recall a recent news report on British TV showing cctv footage of two men who appeared to have rushed to the aid of a woman who had collapsed in the street, only for one of them to pick up her handbag and walk away with it.


Best wishes, and ignore the <deleted> with nothing better to do.

Another guy with rose tinted glasses on.

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What a callous, unfeeling bunch most of you are!

I can see nothing in what the OP has posted to suggest that his girlfriend is scamming him; quite the opposite in fact.

Some of you must lead very sad, empty lives if you have nothing better to offer than such comments.

Akspace, your girlfriend has my sympathies and best wishes for a full recovery soon; though she wont get her possessions back.

It may be that she was targeted; it may have been an opportunistic toerag.

Unfortunately, happens everywhere. I recall a recent news report on British TV showing cctv footage of two men who appeared to have rushed to the aid of a woman who had collapsed in the street, only for one of them to pick up her handbag and walk away with it.

Best wishes, and ignore the <deleted> with nothing better to do.

Do you live in Thailand ?

I think it appropriate that you should not refer to members here as ''<deleted>'' when we/I comment from our/my life in Thailand experiences.

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What a callous, unfeeling bunch most of you are!

I can see nothing in what the OP has posted to suggest that his girlfriend is scamming him; quite the opposite in fact.

Some of you must lead very sad, empty lives if you have nothing better to offer than such comments.

Akspace, your girlfriend has my sympathies and best wishes for a full recovery soon; though she wont get her possessions back.

It may be that she was targeted; it may have been an opportunistic toerag.

Unfortunately, happens everywhere. I recall a recent news report on British TV showing cctv footage of two men who appeared to have rushed to the aid of a woman who had collapsed in the street, only for one of them to pick up her handbag and walk away with it.

Best wishes, and ignore the <deleted> with nothing better to do.

Do you live in Thailand ?

I think it appropriate that you should not refer to members here as ''<deleted>'' when we/I comment from our/my life in Thailand experiences.

So your life experience in Thailand is constantly being scammed for money by girls?

If so, you have my sympathies. But don't assume your gullibility means that all Thai girls are like that.

Apart from one sarcastic comment the OP has not said that she has asked him for money. So why do you, and others, automatically assume that this is a scam?

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