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Robbed while unconcious


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No he is partly wrong. This maybe good advice for poor Thais , but anyone with money will be insulted. Flowers (roses (usually grotty though) or tulips, exotic flowers biggrin.png ) hard to find Thai food or that chicken stock basket stuff (which will be passed on to someone else) are much better for anyone with any sort of money.

Thank you for that Arthur ... I just shared your thoughts with MissFarmGirl who you described as a 'poor Thai'.

She smiled and said ... humm ... no, not poor ... just practical. A thought that might have more resonance then you might believe.

I'd like to send you the scan of the Photo of her being given her University Degree by the Kings Son ... but alas ... she is a poor Thai ... obviously little education and less prospects.

She just smiled again and said ... mai pben rai ... let him think what he wants ... every Thai different.

She does smile alot ... I like to say that is because she is with me ... and I with her ... but it must be, according the wise and omnipotent autherwait who says that ... she is a poor Thai ... laugh.png

Would you like some vinegar on your chips ? rolleyes.gif

Mate ... if that is the best you have ... rolleyes.gif

Next ... coffee1.gif


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wow, reading some replies from all u seasoned old expats on here, i wonder if i was just reallyyyyy lucky or if a guardian angel looked over me.

this is acctualy off topic, but i thought i could just share this, to maybe let some newbies still believe in a dream.

i must admit, i have learned alot from reading many posts and reply's on here.

i came to thai when i was 39, having met a nice girl on the net, for 1 month to meet and see how things here go.

well we been together 7 year, have a 3 year old daughter and been married for 5 years.

i have never been asked for any money, no sinsot, my wife works as a tax inspector, cares for our daughter, doent drink, smoke or go out.

when she gets paid, all her salary goes in my bank account.

we built a nice home, not a mansion, and seem to be happy and content.

nobody in her close family drinks, smokes or gambles, they all work.

like i said, after reading many a drama on here, i can only conclude i have been very fortunate.i also never been to a gogo bar and only ever had 1 thai partner, who is my wife.

but over the years i have seen lots of sadness and cheating, lying, scams and even unexplained demises.

so to come back on topic, to the op, pls pls pls do listen to some of the advice from the old dogs, it will prove to be invalluable.

some on here give sarcastic replies, but i think they are well meant, and the truth behind them may hurt, but it doesnt mean they are wrong.

so , op , be very carefull, but also give ur life a go.

as to a specific reply about facebook, its dead on the money, my wife posts every meal and icecream on her fb, all her friends and collegues do tooo.

so go with that one.

sorry about the spelling, english is not my first language.

welcome to paradise.

if you get a problem, dont worry, budha will sort everything out.

One of the 3 'rules of life' that my father taught me is 'never trust a tee-teetotaler', the others being to 'never grass on your friends or hit a woman".

I'd pass on these to my kids except I'd change the 'never trust a teetotaler' to 'never trust a man in Thailand who has never been in a gogo bar'

nice one. so tell ur kids not to trust their dad if he hasnt been whoreing around in gogo bars??? nice example for ur kids bozo.i think i will pass other values to my children, and let u carry on whoreing, so u can be trusted.

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She smiled and said ... humm ... no, not poor ... just practical.

MissFarmGirl's command of the English language is impressive, the use of the word "practical" in this phrase is unusually idiomatic.Certainly not something you hear every day, and a brilliant turn of the phrase. thumbsup.gif

All this talk about cheap sex should be moved to a new thread: "Rubbed while conscious".

Edited by lomatopo
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wow, reading some replies from all u seasoned old expats on here, i wonder if i was just reallyyyyy lucky or if a guardian angel looked over me.

this is acctualy off topic, but i thought i could just share this, to maybe let some newbies still believe in a dream.

i must admit, i have learned alot from reading many posts and reply's on here.

i came to thai when i was 39, having met a nice girl on the net, for 1 month to meet and see how things here go.

well we been together 7 year, have a 3 year old daughter and been married for 5 years.

i have never been asked for any money, no sinsot, my wife works as a tax inspector, cares for our daughter, doent drink, smoke or go out.

when she gets paid, all her salary goes in my bank account.

we built a nice home, not a mansion, and seem to be happy and content.

nobody in her close family drinks, smokes or gambles, they all work.

like i said, after reading many a drama on here, i can only conclude i have been very fortunate.i also never been to a gogo bar and only ever had 1 thai partner, who is my wife.

but over the years i have seen lots of sadness and cheating, lying, scams and even unexplained demises.

so to come back on topic, to the op, pls pls pls do listen to some of the advice from the old dogs, it will prove to be invalluable.

some on here give sarcastic replies, but i think they are well meant, and the truth behind them may hurt, but it doesnt mean they are wrong.

so , op , be very carefull, but also give ur life a go.

as to a specific reply about facebook, its dead on the money, my wife posts every meal and icecream on her fb, all her friends and collegues do tooo.

so go with that one.

sorry about the spelling, english is not my first language.

welcome to paradise.

if you get a problem, dont worry, budha will sort everything out.

One of the 3 'rules of life' that my father taught me is 'never trust a tee-teetotaler', the others being to 'never grass on your friends or hit a woman".

I'd pass on these to my kids except I'd change the 'never trust a teetotaler' to 'never trust a man in Thailand who has never been in a gogo bar'

nice one. so tell ur kids not to trust their dad if he hasnt been whoreing around in gogo bars??? nice example for ur kids bozo.i think i will pass other values to my children, and let u carry on whoreing, so u can be trusted.
I haven't been in a gogo bar for years, and I certainly haven't whored in one since meeting my wife 13 years ago. However, any red-blooded male friend or relative that has even visited has wanted to at least see a gogo bar when visiting. Actually, just after we got married I had a convention in Pattaya and took my wife - SHE wanted to go into a gogo bar as she wanted to see what it was like. Do you collect stamps or go trainspotting by any chance?
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Thank you for that Arthur ... I just shared your thoughts with MissFarmGirl who you described as a 'poor Thai'.

She smiled and said ... humm ... no, not poor ... just practical. A thought that might have more resonance then you might believe.

I'd like to send you the scan of the Photo of her being given her University Degree by the Kings Son ... but alas ... she is a poor Thai ... obviously little education and less prospects.

She just smiled again and said ... mai pben rai ... let him think what he wants ... every Thai different.

She does smile alot ... I like to say that is because she is with me ... and I with her ... but it must be, according the wise and omnipotent autherwait who says that ... she is a poor Thai ... laugh.png

Wow, as if that proves anything. Happens thousands of times every year in Bangkok and is far away from being the award you're trying to make it sound like. And since most of the universities here take everyone whoever is able to pay the fees and let even the worst students pass, a degree in Thailand is nothing to brag with.

Edited by metisdead
30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.
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We know a Thai woman who lives near our house in Bangkok who met an American guy.

He made her all sorts of promises about marrying her and taking her to the States, and yes, they did meet 'professionally' and he did send her some money occasionally. Not enough to live on, but enough for her to stop working in the bar and find a less well paid but more respectable job.

Their relationship continued in this way for about three years, with him regularly visiting her in Bangkok and promising that when the time was right they would marry and he would take her to live in the states.

Then he left with his usual promises and she heard nothing from him for about 6 months; until she got an email saying that he had also been seeing a woman in the Philippines and had decided to marry her instead.

At least he told her.

So, just as some posters here are judging the OP's girlfriend, and by association all Thai women, on stories they have heard about some Thai women, should I deduce that the actions of this man means that all American men are deceivers who will string a woman along for cheap sex until something better comes along?

Such a deduction would be as ridiculous as many of the posts in this topic.

to sum up: thai woman, stop working bar, promise. We have a winner today!

I dont mean to be rude, as i might be half your age, but i will teach you a lesson:

Anything that a bg says is rubbish, worthless, and just a waste of your/our time. She get paid for this.

Please dont bring "the cliché" the poor bg that have been fooled by horrible foreigners.

These people/bg have been fooled ten time more by their own fellows!

And later these same people/bg will cheat as much as they can on innocent people. No pity for these night's creature!

And last you dont NEED to make any kind of promise to a bg to lay, except the 1000 baht note, she know it, she know the rule, she know her social status, i mean a second hand life.

ps: and the funny thing its seems that you have only side of the story .......whistling.gif

ps ps: i never set a foot in any bar in the last 5 years, yes sir!

Edited by Bender
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Exactly! He didn't need to make any sort of promise; he could have simply continued to bar fine her while he was in Bangkok.

How do I know that he made these promises? Because he told me that is what he intended as well. So I don't have just one side of the story.

She stopped working in the bar and got a job in a market, and even including the money he sent her this meant a substantial drop in her income.

But people like you don't care about the truth; in your eyes he's a falang so just after a good time and any means he uses to get it is acceptable; whereas she worked in a bar and so is scum and deserves any and everything bad that happens to her.

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Maybe we wait till the OP comes back the the indisputable evidence that what happened as described by his Thai gf actually happened as she described it.

Were I the OP, after the comments directed at him and his girlfriend by some posters in this topic I would have left it a long time ago. The last thing the OP owes anyone on this forum is any kind of evidence confirming her story.

Lots of members owe him and his girlfriend an apology, though.

I very rarely venture into the general forum; and the abuse hurled at the OP and his girlfriend shows makes me think I am right not to do so.

Before anyone posts "You wont be missed" I'll just say that I wont be missing you lot.

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Maybe we wait till the OP comes back the the indisputable evidence that what happened as described by his Thai gf actually happened as she described it.

Were I the OP, after the comments directed at him and his girlfriend by some posters in this topic I would have left it a long time ago. The last thing the OP owes anyone on this forum is any kind of evidence confirming her story.

Lots of members owe him and his girlfriend an apology, though.

I very rarely venture into the general forum; and the abuse hurled at the OP and his girlfriend shows makes me think I am right not to do so.

Before anyone posts "You wont be missed" I'll just say that I wont be missing you lot.

Your last sentence is a blatant lie and you know it !


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Maybe we wait till the OP comes back the the indisputable evidence that what happened as described by his Thai gf actually happened as she described it.

Were I the OP, after the comments directed at him and his girlfriend by some posters in this topic I would have left it a long time ago. The last thing the OP owes anyone on this forum is any kind of evidence confirming her story.

Lots of members owe him and his girlfriend an apology, though.

I very rarely venture into the general forum; and the abuse hurled at the OP and his girlfriend shows makes me think I am right not to do so.

Before anyone posts "You wont be missed" I'll just say that I wont be missing you lot.

Mate .. there seems to be a little of a discord and disconnect with the situation here.

Thailand, more then any other country is a Rainbow nation (not in the Gay sense) ... there are so many different colours .. there is almost no black and white, not affirmative right and wrong.

For example, yesterday, a 'Friend of a Friend' (FoF) ... lets not ask to many details ...facepalm.gif ... received a tourist visa to travel to her Farang's bf's homeland.

The FoF also has a Thai bf.

One time the Farang bf phoned and she was chatting away in English.

The Thai bf knows of the Farang bf ... but not visa versa.

The Thai bf grabs the phone for her and in limited English tries to tell the Farang bf to F_O (but doesn't actually know the words).

When the Thai bf leaves the room, she calmly starts talking back to the Farang bf again.

When the farang bf asks what that was all about ... she replied that she was at work (he called on her mobile) the FoF simply said that the Thai man was just trying to 'practice his English and make a joke'.

the Farang bf accepted this story. ... He loves her ... he's blind to the colours of the Rainbow.

So she continues on with both of them ... one in each country.

The Farang bf sends gifts in a box to her.

She can't collect it directly as she is living in the Thai bf's apartment at the time.

So she sends her eldest daughter on a courier motorbike to fetch the said parcel and return to her during the day when the Thai bf is at work. she has 2 daughters ... two different fathers.

She sells what she can of the parcel of goodies.

The Farnag bf wants to make a visa for his home country, so she asks my friend to help her in the application as my friends English is OK.

The Visa is refused because ... get this ... the ** Government were smart enough to pick up on the fact that the lady in question already has a Thai bf ... <deleted> ... you have two!

So Visa is declined. My friend cops sh** from the Farnag bf for not helping exactly in accordance with his instructions ... blink.png

He sent the Airfare money ... ticket bought.

She says 'what about the money for the ticket?' He says ... 'don't worry ... keep it the money ... you have a child to take care of your kid'.... B45,000 down the pisser.

The FoF actually actually has 2 kids, but the FoF disowned the eldest the day she was born and is now taken care of by the Family of my friend. the FoF has also not bothered to mention to the Farang bf that she has two kids.

If you thought the first bit was stretched .. wait for the second installment.

But another day ...

So, in relation to my comment that ... "Maybe we wait till the OP comes back the the indisputable evidence that what happened as described by his Thai gf actually happened as she described it." ... the OP came to us asking advice ... and that is what I've given.

No slur to the OP.

Just looking for evidence of fact (not hearsay) as to help the OP and advise of the next course of action.

sometimes are much cleared if someone else outside the relationship can give advice.

7X7 ... you know me from several of my posts ... with the genuine people, I bend over backwards to help.

The OP comes across as that sort of guy ... I doing my darnest to assist.


When I had my first serious Thai relationship, I bought her to my home country ... we weren't perfectly matched, but shared common goals and dreams and friends.

When it finally broke down, I asked my friends why ... my two bestest friends said ... 'it was obvious from the outset ,,, she never wanted to live in Farnag-Land ... she liked you heaps .. but didn't want to settle here."

I quizzed them as to why they never mentioned this to me.

Their reply was ... "I thought it was obvious"

I said ... "not to me it wasn't" ... ermm.gif

So, sometimes, the best advice comes from caring folk outside of the relationship.

I stand by my original comments.

You are a good man.

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Meh, that situation isn't as uncommon as people think, I've seen similar stories before on TV and heard through other routes of instances like this - sometimes you have too wonder about people, but love [or lust / desperation for the cynics] all too often leads people to see what they want and not what is actually there, despite warning signs.

Makes the Thi gf treat 'em with contempt - though quite why the Thai bf doesn't tell them F off is beyond my current understanding unless it is down to the good old income stream.

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Meh, that situation isn't as uncommon as people think, I've seen similar stories before on TV and heard through other routes of instances like this - sometimes you have too wonder about people, but love [or lust / desperation for the cynics] all too often leads people to see what they want and not what is actually there, despite warning signs.

Makes the Thi gf treat 'em with contempt - though quite why the Thai bf doesn't tell them F off is beyond my current understanding unless it is down to the good old income stream.

Didn't you read ? He didn't know the words. tongue.png

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So I guess what was being posted several notches above was about the friends of a friend of a friend ... and what about their subsequent friends who might complicate the situation further?

Posts like that demonstrate the value of not having friends.

Edited by JLCrab
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Come on Dave, give us the sequal to your story!

It's geared up to be a cracker!


What I have written is all true and maybe 10% of the story. Truth is often stranger then fiction.

But this isn't my OP, and the focus should be on helping the OP

And yes ... it's a cracker ... rolleyes.gif

to dave seems like that FOF is really hot stuff. Knocked up by 2 different men and having kids by 2 different men. One new thai bf and one foreign bf. Wow.

Hot stuff ... not likely.

Mate ... to be honest, it is what it is.

I don't judge it, just observe it.

Some of the old-timers here (wai.gif) have a number of scars from past relationships.

Some of those scars are self-inflected and some because they were 'blind-sided'.

There is a lot said to learn from others mistakes.

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So I guess what was being posted several notches above was about the friends of a friend of a friend ... and what about their subsequent friends who might complicate the situation further?

Posts like that demonstrate the value of not having friends.

Wot ... no apt movie quote ... i was looking forward to one!

The term 'friend' and F of F was euphemistic.

One day that Farnag bf might, one day, join Thai Visa ... so best to keep things at a distance ... I'm sure you'd understand.

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As (mis)attributed to former US President Harry S.Truman: If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.

Maybe change Washington to Thailand but I don't like dogs either. BTW the 'S.' in Truman's name isn't an abbreviation such as in Hitchcock's North by Northwest when the Cary Grant Thornhill-character is asked:

Woman: Hmmm ... Roger O. Thornhill... what does the 'O' stand for?

Thornhill: Nothing

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Come on Dave, give us the sequal to your story!

It's geared up to be a cracker!


What I have written is all true and maybe 10% of the story. Truth is often stranger then fiction.

But this isn't my OP, and the focus should be on helping the OP

And yes ... it's a cracker ... rolleyes.gif

to dave seems like that FOF is really hot stuff. Knocked up by 2 different men and having kids by 2 different men. One new thai bf and one foreign bf. Wow.

Hot stuff ... not likely.

Mate ... to be honest, it is what it is.

I don't judge it, just observe it.

Some of the old-timers here (wai.gif) have a number of scars from past relationships.

Some of those scars are self-inflected and some because they were 'blind-sided'.

There is a lot said to learn from others mistakes.

Absolutely, and many farangs l know that have had a ''problem'' are not bar stool drunks but nice guys.

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Come on Dave, give us the sequal to your story!

It's geared up to be a cracker!


What I have written is all true and maybe 10% of the story. Truth is often stranger then fiction.

But this isn't my OP, and the focus should be on helping the OP

And yes ... it's a cracker ... rolleyes.gif

It's validity I have no doubt about and to be fair the OP's left the building so I reackon you're free to take over...


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