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Do You Have Funds in The EU? Read Below

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August 10, 2013, 11:30:32 AM
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The new EU bailin law was passed 8 days ago….did you notice?


Revealed: official details on how the EU will steal from us

Three beaming eurocrats – Barroso, Van Rompuy and Lithuanian Dalia Grybauskaite – emerged triumphant from a session two days ago, in which they mapped out the biggest bank heist in world history. This is to put flesh on the eurozone law hastily passed on August 1st (while EU citizens were on holiday) to deal with the inevitability event of a bank collapse. Under this draft proposal – which many expect to be applied to the entire EU – no depositor big or small will in future be able to feel safe with money deposited in a bank. The Slog now calls for those who represent us, across the entire cultural spectrum of European society – to do something.

In a barely read piece a month ago, the International Business Times reported on the rapidly drafted new EU law for “overhauling its policy on how banks receive bumper bailouts”. Be aware: this is an EU move, not a eurozone move: it is already law (it passed on August 1st) and although for now it applies only to the eurozone, it is an EU law. Hardly anyone has commented on this, but the approach being taken matches word for word the 3-card trick George Osborne used six weeks ago when he said:

“In future, taxpayers will not be called upon to bail banks out. It will be down to the creditors and the owners”.

The most remarkable example of double-speak to date, at the time I pointed out that creditors are taxpayers (they’re account holders, simple as that) and so as the Establishments daren’t ask us for higher taxes to bail out their mates in the banking system, they will take it via, if you like, Direct Debit. It is exactly the same principle of stealing the Troika wishes to apply to Greek private pension funds.

The initial piece at the IBT website noted that ‘Eurozone leaders agreed upon the major policy shift and also confirmed that the new rules will help protect the taxpayer and move the burden of bailing out the banks onto shareholders and junior debt holders.” Again, more <deleted>: how will ripping your money out protect you? And note – junior debt holders…aka, you and I.

3monkropBut yesterday from the German site Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (German Economic News) came a piece reporting that all bets are off as far as the ‘guarantee of all funds under €100,000′ pledge is concerned. Under the current Lithuanian Presidency of Dalia Grybauskaite (seen left between a Trot and a poet), the proposal as drafted – and almost entirely ignored by the Western media – states as follows:

* Treatment will not be the same regardless of size of deposit, BUT small account holders will have to wait up to four weeks to get their money….’depending on how serious the insolvency is’. During that time, there will be a maximum withdrawal of €100-200 per day – again, perhaps less depending on the seriousness of the failure. (Based on the Cyprus experience, the haircut in the end will be at least 60%).

* The EU Parliament – allegedly – is demanding that deposits of €100,000+ euros should be confiscated within five days. (So much for MEPs offering us some kind of protection from the Sprouts).

* In the event of a banking collapse, all previous government commitments are null and void. The force majeur of “exceptional circumstances” can lead to ways round such pledges. Part of the new plan suggests savers could also be subject to a ‘penalty tax’ if they have less than € 100,000 in the bank. (So much for Merkel’s promise to the German people).

George Orwell could’ve dropped acid and still not come up with a scheme quite so assumptive and brazenly deranged as this one. It is based on the following insane principles:

1. Putting money in a bank makes every citizen a creditor of that bank, equally prone to confiscation in order to repay….who exactly? The answer is, other banks it owed money. So it’s not really our money after all, it’s the banking sector’s money. After it’s been taxed by the Government, despite the fact that we earned it…it’s really all bankers’ money after all. Unbelievable.

2. If we are prudent enough to keep money in smaller amounts in lots of accounts, we will have to pay a ‘penalty tax’ – well of course we will: I mean, given it’s never our money really – we’re just borrowing it, or something – then quite right too. And because it isn’t really our money, we shall be given strictly limited spending money per day. The brass neck is beyond belief.

3. If you have been seditious enough in your life to actually make quite a lot of money legally, then within five days the money that was never really yours will be taken back by its rightful owners…the bankers….or the Government rescuing the bankers but without doing it in our taxes. Why five days – why not five seconds? I mean, it’s their money: we were just earning it for safe keeping, right? Of course we were.

4. Anything is an exceptional circumstance if they say it is. Even the Nazis in 1933 had to burn down the bloody Reichstag to declare a State of Emergency. In 2013, it requires just one dumb, over-leveraged, f**kwitted bank to collapse under the weight of its CEO’s ego, and we’re all pauperised by Law.

I think the time has finally come when we must give our legislators and ‘leaders’ here in the UK a gigantic kick up the jacksy. And I think the time has come for every decent organisation to mobilise even Wayne and Waynetta to GTF off the sofa and start making it clear to the scheming <deleted> of Westminster that we’re not having any of this crap here in Britain.

As I tried to point out two years ago, this is no longer a political issue. This is a case of one simple rule by which decent citizens must abide: stealing things is wrong…especially when it’s done to repair your own stupid decisions in the past.

These are the questions we should address to everyone supposed to represent us, starting today:

1. To German Sloggers, demand Angela Merkel make the safety of ALL EU citizens’ bank money a solid Election pledge next month.

2. To the Christian, Jewish, Muslim and humanist leaderships of Britain: start an outcry in the media. Why aren’t you giving your parishioners more support? Where is the outcry about pilfering from innocent citizens? Where is the condemnations of illegal, amoral confiscation?

3. To the anti-EU Conservative Right, to UKip and its leader Nigel Farage, to our MEPs – especially Dan Hannan: do you realise the delayed referendum on EU membership will come far too late to stop this? When are you going to start spelling this out to your supporters and media contacts that this is now a matter of citizen survival? Why hasn’t there been uproar in the European Parliament about this? You guys talk a good game, but where’s the line in the sand?

4. To the TUC: Your members are about to be fleeced by the Co-op’s management, and stand to be ruined by the EU’s ECB-driven policy of slashing both the wages and assets of the European workforce. Can we have less political point-scoring, and more ecumenical organising action?

5. To the Labour Party leadership: show that you truly are our friend in tough times. Stop doing bloody focus groups and poncing about between the lines of bland policy statements designed to make you look harmlessly voteworthy. Come back off your holidays and take a stand – when are you going to start hounding Camerlot bigtime on this iniquitous policy? Or are you complicit in it? Please tell us.

6. To the whingers and it-won’t-make-any-difference-it’s-nothing-to-do-with-me brigade: sorry, but you just ran out of road. Like it or not, you’re involved. Start a movement now to remove every penny of current account and deposit monies from the bank. Are you a live Homo sapiens, or a braindead lobster?

The Co-operative scandal is just the beginning. They are going to take our money and leave us all penniless….at their mercy.

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Why do you think the UK government have put so much effort into disarming the public? The greedy elite hiso's, well connected, politicians and their banker mates will as usual earn massive dividends and bonuses whilst mismanaging and screwing everything up. And Joe Public will be fleeced by the modern day robber barons just as before.

How long before the Northern Western EU big boys have to bail out the lazy corrupt Southern and Eastern Europeans. Not the fault of the people in those regions but those that have cheated and lied to them instead of leading them correctly.

The future has some very frightening possibilities when bureaucrats will make decisions to confiscate people's wealth and property and no one stands up to it.

Americans are right to resist gun control and keep the second Amendment. No rights in EU - unless you're one of the "more equals" of course.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I am British ,i was born British I will die British ,i dont want anything to do with the E.U or their money ,you can stick the euro and the european union where the sun dont shine . on saying that it does not mean that i do not like the people ,just the corrupt snout in trough herd of pigs who run the club . i am in a good mood ,so i am being nicer about them tonight.than i would normalyxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.PidUDkLTtz.webp

According to your name, your ancestor may have been roman emperors...?

I am European and i agree with you. Europeans would very much like the British get out of the EU.

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I am British ,i was born British I will die British ,i dont want anything to do with the E.U or their money ,you can stick the euro and the european union where the sun dont shine . on saying that it does not mean that i do not like the people ,just the corrupt snout in trough herd of pigs who run the club . i am in a good mood ,so i am being nicer about them tonight.than i would normalyxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.PidUDkLTtz.webp

+ 1.

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I am British ,i was born British I will die British ,i dont want anything to do with the E.U or their money ,you can stick the euro and the european union where the sun dont shine . on saying that it does not mean that i do not like the people ,just the corrupt snout in trough herd of pigs who run the club . i am in a good mood ,so i am being nicer about them tonight.than i would normalyxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.PidUDkLTtz.webp

According to your name, your ancestor may have been roman emperors...?

I am European and i agree with you. Europeans would very much like the British get out of the EU.

So Mr European Union lover,

Give me 5 advantages of Britain being in the European Union?

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I am British ,i was born British I will die British ,i dont want anything to do with the E.U or their money ,you can stick the euro and the european union where the sun dont shine . on saying that it does not mean that i do not like the people ,just the corrupt snout in trough herd of pigs who run the club . i am in a good mood ,so i am being nicer about them tonight.than i would normalyxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.PidUDkLTtz.webp

According to your name, your ancestor may have been roman emperors...?

I am European and i agree with you. Europeans would very much like the British get out of the EU.

So Mr European Union lover,

Give me 5 advantages of Britain being in the European Union?

from the perspective of an average continental European there are only disadvantages having the United Kingdom as a member state. they want Britain out!

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I don't know what an average continental European is but I have German, Swedish, Norwegian, Belgium, Irish and Dutch friends and bar none, all of them wish to get out of the European Union as well.

me too... if i lived in Germany, paying taxes and being hassled by clowns sitting in Bruxelles. fortunately i live in Thailand.


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Unelected Eurocrat European President Herman Von Rumpoy and others getting attacked by the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage.

Unelected European Commissioners spend over €7.5 million Euro's (£6.6 million pounds) on private jets.


Oh their is much more the European Union don't want you to know!

I count myself lucky i live in Thailand also.

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Maybe one day the EU will adopt the income tax rules of the US where it doesn't matter where you make your money, you'll still pay taxes back to your home country. And pensions will be part of your taxable income.

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Maybe one day the EU will adopt the income tax rules of the US where it doesn't matter where you make your money, you'll still pay taxes back to your home country. And pensions will be part of your taxable income.

before that there has to be a tax "levelling" because different EU countries have different tax structures and the differences are huge.

rather earlier conveivable is that individual EU countries will try to adopt the U.S. system. in my view the frontrunners will be Germany and France.

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from the perspective of an average continental European there are only disadvantages having the United Kingdom as a member state.

That only demonstrates how stupid the average continental European is (not that any other average person is much brighter).

Britain is (on 2011 figures) the third largest net contributor to the EU budget after Germany and France and so helps to support all the useless unproductive tin-pot little countries like Greece with its EUR220B bail-outs that it will never repay, and its perpetual budget deficits.


If the EU were to expel the UK then that would just mean that Germany and France would have to cough up even more to fund the loser states, and I'm not sure they would be delighted to do so. (Given France's huge pension-funding problems, I'm not sure they would even be capable of doing so.)

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I am British ,i was born British I will die British ,i dont want anything to do with the E.U or their money ,you can stick the euro and the european union where the sun dont shine . on saying that it does not mean that i do not like the people ,just the corrupt snout in trough herd of pigs who run the club . i am in a good mood ,so i am being nicer about them tonight.than i would normalyxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.PidUDkLTtz.webp

According to your name, your ancestor may have been roman emperors...?

I am European and i agree with you. Europeans would very much like the British get out of the EU.

So Mr European Union lover,

Give me 5 advantages of Britain being in the European Union?

from the perspective of an average continental European there are only disadvantages having the United Kingdom as a member state. they want Britain out!

If they want us out ,why not kick us out and do us all a favour.

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I am British ,i was born British I will die British ,i dont want anything to do with the E.U or their money ,you can stick the euro and the european union where the sun dont shine . on saying that it does not mean that i do not like the people ,just the corrupt snout in trough herd of pigs who run the club . i am in a good mood ,so i am being nicer about them tonight.than i would normalyxangry.png.pagespeed.ic.PidUDkLTtz.webp

So Mr European Union lover,

Give me 5 advantages of Britain being in the European Union?

from the perspective of an average continental European there are only disadvantages having the United Kingdom as a member state. they want Britain out!
If they want us out ,why not kick us out and do us all a favour.

there is no provision in the EU charta to kick any member state out. members can leave the EU based on their own unilateral decision.

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from the perspective of an average continental European there are only disadvantages having the United Kingdom as a member state.

That only demonstrates how stupid the average continental European is (not that any other average person is much brighter).

Britain is (on 2011 figures) the third largest net contributor to the EU budget after Germany and France and so helps to support all the useless unproductive tin-pot little countries like Greece with its EUR220B bail-outs that it will never repay, and its perpetual budget deficits.


If the EU were to expel the UK then that would just mean that Germany and France would have to cough up even more to fund the loser states, and I'm not sure they would be delighted to do so. (Given France's huge pension-funding problems, I'm not sure they would even be capable of doing so.)

it is an established fact that the IQ of a citizen of the British Empire is a multiple of the IQ of an average continental European.

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from the perspective of an average continental European there are only disadvantages having the United Kingdom as a member state.

That only demonstrates how stupid the average continental European is (not that any other average person is much brighter).

Britain is (on 2011 figures) the third largest net contributor to the EU budget after Germany and France and so helps to support all the useless unproductive tin-pot little countries like Greece with its EUR220B bail-outs that it will never repay, and its perpetual budget deficits.


If the EU were to expel the UK then that would just mean that Germany and France would have to cough up even more to fund the loser states, and I'm not sure they would be delighted to do so. (Given France's huge pension-funding problems, I'm not sure they would even be capable of doing so.)

it is an established fact that the IQ of a citizen of the British Empire is a multiple of the IQ of an average continental European.

I don't think Kittenkong was referring to any comparisons of intelligence just that France and Germany want Britain to stay in the European Union purely because of one selfish reason.

And that reason is that if the U.K leaves the EU France and Germany will have to pay more...its all about the money!

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5 advantages of the U.K being a member of the EU...anyone?

1. Non-tariff barrier-free access to the world's largest single market.

2. Free movement benefits to labour market.

3. EU-wide patent registration.

4, One set of rules for businesses wishing to expand on the continent, not 27.

5. Increased UK FDI.

6. Free movement benefits to the individual.

7. Fairer regulation of energy and telecoms prices.

8. Deregulation of air travel and increased consumer protection.

9. ERASMUS exchange programme.

There's a lot more.

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Before i go and answer bangkokney's list of 9 err "advantages' of the U.K being in the European Union i wish to inform TV forum members that the European Union has a huge propaganda budget to promote the E.U.

This takes the form of place men and women planted in University's and colleges in the form of Jenner "professors" to indoctrinate young people, to their own EU TV station, newspapers and other forms of media adverts, to internet surveillance of forums that have eurosceptic comments and contributions that are eurosceptic like mine on Thaivisa.

Listed are a small sample of the EU propaganda machine you are up against backed by a 250 Million Euro spend "every year" on the EU promoting itself.

George Orwells book 1984 and Hitlers Nazis propaganda machines have nothing on this lot.

The EU spends 250 Million Euros every year promoting itself.


EU spends 2 Million pounds on internet surveillance of forums that have eurosceptic comments and contributions are eurosceptic.



Monnet professor in a debate posing as a normal questioner exposed by Nigel Farage...wait till 2.30 minutes onwards for the exposure.


This huge propaganda machine just exposes the EU that it is not confident of itself.

How many Hospitals, Schools could be built with a quarter of a Billion Euro's every year to directly benefit people?, just another of many many examples of EU waste.

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  • 2 weeks later...

5 advantages of the U.K being a member of the EU...anyone?

1. Non-tariff barrier-free access to the world's largest single market.

2. Free movement benefits to labour market.

3. EU-wide patent registration.

4, One set of rules for businesses wishing to expand on the continent, not 27.

5. Increased UK FDI.

6. Free movement benefits to the individual.

7. Fairer regulation of energy and telecoms prices.

8. Deregulation of air travel and increased consumer protection.

9. ERASMUS exchange programme.

There's a lot more.

1. Non-tariff barrier-free access to the world's largest single market....the majority of British exports go out of the European Union, HOWEVER...the European Union as usual has an accounting scam to inflate the figures whereby they will inform you that British Exports are over 50% to the EU and we would lose hundreds of thousands of jobs if we left, they are liars the true figure is approx 37%.

The accounting trick the EU uses is called the "ROTTERDAM EFFECT" and this is how this EU scam works,

The port of Rotterdam is the worlds 4th largest port and the largest in Europe, when British goods are exported by ship and are in "transit" through Rotterdam port on their way to the USA, the Far east, Australia and the rest of the World the EU count the transit goods as "imported" into the EU even though the goods final destination is other parts of the world...very honest of the EU ?

2. Free movement benefits to labour market...Haha, this has been a one way street of uncontrolled open door mass immigration into the UK and destroyed non skilled or low skilled British workers chances of getting jobs as the competition from immigrants who will work for lower wages has edged them out...these immigrants are also legally allowed to claim benefits from the British Government even though they have never paid a penny into the tax system thereby increasing taxes for the British population.

3. EU-wide patent registration...I would class this as part of the business sector where the disadvantages outweigh the advantages...The EU burdens businesses with extra regulations and costs estimated by £150 Billion pounds each year from "regulation, direct fiscal payments or resource "misallocations"

4, One set of rules for businesses wishing to expand on the continent, not 27...One "set of rules", how many is that?

5. Increased UK FDI....you got to be kidding me, Ford motors have just left the UK with the loss of over and are transferring manufacturing to Turkey, a non-EU Country and the EU funded the move The EU have granted Ford a loan of 190 million Euros in order to move its factory from Britain ti Turkey, This is clearly a bribe to ensure that the Turks hold a positive view of the EU, much like what has taken place in Croatia.

6. Free movement benefits to the individual...Haha, Ditto point 2.

The EU is bad for Britain, the EU needs Britains money plain and simple!

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the EU needs Britains money plain and simple!


5 Billion pounds a year shortfall is not something the Germans and French will laugh at to make up by increased EU contributions if Britain leaves the European Union, with all due respect Mr Naam!

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