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Do humidifiers/air purifiers work?


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Pretty much ever since I moved into my apartment, my nose regularly blocks up at night. As soon as I leave my house it clears up so im fairly sure it is an allergy to something in my house.

I keep it clean and have experimented with not using the air con/opening windows, and astihistamines, but nothing works.

Almost every month since I arrived I get a throat infection caused by the blocking up, im getting sick of it. So im tempted by those air purifiers I see in malls. They're expensive, 6k for the cheapest I think I saw.. but if they me sleep good and stop getting sick, I'll gladly pay.

Anyone got any experience using them?

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No but i have an allergy issue too, was much better when i was living there much worse since ive been back in melbourne and moved to the windswept western subs...

I use to get sore throats there but not here as much, even a dirty BKK bus aircon would set me off.

I have been diagnosed and its not something that can be cured yet its common and often nasle sprays will make your life more tolerable, i decided that since it wont cure me then a time will come where it wont work anymore so best to learn to manage it.

Try airing your apartment out for a few hrs a day, check your fliters in your air con if it has any and clean them other wise clean all of your air con.

Even though its humid there try a humidfier much cheaper and get a bottle of eucalytus oil for it 5 mil is all i use, when i feel crap i run one makes the world of differnace to me and clears up my nose. Try running it when you sleep i have works great, mine has a life of around 10 hrs bettween fills and auto cuts out.

Cut out dairy or go organic dairy made a differance for me also, by doing so it cuts back on mucus build up in your nose.

Go herbal to build your imune stystem im on a variety and the best of the lot is stingy nettle can get in pill form as well as tea form.

Sorry to say mate dont think its just your apartment, if you dont do something about it over time it will just get worse, took me 10 years to wake up to it and even then i worked it out, many trips to the doctors many blood tests, even the specialists once i realized were of little help.

I begun salt cave treatment here it mimics the eastern euro salt caves where they found salt miners had few or no breathing or allergy issues, you sit in a room with salt on the floor and walls and they blow ground salt into this room for 45 min....you have got no idea what a life saver thats been for me.

Im 4 treatments in and 2 weeks of herbal pills and i can alread see some inprovments and all of this is my doing, i sourced all the info from the web, lots of forums on this sort of thing.

Hope my info helps you because i know how miserable ive been, it got to the point were i would just get sick and my moods changed lost focus fatigued etc etc....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update, 9 salt room therapy and 4 weeks of herbal pill taking and ive only had several mild attacks, there has been a quick turn around from the once miserable hours I use to have.

The people at the salt therapy tell me the owner would like to open in Thailand...

Herbs available in Thailand.

Humidifiers are also available in Thailand, when I lived there I ran a fan all the time and air con for a few hours a day so your either drying the air out and or blowing dry fine dust around. For me I cleaned every second day top to bottom that made a big difference.

From my experience building the immune system with immune balancing herb and natural allergy fighting herbs is the key especially if you cant have salt room therapy, but there's always a way to mimic that with some research.

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