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Today I went to the Phrom Phong (Emporium) Branch of the Bangkok Bank to start a new savings account which also has a ATM card (if you required one cost 300 bhat)

Any how was told that you need to suppy a letter from your Embassy saying that you are the real person on your passport.

This for some reason allows you to now open a savings account with the Bangkok Bank (New Rules so I am told from there Head Office in Silom.

I told the officer at the Emporium branch that I allready had an account with the Siam Commercial Bank and have had it for over two years. I also told her I do not have a work permit because I have a Retirement visa which does not allow me to work.

Still that did not help matters re me getting a new account. So I phoned there Head Office and was told the above requirements.

I showed them my passport (with retirement stamp in it) and my current Siam Commercial Bank savings passbook with 350,000 bhat in it and told them that I will be sending one million bhat soon to Thailand for my renewal retirement visa and wanted to change banks to them.

Had 40,000 bhat in my hand to open the account but still no good.

Just letting you all know for all those that need to know or care.

Was going to my embassy any how so no big deal, but it will be intersting when I return which the letter required to the Emporium Branch to see what they then say. :o

I know I can try other branches but I will do as told first then maybe if all fails will try others.

Before any one asks why I want to change banks ( dont break what is not broke) I have my reasons. :D


As previoulsy discussed, it's utter bullxxxxxxxxx.

Don't try to talk with the "fancy" branch at Emporium for instance. //edit - lopburi3//.

Just go to a real grassroots branch in a popular aera. I doubt that they will bother you with such "new policy", that might be new only in some whiskyed brain in some office.

Today I went to the Phrom Phong (Emporium) Branch of the Bangkok Bank to start a new savings account which also has a ATM card (if you required one cost 300 bhat)

Any how was told that you need to suppy a letter from your Embassy saying that you are the real person on your passport.

This for some reason allows you to now open a savings account with the Bangkok Bank (New Rules so I am told from there Head Office in Silom.

I told the officer at the Emporium branch that I allready had an account with the Siam Commercial Bank and have had it for over two years. I also told her I do not have a work permit because I have a Retirement visa which does not allow me to work.

Still that did not help matters re me getting a new account. So I phoned there Head Office and was told the above requirements.

I showed them my passport (with retirement stamp in it) and my current Siam Commercial Bank savings passbook with 350,000 bhat in it and told them that I will be sending one million bhat soon to Thailand for my renewal retirement visa and wanted to change banks to them.

Had 40,000 bhat in my hand to open the account but still no good.

Just letting you all know for all those that need to know or care.

Was going to my embassy any how so no big deal, but it will be intersting when I return which the letter required to the Emporium Branch to see what they then say. :o

I know I can try other branches but I will do as told first then maybe if all fails will try others.

Before any one asks why I want to change banks ( dont break what is not broke) I have my reasons. :D


Some local BB branch managers have seamingly under gone training from the generals that are running Burma and behave like petty dictators....ignore them....everyone else does.

I tried to open yet another B.B. A/C about a year ago at Secon Sq or was it Central...anyway was told NO......

wot do you mean NO....??

No can Do.....

Why not....

No can do......

Stop sounding like a ...smiling .....bad tape recording.....WHY NO can do....


Because wot?....

in the meantime I am showing her 3 other B.B. saving books from other branches with a handfull of Be 1st atm/electron cards

Because...sorry..(whispering to me). I have been told by my manager that we do not open A/c for foreigners at this Branch....

PS this is one of the biggest shopping malls in the world.... :o

.......NO Problem ...at least I got an honest answer.....OK..Kop Khun Mak Krup...still smiling......MPRai.... :D ...aint worth the bother...tit init...


i just assisted a friend (well, walked in and out with him) in opening one at Bangkok Bank on sukhumvit. no documents needed, just bring your passport.


Yes... the Big B.B. on Suk Road just opposite the old Ambassadors Hotel has always been a "good one" and I have taken loads of people into it over the years without any problems.

First a/c that I had (about 15 years ago) I gave my address as the old Honey H...MPR...

Also unlike other branches they will issue your Be First ATM machine card to you at the same time as you open your savings account...instant access to yer dosh... :D

New a/c dept is up the stairs ,turn right and take a number.I have never ever had to wait more than 10 minutes to discuss wot-ever...Very helpfull and "parley Le Angrit".

Unless its changed its name/address recently then the Branch is



Tel Nos.: 2524173-5 / 2524978-9 / 252476-7/ 2512921

Even got an internet a/c from there (K.W)..handy for paying the bills...wot bills. :o


Couple cases happen today.

Case 1. Client has the money in his wives account. He wants to apply for the extension of stay based on support of a Thai national. He goes to add his name to the account and told that last Tuesday; the government came out with anti Laundry laws. Any foreigner needs to show a work permit to open an account or being added to the account.

Case 2. Client goes to Thai Military Bank. The foreigners brother in law works there and wants to open a savings acct. Told that as he has no work permit, he would lose his job if he open it because of the new anti-laundry laws that just came out.

Never heard of this before and did a Google search on the news and nothing comes up.

However I know of at least one bank we use, is still opening up savings accts for clients with no work permits require. TIT


Couple cases happen today.

Case 1. Client has the money in his wives account. He wants to apply for the extension of stay based on support of a Thai national. He goes to add his name to the account and told that last Tuesday; the government came out with anti Laundry laws. Any foreigner needs to show a work permit to open an account or being added to the account.

Case 2. Client goes to Thai Military Bank. The foreigners brother in law works there and wants to open a savings acct. Told that as he has no work permit, he would lose his job if he open it because of the new anti-laundry laws that just came out.

Never heard of this before and did a Google search on the news and nothing comes up.

However I know of at least one bank we use, is still opening up savings accts for clients with no work permits require. TIT


For the fun, do not take it seriously please :

1) I supposed a legit resident in Thailand who work in thailand have automatically a WP. Not about Thailand, but in some countries is considered as illegal work, maybe illegal staying (if work the person is obviously not a tourist nor a retired), so can get jail, fine and the kick. Worst, if a company have help him/her to do that illegal work, so the company is also guilty ...

2) In many country in North america or Western europe, you can open an account only if you are legal non tourist resident.

that is a bit like during APEC when immigration police did some checking on some notorious over stayer. It was a like wind of madness amongst ourcommunity, with a lot , a lot , a lot of people complaining they suddently have to go abroad toget a visa (some stated they did not do it for the last 10 years). It was also numerous people laughting about that.

General rules, for a visa and for a bank account : the officer do what he/she think the best in the general interest. An immigration can refuse to give you a 30 days on arrival, you can scream nothing will change. A bank officer can decide to apply the law fully and totally, you can complain it will change nothing. So better MPrai and go the see another. Even if you have all the papers, if he/she have decide you will not have, you will simply not have


I went to open an account at the Bangkok Bank Sukhumvit branch yesterday and was told that they needed a letter from the embassy to open an account. Went to a nearby Siam Commercial branch, which is not supposed to open accounts without a work permit, and opened an account with an ATM card without any questions asked.

My advice is if you get declined at one bank or branch just go to another one and try again. It seems to be completely at bank manager's discretion.

Oh, and dress nice when you go. :o


The banking standards here in Thailand is still way behind from the West. A lot has to do with the rules and regulations that Bank Of Thailand (central bank) dictate. Many of the rules are complicated and difficult to understand even for the managers let alone the staff. So when in doubt the bank staff just refuses service. Forget about asking to see the manager, the last thing he/she wants to do is to explain/talk to you. I can't wait till the bank industry open up to foreign competition, then we'll see better service and attitude. Or is it just a dream that will never happen?

I can't wait till the bank industry open up to foreign competition, then we'll see better service and attitude. Or is it just a dream that will never happen?

It won't happen soon... Thailand had to fight with USA during the FTA negociations...

They want to keep the cake. Even if it is a rotten one...

Anyway, why do you bother ? Take an 1h30 flight and go to Singapore. The standards are much, much higher overthere.

I did.

And it's pleasure to talk with a real banker, who has the same state of mind than you... I mean, it's easier. :o


It is going to be harder for a foreigner to open a checking acct.

From Todays Bangkok Post


Law amendment may prove barrier to chequing accounts


Opening a chequing account might become more difficult in the future if authorities approve a proposed legal amendment that could remove the criminal liability for bounced cheques.

The Justice Ministry has proposed eliminating criminal liability for issuing dud cheques to help reduce the massive workload on the judiciary system and state prosecutors.

Issuing a bounced cheque is currently a crime punishable by a fine of up to 60,000 baht and one-year in jail.

But business groups and local banks have warned that making the offence a civil one would lead to more dud cheques and undermine the credibility of the system.

Experts said that new measures should be taken to cope with the proposed changes, including strengthening the role of local credit bureaus and tightening the scrutiny of chequing accounts.

The legal amendment has already been reviewed by the Council of State and is likely to go before the next government for final approval.

Tawatchai Yongkittikul, the secretary-general of the Thai Bankers' Association, said he generally agreed with the legal amendment as the damage incurred from bounced cheques was typically limited to the counterparties.

Under the amendment, creditors would also maintain the right to sue debtors directly in case of defaults.

But Dr Tawatchai said that criminal liability should be maintained to act as a deterrent against chequing fraud, and any amendment to the current law should be phased in to allow the financial system time to adjust. "I am quite worried that the final draft does not provide any grace period. To make the new law effective right away would lead to chaos for the financial system," he said.

Sayan Pariwat, senior director for the Bank of Thailand's Payment Systems Department, said commercial banks should be more stringent in giving credit lines to customers with poor credit histories or who have issued bad cheques in the past.

"Banks may consider revoking the chequing accounts of customers who have defaulted. This will also help make customers more disciplined in ensuring they have sufficient funds to settle outstanding cheques and manage their cash flow," he said.

Mr Sayan added that credit bureaus should also serve as information centres to allow businesses to verify the credibility of the cheque issuers they deal with.

Niwat Kanjanaphoomin, chief executive officer for the National Credit Information Center, the country's sole credit bureau, said legal amendments would be needed if the bureau was to maintain records of returned cheques. "Currently, the bureau has no record of current accounts. It has records of overdraft cheques, but does not specify their status," he said.

Another complication, Mr Niwat said, was that only financial institutions could use the bureau's databases. "But businesses might use records from the bureau to back their cheques in the future," Mr Niwat said.


Just going off topic slightly, my friend who has an acc with bbl many years. He asked recently for a credit card, he was told Farrang cant be issue with a credit card.

I have 2 accounts 1 at bbl and 1 Scb, they are always pushing me to get a credit card. Anyone kowns the requirement for this, about visa status or what documents to produce.

I thing as in previous posts its up to the particular branch policy???

Couple cases happen today.

Case 1. Client has the money in his wives account. He wants to apply for the extension of stay based on support of a Thai national. He goes to add his name to the account and told that last Tuesday; the government came out with anti Laundry laws. Any foreigner needs to show a work permit to open an account or being added to the account.

Case 2. Client goes to Thai Military Bank. The foreigners brother in law works there and wants to open a savings acct. Told that as he has no work permit, he would lose his job if he open it because of the new anti-laundry laws that just came out.

Never heard of this before and did a Google search on the news and nothing comes up.

However I know of at least one bank we use, is still opening up savings accts for clients with no work permits require. TIT


So you see it is not only me but I will try the other Branch mentioned by others except remeber Sukhumvit is a very long road :o


i opened a new savings account and a time deposit 5.125% account at the bangkok bank head office on silom yesterday.

they told me that only those on work permits or with 1 year non -immigrant visas can open bank accounts in thailand after some recent changes to the laws.

tourist visa holders are now not permitted to open bank accounts in thailand.

i have 9 months left on my one year visa , and the desk clerk there told me that the accounts couldnt be opened because there wasnt a year left on the visa , i asked her to call her superior , and after some discussion the accounts were opened.

i dont know anything about this "new rule" , although i remember reading something in this forum recently about someone having a similar experience.

to open these accounts i had to fill in loads of forms and was passed from desk to desk whilst the forms were checked and processed etc.

at each stage of this long process (i had to give my signature over 30 times on various documents and forms) my passport was checked to ensure that my visa was not a tourist visa , and was told that "from last month , no more tourist visa now" , and this was at bangkok bank head office.

an unbelievably lengthy procedure involving 6 staff members and nearly two hours.

Still didnt hear about credit cards, anyone know anything?

For a Farang...100,000 Baht salary in Thailand and having a work permit for two years is what most credit card co's want to see, to give you a credit of 20,000- 50,000 Baht.


Still didnt hear about credit cards, anyone know anything?

I got credit card for SCB no problem with less than 100k a month income. Also just applied for Citibank Gold Card, they seemed to think its no problem...but then I have a good credit history built up over the last year now and I have a work permit........


I moved my BB account from BKK to Chiang Mai a couple of months ago. Closed the BKK account and opened a new account in CM, they offered me a credit card which turned out to be a Visa card. I only use it for fuel and it works OK, I have no idea how much credit I have, maybe its a debit card only?


When I opened a BB account last year I was told Internet banking required a work permit, which I didn't have. Early this month my work permit was approved but I still don't have the book.

On Tue I applied for internet banking at BB, they completed the process without asking any questions, but when it was over the woman said "It might take a bit longer than usual becuase you've just received a work permit".

If I didn't tell her, how did she kow?

Yes... the Big B.B. on Suk Road just opposite the old Ambassadors Hotel has always been a "good one" and I have taken loads of people into it over the years without any problems.

First a/c that I had (about 15 years ago) I gave my address as the old Honey H...MPR...

Also unlike other branches they will issue your Be First ATM machine card to you at the same time as you open your savings account...instant access to yer dosh... :D

New a/c dept is up the stairs ,turn right and take a number.I have never ever had to wait more than 10 minutes to discuss wot-ever...Very helpfull and "parley Le Angrit".

Unless its changed its name/address recently then the Branch is



Tel Nos.: 2524173-5 / 2524978-9 / 252476-7/ 2512921

Even got an internet a/c from there (K.W)..handy for paying the bills...wot bills. :o

opened an account there about the same time i.e 15 years ago, at that time I had been turned dwon by a couple of banks (new rules I think) anyway walked into that branch with a million Baht in cash and a Interpreter ( last nights shag) on my arm, no problem, I sort of cringe a bit now thinking about wondering what the old big Hair Khun Nai thought about it at the time. Never the less despite the obvious disapproval she expedited things in a efficient manner. Still have the account although ya gotta say BBPLC is quite the worst bank to deal with.


Hi, I opened a Bangkok Bank account yesterday and was told;

Current Account - need work permit

Credit Card - can have if have work permit and have fixed deposit as security ie 100,000 THB FD = 100,000 THB credit limit. This is like Malaysian banks as expats run away leaving big credit card bills......

Internet Access to accounts - work permit required

Savings Account - can have on tourist permit

Opened savings account although the first woman I saw must have thought I wanted to slay her first born son or something as she kept saying "no work permit no account" despite giving me a form that said otherwise!

Supervisor thjough said need "reccommondation letter". Either from overseas bank, Thai national with a bank account at same bank, a business or from Embassy

Went to my Embassy and they gave me an approved copy of my passport (1,225 THB so cheap :D ) and that did the trick.

Get savings account with Visa Debit card on the spot (he apoliged for the cartoon baby elephant on the Visa card - maybe its also for teenagers!) at head office branch. I was served my a nice young chap who smiled a lot and we chatted about how great Thai banking is (I lied) as he filled in forms......

Its the official policy although I know in Malaysia you need a work permit to open an account and I did open a cheque account without one. So presume same here if yopu get a friendly/daft member of staff. If you get one that hates farangs and wants them all executed for bringing in western decadent sexual values and diseases you wont get far :o

If she was young and cute girl might have said "want to bring in a few million for spending money" and get the old hp number :D

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