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Sex Vs Love.. And Thai's


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Dolce and Gabbana have an interesting quote:

"Gay men are taught that it's Sex that is threatening to a relationship. It's not, it's Love. For Sex, you just have to show up. For Love, you have to give something back."

Many gay men in Western societies have established "sexually open relationships". Does this also apply to relationships between Westerners and Thai's....?


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ChrisP, you sure know how to ask open ended questions, a favorite technique in interrogation to elicit information.

Your question has always been one, in my view, that illicits answere that are sweeping generalities and thereby inherently faulty.

My opinion, a sweeping generalty, is that men's sexual threshold is much lower than a female, and therefore more easily aroused. Males, of any specie, have natural drives to have sex to procreate the species, and thus lower threshold is inherent.

Just look at National Geogrphic Channel for examples of most species where the male is constantly looking for and finding usually reluctant females.

Throughout the world, monogamy is rarely practiced by men, at least when they are younger. In my view, as a direcct result of the lower sexual threshold and natures urge to perform an act, originally intended by nature for pro-creation. The high rate of divorce in the U.S. may be a direct result of the emancipation of the female that has given her a career upon which she can rely when her husband strays and she chooses to send him packing becasue of it.

More to the point, since gays are both men, their monogamy is a more difficult and trying issue for them and they should, early on in their relationship, reach an agreement as to how they will behave regarding sex outside the relationship and the agreed consequences thereof.

I have found that Thai culture allows for "minor wives" and prostitution thrives to the point of a national debate to legalize it. I don't think Thai men are any different than men anywhere in the world. In fact, not carrying the Christian-Judean yoke on their shoulders, they have less guilt in this area than western men.

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