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My thai friend recently had plastic surgery and now she is fugly


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A Thai friend of mine aged in her late 20's recently had her plastic surgeon alter her face and breasts.

Last year I met her through mutual friends and thought she was a bit of a stunner - maybe an 8.5 out of 10. She had a nice wholesome looking face and a lovely natural smile. We went on a date once although nothing eventuated in the romance department. On reflection it might be due to the fact that I'm only just taller than tom cruise and better looking than Gordon Ramsey. i.e. a bit out of my league I'm not afraid to admit.

She is one of these thai girls who wears too much makeup in my opinion. On the date we had, she visited the ladies room twice and applied more layers of white makeup to her face.

Early this year, the girl cut contact with everyone and I did not see any updates on fbook for 2 to 3 months. She did not return a phone call. Then suddenly a new photo was posted and I was shocked at what I saw. She now looks like a bit of a freak- the type of girl that would scare a bear out of the woods. She has gone from an 8.5 to a 5.5 in my humble opinion.

This week there was a shot of her in the bikini and the new breasts look fantastic I admit....

Do you have any similar experiences of thai friends opting for plastic surgery where the result turns out to be less than favourable? I think that some thai girls could potentially benefit from therapy prior to making such drastic decisions. What do you think about this?

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I have known four Thai Females who have had "Nose Jobs",although the operation was successful, in my view all four have spoilt their overall appearance,their faces were meant to have wide nostrils,and somehow by narrowing their noses the symmetry and facial balance has been lost. Maybe some have improved their facial looks? but I haven't seen any yet! When I am talking to them,I find my eyes are drawn to the unnatural nose,which seems to have defeated their object.

Edited by MAJIC
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I agree that a lot of plastic surgery on nose, chin and cheeks looks freakish. The surgery that works well, we may not notice, of course.

Remember the goal for most Thai females who undergo cosmetic surgery is not the stated, "to look beautiful" by Western standards, but to gain a look as far as possible from the dreaded peasant-class subsistence farmer look and thus achieve an appearance of class and affluence.

But yes, as the OP states, a lot of nose jobs look, after a few years, like boxers who have had their hooter bashed a few times, not natural.

Take a look at the singer, Arpaporn.

Edited by Briggsy
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the type of girl that would scare a bear out of the woods. She has gone from an 8.5 to a 5.5 in my humble opinion.

as a matter of interest, in your humble opinion what would a 3 be capable of? a 1?sad.pngbah.gif

Edited by Bounngou
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Thai and Western perceptions of beauty are not the same. If it made her happier, good for her.
I do think mostly it doesnt look good, and unnecessary to put themselves through so much, but their choice.

I recently had a Thai friend have eyelid surgery done (where they create more of an eyelid). I think it looks awful..but shes very happy. She also has breast implants, collegen cheek injections, and silcone in her nose. Her nose and eyes only cost 8k per surgery apparently. So its no wonder many girls choose to have it done.

The only thing i really do thinks awful the most is fake boobs. On any woman to be honest. Nothing compares to real breasts, no matter how small..but sadly society thinks otherwise.

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The only thing i really do thinks awful the most is fake boobs. On any woman to be honest. Nothing compares to real breasts, no matter how small..but sadly society thinks otherwise.

I'm not so sure. I think a cheap boob job can look great but they also feel dreadful.

I've had dalliances with a couple of Thai girls who've pushed the boat out and had some high quality (expensive) baps installed and the difference is like night and day. They move like the real thing when the girls walk and they feel really, really good. They do, however, cost upwards of ฿100,000.

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Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

a crime of the highest order.

Edited by poanoi
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Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

a crime of the highest order.

how is it any of your business what she does with her body?

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Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

a crime of the highest order.

how is it any of your business what she does with her body?


Oh i donno, cause we had been together for years and i didnt want a change perhaps ?

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Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

a crime of the highest order.


Mine did too.

On top of that she cut her long hair short a week later.

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Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

a crime of the highest order.

how is it any of your business what she does with her body?


Oh i donno, cause we had been together for years and i didnt want a change perhaps ?

funny that you didn't mention that before until now, you only refered to her as "my fave girl" and "my thai friend".crazy.gif

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Yes, my fave girl had breast that was perfection incarnate,

i told her every time they were the masterpiece of His creation.

She started talking nonsense about making them bigger, -i forbid her to mess with my boobs.

Then one day she invited me, and gave me the most unpleasant surprise ever,

i could not bear looking at her for a week, i was too upset,

and i have still 5 years later not fully forgive her for what she did,

a crime of the highest order.

how is it any of your business what she does with her body?


Oh i donno, cause we had been together for years and i didnt want a change perhaps ?

funny that you didn't mention that before until now, you only refered to her as "my fave girl" and "my thai friend".crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif alt=crazy.gif width=20 height=27>

Stranger than that is having to see the girl you have been together with for years results because you haven't talked to her for 3 months on facebook ! LOL And seeing her new breasts for the first time on facebook as well ..... Not exactly my definition of being "together" with someone ! w00t.gif

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Thai and Western perceptions of beauty are not the same. If it made her happier, good for her.

I do think mostly it doesnt look good, and unnecessary to put themselves through so much, but their choice.

I recently had a Thai friend have eyelid surgery done (where they create more of an eyelid). I think it looks awful..but shes very happy. She also has breast implants, collegen cheek injections, and silcone in her nose. Her nose and eyes only cost 8k per surgery apparently. So its no wonder many girls choose to have it done.

The only thing i really do thinks awful the most is fake boobs. On any woman to be honest. Nothing compares to real breasts, no matter how small..but sadly society thinks otherwise.

Agree with you on most of your points, especially the boobs. I prefer a small natural one to a huge, fake, monstrosity any day of the week, twice on Sundays. But I know there are a lot of guys who like em big.

I have seen Thais have nose jobs that are almost undetectable (usually to enhance the bridge). And the eyelids. And the Botox. And yes, the boobs. I want to tell most of these girls not to do it, it's not necessary. But as you say, if it makes them feel good about themselves, it's up to them. Because who are they really doing for? Certainly not for the guys on this forum.

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Plastic surgery just doesn't seem to work well with Thai women. I don't know if it's the "talent" of the local surgeons or what, but it all seems to universally come out awful.

Not only Thai women, most, if not all women become freaks if they let those perverted "doctors" do their thing.

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Plastic surgery just doesn't seem to work well with Thai women. I don't know if it's the "talent" of the local surgeons or what, but it all seems to universally come out awful.

Do you think it works better in the west? And you think it turned out well for Michael Jackson?

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I have mixed feelings on this subject. I have a Canadian friend who had both a nose job and breast implants. It improved her appearance a lot. Prior to surgery she was totally flat and now she has nice curves. Her nose was too big but now it looks cute. The surgeon was excellent and you can't notice the scars. Sandra now has far more self confidence and her looks now match her bubbly personality. I forget how much it cost but it was a lot.

That said however, I've seen a lot of botched surgeries and the results can't be repaired. I was at a fancy resort in Arizona and the American women there had so many face lifts that they all looked like plastic mannequins.

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