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Verbal Threats


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I am an expat in Chiangmai. I am disturbed by the verbal threat that a friend of mine gave me when I told him I did not want to see him anymore. I am not sure if he really meant by what he said or he is just trying to scare me off. What should I do in a situation like this - do you think its best to report to the police?

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Well, I have done nothing wrong, in fact I extended my friendship and try to be nice to him, I wanted to help him as I know he has problem of alcoholism too. One thing I know for sure about him is he has a past that was really hard for him to forget and he lingers on to the hatred and pain of his childhood.

His allegation towards me was that he had given me so much of his time listening to my problem, that I have used him bla bla which I feel is ridiculous.. What I know about him is he is a difficult man, easily irritated even for small thing, depressed most of the time.

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OP, are you a woman ?

"in fact I extended my friendship and try to be nice to him, I wanted to help him as I know he has problem of alcoholism too."

It's nice to feel sympathetic for people with alcohol or drug addiction problems but unless you have some special talent and experience dealing with such people, it's unlikely you're going to help them much and you're inviting problems like this, especially if he knows where you stay.

If your paths are going to cross frequently and you think he's a serious threat, probably best to relocate. Police probably wouldn't do much and if they did approach him it would only be one more reason for him to hold a grudge against you ... assuming this whole thing is real.

Seems odd that somewhat bizarre predicaments are always posted by newbies. Seeking help & advice for a fairly serious problem from a forum you've never used before doesn't ring true. Do you not know anyone whose advice & help might be more practical for your situation?

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Not to worry, unless he's an ex-marine or something.

Good point. I know a few ex marines and they never really lose the marine life. One of them fits the profile you have given.

If on the other hand you are a women run do not walk run. You will never be able to help him. He has to reach out for help himself. No doubt he needs help but if he dosen't want it run. He is turning on you now and it will only get worse.

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