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Do Girls In This Pub Have A Far Different Sense Of Humor From That Of, Say, Boys?


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I think that girls may have a different sense of humor from that of boys in this pub, and on this august TVF.

And maybe this explains why they seem to take umbrage with what I consider to be enlightened dry wit.

Is it in their nature to see these attempts at being funny as infantile?

Just as they never found us funny when they were teaching us in school?

I prefer to be around women, all the time.

I do not enjoy, particularly, the company of men.

But here on TVF, I do wonder if I might be missing some cues or something, and not picking up on what you girls think is amusing, and what you think should be removed for reasons of stupidity or bad taste.

Can you provide any examples of what you consider to be funny to men, but not to girls?

Or what are your thoughts about humor and gender differences?

Thank you for providing any sign posts here that might help me to find my way.

"Sign posts"

Get It?

Yeah, that is funny girls.


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Man walks along beach in West Coast USA.

Finds object in the sand, looks like some kind of oil lamp.

Gives it a rub to see if it will clean up.

Out pops genie.

G: "I am the Genie of the Lamp, I will grant you the wish of your heart's desire".

Man: "Oh! great - I would love to visit Hawaii, but am afraid of flying, and get seasick...

So please build me a bridge from here to Hawaii so that I can drive there".

G: WHAT!!! have you any idea of the logistics of that? Think if the materials involved, the depth of the pilings, the engineering problems...!!! Impossible!! come up with another wish!

Man: Oh! OK, well, I have been married and divorced four times, and I still don't know where I am going wrong. I wish for you to help me to understand women - what they want, what they desire, how they think, what they actually mean as opposed to what they say.

G: About that bridge...did you want four lanes or eight??

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gee there the same but differant...you know thai logic? and western women same but differant again.

think we all now know that no two people act or think the same and that dry wit can be sacrcastic.

im in favor of the eight lanes thanks.

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