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Syria's Assad says Western strike could trigger regional war


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So much for the US is a warmonger line of argument by the people whose primary interest is to protect, save and preserve the Assad regime supported by Putin and Iran.

Assad, Putin and Tehran are not so much afraid of a regional war as they are Syrian military targets getting pounded to smithereens by hundreds of US missiles.

The sword of Damocles approach. Obama is going to do it regardless of the Congress and US public opinion. Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader. I mean, the only support dictators and tyrants currently have are US public opinion polls and a bunch of posters at TVF. That's not acceptable to Prez Obama.

It's still not clear how SECSTATE Kerry's suggestion, which everyone is running with, may or may not pan out. But the other guy just blinked.

Threat of U.S. strikes needed to change Syria’s behavior


IT WOULD be wrong to dismiss a potential move by Syria to place its chemical weapons arsenal under international supervision — a possibility that suddenly appeared Monday when a seemingly offhand comment by Secretary of State John F. Kerry was seized upon by Russia.

But it also would be foolish to forget how the regime of Bashar al-Assad has used previous diplomatic proposals to stall and sandbag international intervention while continuing to wage a merciless war against its population.

If this initiative works, it will happen only because the regime and its patrons in Moscow are made to believe that the alternative is a devastating U.S. military strike.

It has to be said publicus that you take blind sycophancy to a whole new level! "Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader"!

I'm afraid that ship has long since sailed, without him!

As for 'Secstate' Kerry, he must be spitting feathers,(as must you), that a throwaway line off the top of his head,( which he immediately backtracked on), was seized by Russia, who then ran with it, leaving Prez Obama and Secstate Kerry trailing in his wake! When asked by a reporter in London whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop a military strike, Kerry answered,"Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting of it, but he isn't about to do it, and it can't be done". The State Department later said Kerry had been making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility of Assad turning over chemical weapons.


It has become clear to me that on the evidence of the past few weeks Secstate Kerry is a bumbling incompetent, who can barely finish making a statement before he has to send a minion to retract or 'clarify' it.

Putin and Assad are so horrified and desperate they grabbed the statement and ran with it. They're still running and they're running scared.

Nor should you be so certain in your opinions.

It's reported today that Prez Obama and Putin discussed the very matter on the sidelines of the G-20 summit last week. Putin's not the swiftest guy in the room so it may have taken him an inordinate time to pick up on exactly what Kerry said in London, as you've quoted him.

The reporter's question to Kerry also has all the elements of a specifically pre-arranged query.

You should be concerned that you're missing some vital subtleties of international relations, diplomacy and in matters of war and peace.

Who in his heart of hearts wants the US missile strikes to happen? The Syrian rebels supported by the Western-Arab coalition, yes. Other than them, who?

Edited by Publicus
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So much for the US is a warmonger line of argument by the people whose primary interest is to protect, save and preserve the Assad regime supported by Putin and Iran.

Assad, Putin and Tehran are not so much afraid of a regional war as they are Syrian military targets getting pounded to smithereens by hundreds of US missiles.

The sword of Damocles approach. Obama is going to do it regardless of the Congress and US public opinion. Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader. I mean, the only support dictators and tyrants currently have are US public opinion polls and a bunch of posters at TVF. That's not acceptable to Prez Obama.

It's still not clear how SECSTATE Kerry's suggestion, which everyone is running with, may or may not pan out. But the other guy just blinked.

Threat of U.S. strikes needed to change Syria’s behavior


IT WOULD be wrong to dismiss a potential move by Syria to place its chemical weapons arsenal under international supervision — a possibility that suddenly appeared Monday when a seemingly offhand comment by Secretary of State John F. Kerry was seized upon by Russia.

But it also would be foolish to forget how the regime of Bashar al-Assad has used previous diplomatic proposals to stall and sandbag international intervention while continuing to wage a merciless war against its population.

If this initiative works, it will happen only because the regime and its patrons in Moscow are made to believe that the alternative is a devastating U.S. military strike.

It has to be said publicus that you take blind sycophancy to a whole new level! "Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader"!

I'm afraid that ship has long since sailed, without him!

As for 'Secstate' Kerry, he must be spitting feathers,(as must you), that a throwaway line off the top of his head,( which he immediately backtracked on), was seized by Russia, who then ran with it, leaving Prez Obama and Secstate Kerry trailing in his wake! When asked by a reporter in London whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop a military strike, Kerry answered,"Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting of it, but he isn't about to do it, and it can't be done". The State Department later said Kerry had been making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility of Assad turning over chemical weapons.


It has become clear to me that on the evidence of the past few weeks Secstate Kerry is a bumbling incompetent, who can barely finish making a statement before he has to send a minion to retract or 'clarify' it.

Putin and Assad are so horrified and desperate they immediately grabbed the statement and ran with it. They're still running and they're running scared.

Nor should you be so certain in your opinion. It's reported today that Prez Obama and Putin discussed the very matter on the sidelines of the G-20 summit last week. Putin's not the swiftest guy in the room so it may have taken him an inordinate time to pick up on exactly what Kerry said in London, as you've quoted him.


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So much for the US is a warmonger line of argument by the people whose primary interest is to protect, save and preserve the Assad regime supported by Putin and Iran.

Assad, Putin and Tehran are not so much afraid of a regional war as they are Syrian military targets getting pounded to smithereens by hundreds of US missiles.

The sword of Damocles approach. Obama is going to do it regardless of the Congress and US public opinion. Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader. I mean, the only support dictators and tyrants currently have are US public opinion polls and a bunch of posters at TVF. That's not acceptable to Prez Obama.

It's still not clear how SECSTATE Kerry's suggestion, which everyone is running with, may or may not pan out. But the other guy just blinked.

Threat of U.S. strikes needed to change Syria’s behavior


IT WOULD be wrong to dismiss a potential move by Syria to place its chemical weapons arsenal under international supervision — a possibility that suddenly appeared Monday when a seemingly offhand comment by Secretary of State John F. Kerry was seized upon by Russia.

But it also would be foolish to forget how the regime of Bashar al-Assad has used previous diplomatic proposals to stall and sandbag international intervention while continuing to wage a merciless war against its population.

If this initiative works, it will happen only because the regime and its patrons in Moscow are made to believe that the alternative is a devastating U.S. military strike.

It has to be said publicus that you take blind sycophancy to a whole new level! "Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader"!

I'm afraid that ship has long since sailed, without him!

As for 'Secstate' Kerry, he must be spitting feathers,(as must you), that a throwaway line off the top of his head,( which he immediately backtracked on), was seized by Russia, who then ran with it, leaving Prez Obama and Secstate Kerry trailing in his wake! When asked by a reporter in London whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop a military strike, Kerry answered,"Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting of it, but he isn't about to do it, and it can't be done". The State Department later said Kerry had been making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility of Assad turning over chemical weapons.


It has become clear to me that on the evidence of the past few weeks Secstate Kerry is a bumbling incompetent, who can barely finish making a statement before he has to send a minion to retract or 'clarify' it.

Putin and Assad are so horrified and desperate they immediately grabbed the statement and ran with it. They're still running and they're running scared.

Nor should you be so certain in your opinion. It's reported today that Prez Obama and Putin discussed the very matter on the sidelines of the G-20 summit last week. Putin's not the swiftest guy in the room so it may have taken him an inordinate time to pick up on exactly what Kerry said in London, as you've quoted him.


Haha. I feel a Henry Kissinger quote coming on. " It's not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true".

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So much for the US is a warmonger line of argument by the people whose primary interest is to protect, save and preserve the Assad regime supported by Putin and Iran.

Assad, Putin and Tehran are not so much afraid of a regional war as they are Syrian military targets getting pounded to smithereens by hundreds of US missiles.

The sword of Damocles approach. Obama is going to do it regardless of the Congress and US public opinion. Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader. I mean, the only support dictators and tyrants currently have are US public opinion polls and a bunch of posters at TVF. That's not acceptable to Prez Obama.

It's still not clear how SECSTATE Kerry's suggestion, which everyone is running with, may or may not pan out. But the other guy just blinked.

Threat of U.S. strikes needed to change Syria’s behavior


IT WOULD be wrong to dismiss a potential move by Syria to place its chemical weapons arsenal under international supervision — a possibility that suddenly appeared Monday when a seemingly offhand comment by Secretary of State John F. Kerry was seized upon by Russia.

But it also would be foolish to forget how the regime of Bashar al-Assad has used previous diplomatic proposals to stall and sandbag international intervention while continuing to wage a merciless war against its population.

If this initiative works, it will happen only because the regime and its patrons in Moscow are made to believe that the alternative is a devastating U.S. military strike.

It has to be said publicus that you take blind sycophancy to a whole new level! "Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader"!

I'm afraid that ship has long since sailed, without him!

As for 'Secstate' Kerry, he must be spitting feathers,(as must you), that a throwaway line off the top of his head,( which he immediately backtracked on), was seized by Russia, who then ran with it, leaving Prez Obama and Secstate Kerry trailing in his wake! When asked by a reporter in London whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop a military strike, Kerry answered,"Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting of it, but he isn't about to do it, and it can't be done". The State Department later said Kerry had been making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility of Assad turning over chemical weapons.


It has become clear to me that on the evidence of the past few weeks Secstate Kerry is a bumbling incompetent, who can barely finish making a statement before he has to send a minion to retract or 'clarify' it.

Unquestionably your best post, ever.

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According to the BBC it was actually Putin that put forward the concept of Assad 'handing over' his chemical weapons in an effort to thwart an attack. Obama simply ran with it.

What a statesman. blink.png


Putin is looking out for Number 2, Bashir al-Assad.

Many posts here are looking out for both.

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This news just came in moments ago.

Syria will sign the chemical weapons convention and is surrending its chemical weapons to UN control.

This is a victory for Prez Obama and his policies and for his firm and resolute approach.

SECSTATE John Kerry has carried the ball well on this too.

Syria Says It Will Give Up Chemical Weapons So U.S. Doesn’t Bomb [updated]


Update, 2:35 p.m.: "We are ready to state where the chemical weapons are, to halt production of chemical weapons and show these installations to representatives of Russia, other countries and the UN," said Syria's Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem.

The AP reports that the deal includes signing the chemical weapons convention.

"Russia will propose a presidential statement on Syria at the United Nations Security Council, which is far less binding than a resolution," the Times reports. Their foreign minister said, "The Russian draft confirms that there is no alternative to a political and diplomatic settlement of the conflict."

"We are hoping to present this plan in the near future," said the Russian foreign minister. "We will be ready to work through this plan and improve it with the participation of the U.N. general secretary, with chemical weapons control organizations and with the members of the Security Council."

China likes the idea, as well.

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So much for the US is a warmonger line of argument by the people whose primary interest is to protect, save and preserve the Assad regime supported by Putin and Iran.

Assad, Putin and Tehran are not so much afraid of a regional war as they are Syrian military targets getting pounded to smithereens by hundreds of US missiles.

The sword of Damocles approach. Obama is going to do it regardless of the Congress and US public opinion. Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader. I mean, the only support dictators and tyrants currently have are US public opinion polls and a bunch of posters at TVF. That's not acceptable to Prez Obama.

It's still not clear how SECSTATE Kerry's suggestion, which everyone is running with, may or may not pan out. But the other guy just blinked.

Threat of U.S. strikes needed to change Syria’s behavior


IT WOULD be wrong to dismiss a potential move by Syria to place its chemical weapons arsenal under international supervision — a possibility that suddenly appeared Monday when a seemingly offhand comment by Secretary of State John F. Kerry was seized upon by Russia.

But it also would be foolish to forget how the regime of Bashar al-Assad has used previous diplomatic proposals to stall and sandbag international intervention while continuing to wage a merciless war against its population.

If this initiative works, it will happen only because the regime and its patrons in Moscow are made to believe that the alternative is a devastating U.S. military strike.

It has to be said publicus that you take blind sycophancy to a whole new level! "Bravo for Prez Obama, a courageous statesman and global leader"!

I'm afraid that ship has long since sailed, without him!

As for 'Secstate' Kerry, he must be spitting feathers,(as must you), that a throwaway line off the top of his head,( which he immediately backtracked on), was seized by Russia, who then ran with it, leaving Prez Obama and Secstate Kerry trailing in his wake! When asked by a reporter in London whether there was anything Assad's government could do or offer to stop a military strike, Kerry answered,"Sure, he could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community in the next week - turn it over, all of it without delay and allow the full and total accounting of it, but he isn't about to do it, and it can't be done". The State Department later said Kerry had been making a rhetorical argument about the impossibility of Assad turning over chemical weapons.


It has become clear to me that on the evidence of the past few weeks Secstate Kerry is a bumbling incompetent, who can barely finish making a statement before he has to send a minion to retract or 'clarify' it.

The editorial I present in my above post is in the Washington Post by the Washington Post editorial board.

The attempt to personalize this is petty.

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Wow, your posts remind me of Baghdad Bob, Sadam's former spokes person.

I've often wondered if Jay Carney is channeling Baghdad Bob. tongue.png

No kidding. For the topic, it's not so much that I oppose action against Syria, it's the poor planning that we have witnessed on almost every subject.

Latest comment from Kerry on the attack, it was going to be unbelievably small. Look at Obama, Kerry, and Hagel, and they wonder why no one wants to follow them? Not a middle east expert, but from my time there, we either need to go long or stay home. The thinking that one is going to send a message to Iran, via Syria is just rediculous.

I have to think Kerry is taking one for the team and think he would have handled this one much differently if he was in charge. Anyone with a set of huevos and an IQ above 100 would have. No millitary action is perhaps best course, but the manner in which this was handled made you know who Putin's bitch.

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You have to wonder what secret agreement between Russia and Syria was made in conjunction with the Russian proposal. Syria has immediately recommenced aerial bombing of rebel held areas. Has Syrian agreed to resume payments for the Russian ground to air missle defence systems, together with other sophisicated weapons systems and shipments again flowing to the Assad regime?

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This is a victory for Prez Obama and his policies and for his firm and resolute approach.

You have GOT to be kidding. At best this "plan" - that he stumbled into - is a way to save a slight bit of face after a string of embarassing humiliations. This is a victory for Russia, not the USA. rolleyes.gif

Why does it have to be a victory for anyone?

It is more a solution of common sense that was glaringly obvious with Russia and Phutin needing to take the lead right from day one.

Possibly the American threat of military strikes helped push Syria in the right direction a bit quicker. But the matched American stupidity of trumpting on the world stage that it was all go and America will strike to be seen as "men (or is that gungho's) of their words" shows again and again why the Americans need to be a part of teams. If those dumb ass statements were not made by the USA then there would not be a string of embarrassing humiliations. More importantly the most embarrassing event did not occur which was an American strike. Frankly your friends and allies are starting to get a bit p!ssed with the USA and its war mongering or threaths of moreso especially in light of the ongoing chaos in Iraq.

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Most of our friends and allies would be quite happy to do nothing about any war crime unless it affected them directly. However, an 'unbelievably small' strike on Syria is not going to help anything either. It is only meant to save face for Obama after his red line remark.

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Obama seeks support for attacking Syria while pursuing diplomacy

President Barack Obama tried Tuesday to sell a military intervention he never wanted to an American public that opposes it, telling the nation that he needed authorization to attack Syria for chemical weapons use as leverage in a newly emerged diplomatic opening from Russia.

Calling the United States "the anchor of global security," Obama offered moral, political and strategic arguments for being ready to launch limited military strikes while trying to negotiate a diplomatic solution.

"Our ideals and principles, as well as our national security, are at stake in Syria, along with our leadership of a world where we seek to ensure that the worst weapons will never be used," Obama said in making the case that the United States must act when dictators such as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad "brazenly" violate international treaties intended to protect humanity.


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Most of our friends and allies would be quite happy to do nothing about any war crime unless it affected them directly. However, an 'unbelievably small' strike on Syria is not going to help anything either. It is only meant to save face for Obama after his red line remark.

All the parties involved in the present Syria crisis have managed to find a way to try to work together to try to find some common ground to relieve the crisis and to alleviate further death and destruction, death of civilians by Assad's chemical warfare especially.

It is clear and undeniable that Prez Obama's intention to take military action against the Assad regime has produced the attempts to cooperate that we are currently witnessing.

However, eighteen pages of the steady anti-Obama drumbeat of posts at this thread undermines the credibility and believability of the posts. This continues even now.

The unrelenting hammering of the anti-Obama posts always, always, always say Prez Obama is wrong, wrong, wrong in everything he says and does.

Even I can say China has magnificent ancient pottery and vases, jade and jewelry, i.e., something positive about China.

But there are always the same posts that are unyieldingly hostile and negative towards Prez Obama in the absolute, i.e., no matter what the president says or does.

That's long since become old and tired.

My own criticism of present developments is that the bottom line would be that Putin manages to protect, save and preserve Assad's arse, thus benefiting Putin at the expense of the Syrian people, and that many posts seem to indicate that this would be just fine, without any credit given to Prez Obama for forcing Assad to surrender his chemical weapons so that he can't use them again against his own people.

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You have to wonder what secret agreement between Russia and Syria was made in conjunction with the Russian proposal. Syria has immediately recommenced aerial bombing of rebel held areas. Has Syrian agreed to resume payments for the Russian ground to air missle defence systems, together with other sophisicated weapons systems and shipments again flowing to the Assad regime?

The cash money steadily flows in large amounts to Damascus from Moscow.

Assad is broke and unable to pay anyone anything. He's completely dependent on Moscow for hard cash in large amounts.

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However, eighteen pages of the steady anti-Obama drumbeat of posts at this thread undermines the credibility and believability of the posts. This continues even now.

Actually constantly parroting the administration's spin - no matter how ridiculous - undermines one's posts a lot more than pointing out what an embarrasing debacle this whole incident has turned into.

I rest my case.

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I grew up on a 4,000 acre (10,000 rai?) wheat and cattle ranch in the real West of the US. We had a saying for wannabe city boys who drove a pickup and wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.

They were called "All hat and no cattle."

Obama is all hat and no cattle.

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Assuming this diplomatic solution is successful in eliminating Syria's chemical weapons, which seems to be the primary concern of Obama, then Obama has been given an excellent opportunity to save face. He can claim that his "saber-rattling" forced the outcome he wanted.

Without this solution he would have lost any vote to mount an attack, and then would have been left with the option to either proceed with the attack, and come across as a war-monger, or choose to accept the vote of Congress and come across as a weakened leader.

This is quite probably the best possible outcome for Obama. He definitely owes Vlad a nice Christmas present this year. And now with the recently elected President of Iran mentioning some options re: their nuclear program, and a slight easing of U.S. sanctions towards Iran, events are taking a turn towards the positive.

Kerry still looks like a complete doofus however, the b*lls it took to claim Sarin gas was used, and then offer up overly accurate death tolls ( "1,429 killed, including 426 children" shows he has no problem lying.

Syria: John Kerry’s “Big Lie” syndrome. “Political language is designed to make Lies sound truthful and Murder Respectable”

US secretary of state John Kerry has just delivered what may turn out to be his most shameful moment in history. Kerry has been handed the baton of sabre-rattler-in-Chief by a President that has much vested interest in upholding his facade of “reluctant warmonger”. Since President Obama declared his now infamous “red-line” over the use of chemical weapons in Syria; it has invariably been White House underlings and members of the State Department who are given the task of misleading the public – Kerry is not doing a very good job of it.


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For the time being everyone is off the hook, get rid of the chemical weapons and then let Syria get on with destroying itself, thats what they seem to want to do. At least now we wont have the US and Russia confronting each other.

Obama has not handled this at all well, Kerry has looked a lot better in front of the media.

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How anybody looks is of less importance that achieving some sort of a resolution to the issue of chemical weapons. That objective seems to have been met, if this goes through.

I think countries will think twice about using them in the future.

The big danger was that if Syria got by with it, it would continue, escalate and spread. That may have been stopped.

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The big danger was that if Syria got by with it

Well, for most, it still remains to be proven that chemical weapons were used, and if they were, who used them.

My sense is that Syria probably have little or no viable weapons of mass destruction, chemical or otherwise, and both Russia and Syria know this, so just as with Iraq we will quickly find out the truth - "Sorry Sir, no WMDs".

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I grew up on a 4,000 acre (10,000 rai?) wheat and cattle ranch in the real West of the US. We had a saying for wannabe city boys who drove a pickup and wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.

They were called "All hat and no cattle."

Obama is all hat and no cattle.

Republican party US presidents think and believe the US military is their personal toy kit.

Reagan for instance sent Marines into the middle of the civil war in Lebanon. All he did was send in targets for the terrorists. Sure enough, the terrorists blew up the barracks where the Marines were quartered, killing more than 200. Reagan then pulled the Marines out of Lebanon. This was typically reckless and irresponsible as Republican party presidents are concerning the US military.

Little Bush killed or maimed thousands of US military personnel by starting an unnecessary war in Iraq.

Prez Obama with the US military is prudent, careful, wise. Obama is not running around the world starting wars or recklessly getting American military personnel uselessly or stupidly killed.

Prez Obama is rather winding down and ending Bush's unnecessary or unsuccessful wars.

His handling of the Syria chemical weapons crisis has been very good, considering especially that Republicans in Washington always work their hardest to try to see him fail.

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You have to wonder what secret agreement between Russia and Syria was made in conjunction with the Russian proposal. Syria has immediately recommenced aerial bombing of rebel held areas. Has Syrian agreed to resume payments for the Russian ground to air missle defence systems, together with other sophisicated weapons systems and shipments again flowing to the Assad regime?

The cash money steadily flows in large amounts to Damascus from Moscow. Assad is broke and unable to pay anyone anything. He's completely dependent on Moscow for hard cash in large amounts.

I mentioned it as the Israeli press had claimed that ground to air missile defense shipments to Syria had been put on hold due to delayed payments


The Russian calculus behind plans to avert US military strikes:

the past two weeks, while the U.S. and its allies were preparing a military intervention in Syria, “Assad was forced to pull his forces away from the regions that had no anti-aircraft cover to regions where they would have cover,” says Sivkov, who has also traveled to Syria during the civil war to consult with local officials. “That was of course a temporary retreat, and he’s regrouping. As soon as the threat of American intervention eases a little, he will finish [the rebels] off with artillery, tanks and air power. But for now he’s been forced to worry about the security of his own military forces.”

More detail at:’


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You have to wonder what secret agreement between Russia and Syria was made in conjunction with the Russian proposal. Syria has immediately recommenced aerial bombing of rebel held areas. Has Syrian agreed to resume payments for the Russian ground to air missle defence systems, together with other sophisicated weapons systems and shipments again flowing to the Assad regime?

The cash money steadily flows in large amounts to Damascus from Moscow. Assad is broke and unable to pay anyone anything. He's completely dependent on Moscow for hard cash in large amounts.

I mentioned it as the Israeli press had claimed that ground to air missile defense shipments to Syria had been put on hold due to delayed payments


The Russian calculus behind plans to avert US military strikes:

the past two weeks, while the U.S. and its allies were preparing a military intervention in Syria, “Assad was forced to pull his forces away from the regions that had no anti-aircraft cover to regions where they would have cover,” says Sivkov, who has also traveled to Syria during the civil war to consult with local officials. “That was of course a temporary retreat, and he’s regrouping. As soon as the threat of American intervention eases a little, he will finish [the rebels] off with artillery, tanks and air power. But for now he’s been forced to worry about the security of his own military forces.”

More detail at:’


Which is why I support the strikes against Assad's military.

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You have to wonder what secret agreement between Russia and Syria was made in conjunction with the Russian proposal. Syria has immediately recommenced aerial bombing of rebel held areas. Has Syrian agreed to resume payments for the Russian ground to air missle defence systems, together with other sophisicated weapons systems and shipments again flowing to the Assad regime?

The cash money steadily flows in large amounts to Damascus from Moscow.

Assad is broke and unable to pay anyone anything. He's completely dependent on Moscow for hard cash in large amounts.

Assad isn't broke, Syria is getting there (fiscal restraint may be stopping them from simply printing money unlike . . . ) . . . the country is being supported by Russia and Iran. Remember how the US supported the UK in times of war with weapons and money? Investments to protect? Lots of Russian investment to protect - the US is a good teacher in how to at least try to do it

Same same but different

However, eighteen pages of the steady anti-Obama drumbeat of posts at this thread undermines the credibility and believability of the posts. This continues even now.

Constantly parroting the administration's spin - no matter how ridiculous - undermines one's posts a lot more than pointing out what an embarrasing debacle this whole incident has turned into.

In all honesty I can't find many flagrantly anti-Obama posts as such. Many anti-Obama's decision posts - YES and Absolutely. You wish to make this a personality attack, which is simply ludicrous.

I couldn't care less who makes the decision as long as it is the correct one . . . you lament the credibility loss of those who disagree with you . . . I believe that is called arrogance.

Putin threw The US a lifeline . . . a face-saving opportunity. Obama took it.

Good for everyone.

Oh, I almost forgot the obligatory link:

Syria Accepts Russian Proposal To Surrender Chemical Weapons, Foreign Minister Says

The Associated Press reports Syria's Foreign Minister has said his country has accepted a Russian proposal to relinquish control of its chemical arms stores:

On Monday, Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem stated that his country welcomed the Russian proposal, which called for Syria to place its chemical weapons under international control and for the weapons to be destroyed.


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I grew up on a 4,000 acre (10,000 rai?) wheat and cattle ranch in the real West of the US. We had a saying for wannabe city boys who drove a pickup and wore cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.

They were called "All hat and no cattle."

Obama is all hat and no cattle.

Republican party US presidents think and believe the US military is their personal toy kit.


Obama's behavior the past short while regarding Syria is "Exhibit A" of how he thinks the US military is his personal toy.

Got his ears boxes for it too. Putin, of all people, is bailing him out, apparently.

Edited by NeverSure
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