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Saudi work visa

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Hi all,

I am currently in the process of securing employment in Saudi and wanted to get info on getting the work visa from BKK,

I do not live in BKK but am in the south of Thailand and my recruiter is in the UK.

The info I need just to prepare and get ready is:

What documents are needed (medical, copies of degrees etc..)?

Overall process time?

Easy or dificult to obtain?

Payment in Saudi and transfer back here?

Or any recent info anyone may have on the subject.

Thanks for any input

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Good luck with your search for the Saudi embassy in Bangkok. You can't just apply for a visa for Saudi, this is a quite tricky thing and your customer or employer has to be involved. You seem not really know what it is about to work there, even you say that you are already in contact with a recruiter. Don't get shanghaied.....


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Good luck with your search for the Saudi embassy in Bangkok. You can't just apply for a visa for Saudi, this is a quite tricky thing and your customer or employer has to be involved. You seem not really know what it is about to work there, even you say that you are already in contact with a recruiter. Don't get shanghaied.....


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Agree with fatfather..Its totally up to your recruiter to process your details not you. BTW it is not called a work visa.

You will be paid in Saudi Riyals then you transfer.


Edited by khwaibah
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You seem not really know what it is about to work there, even you say that you are already in contact with a recruiter. Don't get shanghaied.....


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Please refrain from assuming that I have not performed DD. I am aware of the process and what is needed and what is involved.

I have been to the Saudi embassy site which does not have any visa info on it. If I missed another site I would much appreciate a link.

I am looking for another person that has been thru the process from here and can perhaps give any helpful advice or info about what to do and any heads up things to watch for and what papers they require.


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a Saudi visa/work permit is issued in Saudi Arabia by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. your name and a code number is sent to the Saudi embassy, usually the embassy located in your home country. if your future employer has some clout the visa will be sent to an embassy which is convenient for you, in your case BKK.

the above-mentioned applies also to visitor visas. the only visas Saudi embassies issue are "hajj" and "umra" visas but i don't think you are eligible for that kind.

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As Naam said, your employer is going to need LOTS of wasta for you to be able to process your visa outside your home country, particularly in Thailand (due to the downgrading of diplomatic relations between the two States). I know a couple of people who tried, and were unable to do it. Bahrain might be a better bet, if they can swing that.

A poster called bermondburi who lived in Thailand before is in the Magic Kingdom now:


You could try sending him a PM to find out where and how he got the visa. In the end though, it will all depend on how much influence your employer has.

Edited by Rumpole
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I can help as I have just done the process. Being that you are a UK citizen you must go back to the UK to apply for the visa there, reason being that you need a medical from your HOME country for the resident / work visa to be processed. Once you get to Saudi your company will then use that visa to get your iqamma.

Its a pain in the a$$ but is what is needed, the company need to supply you with the paper work from Saudi which you need to obtain the visa. Our company uses cibtvisas (check them out online) the medical you can get done in Harley street in London.

Normally when I move on international assignments the medical can be done from Thailand......however as stated for a Saudi work visa this was not the case. Not sure on the visa prices as this was covered by work but the medical cost 308 quid.

PM me if you need any more info.

Hope this helped.

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I managed to get one in KL with a sponsor with big wasta,letters etc

I am not malay,the embassy in Bangkok made it eminently clear that we are all suspects until a certain party returns the rocks.

I forsee a trip to Blighty for you.

As others have said your sponsor will fix the no iqaama etc in due course it can take months.

Your sponsor may be able to get you in on a business visit ,you will then not be alloed to work leaglly but gets ball trolling and if your lucky all your flights paid.

Edited by RubbaJohnny
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