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Man arrested for growing Marijuana

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Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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Cannabis is an illegal drug in Thailand. It is also a potentially dangerous one. You will hear the misinformed hedonists waxing lyrical about the fact that it never hurt anyone, but they never treated psychotic or schizophrenic patients whose misery was triggered by cannabis addiction. And, smoking it is linked to carcinoma of the lungs, cvd and a number of life threatening illnesses. Misplaced sympathy for someone trafficking in drugs is mistaken, foolish and ignorant.

Psychosis and schizophrenic people will suffer from the illness anyway, but i admit it will bring it on earlier. These cases are minimal compared to the vast amount of people who smoke cannabis regularly with very little side affects.

I would like to know why people who smoke cannabis should be referred to as hedonists? Many people from many walks of life smoke cannabis, often people with very high ranking and respectable jobs!

Lets not forget about the many doctors who have a penchant for prescription drugs. These drugs when not used responsibly have a devastating affect on ones life and sometimes on other especially when the abuser is a registered medical practitioner.

So the problem is not the drug but the use of the drug!

Cannabis is less dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol and if they are legal then so should cannabis. Those who say they lead to harder drugs are correct to a certain degree. Why?

Because the guy you buy your weed from probably sells other drugs. Its like being in a pub when your 18 and having your first beer. In time your probably find yourself drinking Vodka, Rum or Whiskey.

That being said i know people who smoke cannabis who have never tried other drugs.

People have addictive personalities wether it be for drugs, sex or even food. Its there life, let them live it!


If you don't like the laws of the land, try to change them not break them. That's if it's your country.

He knew he was a criminal regardless of what you might think.

BTW, that "chap" on the right is the senior Cholburi Police General and he spent half his working life undercover chasing illegal drugs so he would not be sampling.

Tell that to the Boston Tea Party gang. People who had a drink during prohibition; were they serious criminals? Women who demonstrated for the vote; should they have been locked up? There are degress of non compliance. Many countries get "enthusiasms" from time to time because of ill thought out solutions to problems, that they later have to change or abolish because of civil disobedience. There are degrees of law compliance everywhere. Personally, a bit of weed is unlikely to hurt anyone.



Defence of marijuana is no defence in law if laws exist that criminalise its production, possession or use however draconian those laws are.

I have smoked it, eaten it in curries and soups but knew I was breaking the law at the time as did this guy.

I knew the consequences but was lucky to avoid them whereas he wasn't.

In Thailand a bit of weed has traces that can last for weeks if not months and if found in a road side urine test can put you in jail as can growing or possessing it.

Maybe jail is not hurting anyone either.

I was not talking of health hazards or lack of them as are most of the posters here.



Defence of marijuana is no defence in law if laws exist that criminalise its production, possession or use however draconian those laws are.

I have smoked it, eaten it in curries and soups but knew I was breaking the law at the time as did this guy.

I knew the consequences but was lucky to avoid them whereas he wasn't.

In Thailand a bit of weed has traces that can last for weeks if not months and if found in a road side urine test can put you in jail as can growing or possessing it.

Maybe jail is not hurting anyone either.

I was not talking of health hazards or lack of them as are most of the posters here.

as someone who works with police(as you have stated)do you think that this is a correct thing to do to somebody say who has smoked back home, been on a stag weekend to Amsterdam and tried it there?


Norrona .... I am assuming you mean someone who has just come from Amsterdam after smoking pot and was road-side tested.

If pot is found in the urine, the person would be classified as a user and subject to any laws that apply.

What I feel about that is that he would be extremely unlucky but if such a person is reading this, he will now know the potential consequences.

I should add, however, that he is more likely to be tested in disco raids (or if in other trouble) rather than at road-side which is normally for Thai motorbike riders late at night.


Cannabis is an illegal drug in Thailand. It is also a potentially dangerous one. You will hear the misinformed hedonists waxing lyrical about the fact that it never hurt anyone, but they never treated psychotic or schizophrenic patients whose misery was triggered by cannabis addiction. And, smoking it is linked to carcinoma of the lungs, cvd and a number of life threatening illnesses. Misplaced sympathy for someone trafficking in drugs is mistaken, foolish and ignorant.

You need to get yourself up to speed , those people you say it triggered and other stuff....your just the kind of Patsy the plastic manufacturers love.

And the drug co. and the booze companies . Most people that prefer to keep Marijuana illegal are usually making money off of it. Cartels donate to anti -pot politicos , Police and Govts. waste so much time and money on the War on Drugs , you need to see this CNN Report by Dr. Sanjay., Dr. Robert,weren't you a Beatles song and whered you get your doctorate , on-line a Medline!

Check this report out.



Over-the-counter and prescription drugs now kill more people in Britain than heroin and cocaine. That is a startling and very worrying statistic.

We are being given a wake-up call here and, as a country, we need to take a long hard look at whats happening.

Last year 807 people died in the UK as a result of taking anti-depressants and painkillers compared with 718 deaths linked to cocaine and heroin abuse.

We have to urgently look at what other options there are to help people with the challenges they face in their lives.

Full story: http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/painkillers-anti-depressants-killing-more-britons-2263156

These MJ plants are very poorly cultivated. This guy needs the help of the master pot growers in USA. Well, not any more, actually. Now he need the help of a master lawyer.

I can see some buds forming - not bushy or topped though. This could be a tall variety. Good thing is it's like an outdoor grow (without grow lights) that saves electricity.

Plenty of English Language websites that have every detail on growing. Most seeds are shipped from UK it seems.

If a variety of pot causes paranoia it will most likely not be favored as compared to those that provide a more enjoyable high. It's quite advanced these days.

I think 24 plants should be allowed - and planted out of view. It's making me hungry and I may need a nap. I stay home too often!


If you do the crime you do the time.

BUT is that a 'Halo' over the guy on the right or has he just had a 'Toke' to test it.??



Cannabis is an illegal drug in Thailand. It is also a potentially dangerous one. You will hear the misinformed hedonists waxing lyrical about the fact that it never hurt anyone, but they never treated psychotic or schizophrenic patients whose misery was triggered by cannabis addiction. And, smoking it is linked to carcinoma of the lungs, cvd and a number of life threatening illnesses. Misplaced sympathy for someone trafficking in drugs is mistaken, foolish and ignorant.

You need to get yourself up to speed , those people you say it triggered and other stuff....your just the kind of Patsy the plastic manufacturers love.

And the drug co. and the booze companies . Most people that prefer to keep Marijuana illegal are usually making money off of it. Cartels donate to anti -pot politicos , Police and Govts. waste so much time and money on the War on Drugs , you need to see this CNN Report by Dr. Sanjay., Dr. Robert,weren't you a Beatles song and whered you get your doctorate , on-line a Medline!

Check this report out.


Get yourself up to speed? Seriously illegal...


Norrona .... I am assuming you mean someone who has just come from Amsterdam after smoking pot and was road-side tested.

If pot is found in the urine, the person would be classified as a user and subject to any laws that apply.

What I feel about that is that he would be extremely unlucky but if such a person is reading this, he will now know the potential consequences.

I should add, however, that he is more likely to be tested in disco raids (or if in other trouble) rather than at road-side which is normally for Thai motorbike riders late at night.

Shows how ridiculous the country is if it would lock you up for traces of weed smoked in another country....especially if your passport stated you were o/s in last 30 days.

  • Like 1

Norrona .... I am assuming you mean someone who has just come from Amsterdam after smoking pot and was road-side tested.

If pot is found in the urine, the person would be classified as a user and subject to any laws that apply.

What I feel about that is that he would be extremely unlucky but if such a person is reading this, he will now know the potential consequences.

I should add, however, that he is more likely to be tested in disco raids (or if in other trouble) rather than at road-side which is normally for Thai motorbike riders late at night.

Come to Thailand for your holiday, go out to a disco and end up urinating in a cup, what a lovely prospect even if you aren't a drug user..... end of the day you know that's not about the well being of the countries citizens but to extract money, all the better if it's a foreigner.

I really don't think people visiting are aware of them consequences or have been warned.....not people brand new and visiting first time anyway.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thai medicine is full of cannabis... Heroin,...

So what are they talking about?

This white thai sirup in green bottles for 40 bahts. There is cocain in it...

Hahahaha !

Huhuhuh! !



Norrona .... I am assuming you mean someone who has just come from Amsterdam after smoking pot and was road-side tested.

If pot is found in the urine, the person would be classified as a user and subject to any laws that apply.

What I feel about that is that he would be extremely unlucky but if such a person is reading this, he will now know the potential consequences.

I should add, however, that he is more likely to be tested in disco raids (or if in other trouble) rather than at road-side which is normally for Thai motorbike riders late at night.

Come to Thailand for your holiday, go out to a disco and end up urinating in a cup, what a lovely prospect even if you aren't a drug user..... end of the day you know that's not about the well being of the countries citizens but to extract money, all the better if it's a foreigner.

I really don't think people visiting are aware of them consequences or have been warned.....not people brand new and visiting first time anyway.

Get a grip, it rarely happens, and if does, they look for meth on locals.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this guy.

Nice, peaceful, happy person.

He's now the idol of Thai grower.

Its a pity that the cops throw all of this away.

I am waiting for the havest and now its empty.

What a cruel world for peace keeper.

Going back the brick shit again.


For the information

Thailand have a research facility established by the queen to research and develop the use of Hemp in Northern Thailand.

Research for using cannabis as medical is still in the developing stage here. I know that some doctor use cannabis oil to fight tumor and cancer here in Thailand. The result was phenominal. Local encient Thai knowledge in herb medicine have use cannbis oil in their mixture for century. I'm very delighted that many famous doctor here in Thailand support the use of cannabis as medical. The urgent rearch and study subject by Thai DEA is the removing of Cannabis out of class 5 drugs as we also see on 'Kratom' recently. New laws for growing hemp is already being use. You can apply for licence for growing hemp as a manufacturer and produce hemp products. The law was enforce mid this year, but the use of cannabis is still illegal.

You can read information from Prof.Dr. Vicharn Panich

He support the use of cannabis as medical but do not support for recreational use. He said in on of his writing that "every Thai household should have cannabis in there garden as a herb and medicine", he also wrote that he thought all of this barrier not to legalize it comes from drugs companies that will lost billions of income for pain relief and other shit they try to pump us with.

Salute Prof.Dr. Vicharn Panich

open up your mind

Almost everyone use alchohol as remedy, to pass by and for recreational use. Why don't open up for something else that is less harmful. I would feel much better if my father use cannabis every night before he go to sleep rather than drink beer and wine.

What an unfair world, why people like to see the abuse of using alchohol rather that cannabis. You usually get abuse verbal and physical by drunk people but never ever by the cause of cannabis.

Peace to ya all.

  • Like 2

Cannabis is an illegal drug in Thailand. It is also a potentially dangerous one. You will hear the misinformed hedonists waxing lyrical about the fact that it never hurt anyone, but they never treated psychotic or schizophrenic patients whose misery was triggered by cannabis addiction. And, smoking it is linked to carcinoma of the lungs, cvd and a number of life threatening illnesses. Misplaced sympathy for someone trafficking in drugs is mistaken, foolish and ignorant.

But the very same cannabis is also used for pain relief, glaucoma and apparently oil from it can cure cancer

Cannabis does not cure cancer, it can only provide pain relief.


Almost everyone use alchohol as remedy, to pass by and for recreational use. Why don't open up for something else that is less harmful. I would feel much better if my father use cannabis every night before he go to sleep rather than drink beer and wine.

Peace to ya all.

Im pretty sure everybody agrees with that. People who argue about dangers of cannabis are payed hacks of pharma industry, or simply uninformed. They are losing the fight tho, cannabis is now legal in parts of the world, and its gonna move fast, progress cant be stopped.

  • Like 1

Almost everyone use alchohol as remedy, to pass by and for recreational use. Why don't open up for something else that is less harmful. I would feel much better if my father use cannabis every night before he go to sleep rather than drink beer and wine.

Peace to ya all.

Im pretty sure everybody agrees with that. People who argue about dangers of cannabis are payed hacks of pharma industry, or simply uninformed. They are losing the fight tho, cannabis is now legal in parts of the world, and its gonna move fast, progress cant be stopped.

Right ! The alcoholics monkeys and politician from all over the world will soon know that they were wrong for so long !

Man made booze and God made weed, who is right ???


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