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how many farangs are wearing a wig in LOS?


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Who needs a wig or dye? I lucked out with family genes. My mother passed away over the age of 90 without even any gray hair. I haven't lost any hair that I know of.

No but you seem to have lost your feature blink.png Mercury in the skin whitener?

I believe male pattern boldness carries down the maternal line - so your mother's dad would be the one to look at.

My granddad on mum's side had a full set of hair when he died mid 80's - my dad on the other hand was practically bald by 20. I'm 43 and so far so good (wouldn't say I haven't lost any to thinning - but no holes!)

My mothers dad was bald, and I have all my hair.

As with all genetics there are up to 4 genes that could end up in you as an offspring per generation. It isn't actually genetic true that the gene comes from the mothers side, it comes from both, but as a recessive gene that generally only affects male offspring, if your mother's dad was bald with MPB and so was your father, there is at least a 50% chance you as a male offspring will have those MPB genes - so if mummy's dad was a coot, odds are greater you will be. Can be shown easily enough with a simple phenotype chart (genetic diagram). 95% of male baldness (non-self-inflicted) is caused by MPB (the rest by disease, stress or other genetic conditions).

My father died in his eighties, and had a full head of hair.

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I saw an older guy dressed like a biker with a wig he must have been in his 70's and looked really stupid with a jet black hair piece. This was in the Airport Mall CM. lol

Exactly - now how much cooler would a long snow white or silver fox grey ponytail be!


If people are comfortable with the way they look and feel OK about it, that is all that matters.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

Although quite popular with the under 30 set, like all men's grooming fashion trends, it started off in the gay community.

I find it quite amusing to see how off the shelf homophobes eventually gravitate to such trends several years after they were first introduced.

The most recent example were those 3/4 pants. Originally, only "gays" were brave enough to wear what were ostensibly capri pants. Now every middle aged fat guy has them.

Anyway, maintaining a smoothly shaved region is not particularly good for most people's genitalia. The hair acts as a wick for perspiration and also acts to prevent chafing for those men that still wear underwear. However, this does not mean that one should not trim or groom appropriately.

Good try lol!

Apart from the fact that I think, even if shaving your nuts did start in the gay community (before the 80s porn movies then perhaps, but before the Ancient Greek wrestlers or Gladiators??? - I suppose some of them were gay too) - 3/4 trousers could be called Capri pants, but they could also be called knickerbockers as used by the early golfers - or even earlier (Victorian) school boys wore them during the summer (not to mention NFL refs and baseball players). Japanese wear Tobi trousers also - as did early cyclists. In Asia they are not new and not attributed to gay invention. Generally they were seen as working clothes and peasant clothes, not something a pre-50s expat (most likely a businesses man, clergy or government/military attaché) would be likely to wear - when the holiday set started coming to Asia (India first) it was expensive and only the upper classes could afford it, and thus they wore the usual upper class attire (melting in their 3 piece suits). It may certainly have been gays that started wearing Capri pants here (gaudy coloured things more akin to colourful peddle pushers than long shorts). I would suggest most people gravitated towards long shorts because they were acceptable hot country casual wear (like Edwardian archaeologists) and the western peasant wanabe look-a-likes, the pack packers, moved to the fisherman's trousers (some styles of which are 3/4 length). Just my take on it.

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My mothers dad was bald, and I have all my hair.

As with all genetics there are up to 4 genes that could end up in you as an offspring per generation. It isn't actually genetic true that the gene comes from the mothers side, it comes from both, but as a recessive gene that generally only affects male offspring, if your mother's dad was bald with MPB and so was your father, there is at least a 50% chance you as a male offspring will have those MPB genes - so if mummy's dad was a coot, odds are greater you will be. Can be shown easily enough with a simple phenotype chart (genetic diagram). 95% of male baldness (non-self-inflicted) is caused by MPB (the rest by disease, stress or other genetic conditions).

My father died in his eighties, and had a full head of hair.

Well there you go - just upped your odds smile.png

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I would rather have my baldy bonce stroked and patted thanks.

Seen more comb overs here than wigs. Hell, if you have little or no hair it is nothing to be ashamed of.

No it isn't, but I have always wondered why Thai guys don't lose their hair the way Farangs do. How often do you see a bald Thai guy?

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

I find it good to read that men discuss such things, so let me get into this as a woman, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, quite the contrary - I know that I am no alone with my preferences. From talks with many of my female friends, Thai and foreign alike, I can tell you that we absolutely prefer the shaven version. It looks nicer is much more hygienic and inviting when it comes to the more ..... you know what I mean guys... private fun. Hair down there can be that disturbing and the smell from sweating can be really disgusting and ruin the mood.

For the wigs, hmmm, I have never ever seen a man with such a real good wig that one would not know it is one on first sight. Should be made to measure, maybe...?!?!

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Next there'll be a thread asking who shaves/waxes their sacks!! Is nothing sacred?

Gay guys do the 'back, sack, and crack', waxing...............so it's said.

Think there was a post many moons ago (years back) - remember getting slammed for admitting I trimmed; seems that worm has turned given the comments here - and I still do clip, for comfort and aesthetics.

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I would rather have my baldy bonce stroked and patted thanks.

Seen more comb overs here than wigs. Hell, if you have little or no hair it is nothing to be ashamed of.

No it isn't, but I have always wondered why Thai guys don't lose their hair the way Farangs do. How often do you see a bald Thai guy?

MPB gene is not prevalent in most Asian countries - it is in India, but mostly because of a long history of inter-racial intermingling genetics wise. I guess it will happen here too as time goes on and look-krungs go forth and multiply.

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I have to say that up until about 45 or so, I had a nice crop on top, which I always kept neat and fairly "business style". Then the typical MPB kicked in and I started shedding on top. Ok, no big deal, happens to thousands.

Moved to Thailand with that, and a mustache, also always neatly trimmed. Then one day my wife said she would like to see me sans 'stach and totally shaved head, just to see what I would look like. Ok, so we had some fun with her shaving the head as smooth as a baby's ass, and me doing the 'stash. When we were done she stepped back and looked at me for a minute then told me - "you look 10 years younger, and definitely more manly!"

Personally, I find it much cooler, and much easier to take care of in the shower with a razor twice a week to keep is totally smooth. As for what others think? I really don't give a sh**t. I've always been independent, going my own way, and was a Marine for 20 years, which will leave you with an attitude of "I could care less what you think about me. I know who and what I am, and that's all that matters." The only opinion I care about is my wife's, and she loves me like this.

I totally agree with a previous post that stated that the men who go the wig route are very insecure about themselves, and try to project an image that is completely false.

As a kid, I would never trust anyone with facial hair, even today I am wary of people with facial hair when I first meet them. I know it's not the case, but all the evil people seem to have facial hair, Hitler, Hussein etc etc. Wonder why Blair is clean shaven. Sorry for going off topic here, but Just1Voice mentioned his tache.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

I find it good to read that men discuss such things, so let me get into this as a woman, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, quite the contrary - I know that I am no alone with my preferences. From talks with many of my female friends, Thai and foreign alike, I can tell you that we absolutely prefer the shaven version. It looks nicer is much more hygienic and inviting when it comes to the more ..... you know what I mean guys... private fun. Hair down there can be that disturbing and the smell from sweating can be really disgusting and ruin the mood.

For the wigs, hmmm, I have never ever seen a man with such a real good wig that one would not know it is one on first sight. Should be made to measure, maybe...?!?!

...and tickles the nose too eh?

wigs: How would you know? That is the point I think - if it was so good you wouldn't notice, then perhaps you didn't.

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I have to say that up until about 45 or so, I had a nice crop on top, which I always kept neat and fairly "business style". Then the typical MPB kicked in and I started shedding on top. Ok, no big deal, happens to thousands.

Moved to Thailand with that, and a mustache, also always neatly trimmed. Then one day my wife said she would like to see me sans 'stach and totally shaved head, just to see what I would look like. Ok, so we had some fun with her shaving the head as smooth as a baby's ass, and me doing the 'stash. When we were done she stepped back and looked at me for a minute then told me - "you look 10 years younger, and definitely more manly!"

Personally, I find it much cooler, and much easier to take care of in the shower with a razor twice a week to keep is totally smooth. As for what others think? I really don't give a sh**t. I've always been independent, going my own way, and was a Marine for 20 years, which will leave you with an attitude of "I could care less what you think about me. I know who and what I am, and that's all that matters." The only opinion I care about is my wife's, and she loves me like this.

I totally agree with a previous post that stated that the men who go the wig route are very insecure about themselves, and try to project an image that is completely false.

As a kid, I would never trust anyone with facial hair, even today I am wary of people with facial hair when I first meet them. I know it's not the case, but all the evil people seem to have facial hair, Hitler, Hussein etc etc. Wonder why Blair is clean shaven. Sorry for going off topic here, but Just1Voice mentioned his tache.

...Christ, Moses, Abraham, Confucious, Muhammad, Lincoln, Gandolf (OK that one's fictitious), Grizzly Adams, Chaplin, Sophocles, Shakespeare, Marx, Einstein, Ginsberg, ...etc

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dont know about wigs, but i see about 10 freshly divorced caucasian males with horrifically bad dye jobs and even worse women very time i hit a mall or venture out on sukhumvit.

Man, how many old dudes are there around with dyed red hair?? Do they think that black/brown is too obvious?

The reddish hair is a product of the darkening. One of the products, Just for Men, has a reddish tinge about the final color, regardless of the tone used. I have an acquaintance who had a reddish tinge, and I asked him.....honest!!

Indian men use henna and that gives a very orange/red final color. Their use may be a religious thing, not sure.

I wonder why Indian men would use the reddish Henna while brown and black is everywhere available in India too...

" Pure Herbal Colors K**** E**** O**** is pioneer for making 100% Pure Herbal Colors for hair dye. K****E****O**** herbal colors are made without using any chemicals. Our 100 % pure herbal colors are best for those people who are allergic to chemical colors. Our henna based powder hair dye provides natural brown or black looks to the grey hair.

The continuous usage of our 100 % pure herbal colors for two to three months produce the same result as other chemical colors. Our products have made foray in the more..."

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Shaving nuts makes everything very prickly (pardon the pun) when it starts to grow again and leads to rashes. My question is how many clowns have you seen with ancient faces and freshly dyed BLACK or RED hair, that looks to me even more ridiculous than a syrup. 99% of us have grey hair, or none. Go with what God and your genes give you I say.

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I've got a 'vacant lot' though cannot imagine putting a rug on it, As for hairless loose change I recommend hair removal cream once a month. Thai girls love bald <deleted> and often adopt them as their 'baby'. Fact is that my percy and his plums often attract much licking and sucking. coffee1.gif

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If you are confident ,then you dont need a wig ,i started to lose my hair in my mid twenties ,so i decided the way to get the girls was to make em laugh ,always worked for me .

Won't pulling down your pants in public get you arrested?

Sorry, couldn't resist it.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

I find it good to read that men discuss such things, so let me get into this as a woman, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, quite the contrary - I know that I am no alone with my preferences. From talks with many of my female friends, Thai and foreign alike, I can tell you that we absolutely prefer the shaven version. It looks nicer is much more hygienic and inviting when it comes to the more ..... you know what I mean guys... private fun. Hair down there can be that disturbing and the smell from sweating can be really disgusting and ruin the mood.

For the wigs, hmmm, I have never ever seen a man with such a real good wig that one would not know it is one on first sight. Should be made to measure, maybe...?!?!

LOL so can we expect to see an increase in the Farang geriatric set going to the hospital seeking treatment for razor cuts to their scrotums and associated appendages after reading your post on TV, so in addition to dying their hair they now need to shave their <deleted> so they can be the "hansome maan" for the thai ladies

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I have to say that up until about 45 or so, I had a nice crop on top, which I always kept neat and fairly "business style". Then the typical MPB kicked in and I started shedding on top. Ok, no big deal, happens to thousands.

Moved to Thailand with that, and a mustache, also always neatly trimmed. Then one day my wife said she would like to see me sans 'stach and totally shaved head, just to see what I would look like. Ok, so we had some fun with her shaving the head as smooth as a baby's ass, and me doing the 'stash. When we were done she stepped back and looked at me for a minute then told me - "you look 10 years younger, and definitely more manly!"

Personally, I find it much cooler, and much easier to take care of in the shower with a razor twice a week to keep is totally smooth. As for what others think? I really don't give a sh**t. I've always been independent, going my own way, and was a Marine for 20 years, which will leave you with an attitude of "I could care less what you think about me. I know who and what I am, and that's all that matters." The only opinion I care about is my wife's, and she loves me like this.

I totally agree with a previous post that stated that the men who go the wig route are very insecure about themselves, and try to project an image that is completely false.

As a kid, I would never trust anyone with facial hair, even today I am wary of people with facial hair when I first meet them. I know it's not the case, but all the evil people seem to have facial hair, Hitler, Hussein etc etc. Wonder why Blair is clean shaven. Sorry for going off topic here, but Just1Voice mentioned his tache.

...Christ, Moses, Abraham, Confucious, Muhammad, Lincoln, Gandolf (OK that one's fictitious), Grizzly Adams, Chaplin, Sophocles, Shakespeare, Marx, Einstein, Ginsberg, ...etc

Only one of these is fictitious ?......I can see at least another 5 or 6, in fact I am inclined to believe Gandolf is more real that some of the personages on this list

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I have to say that up until about 45 or so, I had a nice crop on top, which I always kept neat and fairly "business style". Then the typical MPB kicked in and I started shedding on top. Ok, no big deal, happens to thousands.

Moved to Thailand with that, and a mustache, also always neatly trimmed. Then one day my wife said she would like to see me sans 'stach and totally shaved head, just to see what I would look like. Ok, so we had some fun with her shaving the head as smooth as a baby's ass, and me doing the 'stash. When we were done she stepped back and looked at me for a minute then told me - "you look 10 years younger, and definitely more manly!"

Personally, I find it much cooler, and much easier to take care of in the shower with a razor twice a week to keep is totally smooth. As for what others think? I really don't give a sh**t. I've always been independent, going my own way, and was a Marine for 20 years, which will leave you with an attitude of "I could care less what you think about me. I know who and what I am, and that's all that matters." The only opinion I care about is my wife's, and she loves me like this.

I totally agree with a previous post that stated that the men who go the wig route are very insecure about themselves, and try to project an image that is completely false.

As a kid, I would never trust anyone with facial hair, even today I am wary of people with facial hair when I first meet them. I know it's not the case, but all the evil people seem to have facial hair, Hitler, Hussein etc etc. Wonder why Blair is clean shaven. Sorry for going off topic here, but Just1Voice mentioned his tache.

...Christ, Moses, Abraham, Confucious, Muhammad, Lincoln, Gandolf (OK that one's fictitious), Grizzly Adams, Chaplin, Sophocles, Shakespeare, Marx, Einstein, Ginsberg, ...etc

Only one of these is fictitious ?......I can see at least another 5 or 6, in fact I am inclined to believe Gandolf is more real that some of the personages on this list

OK point taken Soutpeel.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Precisely. Why on Earth would it be of interest to anybody?

Vanity, vanity. All is vanity.

I don't give a toss what my barnet looks like, but then I don't have to vada it.

(Cockney slang and Polari 101)

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

If you ever had the misfortune to have been shaved from the waist down by a very effeminate Sick Berth Attendant wielding a cut throat razor you wouldn't ask. Scabies (crabs) ugh. Give me a dose of the clap any day.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Precisely. Why on Earth would it be of interest to anybody?

Vanity, vanity. All is vanity.

I don't give a toss what my barnet looks like, but then I don't have to vada it.

(Cockney slang and Polari 101)

I care what I look like from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, but as a professional musician back in Scotland, I have been on the stage all my adult life, and I suppose that makes me a bit vain.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

If you ever had the misfortune to have been shaved from the waist down by a very effeminate Sick Berth Attendant wielding a cut throat razor you wouldn't ask. Scabies (crabs) ugh. Give me a dose of the clap any day.

I have never had an effeminate sick berth attendant, wielding a cut throat attend to my nether regions, but I have had a rather good looking lady hairdresser/ GF wielding a cut throat attend to my gentlemans bit,s, but I suppose the one thing going through my head at the time was .......have I said anything recently to upset her ?...LOL

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

If you ever had the misfortune to have been shaved from the waist down by a very effeminate Sick Berth Attendant wielding a cut throat razor you wouldn't ask. Scabies (crabs) ugh. Give me a dose of the clap any day.

I wasn't suggesting there was anything wrong with it Bagwan, just speculating on when somebody would ask. It seems nobody had to ask; some are volunteering the information.

A good friend tells me women love a bare paddock "down there", so I must try it some time.

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I wonder what his next question will be? How many men wax their <deleted>?

Don't know about waxing but what's wrong with shaving ones <deleted> and nether regions ?

I find it good to read that men discuss such things, so let me get into this as a woman, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, quite the contrary - I know that I am no alone with my preferences. From talks with many of my female friends, Thai and foreign alike, I can tell you that we absolutely prefer the shaven version. It looks nicer is much more hygienic and inviting when it comes to the more ..... you know what I mean guys... private fun. Hair down there can be that disturbing and the smell from sweating can be really disgusting and ruin the mood.

For the wigs, hmmm, I have never ever seen a man with such a real good wig that one would not know it is one on first sight. Should be made to measure, maybe...?!?!

LOL so can we expect to see an increase in the Farang geriatric set going to the hospital seeking treatment for razor cuts to their scrotums and associated appendages after reading your post on TV, so in addition to dying their hair they now need to shave their <deleted> so they can be the "hansome maan" for the thai ladies

No one is born a master wink.png ... and since men expect it from women, our species had to go through a few quite painful tries as well giggle.gif so why should men don't make this experience? joking... ... do the easy way - take it into foreplay! Let the lady do, it is fun and brings a whole lot of new ideas to the funclap2.gif

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