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Thailand expresses continued concern on Syria


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You could be cynical and consider that these announcements are tied to the Thai government's attempt to influence block voting for a temporary seat on the UN Security Council. i.e. the Organisation of Islamic cooperation (57 member countries) that the Thais have been wooing for quite a while.


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Thailand wants to blame a couple countries for this so called use of chemicals by Assad on his own citizens why don't they start with USA & Saudi Arabia. It is these 2 countries supplying weapons and so called freedom fighters.

Thailand is playing it safe by going along with the rest of the western countries so they don't get the crap bombed out of them for not following the consensus issued by the bankster gangsters.

USA business model, is a central bank war model. I am 60, this lawless rogue nation(USA) has been at war all of my life

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Thailand rarely ever speaks out on international issues and now coincidentally finds it necessary to voice concern just at the time they are begging for a seat on the Security Council.

I wonder if Syria will express concern regarding Thailand?

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I think it's ok - if Thailand takes a stance, and makes it known. A country doesn't have to be big, rich, or have a nuclear arsenal - to be able to voice their opinion. We, as residents of Thailand, don't have to agree with the government's stated position, but we can appreciate that they have a voice, however small.

Here are two things they could speak up about: Freedom for Tibetans, from Chinese rule. and also; chastise Chinese officialdom for arresting/criminalizing/sending back escapees from N.Korea - instead of allowing such miserable escapees to gain assylum in nearby S.Korea, where they are welcomed.

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is there a Thai that actually knows where Syria is ? , i would wager 90% never heard of the place until this outbreak .

The betting is more people would think it is a binary star system not too far from us than another state on planet earth. whistling.gif

Though it's all good. At least they're actually labelling it 'concern'. What is Russia and their mates saying?

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I think it's ok - if Thailand takes a stance, and makes it known. A country doesn't have to be big, rich, or have a nuclear arsenal - to be able to voice their opinion. We, as residents of Thailand, don't have to agree with the government's stated position, but we can appreciate that they have a voice, however small.

Here are two things they could speak up about: Freedom for Tibetans, from Chinese rule. and also; chastise Chinese officialdom for arresting/criminalizing/sending back escapees from N.Korea - instead of allowing such miserable escapees to gain assylum in nearby S.Korea, where they are welcomed.

By all means let the the government have an opinion and position, but by the same token the government needs to let people in Thailand have an opinion about its internal policies without resorting to sending in the storm troopers or suing people who have a different opinions of the governments policies

They preach democracy, but seem to be very adverse to the democratic process, and seem hell bent of creating a dictatorship the same as Syria

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Thailand wants to blame a couple countries for this so called use of chemicals by Assad on his own citizens why don't they start with USA & Saudi Arabia. It is these 2 countries supplying weapons and so called freedom fighters.

So you think the US and Saudi Arabia supplied the poison gas to Assad, which he agrees he has and has agreed to turn over to international forces? Where do you place Russia in supplying Assad with weapons? How about Iran?

It is well known that USA & Saudi are supplying the so called freedom fighters in Syria with weapons.

Thailand is playing it safe by going along with the rest of the western countries so they don't get the crap bombed out of them for not following the consensus issued by the bankster gangsters.

You can't be serious and if you are... You are actually believing that Thailand would get the crap bombed out of it if it didn't issue the proper statement? Isn't that a little over the top?

Thailand is part of the anglo saxon( Rothchild) banking system so it is safe for now and any country not part of it Libya,Iraq,Afghanistan next Syria & Iran but this looks like warmongers(banker controlled lunatics) are not getting there way at this time.

USA business model, is a central bank war model. I am 60, this lawless rogue nation(USA) has been at war all of my life

Four things.

First, do you think Assad would be agreeing to turn over his poison gas to international forces if the US hadn't threatened to bomb him?

Second, what's going on in the Middle East, whether right and good or not, is proof positive that you don't bomb the US's World Trade Center without getting hunted down for the rest of your life ala Bin Laden.

Third, The people of the US are also sick and tired of wars and if you're paying attention, Obama got his ears boxed and had to back down on his stupid "red line" remark because of the people including Congress.

Fourth, If you are British or Australian, your country has been fully involved in the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. G. Briton supplied about 1/3 of the troops which invaded Iraq and took out Hussein.

The PM of GB wanted to bomb Syria too but couldn't get approval. Same for Obama. The people are getting tired of this chit.

Why would Assad use poison gas on his own people knowing what the world opinion would be,doesn't make any sense at all. Oh and by the way why do the military use Depleted Uranium Munitions this is highly radioactive poisons, water, land,causes hideous birth defects and the men that use it this ammo are also poisoned,nothing is mentioned about this war crime. Oh that's right the infotainment news media also owned by the warmongers.

World Trade Center men in caves did this right and Obama killed Bin Laden you need to do some research on this. More lies from a corporate fascist governments owned by the Bankster Gangster's & this includes Canada, UK.Australia,New Zealand and any other country condemning this so called attack by Assad on his people.

I agree the worlds people are getting sick & tired of these endless wars the taxpayer is paying for, to enrich the military industrial complex & banks and the paid for politicians that are supposed to represent us.

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