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Hundreds of westerners living on the streets of Thailand


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Far too many of them wouldn't listen, they just wouldn't listen. Even in that article it says there are plenty of stories to warn them of the dangers,

We even had guys on TV boasting last week that were ready to make the same mistakes, even on here, they won't listen.

You can't stop a fool being a fool.

They wouldn't listen. Up to them.

The problem is that with some of a certain age, they seem to find a second youth when hooking up with young ladies! and the problem with that is you just can't tell them. Just like kids they think they know it all. They say they won't fall into the same traps", only to fall into the same trap.

The all energizing bite of the "Love Bug. '. Blinding common sense and and tossing the afflicted into the egos clouds of spiraling doom as the happy "I am in love" endorhhins and or alcohol make them feel they are flying on the wings of

a pretended Gods promise of a partner on life. happens the world over. Most don't hit skid row though. You have to really be lost in a fog for that usually

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It must be pretty hard to go back to a country, where nobody's waiting for you and tell the truth to those you know. Some European countries would even give them money, a place to stay and a helping hand.

But there're countries where you can't even go to a hospital without proper insurance.

That's the "foreign version" of losing face. Sad, but true.-wai2.gif

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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

Interesting. Any idea where I can do free download

This is a great place to use your imagination. A book's title can actually say it all.

Money number one. Think it through. Extrapolate a little.

I keep a photo handy of my no1 girl of six years wearing a No Money No Honey tee shirt.

Sure its a national joke, but . . . . . . . hey. . . . . most jokes are based on truths.

There have to be some odds available, but you could at least presume 19 out of 20 women, or boys or woossy blokes in Thailand need you for your money, or need your money or would like your money, at least would like to share your money with you and in many cases need to.

The odds would be hard to define, however with that in mind approach all relationships with due caution.

I've contributed substantially to the life of my no1 girl because she has our lovely daughter, but I have always explained that my bags are next to the door.

Even if you have no money, or much property elsewhere, at least you need to be "appearing" to be keeping the upper hand.

Its Asia, after all. . . . never a dull moment. Stay on your toes. Don't drink or do other stuff too much. Don't accept drinks from strangers in Pattya . . etc etc

Agree Maggusoil. I can imagine what's all about but just wanna read it.

Yes of course. I did. Many years ago and I'm not trying to dissuade you.

Its really well written. Funny.

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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

Add to that "A Fool In Paradise" And "A Fools Diary"

Quite amusing books, even if not taken literally the books can give a newcomer a good insight to what can and often does happen to some..

A fool and his money, are soon partying!

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The kinds of people who get conned and lose it all are the sorts who would do so even in their Western countries due to letting emotions and poor planning take over their actions.

Firstly, bar girls do the job they do for money, you are just a source of it and you might feel relatively rich for a short time, but unless you have big pensions/earnings from abroad its hard to sustain that lifestyle. Even girl drinks in bars add up and before you know you have spent $50 in 30minutes. Look for normal girls in normal careers..sure they can also shaft you but those from good families are a lot less likely to. Remember Thai people generally are family and culturally orientated, they naturally prefer their own citizens.

Secondly, why would you sell all your investments/assets in the West and transfer it over to a foreign country where the laws are never going to be in your favour? There always has to be a plan B and sometimes the mental reassurance of a plan B makes plan A more likely to succeed! My friend who has just moved to BK to teach English full time has kept his property on rent and only taken 20% of his savings with him..he earns 25,000Bhat a month (was on almost 100,000 bhat in the UK) and plans to live within his means. If a bar girl really likes you, you should not need to flash the $.

The best stage of your life to live somewhere like Thailand is 50+ when you have made it in your own country and have good company/state pensions behind you. Also why commit via marriage and expose yourself should things go wrong? And i cant understand why people do not make a bolt out of the country as soon as your ex is trying to take everything from you and keep accounts hidden/abroad... you do not need to be rich to do this.

Edited by metisdead
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Every farang arriving in Thailand for the first time should be locked in a rubber room and forced to read the Marriage and Divorce section on this forum for 24 hours straight.

Oh well, if some guy is determined to drink and/or drug himself to rags or to death with some bar girl no one can stop him. Even if he's completely sober but chooses to throw it away on some cute thing half his age no one can stop him.

Life has choices.

Agreed but the the one thing I can never get my head round are the farangs who are not the drink and drug types, some pretty wealthy, educated etc who manage to lose their lot in Thailand, for the most part one assumes these people are not stupid and are fully aware of the reputation of Thai ladies, and even if they truly believe, she is different, they haven't had the foresight to have a plan B in case thing do go tits up......for me personally if after nearly 12 years with Mrs Soutpeel, I had the dirty done to me, I know almost exactly what she could get away with financially, based on what i have " invested" in thailand, and this is the amount i have prepared to "risk" or walk away from if need be

I have further taken the liberty of keeping the bulk of my finances offshore in an account she can't get at directly, to me it's just common sense, you don't throw your lot in and hope for the best, you need to make provision for the rainy day that might happen

Well said Soutpeel. My own angle : For the ZILLIONTH time : For your sanity and solvency, in Thailand, only spend as if you are making a GIFT. It's that simple - whatever you spend, just think of it as GONE GONE GONE. And if you cannot afford to work with that approach - keep your cash firmly under lock and key. I'd go even further than that - don't even tell anyone, including your nearest & dearest, how much you have ! Advice from a bitter loser ? - NO, simple thinking from an experienced winner...so far!
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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

is there a country in the world where money is not number one. where can you go and things are free ??

I think you are being a little disrespectfull to Thailand, this is not a thai problem .. Happens everywhere ..

I'll tell you a true story, about 5 years ago I had a freind come with me to Pattaya for his first time to Thailand and I introduced him to some people I've known for quite a while at the time, he took a liking to one of them and being his first time in Thailand I bought him the book "Money No"1 in Pattaya as a bit of fun, not for him to take literally but to give him an idea from someone else and not just what I'd told him..

I gave him the book in a brown paper bag in the bar and the girl who he was taking a liking to found out what the book was.

Least to say she was not happy with what I'd done, and in her own words she said " It's his first time, let him find out about Thailand himself"

That meant to me that she realised the amount of money she might have made out of him as a newbie to the scene was now limited...

I think the book is a good investment to all newcomers to Thailand, especially if visiting Pattaya on their first visit...

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I once tried to help a British man who was homeless and in a bad way, mentally and physically. I called the British embassy and they said they could not do anything unless he was incarcerated in prison or a mental institute.

They never offered any other assistance and said there was nothing else they could do. I saw the man again a week later still on the street and took matters int my own hands to help him get home.

Anyone else have experiences or information to share relating to farang street people? Any embassy comments on what to do if we find these people?

Yes the British Embassy is an utter disgrace. They are only here to support business so the government can report on stronger trade for a few votes back home. Worse they milk their citizens with outrageous passport fees and visa applications for others. The worst is they try to pass off their immoral and gutter behavior by trying to tell people how they are they to help. Disgusting civil servants the lot of them. They are humanly unworthy.

Why would you expect embassy bureaucrats to be different from any other govt bureaucrats, in any country, anywhere? Drones are drones. The homeless person is likely making the greater social contribution.

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I once tried to help a British man who was homeless and in a bad way, mentally and physically. I called the British embassy and they said they could not do anything unless he was incarcerated in prison or a mental institute.

They never offered any other assistance and said there was nothing else they could do. I saw the man again a week later still on the street and took matters int my own hands to help him get home.

Anyone else have experiences or information to share relating to farang street people? Any embassy comments on what to do if we find these people?

Yes the British Embassy is an utter disgrace. They are only here to support business so the government can report on stronger trade for a few votes back home. Worse they milk their citizens with outrageous passport fees and visa applications for others. The worst is they try to pass off their immoral and gutter behavior by trying to tell people how they are they to help. Disgusting civil servants the lot of them. They are humanly unworthy.

I'm surprised about this cos i thought western countries would have more human rights and treat their citizens better.

You are wrong. The elites only give stuff to the citizens to get elected. Other than that, they don't care, whichever country they live in.

OIC but you know the western individual always loves to chide non westerners especially asians for their lack of human rights. They would do it to the africans except that they pity them and always see them as totally helpless.

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Reading " Money number one " should be made mandatory before you can purchase a ticket to Thailand.

Interesting. Any idea where I can do free download
Free download really?? You GF already got all your money? The book is only 150-200B
PDF copy online going for USD27.


Try not to speak thru your butt.

Author practices what he preaches
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Friends and family back home are sounded out for a loan, but should none be forthcoming the government will stump up the cost to be repaid upon return. Other embassies work on a similar basis.

That policy must have been introduced overnight.

You learn something new every day, isn't it ?

Almost any Western country will repatriate his citizens under duress. It has always been so, only is not publicized. Money is give in form of a loan w/o collateral, that has any loan may or may not be returned.

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I said to my lady that the owner is bad lady for doing this to ferrang ..

She said "stupid ferrang , not bad lady ".

so I guess what im saying is that the problem is stupid ferrangs .. lady not to blame ...

Don't be upset.. but you needed to hear it from a Thai lady to realize that ?

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I advised a man at his wedding reception that he was about to be " Taken to the cleaners ". Of course he didn't believe me .

His wife was a near neighbour's daughter , who had a small business in a resort . She had already been married a couple of times and had a son by each husband .

She asked for a million baht to build a house in our village as a bride price ; where they would live with her mother .

My friend eventually bought another house and no less than three cars . His wife lives at the resort where her business is , her husband was forbidden to live their with her by a previous husband under threat to his life . I have warned this friend again and again ; now he lives at Bangkok on his pension , all his capital gone . He cannot afford an Amphur divorce . I tell him he's safer married , so he can't marry another young girl and get into deeper trouble .

My wife took my address from the father of a woman I had corresponded with and wrote to me . I had certain criteria as to whom I might marry .

My wife was in her mid forties , had bachelors degree , was a school teacher and owned her own home ; she had two grown up children , Today my wife is head teacher of her school .


Try to understand :) Like TV fiction, there is two stories in there.,, but the second story is more boring than the first.

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I don't understand why they go to Thailand to 'drink to death'. In my country half a liter of good Carrefout lager is just Bt. 35, same for good wiskey etc. We have just two or three months of cold at winter, food and urgent care is not denied to anyone

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I don't understand why they go to Thailand to 'drink to death'. In my country half a liter of good Carrefout lager is just Bt. 35, same for good wiskey etc. We have just two or three months of cold at winter, food and urgent care is not denied to anyone

They go to Thailand for the ladies of the night and the alcohol soon takes hold when they realise that's boring and there's not much else for them to do here.

It is important to stay sober, have good clean interests and hobbies and above all else an adequate income if a man is to move to Thailand.

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I don't understand why they go to Thailand to 'drink to death'. In my country half a liter of good Carrefout lager is just Bt. 35, same for good wiskey etc. We have just two or three months of cold at winter, food and urgent care is not denied to anyone

They go to Thailand for the ladies of the night and the alcohol soon takes hold when they realise that's boring and there's not much else for them to do here.

It is important to stay sober, have good clean interests and hobbies and above all else an adequate income if a man is to move to Thailand.

Wow. These are really innovative predicaments, thanks for the lecture!

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I don't understand why they go to Thailand to 'drink to death'. In my country half a liter of good Carrefout lager is just Bt. 35, same for good wiskey etc. We have just two or three months of cold at winter, food and urgent care is not denied to anyone

They go to Thailand for the ladies of the night and the alcohol soon takes hold when they realise that's boring and there's not much else for them to do here.

It is important to stay sober, have good clean interests and hobbies and above all else an adequate income if a man is to move to Thailand.

Wow. These are really innovative predicaments, thanks for the lecture!

The other predicament is where the man finds 'love' and gets completely rinsed out of every penny, left destitute, all bridges burned with home country, unable to return home, visa expires, no money to pay fine for overstay, no money for airline ticket . . . hence ends up a street person.

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The other predicament is where the man finds 'love' and gets completely rinsed out of every penny, left destitute, all bridges burned with home country, unable to return home, visa expires, no money to pay fine for overstay, no money for airline ticket . . . hence ends up a street person.

Really! Could not have tought of that myself! Thank you TV for shining light to this big mistery.

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The other predicament is where the man finds 'love' and gets completely rinsed out of every penny, left destitute, all bridges burned with home country, unable to return home, visa expires, no money to pay fine for overstay, no money for airline ticket . . . hence ends up a street person.

Really! Could not have tought of that myself! Thank you TV for shining light to this big mistery.

You're really funny! biggrin.png

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Would you buy a car or house for a "girlfriend" in your home country? If not, I cannot for the life of me figure out why someone would do this in a foreign country.

However, lots of western men do "buy" the GF a house under the common marriage laws where if you have been living together long enough, the law will give her half of your house when she gets tired of living with you. In NZ it's two years.

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Near me there is a German guy and his wife who pick the crap out of the bins for 200B a day. He's not had a passport for 12 years, let alone a visa. One night he and his wife had a beer with the wife and myself (after much persuasion).

They live in a shack near the canal which they pay 800B a month for. The cops, the Immis just leave him be. Why? Because he loves his wife, does no-one any harm and is living his life with the woman he loves.

I don't have a problem with that to be honest.

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Left penniless by Thai girlfriends, or wrestling with drinking or

substance abuse problems, many have nowhere else to go


Go home. Get a job. Sharpen up. Come back here on holiday like everyone else does.

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