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How Many Countries Have You Been To?


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there useta be a logo for a paint supplier that had the globe covered with paint with the slogan 'we cover the world'...well, that's me...pretty much in heart and mind...just enough to be able to make some accurate generalisations...

a bartender in deepest, darkest Oakland, California...'well, you know...folks is pretty much the same whereveah you go...'

he got dat one right...

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How do you get the image posted? I did the 'test' and got 25 country's. Should we not make some rules, like stopovers don't count? I quess u can count your own country? Sleep there at least 1 night? What about your age?, i'm 26? If my life expectancy would be 80, and i would continue at the same rate i would have visited 76.92 country's by the time i die. (25 country's devided by 26 years x 80) The percentage ain't no fun, got only 11% :o More stats please....

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i posted my map yesterday, accurately. Today, some birght spark mentions posting the countries of women bedded... Í had to laugh, and I had to do it, cos it´s one of my very few claimsto fame.....

I´ll post it small, so nobody feels inadequate or opposedly, outraged.

(You can always zoom it up)

Thanks Aughie.


Countries are the countries of origin of the lady.

67 countries, 30 %

Edited by kayo
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1. How do you get the image posted? I did the 'test' and got 25 country's. Should we not make some rules, like

2. stopovers don't count? I quess u can

3. count your own country? Sleep there at least 1 night?

4. What about your age?,

i'm 26? If my life expectancy would be 80, and i would continue at the same rate i would have visited 76.92 country's by the time i die. (25 country's devided by 26 years x 80) The percentage ain't no fun, got only 11% :o More stats please....

:D OK here we go:

1. If you have the map, store it in your photoshop or other program and than post it in "File Attachments" than "add to post".

2. Stopovers don't count...being on an airport doesn't mean you've visited the country...if you've visited with a ship it counts if you've set your feet on land and visited the country...

3. Own country? yes, of course; a country is a country

4. Sorry, age doesn't count here and now; you are free of course to post again if you reach 80...you might be the winner :D


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Anyone visit ALL 193 (according to the U.N.) countries of the world?

Yes. A few. Here's one:


There's also a Travellers Century Club for those with over 100 countries visited.

Thanks SJ....made me look a bit further on The Net.....

What about Mr. Charles Veley - San Francisco/Ca. USA??? :D:D:D

Charles Veley in Nepal

He's the #1 Traveler on Earth :D and visited a staggering 589 places on Earth,

and was just 40 years, 9 months, 27 days old, when he accomplished it....

....according to this list:


this is also fascinating:


:o I give up :D really unbelievable :D

Anyone who would like to beat him?

LaoPo :D

Edited by LaoPo
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FnA kayo well done. For those who post, an American is an American. Japanese-American does not count as another country on the map. Those of you who post only women scored upon while in the woman's respective country get extra gold stars for being extra resourceful and for successfuly viewing the world as yours for the taking. Well done indeed.

Some of us may get slapped for posting the score and others of us may not be allowed to go drinking with our friends because their wives will think of us as a bad influence on their precious hubbies. You can either register as a newbie or keep your business under wraps and not post a map. It's all cool.

Here's my map. 9 countries of origin.


Hey! Cut me some slack the USA is a big country with lots of women. kayo I got a feeling it's going to be just you and me unless Cpt_M0ney_Sh0t joins in. I know he hasn't been sitting still.

(If this new map topic takes off maybe a mod can open a new thread so it doesn't take this thread off topic.)

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The Dude posts more pics of is beloved Cuba. He has tears welled up in his eyes cause he misses the place so much. What a wonderful country. Perhaps the day will come when it will be as accesible as Thailand and The Dude will secure his retirement spot there and never look back. Ah Cuba! In one pic below,post-17985-1145780012_thumb.jpg The Dude swims in Cuba with hot chicks. Hardly any motorcycles, ah what a pleasure. A much more mellow and most popular mode of transport, the horse cart.post-17985-1145780229_thumb.jpg Not many cars in Cuba either and the ones that are there are generally american from the 50s and small Soviet Lada cars. post-17985-1145780465_thumb.jpgA super hot Cuban chick with green eyes that works the local store. The Dude fancies this hot honey in a massively diggable way. post-17985-1145780654_thumb.jpg yes believe it or not a town in Cuba near The Dude's old stomping grounds. I love you Cuba. post-17985-1145780867_thumb.jpg The Dude with tears in his eyes posts pic of his sweet ex gf. post-17985-1145781048_thumb.jpg The Dude's ex gfs back yard family piggy with baby piggies. more tears. post-17985-1145781219_thumb.jpg playing baseball in Cuba. everyone is welcome to play. more tears. post-17985-1145781387_thumb.jpg real nice hot chick cruising around with The Dude. did I mention tears? post-17985-1145781549_thumb.jpg A real cool Cuban Dude. No one ever asked anything of The Dude other than to be his friend. A truly unique place

The Dude would like to apologize but he cannot go on with this post as he had planned to. tears are running down his face now. This has been far and away his most difficult post. The post is to be treasured.

***all pics property of The Dude Dig It Enterprises Inc. not to be used w/o permission

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The Dude posts more pics of is beloved Cuba. He has tears welled up in his eyes cause he misses the place so much. What a wonderful country. Perhaps the day will come when it will be as accesible as Thailand and The Dude will secure his retirement spot there and never look back. Ah Cuba! In one pic below,post-17985-1145780012_thumb.jpg The Dude swims in Cuba with hot chicks. Hardly any motorcycles, ah what a pleasure. A much more mellow and most popular mode of transport, the horse cart.post-17985-1145780229_thumb.jpg Not many cars in Cuba either and the ones that are there are generally american from the 50s and small Soviet Lada cars. post-17985-1145780465_thumb.jpgA super hot Cuban chick with green eyes that works the local store. The Dude fancies this hot honey in a massively diggable way. post-17985-1145780654_thumb.jpg yes believe it or not a town in Cuba near The Dude's old stomping grounds. I love you Cuba. post-17985-1145780867_thumb.jpg The Dude with tears in his eyes posts pic of his sweet ex gf. post-17985-1145781048_thumb.jpg The Dude's ex gfs back yard family piggy with baby piggies. more tears. post-17985-1145781219_thumb.jpg playing baseball in Cuba. everyone is welcome to play. more tears. post-17985-1145781387_thumb.jpg real nice hot chick cruising around with The Dude. did I mention tears? post-17985-1145781549_thumb.jpg A real cool Cuban Dude. No one ever asked anything of The Dude other than to be his friend. A truly unique place

The Dude would like to apologize but he cannot go on with this post as he had planned to. tears are running down his face now. This has been far and away his most difficult post. The post is to be treasured.

***all pics property of The Dude Dig It Enterprises Inc. not to be used w/o permission

POST OF THE MONTH NOMINEE!!!!!!!! (Who´s got that post of the month smilie??)

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28 countries at age 23 and live in 6 of them for more than a year (thailand, united states, canada, switzerland, spain & dominican republic ..but not really in that order). hopefully i'll get that map all red one day.


Edited by rainman
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Got to agree, the airport stopovers don't count. I do count the suburb of Narita airport as Japan, though.

If you guys in Europe get to count San Marino, Vatican State, Liechtenstein, and Andorra, then we Texans ought to count El Paso, Orange, Brownsville, Austin, and Amarillo as separate countries. Sure enough, two nights in Moscow doesn't cover the country of Russia, nor my two weeks only in Shanghai doesn't count for all of China. However, we took the train to "Who is she?" spelled more like Wuixi, in a country where the presidential question now is, "Hu is he?"

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  • 8 months later...

In the last seven years I have been on Internet dates in the following countries: South Africa, Poland, USA, Croatia, France, England, Gemany, Portugal, Argentina, Venice, Italy, Belgium, Canary Islands, Greece, Turkey, Denmark, Cananda, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Sarawak, Indonesia, Philippines, and finally into Thailand where for some bizarre reason I ended up getting married and have been so for nearly two years now.

I'm sure I have missed a couple of places in the former USSR but you get the drift and if I had to reflect back I would say that Moscow and Saint Petersburg were the most fascinating and had me tripping over my tongue every 10 metres or so with the stunning women that where there but there is something about Russian ladies that just didn't compute with me.

My worst dates where in South Africa and Singapore while my best where in Japan, Bulgaria and ultimately and finally for me, Thailand.

Edited by Casanundra
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Countries i have visited or lived in....


England(lived there)






South Africa



Thailand(lived there)




Australia(i'm an Ozzie resident)

New Zealand(lived there for a year)

I may have for got some. But thats it for now

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