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Film tycoon 'fed up' with Tony Jaa


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F&F will make him a international star,

with enough money to fight off this old contract for a long time.

And this only means he will have trouble working in Thailand,

which is small time in the scheme of things.

Good luck Tony, you're headed to the show,

let the lawyers deal with the big egos you left back in the little pond.

And Thai film companies as well as TV companies are notorious for paying their actors peanuts. How can any company OWN the rights to an actor. It's absurd. This is not a team sport.

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I just cannot help but get the impression that this studio guy is some maffia-type boss who thinks he is very important,

short from proclaiming himself as the king of Thai cinema and not impressed by some petty Hollywood filmmakers.

Anyway, all I've read so far is that Tony Jaa was in talks to get a role in FF7: did he actually get offered a part?

And how big is this part?

Good thing this studio boss decided not to pursue that dumb idea of suing the Hollywood producers/studio,

who could have possibly then just have moved on and find another actor.

Edited by arminbkk
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F&F will make him a international star,

with enough money to fight off this old contract for a long time.

And this only means he will have trouble working in Thailand,

which is small time in the scheme of things.

Good luck Tony, you're headed to the show,

let the lawyers deal with the big egos you left back in the little pond.

You make it sound like he is a humble man. He has as big an ego as any one he has dealt with if not bigger. I have no respect for people making that kind of money breaking contgracts or demanding bigger one's like the pro sports players who have already made millions. Fulfill your contract and move on.

Reminds me of Garth Brooks after he made it big. He still played small venues where he had signed contracts on his way up.

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Getting the wrong side of "sia jiang" will be the end of his career here in Thailand. Nobody will dare hire him.

Unless he thinks he can find work overseas, he'll have to resort back to doing low budget b-movies like he had to a while ago.

Well, if this fast and furious thing works out, he might just end up with a Hollywood career and what he did here will be peanuts in comparison. If that does work out, the Thai companies will come crawling back with bags of cash to get him back. It is a risk, but one that most people would probably take. Even crappy movies like fast and furious make buckets and buckets of money.

They will never come crawling back with buckets of cash; they would rather shoot themselves in the foot than set a precedent of a star dictating their own terms. The status quo must be maintained at all costs - they know that in the long run it pays off better.

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"We are at the point where he earns more than his director," Mr. Prachya said."

​WOW, god forbid that an uneducated individual earns more than the director, he should get only 300.- bath a day. (factory salary) bah.gif

Edited by bander
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Getting the wrong side of "sia jiang" will be the end of his career here in Thailand. Nobody will dare hire him.

Unless he thinks he can find work overseas, he'll have to resort back to doing low budget b-movies like he had to a while ago.

Well, if this fast and furious thing works out, he might just end up with a Hollywood career and what he did here will be peanuts in comparison. If that does work out, the Thai companies will come crawling back with bags of cash to get him back. It is a risk, but one that most people would probably take. Even crappy movies like fast and furious make buckets and buckets of money.

They will never come crawling back with buckets of cash; they would rather shoot themselves in the foot than set a precedent of a star dictating their own terms. The status quo must be maintained at all costs - they know that in the long run it pays off better.

Well, maybe not the particular blankedy blank in this article, but other producers.....or, if the guy really does make it big, he can go it alone. Not saying it will happen, but it could. You have the Jacky Chan trajectory and then you have Vin Diesel. Vin Diesel has sort of ended up in B movie roles, but, from the looks of it, he acts and makes plenty of money for him and his family. While he won't go down in the history books like Bruce Lee or Tom Cruise...as they say, it's quite nice work if you can get it. So, that could be Jaa's route...who knows.

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It's been a mutually beneficial association till now. So let him go and wish him well.

GREED defeats any amical parting of way. Rich, superstar producer and rich, superstar actor both with egos to match. It's all about the money.

I think superstar producer is stretching it a little.

Hardly Spielberg is he?

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Time to switch to Tom Kha Gai.

Yes it was a great headline - a journalistic triumph.. very deserving

On a serious note - maybe they could grind him up and sell him to the Chinese as an exotic aid to potency..

Edited by bangon04
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