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'Splash Out' singer admits Thaksin ties


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She added, "I sympathised with him because he missed Thai music and wanted to return to his homeland. I did my duty to make him feel he was back in Thailand".

She did her duty, huh? Guess we know what that means. But she is not his mistress, just a short timer.

....this is beyond absurd.....the scary thing is many many Thais...of average intelligence or lower...lap it up....

...again...another bad Thai soap opera script......

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A pity so many see this simple story of a concert gig as some other sort of other arrangement due to peoples own view of Thai women and the sort they have been involved with. There is no evidence of mr T having sexual relations with any singer, anyone can have a photo taken with one and anyone can have a concert with one. Seems mr T cannot tie up his shoe laces without getting blamed for doing something wrong. Actually I believe he prefers older male singers, but I expect some will even read something else into that.

Edited by sms747
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Just so many issues with this interview, I'm just too flustered as where to begin!

- RS supports this 'man on the run'

- we care that this pop singer thinks he's a good man

- a fee including a shopping spree

- Obviously Singapore and Hong Kong don't care that the man was deemed a criminal by the Thai government at the time

- so what passport is the man traveling with these days?

- everyone in Thailand automatically assumes that any young woman meeting the man is his mistress

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Strange that no poster has so far commented on her singing ability, or the songs. It seems most are just interested in salacious innuendo.

Dont worry,Just a few weeks ago Dennis Rodman visited his good friend the president of North-Korea.

And also a famous rap artist from the states gave a private performance at the birthday gig for the son of a tyrant in one of the former soviet states for top dollar of course so who cares if the lady sang for Thaksin.

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There is no need for me to 'defend' her as she has not done anything that needs defending, nor is she a singer I would go out of my way to see. However. I don't see why posters of the cynical type need to stat the nudge nudge wink wink routine just beacuse a singer got a lot of cash for a concert, good luck to her, even if the music is of dubious quality.v

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A pity so many see this simple story of a concert gig as some other sort of other arrangement due to peoples own view of Thai women and the sort they have been involved with. There is no evidence of mr T having sexual relations with any singer, anyone can have a photo taken with one and anyone can have a concert with one. Seems mr T cannot tie up his shoe laces without getting blamed for doing something wrong. Actually I believe he prefers older male singers, but I expect some will even read something else into that.

".................view of Thai women and the sort they have been involved with."

Interesting comment. Are you suggesting that there is a certain profile of Thai women where you are able to determine "the sort of woman she is"?

Certainly there is no "evidence" to suggest that Mr T. had sexual relations with the young lady in question, but neither would one expect there to be. Mr T is far too careful and surrounded by aides and bodyguards who would take care of any indiscretions. He is a single man and still, one presumes, red-blooded capable of a one night stand (or two).

It is not outrageous for readers to speculate on whether he did or didn't do any business over and above paying her fee (if even that is true).

With his kind of money and connections, they are probably lining up for the opportunity to show up at his camp, wherever, and bring a little bit of Thai culture with them.

As far as I am concerned more power to him, as long as the girls are willing to travel to worship him, he won't be in any hurry to return to the Thailand that "he so misses"

Edited by ratcatcher
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It is not outrageous for readers to speculate on whether he did or didn't do any business over and above paying her fee (if even that is true).

With his kind of money and connections, they are probably lining up for the opportunity to show up at his camp, wherever, and bring a little bit of Thai culture with them.

As far as I am concerned more power to him, as long as the girls are willing to travel to worship him, he won't be in any hurry to return to the Thailand that "he so misses"

But why does the speculation, or I should say assumption that he paid her for sex be virtually the only thing posters want to mention? Nobody said it was 'outrageous' but it is rather sad that people look at Thai artists in this way, just because she's a woman who gets paid a lot, and of course because she is Thai.

If posters knew anything about Thai music they would know that very large payments just to sing are not that unusual, and that gifts from fans can be very substantial. Only last month I saw a woman fan give a male singer 100k cash,and she certainly got nothing in return.

Contracted singers don't 'worship' the patron, but they do give them a lot of respect of course, which is more than people on here give to Thai artists. What she actually said was: "I want people to see that I take responsibility in my job. We didn't do anything immoral. My work and personal life are separated."

Edited by sms747
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"...′Baitoey′, the singer behind the famous song ′Splash Out′ which has gone viral due to its distinctive dance move - a Thai answer to ′Gangnam Style′."

Have just watched that song online out of sheer curiosity.

"Distinctive dance move"? "Thai answer"? Bummer.

It's merely parroting 'Gangnam Style'. The arrangement is almost identical, the pacing similar, even the style of video editing is a blatant rip-off. I see nothing "distinctive" here. The song's simply coat-tailing.

Can this country ever come up with anything original?

And "the singer behind the famous song..."? It's not even Baitoey's song, but performed by a group called 'Kamikaze', only "featuring" Baitoey.

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Still can't follow this, if any politician goes to see that scary man, why aren't they punished for teaming up with a convict??

I find politicians from the west with launching codes for nuclear weapons more scary.

The only reason most fossiles on tv hate Thaksin is because while he was in power he made the visa rules more strict for foreigners/falang who want to stay long time in Thailand and in some ways i cant blame him for that.

Whats the point in yakking about him and Thai politics unless you as a foreigner have the right to vote in Thailand.

Nobody forced said people to go live in a third world country and then complain they dont get the same standard of treatment as in the west.

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Nobody forced said people to go live in a third world country and then complain they dont get the same standard of treatment as in the west.

Well put but falangs here get a very easy ride compared to how Thais are treated by the west. Consider a Thai who might want to get a retirement visa in lets say the UK- dream on, it's hard enough for them to get a visitor visa for a two week holiday. You can't really blame Thais when they tighten things up. On the subject of music several Thai singers including Baowee were in the UK last week but not a mention on here -no Mr T there to greet them!

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There is no need for me to 'defend' her as she has not done anything that needs defending, nor is she a singer I would go out of my way to see. However. I don't see why posters of the cynical type need to stat the nudge nudge wink wink routine just beacuse a singer got a lot of cash for a concert, good luck to her, even if the music is of dubious quality.v

Was trying to work out whether or not I could smell a troll - "In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic ........................................etc etc etc

Get real no rich Thai convicted of anything sees a cell or becomes an outcast, and in T's case it was a minor conviction.

Ahh, there it is ! clap2.gif

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Nobody forced said people to go live in a third world country and then complain they dont get the same standard of treatment as in the west.

Well put but falangs here get a very easy ride compared to how Thais are treated by the west. Consider a Thai who might want to get a retirement visa in lets say the UK- dream on, it's hard enough for them to get a visitor visa for a two week holiday. You can't really blame Thais when they tighten things up. On the subject of music several Thai singers including Baowee were in the UK last week but not a mention on herke -no Mr T there to greet them!

Al to easy to get a schengen visa based up on marriage,once here they get free job training and language courses etc....and the same rights and wages when obtaining a legal job.

Concerning tourist schengen visas not aloud to work of course also easy to obtain,a very well known newspaper in my country has an advert page for escorts and such and there are more ads for Thai places then local girls so.....and of course when a place like this gets raided by police they where forced into this proffesion blah blah and they would get protection and the right to stay .

I have seen personally how some of my fellow countryman where making the most outlandisch statements in my embassy in Bangkok to get a visa for there bargirl so go figure why its getting harder to get a visa to europe.

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