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Will Abhisit's words come back to haunt him?


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Now that he has employed such words as "stupid", "slutty" and "whore" in public political discourse, insisting all the while - unconvincingly, to some - that these are not references to anyone in particular, it is to be expected that this old Oxonian would be on the receiving end of a merciless political attack.

Will Abhisit's words come back to haunt him?

They sure will the Ghost Who Walks is heading his way!

When did Apisit use the words whore or slutty?

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Do you think that Thaksin is not going to allow another election. I see you reefer to it as a prospect. I was under the impression it was a sure thing.


Also if your going to insist on telling porkers I would suggest you do it on a red shirt forum. They will believe any thing you want to say against Abhist.

Every one with the sense God gave a goose knows that it was armed opposition illegally firing rockets at transit terminals and invading hospitals from behind barricades they had built to hide behind on public property.


Since when do protesters come armed?

There is no objection to getting wasted on a Friday night but on the whole, in this eventuality, it makes sense to leave the computer alone

Not able to counter any of his very true and reasonable points you have to use a weak personal attack. Maybe you should try to sue him for defamation it whatever other tactics your beloved redshirts would do.

Perhaps you could launch an M79 rocket at him as he is commuting back from work on the BTS completely minding his own business and then plead that you are just and innocent protestor, that worked well before for the scum you support.

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There is no objection to getting wasted on a Friday night but on the whole, in this eventuality, it makes sense to leave the computer alone

jayboy post # 29.

Indeed you should stay away from your computer on a Friday night or any other time too when you have indulged in the consumption of mind altering substances. The heading of your post leads me and no doubt others to conclude your logic is a trifle skewed due to a red haze in your eyesight. Note the result below.

Posted Yesterday, 23:26

The Thai women will speak with their votes, nothing he can say now will change anything. If he was the opposition leader in a European country he would have been fired by now.

You are presuming that the country would have a decent PM not a traveling shopaholic.

Whether you are correct or just fantasising about what "everyone thinks" will become apparent at the next general election, and the respective fates of Abhisit and Yingluck.

Personally I don't drink more that around one or two bottles of Siam Sato a month.I suggest you apply moderation to your Friday nights or whenever.

Judge not others lest you be judged yourself ( and found wanting)

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